OSErr writeHeader( IMAGE *im, char *basename )
/* creates an analyze style header based on the struct im */
	FILE  *f;
	char  buff[256];
	dsr   theDSR;
	OSErr error = noErr;
	sprintf( buff, "%s.hdr", basename );
	f = fopen( buff, "wb" );
	if( !f ) {
		return WRITE_ERROR;
	error = EmptyAnaHdr( &theDSR, "From Signa", im->dim.scanspacing, im->dim.x,
				             im->dim.y, im->dim.n_slices, im->dim.timePts, axial );
		if( error ) ILError( error, "Creating analyze header" );

	if( pcByteOrder() ) {
		error = swapHdrBytes( &theDSR );
			if( error ) ILError( error, "swapping header bytes" );
		printf( "\nWARNING: Computer and data differ in byte order\n" );
	error = ck_fwrite( &theDSR, sizeof( dsr ), 1, f );
		if( error ) ILError( error, buff );
	ck_fclose( f );
	return error;
Exemple #2
int main( int argc, char **argv )
	IMAGE im;
	dsr   myDSR;
	short tmp;
	FILE  *fp;
	char  inName[256], outName[256];
	OSErr error = noErr;

	printf( "%s - Treat times points in an analyze header as slices\n", argv[0] );
	printf( "WARNING -- this tool will overwrite the original header\n" );

	if( argc == 1 ) {
		printf( "Enter the name of an analyze image file ( xxx.img ): " );
		scanf( "%s", inName );
	} else {
		strcpy( inName, argv[1] );

	error = UC_Readheader( inName, &im );
	ILError( error, "reading input header" );

	tmp = im.dim.n_slices;
	im.dim.n_slices = im.dim.timePts;
	im.dim.timePts = tmp;

	error = dsrFromIMAGE( &im, &myDSR );
	ILError( error, "Creating analyze header" );

	strcpy( outName, inName );
	sprintf( strrchr( outName, '.' ), ".hdr" );

	printf( "Header will be overwritten to %s\n", outName );

	error = ck_fopen( &fp, outName, "wb" );
	ILError( error, "opening output header" );

	error = ck_fwrite( &myDSR, sizeof( dsr ), 1, fp );
	ILError( error, "writing analyze header" );

	error = ck_fclose( fp );
	ILError( error, "closing header file" );

	return 0;
Exemple #3
OSErr MoreAnalyzeHeader( char *name )
	OSErr error = noErr;
	FILE  *hdrFile;
	dsr   theDSR;

	error = ck_fopen( &hdrFile, name, "rb" );
	error = ck_fread( &theDSR, sizeof( dsr ), 1, hdrFile );

	if( theDSR.dime.dim[0] != 4 ||	// check byte order consistency
	   theDSR.hk.sizeof_hdr != sizeof( dsr ) ) {
		swapHdrBytes( &theDSR );

	ShowAnalyzeHeader( &theDSR, stdout, name );
	error = ck_fclose( hdrFile );
	return error;
Exemple #4
/* interpret an edit command */
static bool
edit (struct line_filter *left, char const *lname, lin lline, lin llen,
      struct line_filter *right, char const *rname, lin rline, lin rlen,
      FILE *outfile)
  for (;;)
      int cmd0, cmd1;
      bool gotcmd = false;

      cmd1 = 0; /* Pacify `gcc -W'.  */

      while (! gotcmd)
	  if (putchar ('%') != '%')
	    perror_fatal (_("write failed"));
	  ck_fflush (stdout);

	  cmd0 = skip_white ();
	  switch (cmd0)
	    case '1': case '2': case 'l': case 'r':
	    case 's': case 'v': case 'q':
	      if (skip_white () != '\n')
		  give_help ();
		  flush_line ();
	      gotcmd = true;

	    case 'e':
	      cmd1 = skip_white ();
	      switch (cmd1)
		case '1': case '2': case 'b': case 'd': case 'l': case 'r':
		  if (skip_white () != '\n')
		      give_help ();
		      flush_line ();
		  gotcmd = true;
		case '\n':
		  gotcmd = true;
		  give_help ();
		  flush_line ();

	    case EOF:
	      if (feof (stdin))
		  gotcmd = true;
		  cmd0 = 'q';
	      /* Fall through.  */
	      flush_line ();
	      /* Fall through.  */
	    case '\n':
	      give_help ();

      switch (cmd0)
	case '1': case 'l':
	  lf_copy (left, llen, outfile);
	  lf_skip (right, rlen);
	  return true;
	case '2': case 'r':
	  lf_copy (right, rlen, outfile);
	  lf_skip (left, llen);
	  return true;
	case 's':
	  suppress_common_lines = true;
	case 'v':
	  suppress_common_lines = false;
	case 'q':
	  return false;
	case 'e':
	    int fd;

	    if (tmpname)
	      tmp = fopen (tmpname, "w");
		if ((fd = temporary_file ()) < 0)
		  perror_fatal ("mkstemp");
		tmp = fdopen (fd, "w");

	    if (! tmp)
	      perror_fatal (tmpname);

	    switch (cmd1)
	      case 'd':
		if (llen)
		    if (llen == 1)
		      fprintf (tmp, "--- %s %ld\n", lname, (long int) lline);
		      fprintf (tmp, "--- %s %ld,%ld\n", lname,
			       (long int) lline,
			       (long int) (lline + llen - 1));
		/* Fall through.  */
	      case '1': case 'b': case 'l':
		lf_copy (left, llen, tmp);

		lf_skip (left, llen);

	    switch (cmd1)
	      case 'd':
		if (rlen)
		    if (rlen == 1)
		      fprintf (tmp, "+++ %s %ld\n", rname, (long int) rline);
		      fprintf (tmp, "+++ %s %ld,%ld\n", rname,
			       (long int) rline,
			       (long int) (rline + rlen - 1));
		/* Fall through.  */
	      case '2': case 'b': case 'r':
		lf_copy (right, rlen, tmp);

		lf_skip (right, rlen);

	    ck_fclose (tmp);

	      int wstatus;
	      int werrno = 0;
	      ignore_SIGINT = true;
	      checksigs ();

		char *command =
		  xmalloc (quote_system_arg (0, editor_program)
			   + 1 + strlen (tmpname) + 1);
		sprintf (command + quote_system_arg (command, editor_program),
			 " %s", tmpname);
		wstatus = system (command);
		if (wstatus == -1)
		  werrno = errno;
		free (command);
		pid_t pid;

		pid = vfork ();
		if (pid == 0)
		    char const *argv[3];
		    int i = 0;

		    argv[i++] = editor_program;
		    argv[i++] = tmpname;
		    argv[i] = 0;

		    execvp (editor_program, (char **) argv);
		    _exit (errno == ENOENT ? 127 : 126);

		if (pid < 0)
		  perror_fatal ("fork");

		while (waitpid (pid, &wstatus, 0) < 0)
		  if (errno == EINTR)
		    checksigs ();
		    perror_fatal ("waitpid");

	      ignore_SIGINT = false;
	      check_child_status (werrno, wstatus, EXIT_SUCCESS,

	      char buf[SDIFF_BUFSIZE];
	      size_t size;
	      tmp = ck_fopen (tmpname, "r");
	      while ((size = ck_fread (buf, SDIFF_BUFSIZE, tmp)) != 0)
		  checksigs ();
		  ck_fwrite (buf, size, outfile);
	      ck_fclose (tmp);
	    return true;
	  give_help ();
Exemple #5
main (int argc, char *argv[])
  int opt;
  char const *prog;

  exit_failure = EXIT_TROUBLE;
  initialize_main (&argc, &argv);
  program_name = argv[0];
  setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
  bindtextdomain (PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);
  textdomain (PACKAGE);
  c_stack_action (cleanup);

  prog = getenv ("EDITOR");
  if (prog)
    editor_program = prog;


  /* parse command line args */
  while ((opt = getopt_long (argc, argv, "abBdEHiI:lo:stvw:W", longopts, 0))
	 != -1)
      switch (opt)
	case 'a':
	  diffarg ("-a");

	case 'b':
	  diffarg ("-b");

	case 'B':
	  diffarg ("-B");

	case 'd':
	  diffarg ("-d");

	case 'E':
	  diffarg ("-E");

	case 'H':
	  diffarg ("-H");

	case 'i':
	  diffarg ("-i");

	case 'I':
	  diffarg ("-I");
	  diffarg (optarg);

	case 'l':
	  diffarg ("--left-column");

	case 'o':
	  output = optarg;

	case 's':
	  suppress_common_lines = true;

	case 't':
	  diffarg ("-t");

	case 'v':
	  version_etc (stdout, "sdiff", PACKAGE_NAME, PACKAGE_VERSION,
		       "Thomas Lord", (char *) 0);
	  check_stdout ();
	  return EXIT_SUCCESS;

	case 'w':
	  diffarg ("-W");
	  diffarg (optarg);

	case 'W':
	  diffarg ("-w");

	  diffargv[0] = optarg;

	  usage ();
	  check_stdout ();
	  return EXIT_SUCCESS;

	  diffarg ("--strip-trailing-cr");

	  diffarg ("--tabsize");
	  diffarg (optarg);

	  try_help (0, 0);

  if (argc - optind != 2)
      if (argc - optind < 2)
	try_help ("missing operand after `%s'", argv[argc - 1]);
	try_help ("extra operand `%s'", argv[optind + 2]);

  if (! output)
      /* easy case: diff does everything for us */
      if (suppress_common_lines)
	diffarg ("--suppress-common-lines");
      diffarg ("-y");
      diffarg ("--");
      diffarg (argv[optind]);
      diffarg (argv[optind + 1]);
      diffarg (0);
      execvp (diffargv[0], (char **) diffargv);
      perror_fatal (diffargv[0]);
      char const *lname, *rname;
      FILE *left, *right, *out, *diffout;
      bool interact_ok;
      struct line_filter lfilt;
      struct line_filter rfilt;
      struct line_filter diff_filt;
      bool leftdir = diraccess (argv[optind]);
      bool rightdir = diraccess (argv[optind + 1]);

      if (leftdir & rightdir)
	fatal ("both files to be compared are directories");

      lname = expand_name (argv[optind], leftdir, argv[optind + 1]);
      left = ck_fopen (lname, "r");
      rname = expand_name (argv[optind + 1], rightdir, argv[optind]);
      right = ck_fopen (rname, "r");
      out = ck_fopen (output, "w");

      diffarg ("--sdiff-merge-assist");
      diffarg ("--");
      diffarg (argv[optind]);
      diffarg (argv[optind + 1]);
      diffarg (0);

      trapsigs ();

	size_t cmdsize = 1;
	char *p, *command;
	int i;

	for (i = 0;  diffargv[i];  i++)
	  cmdsize += quote_system_arg (0, diffargv[i]) + 1;
	command = p = xmalloc (cmdsize);
	for (i = 0;  diffargv[i];  i++)
	    p += quote_system_arg (p, diffargv[i]);
	    *p++ = ' ';
	p[-1] = 0;
	errno = 0;
	diffout = popen (command, "r");
	if (! diffout)
	  perror_fatal (command);
	free (command);
	int diff_fds[2];
	sigset_t procmask;
	sigset_t blocked;
# endif

	if (pipe (diff_fds) != 0)
	  perror_fatal ("pipe");

	/* Block SIGINT and SIGPIPE.  */
	sigemptyset (&blocked);
	sigaddset (&blocked, SIGINT);
	sigaddset (&blocked, SIGPIPE);
	sigprocmask (SIG_BLOCK, &blocked, &procmask);
# endif
	diffpid = vfork ();
	if (diffpid < 0)
	  perror_fatal ("fork");
	if (! diffpid)
	    /* Alter the child's SIGINT and SIGPIPE handlers;
	       this may munge the parent.
	       The child ignores SIGINT in case the user interrupts the editor.
	       The child does not ignore SIGPIPE, even if the parent does.  */
	    if (initial_handler (handler_index_of_SIGINT) != SIG_IGN)
	      signal_handler (SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
	    signal_handler (SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL);
	    /* Stop blocking SIGINT and SIGPIPE in the child.  */
	    sigprocmask (SIG_SETMASK, &procmask, 0);
# endif
	    close (diff_fds[0]);
	    if (diff_fds[1] != STDOUT_FILENO)
		dup2 (diff_fds[1], STDOUT_FILENO);
		close (diff_fds[1]);

	    execvp (diffargv[0], (char **) diffargv);
	    _exit (errno == ENOENT ? 127 : 126);

	/* Restore the parent's SIGINT and SIGPIPE behavior.  */
	if (initial_handler (handler_index_of_SIGINT) != SIG_IGN)
	  signal_handler (SIGINT, catchsig);
	if (initial_handler (handler_index_of_SIGPIPE) != SIG_IGN)
	  signal_handler (SIGPIPE, catchsig);
	  signal_handler (SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);

	/* Stop blocking SIGINT and SIGPIPE in the parent.  */
	sigprocmask (SIG_SETMASK, &procmask, 0);
# endif

	close (diff_fds[1]);
	diffout = fdopen (diff_fds[0], "r");
	if (! diffout)
	  perror_fatal ("fdopen");

      lf_init (&diff_filt, diffout);
      lf_init (&lfilt, left);
      lf_init (&rfilt, right);

      interact_ok = interact (&diff_filt, &lfilt, lname, &rfilt, rname, out);

      ck_fclose (left);
      ck_fclose (right);
      ck_fclose (out);

	int wstatus;
	int werrno = 0;

	wstatus = pclose (diffout);
	if (wstatus == -1)
	  werrno = errno;
	ck_fclose (diffout);
	while (waitpid (diffpid, &wstatus, 0) < 0)
	  if (errno == EINTR)
	    checksigs ();
	    perror_fatal ("waitpid");
	diffpid = 0;

	if (tmpname)
	    unlink (tmpname);
	    tmpname = 0;

	if (! interact_ok)
	  exiterr ();

	check_child_status (werrno, wstatus, EXIT_FAILURE, diffargv[0]);
	untrapsig (0);
	checksigs ();
	exit (WEXITSTATUS (wstatus));
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;			/* Fool `-Wall'.  */
int G2A (int argc, char *argv[] )
	char origname[128];	// original name
	char newname [128];	// renumbered name
	char command [255];	// command buffer
	char *TempName;
	char *numstring;
	char ImageName[128];
	int  counter = 0;
	int  number;
	char *p;
	char nameFileName[255];
	char analyzeFileName[255];
	char headerFileName[255];
	char baseName[255];
	short verbose = true;
	FILE *nameFile;
	FILE *TempFile;
	FILE *dataFile;
	FILE *procFile;
	FILE *headerFile;
	FILE *inFile;
	int  i;
	IMAGE im;
	short count;
	short *dataBuff;
	Boolean DebugMode = false;
	static char id[] = "$Revision: 1.21 $$Date: 2006/06/09 18:40:34 $";
	OSErr error = noErr;

	if( argc < 2 ) {
		print_usage( argv[0] );

// setup an output file name, based on the last input file name
	sprintf( baseName, "%s", argv[argc-1] );	// output file name

	p = strrchr( baseName, 'I' );
	*p = '\0';	// null terminate
	error = OpenProcFile( argc, argv, baseName, id, &procFile );
	ILError( error, "Opening Proc file" );
	sprintf( nameFileName, "%s.NAME_FILE", baseName );
	fprintf( procFile, "Associated name file ... %s\n", nameFileName );
	sprintf( headerFileName, "%s.GenesisHdrs", baseName );
	fprintf( procFile, "Associated headers file ... %s\n", headerFileName );

// corrected names will be stored temporarily in nameFile	
	error = CreateTempFile( &TempFile, &TempName );
	ILError( error, TempName );
// use UC_ReadHeader to determine image dimensions, etc...
	error = UC_Readheader( argv[argc-1], &im );
	if( error ) ILError( error, "Read Image" );

// rename the files and create name list into the file called TempName
   for( i=argc-1; i>0; i-- )
		strcpy( origname, argv[i] );
		strcpy( newname, argv[i] );

		numstring = strrchr( newname, 'I' ) + 1;
		number = atoi( numstring );

		sprintf( numstring, "%0.3d.MR", number );

		fprintf( TempFile, "%s\n", newname );

		if( strcmp( origname, newname ) || DebugMode ) {
			if( verbose ) {
			    printf( "i:%d\t%s --> %s\n", i, origname, newname );
		    sprintf( command, "mv %s %s\n", origname, newname );
		    fprintf( procFile, "\tRenamed %s to %s\n", origname, newname );
		    system( command );
	error = ck_fclose( TempFile );
	ILError( error, TempName );

// Sort the contents of the temporary nameFile and place it into the permanent version
	sprintf( command, "sort %s > %s", TempName, nameFileName );
	system( command );

	if( false ) {
		DBG( command );
		printf( "\nContents of name file\n" );
		sprintf( command, "cat %s", nameFileName );
		DBG( command );
		system( command );
// now, place the name of the header file at the beginning of a file */
	error = CreateTempFile( &TempFile, &TempName );
	ILError ( error, TempName );

	fprintf( TempFile, "%s\n", headerFileName );
	error = ck_fclose( TempFile );
	ILError( error, TempName );
// add the file names to the end
	sprintf( command, "cat %s >> %s\n", nameFileName, TempName );
	system( command );
// and rename this file
	sprintf( command, "mv %s %s\n", TempName, nameFileName );
	system( command );
	if( false ) {
		printf( "new Contents of name file" );
		sprintf( command, "cat %s", nameFileName );
		DBG( command );
		system( command );

	im.dim.n_slices = argc - 1;

	error = CreateHeader( ANALYZE, &im, baseName );
	if( error ) ILError( error, "Writing Header" );

	sprintf( analyzeFileName, "%s.img", baseName );
	error = ck_fopen( &dataFile, analyzeFileName, "wb" );
	ILError( error, "data file" );
	error = ck_fopen( &nameFile, nameFileName, "rb" );
	ILError( error, "name file" );
	error = ck_fopen( &headerFile, headerFileName, "wb" );
	ILError( error, "header file" );
	if( im.dim.x * im.dim.y * sizeof(short) < SIGHDRSIZE ) {
		dataBuff = (short *)ck_malloc( SIGHDRSIZE, "data buffer" );
	} else {
		dataBuff = (short *)ck_malloc( im.dim.x * im.dim.y * sizeof(short), "data buffer" );
	count = fscanf( nameFile, "%s", headerFileName );	// just read past this.
	count = fscanf( nameFile, "%s", ImageName );

	if( false ) { DBG( ImageName ); }

	printf( "\n\tPatience for a moment\n" );

	while( count>0 ) {
		printf( "%d of %d complete\n", counter++, argc - 1 );
		error = ck_fopen( &inFile, ImageName, "rb" );
			ILError( error, "Opening image" );
		error = ck_fread ( dataBuff, sizeof( char ), SIGHDRSIZE, inFile );
			ILError( error, "Reading header" );
		error = ck_fwrite( dataBuff, sizeof( char ), SIGHDRSIZE, headerFile );
			ILError( error, "Writing image header" );
		error = ck_fread ( dataBuff, sizeof( short ), im.dim.x * im.dim.y, inFile );
			ILError( error, "Reading image data" );
		error = ck_fwrite( dataBuff, sizeof( short ), im.dim.x * im.dim.y, dataFile );
			ILError( error, "Writing image data" );
		ck_fclose( inFile );
		count = fscanf( nameFile, "%s", ImageName );

	printf( "\n\nCreated Analyze (4D) file: %s\n", analyzeFileName );
	printf( "\tSave these files!: %s and %s\n\n", nameFileName, headerFileName );
	printf( "To create corresponding genesis images from an analyze file named XXX.img, use:\n" );
	printf( "\tAnalyze2Genesis -n %s -i XXX.img\n", nameFileName );

	free( dataBuff );	
	error = ck_fclose( headerFile );
		if( error ) ILError( error, headerFileName );
	error = ck_fclose( nameFile );
		if( error ) ILError( error, nameFileName );
	error = ck_fclose( dataFile );
		if( error ) ILError( error, analyzeFileName );
	error = ck_fclose( procFile );
		if( error ) ILError( error, "proc file" );

	return error;
Exemple #7
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	static char id[] = "$Revision: 1.5 $$Date: 2002/09/10 22:14:51 $";
    char    *invec, *outvec;   /* image vectors */
    int     timePt;
    short   rows = 0;
	short   cols = 0;
    int     slices;
    long    MultImSize;         /* size of one image */
	short   SmallX, SmallY; /* X and Y size of single image from multi-display */
    int     argp=EOF;
    char    *in_fname = NULL;
	char    *out_basename = NULL;
    char    out_fname[128], procfname[128];
    FILE    *imFile;
	FILE    *procFile;
    IMAGE   im;
	short   dSize;
	char    typeString[40];
	OSErr   error = noErr;

	while ( (argp=getopt(argc,argv,"o:i:r:c:h?")) != EOF ) {
		switch( argp )   {
			case 'o': out_basename = optarg; break;
			case 'i': in_fname = optarg; break;
			case 'c': cols = atoi( optarg ); break;
			case 'r': rows = atoi( optarg ); break;
			case 'h':
			case '?':
				print_usage( argv[0] );
				exit( -1 );

	if( !out_basename || !in_fname || !rows || !cols ) {
	   print_usage( argv[0] );

	error = UC_Readheader(in_fname, &im);
	if( error ) {
		ILError( error, "Reading Header" );

	switch( im.file_type )
		case BSHORT:
			dSize = get_datasize( T_USHORT );
			sprintf( typeString, "bshort" );
		case BUCHAR:
			dSize = get_datasize( T_UCHAR );
			sprintf( typeString, "buchar" );
		case BFLOAT:
			dSize = get_datasize( T_FLOAT );
			sprintf( typeString, "bfloat" );
			ILError( DATA_OUT_OF_RANGE, "unknown type" );

/* Parse output file name and create proc file name */
	strcpy( procfname, out_basename );
	MultImSize= im.dim.x*im.dim.y;
	SmallX = im.dim.x / cols;
	SmallY = im.dim.y / rows;
	slices = rows * cols;

/*  Buffer allocation  */
	invec =  ( char *)ck_malloc( MultImSize * dSize,  "image vector" );
	outvec = ( char *)ck_malloc( SmallX * SmallY * slices * dSize, "output vector" );

	imFile = errfopen( in_fname, "rb" );

	error = OpenProcFile( argc, argv, procfname, id, &procFile );
	ILError( error, "Opening Proc file" );

	for( timePt = 0; timePt < im.dim.timePts; timePt++ ) {
		int theSlice = 0;

		error = UC_Readimage( imFile, &im, invec, theSlice, timePt );
		if( error ) {
			ILError( error, "Reading image" );

// fool unmdisplay by treating all input as char
		error = unmdisplay( outvec, invec, SmallX * dSize, SmallY, slices, T_UCHAR );
		if( error ) {
			ILError( error, "unmdisplay" );

		if( im.dim.timePts > 1 ) {
			sprintf( out_fname, "%s.%0.3d", out_basename, timePt+1 );
		} else {
			sprintf( out_fname, "%s", out_basename );

		fprintf( procFile, "\tCreated %s.%s\n", out_fname, typeString );

		error = WriteMGHImage( outvec, out_fname, SmallX, SmallY, (short)slices, im.data_type );
		if( error ) {
			ILError( error, "Writing output image" );
	error = ck_fclose( imFile );
	if( error ) ILError( error, "input file" );

	error = ck_fclose( procFile );
	if( error ) ILError( error, "proc file" );

	free( outvec );
	free( invec );

  return 0;
Exemple #8
OSErr RunMain( int argc, char **argv, char *id )
	OSErr error = noErr;

	error = InitializeUserVariables();

	error = ProcessCommandLine( argc, argv );

	error = OpenProcFile( argc, argv, u.OutFileName, id, &u.ProcFile );

/* read in the input image header */
	error = UC_Readheader( u.InFileName, &u.inIm );

	memcpy( &u.outIm, &u.inIm, sizeof( IMAGE ));	      // copy the input header to the output header
	u.inIm.data_type = T_FLOAT;         // all operations on float

	error = OutBaseNameFromOutName( u.OutFileName, u.OutBaseName );

	error = ck_fopen( &u.inFile, u.InFileName,  "rb" );

	error = ck_fopen( &u.TEFile, u.TEFileName,  "r" );

	error = FindOutputType( u.OutFileName, &u.outIm.file_type, &u.outIm.data_type );

// Only floating point output types can be supported at this time.
	if( u.outIm.file_type == ANALYZE ) {
		u.outIm.data_type = T_FLOAT;

	if( u.outIm.data_type != T_FLOAT ) {
		printf( "Only floating point output types are accepted\n" );
		return 0;
	error = ck_fopen( &u.outFile, u.OutFileName,  "wb" );

/* do something */
	error = T2Fit( u.inFile, u.outFile );

	error = ck_fclose( u.TEFile );

	error = ck_fclose( u.inFile );

	error = ck_fclose( u.outFile );

/* Change elements of output IMAGE (e.g., number of images/slices/timePts ) */
	error = AdjustOutputIMAGE( &u.outIm );
	error = CreateHeader( u.outIm.file_type, &u.outIm, u.OutBaseName );

/* dump processing file contents */
	ck_fclose( u.ProcFile );

	return error;
Exemple #9
int main( int argc, char **argv)
/*  sample command lines
-i bdv.bshort -o junk.bshort -V -# 16
	OSErr   error = noErr;
	static  char id[] = "$Revision: 1.2 $$Date: 2002/09/10 22:06:02 $";
	char    headerName[ NAME_SIZE ];
	char    *extension;
	char    ofName[ NAME_SIZE ];
	int     OutOrder;

	error = ProcessCommandLine( argc, argv );
	ILError( error, "error in command line" );

	extension = strrchr( u.InFileName, '.' );
	if( !strlen(extension) ) {
		printf( "Input file name error\n" );
		return 0;
	if( !equalString( extension, ".bfloat" )) {
		printf( "This utility works only on bfloat images!\n" );
		return 0;

//	strcpy( headerName, u.InFileName, NAME_SIZE );
	strcpy( headerName, u.InFileName ); //zrinka 09/10/02
	extension = strrchr( headerName, '.' );
	if( !strlen(extension) ) {
		printf( "Input file name error\n" );
		return 0;
	sprintf( extension, ".hdr" );
	u.inFile = errfopen( headerName, "r" );
	fscanf( u.inFile, "%d%d%d%d", &u.id.ys, &u.id.xs, &u.id.zs, &u.id.ByteOrder );
//	error = ck_fclose( u.inFile, "input header" );
	error = ck_fclose( u.inFile ); //zrinka 09/10/02
	u.inFile  =  errfopen( u.InFileName,  "rb" );

	strcpy( ofName, u.OutFileName );
	strcat( ofName, ".bfloat" );
	u.outFile =  errfopen( ofName, "wb" );

	error = DoSwap( u.inFile, u.outFile );
	ILError( error, argv[0] );

	error = ck_fclose( u.inFile );
	ILError( error, "infile" );

	error = ck_fclose( u.outFile );
	ILError( error, "infile" );

	strcpy( ofName, u.OutFileName );
	strcat( ofName, ".hdr" );
	u.outFile = errfopen( ofName, "w" );
	if( u.id.ByteOrder == 1 ) {	// pc-dec bytOrder
		OutOrder = 0;
	} else {
		OutOrder = 1;

	fprintf( u.outFile, "%d %d %d %d", u.id.ys, u.id.xs, u.id.zs, OutOrder );
	error = ck_fclose( u.outFile );
	ILError( error, "main" );