ClRcT clEvtCpmInit()
    ClNameT appName;
    ClCpmCallbacksT callbacks;
    ClVersionT version;
    ClIocPortT iocPort;
    ClRcT rc = CL_OK;

                        CPM Related stuff
     * Do the CPM client init/Register
    version.releaseCode = 'B';
    version.majorVersion = 0x1;
    version.minorVersion = 0x1;

    callbacks.appHealthCheck = NULL;
    callbacks.appTerminate = clEventTerminate;
    callbacks.appCSISet = NULL;
    callbacks.appCSIRmv = NULL;
    callbacks.appProtectionGroupTrack = NULL;
    callbacks.appProxiedComponentInstantiate = NULL;
    callbacks.appProxiedComponentCleanup = NULL;

    rc = clCpmClientInitialize(&gClEvtTestContCpmHandle, &callbacks, &version);
    rc = clCpmComponentNameGet(gClEvtTestContCpmHandle, &appName);
    rc = clCpmComponentRegister(gClEvtTestContCpmHandle, &appName, NULL);

    return CL_OK;
/* exec init function is called as soon as this service object is loaded. */
static int gms_exec_init_fn (struct objdb_iface_ver0 *objdb)
    ClRcT rc = CL_OK;
    extern ClRcT
        clCpmComponentRegister(ClCpmHandleT ,const SaNameT *,const SaNameT *);

    log_init ("GMS");
    clLog (DBG,OPN,AIS,"Initializing clovis GMS service");

    gAspNativeLeaderElection = clAspNativeLeaderElection();

    rc = clCpmComponentRegister(
                "clCpmComponent register failed with rc 0x%x",rc);
            "clCpmComponentRegister successful. Updating GMS state as RUNNING");
    gmsGlobalInfo.opState = CL_GMS_STATE_RUNNING;

    /* Initialize my ip address */
    memset(&myAddress, 0, sizeof(ClGmsNodeAddressT));

    return (0);
ClRcT clEvtCpmInit()
    ClNameT appName;
    ClCpmCallbacksT callbacks;
    ClVersionT version;
    ClIocPortT iocPort;
    ClRcT rc = CL_OK;

    version.releaseCode = 'B';
    version.majorVersion = 0x1;
    version.minorVersion = 0x1;

    callbacks.appHealthCheck = NULL;
    callbacks.appTerminate = clEventTerminate;
    callbacks.appCSISet = NULL;
    callbacks.appCSIRmv = NULL;
    callbacks.appProtectionGroupTrack = NULL;
    callbacks.appProxiedComponentInstantiate = NULL;
    callbacks.appProxiedComponentCleanup = NULL;


    rc = clCpmClientInitialize(&gClEvtCpmHandle, &callbacks, &version);
    if (CL_OK != rc)
                   CL_LOG_MESSAGE_2_LIBRARY_INIT_FAILED, "CPM Library", rc);

    rc = clCpmComponentNameGet(gClEvtCpmHandle, &appName);
    rc = clCpmComponentRegister(gClEvtCpmHandle, &appName, NULL);

    return CL_OK;
SaAisErrorT saAmfComponentRegister(SaAmfHandleT amfHandle,
                                   const SaNameT *compName,
                                   const SaNameT *proxyCompName)
    ClRcT rc;
    SaNameT compNameInternal = {0};
    SaNameT proxyCompNameInternal = {0};
    SaNameT *proxy = (SaNameT*)proxyCompName;

    if(!compName) return SA_AIS_ERR_INVALID_PARAM;

    clNameCopy((ClNameT*)&compNameInternal, (const ClNameT*)compName);
                   (const ClNameT*)proxyCompName);
        proxy = &proxyCompNameInternal;
    rc = clCpmComponentRegister(amfHandle,
                                (const ClNameT*)&compNameInternal,
                                (const ClNameT*)proxy);
    return clClovisToSafError(rc);
    ClUint32T argc,
    ClCharT *argv[])
    SaNameT             appName;
    ClCpmCallbacksT     callbacks;
    ClVersionT          version;
    ClIocPortT          iocPort;
    ClRcT               rc = CL_OK;

     * Get the pid for the process and store it in global variable.

    mypid = getpid();

     * Initialize and register with CPM. 'version' specifies the version of
     * AMF with which this application would like to interface. 'callbacks'
     * is used to register the callbacks this component expects to receive.

    version.releaseCode                         = 'B';
    version.majorVersion                        = 01;
    version.minorVersion                        = 01;
    callbacks.appHealthCheck                    = NULL;
    callbacks.appTerminate                      = clCompAppTerminate;
    callbacks.appCSISet                         = clCompAppAMFCSISet;
    callbacks.appCSIRmv                         = clCompAppAMFCSIRemove;
    callbacks.appProtectionGroupTrack           = NULL;
     * Get IOC Address, Port and Name. Register with AMF.


    if ( (rc = clCpmClientInitialize(&cpmHandle, &callbacks, &version)) ) 
        goto errorexit;

     * If this component will provide a service, register it now.


    rc = clSAFComponent0EO0ClientInstall();


     * Do the application specific initialization here.


    // ...


     * Now register the component with AMF. At this point it is
     * ready to provide service, i.e. take work assignments.

    if ( (rc = clCpmComponentNameGet(cpmHandle, &appName)) ) 
        goto errorexit;
    if ( (rc = clCpmComponentRegister(cpmHandle, &appName, NULL)) ) 
        goto errorexit;

     * Print out standard information for this component.

    clprintf ("Component [%s] : PID [%d]. Initializing\n", appName.value, mypid);
    clprintf ("   IOC Address             : 0x%x\n", clIocLocalAddressGet());
    clprintf ("   IOC Port                : 0x%x\n", iocPort);

     * This is where the application code starts. If the main thread usage
     * policy is CL_EO_USE_THREAD_FOR_APP, then return from this fn only 
     * after the application terminates. If the main thread usage policy is
     * CL_EO_USE_THREAD_FOR_RECV, then return from this fn after doing the
     * application specific initialization and registration.


    // ...


    return rc;


    clprintf ("Component [%s] : PID [%d]. Initialization error [0x%x]\n",
              appName.value, mypid, rc);

    return rc;
    ClUint32T argc,
    ClCharT *argv[])
    ClNameT             appName;
    ClCpmCallbacksT     callbacks;
    ClVersionT          version;
    ClIocPortT          iocPort;
    ClRcT               rc = CL_OK;


     * Declare other local variables here.


     * Get the pid for the process and store it in global variable.

    mypid = getpid();

     * Initialize and register with CPM. 'version' specifies the version of
     * AMF with which this application would like to interface. 'callbacks'
     * is used to register the callbacks this component expects to receive.

    version.releaseCode                         = 'B';
    version.majorVersion                        = 01;
    version.minorVersion                        = 01;
    callbacks.appHealthCheck                    = NULL;
    callbacks.appTerminate                      = clCompAppTerminate;
    callbacks.appCSISet                         = clCompAppAMFCSISet;
    callbacks.appCSIRmv                         = clCompAppAMFCSIRemove;
    callbacks.appProtectionGroupTrack           = NULL;
     * Get IOC Address, Port and Name. Register with AMF.


    if ( (rc = clCpmClientInitialize(&cpmHandle, &callbacks, &version)) ) 
        goto errorexit;

     * If this component will provide a service, register it now.


    /* Uncomment the following line if the EO is providing services and the 
       method implementations are available for all the methods defined for this EO.

    rc = clcsa102CompEOClientInstall(void);


     * Do the application specific initialization here.


    clprintf(CL_LOG_SEV_INFO,"csa102: Initializing and registering with CPM...");


     * Now register the component with AMF. At this point it is
     * ready to provide service, i.e. take work assignments.

    if ( (rc = clCpmComponentNameGet(cpmHandle, &appName)) ) 
        goto errorexit;
    if ( (rc = clCpmComponentRegister(cpmHandle, &appName, NULL)) ) 
        goto errorexit;

     * Initialize the log stream
    clEvalAppLogStreamOpen(appName.value, &gEvalLogStream);
     * Print out standard information for this component.
    clprintf (CL_LOG_SEV_INFO, "Component [%s] : PID [%ld]. Initializing", appName.value, mypid);
    clprintf (CL_LOG_SEV_INFO, "   IOC Address             : 0x%x", clIocLocalAddressGet());
    clprintf (CL_LOG_SEV_INFO, "   IOC Port                : 0x%x", iocPort);

     * This is where the application code starts. If the main thread usage
     * policy is CL_EO_USE_THREAD_FOR_APP, then return from this fn only 
     * after the application terminates. If the main thread usage policy is
     * CL_EO_USE_THREAD_FOR_RECV, then return from this fn after doing the
     * application specific initialization and registration. Main thread usage
     * policy can be set through IDE from Component porperty -> Eo properties.

    clprintf(CL_LOG_SEV_INFO,"csa102: Instantiated as component instance %s.", appName.value);

    clprintf(CL_LOG_SEV_INFO,"%s: Waiting for CSI assignment...", appName.value);

    while (!exiting)
        if (running)
            clprintf(CL_LOG_SEV_INFO,"csa102: Hello World! %s", show_progress());


    return rc;


    clprintf (CL_LOG_SEV_ERROR, "Component [%s] : PID [%ld]. Initialization error [0x%x]",
              appName.value, mypid, rc);

    return rc;