Exemple #1
std::string TranslationUnit::GetTypeAtLocation(
  int line,
  int column,
  const std::vector< UnsavedFile > &unsaved_files,
  bool reparse ) {

  if ( reparse )
    Reparse( unsaved_files );

  unique_lock< mutex > lock( clang_access_mutex_ );

  if ( !clang_translation_unit_ )
    return "Internal error: no translation unit";

  CXCursor cursor = GetCursor( line, column );

  if ( !CursorIsValid( cursor ) )
    return "Internal error: cursor not valid";

  CXType type = clang_getCursorType( cursor );

  std::string type_description =
    CXStringToString( clang_getTypeSpelling( type ) );

  if ( type_description.empty() )
    return "Unknown type";

  // We have a choice here; libClang provides clang_getCanonicalType which will
  // return the "underlying" type for the type returned by clang_getCursorType
  // e.g. for a typedef
  //     type = clang_getCanonicalType( type );
  // Without the above, something like the following would return "MyType"
  // rather than int:
  //     typedef int MyType;
  //     MyType i = 100; <-- type = MyType, canonical type = int
  // There is probably more semantic value in calling it MyType. Indeed, if we
  // opt for the more specific type, we can get very long or
  // confusing STL types even for simple usage. e.g. the following:
  //     std::string test = "test"; <-- type = std::string;
  //                                    canonical type = std::basic_string<char>
  // So as a compromise, we return both if and only if the types differ, like
  //     std::string => std::basic_string<char>

  CXType canonical_type = clang_getCanonicalType( type );

  if ( !clang_equalTypes( type, canonical_type ) ) {
    type_description += " => ";
    type_description += CXStringToString(
                          clang_getTypeSpelling( canonical_type ) );

  return type_description;
    std::string translation_unit::type_at(uint32_t row, uint32_t col) {
        CXCursor cursor = get_cursor_at(row, col);

        if (clang_Cursor_isNull(cursor) || clang_isInvalid(clang_getCursorKind(cursor)))
            return "";

        CXType type = clang_getCursorType(cursor);
        CXType real_type = clang_getCanonicalType( type );

        std::string ret = cx2std(clang_getTypeSpelling(type));

        if (!clang_equalTypes(type, real_type)) {
            ret.append(" - ");

        return ret;
void Irony::getType(unsigned line, unsigned col) const {
  if (activeTu_ == nullptr) {
    std::clog << "W: get-type - parse wasn't called\n";

    std::cout << "nil\n";

  CXFile cxFile = clang_getFile(activeTu_, file_.c_str());
  CXSourceLocation sourceLoc = clang_getLocation(activeTu_, cxFile, line, col);
  CXCursor cursor = clang_getCursor(activeTu_, sourceLoc);

  if (clang_Cursor_isNull(cursor)) {
    // TODO: "error: no type at point"?
    std::cout << "nil";

  CXType cxTypes[2];
  cxTypes[0] = clang_getCursorType(cursor);
  cxTypes[1] = clang_getCanonicalType(cxTypes[0]);

  std::cout << "(";

  for (const CXType &cxType : cxTypes) {
    CXString typeDescr = clang_getTypeSpelling(cxType);
    std::string typeStr = clang_getCString(typeDescr);

    if (typeStr.empty())

    std::cout << support::quoted(typeStr) << " ";

  std::cout << ")\n";
Exemple #4
cursor::type cursor::type::canonical()
    return { clang_getCanonicalType(ctype) };
Exemple #5
 Type Type::GetCanonical() const
     return clang_getCanonicalType(type_);
Exemple #6
static void PrintCursor(CXCursor Cursor) {
  if (clang_isInvalid(Cursor.kind)) {
    CXString ks = clang_getCursorKindSpelling(Cursor.kind);
    printf("Invalid Cursor => %s", clang_getCString(ks));
  else {
    CXString string, ks;
    CXCursor Referenced;
    unsigned line, column;
    CXCursor SpecializationOf;
    ks = clang_getCursorKindSpelling(Cursor.kind);
    string = clang_getCursorSpelling(Cursor);
    printf("%s=%s", clang_getCString(ks),

    Referenced = clang_getCursorReferenced(Cursor);
    if (!clang_equalCursors(Referenced, clang_getNullCursor())) {
      CXSourceLocation Loc = clang_getCursorLocation(Referenced);
      clang_getInstantiationLocation(Loc, 0, &line, &column, 0);
      printf(":%d:%d", line, column);

    if (clang_isCursorDefinition(Cursor))
      printf(" (Definition)");
    switch (clang_getCursorAvailability(Cursor)) {
      case CXAvailability_Available:
      case CXAvailability_Deprecated:
        printf(" (deprecated)");
      case CXAvailability_NotAvailable:
        printf(" (unavailable)");
    if (Cursor.kind == CXCursor_IBOutletCollectionAttr) {
      CXType T =
      CXString S = clang_getTypeKindSpelling(T.kind);
      printf(" [IBOutletCollection=%s]", clang_getCString(S));
    if (Cursor.kind == CXCursor_CXXBaseSpecifier) {
      enum CX_CXXAccessSpecifier access = clang_getCXXAccessSpecifier(Cursor);
      unsigned isVirtual = clang_isVirtualBase(Cursor);
      const char *accessStr = 0;

      switch (access) {
        case CX_CXXInvalidAccessSpecifier:
          accessStr = "invalid"; break;
        case CX_CXXPublic:
          accessStr = "public"; break;
        case CX_CXXProtected:
          accessStr = "protected"; break;
        case CX_CXXPrivate:
          accessStr = "private"; break;
      printf(" [access=%s isVirtual=%s]", accessStr,
             isVirtual ? "true" : "false");
    SpecializationOf = clang_getSpecializedCursorTemplate(Cursor);
    if (!clang_equalCursors(SpecializationOf, clang_getNullCursor())) {
      CXSourceLocation Loc = clang_getCursorLocation(SpecializationOf);
      CXString Name = clang_getCursorSpelling(SpecializationOf);
      clang_getInstantiationLocation(Loc, 0, &line, &column, 0);
      printf(" [Specialization of %s:%d:%d]", 
             clang_getCString(Name), line, column);
Exemple #7
Type Type::canonical() const
    return clang_getCanonicalType(m_cxType);