Exemple #1
        highlight_group(clang::translation_unit const &trans_unit,
                        clang::token_pack &tokens)
          auto &tu(trans_unit.impl);
          std::vector<CXCursor> cursors(tokens.size());
          clang_annotateTokens(tu, tokens.begin(), tokens.size(), cursors.data());

          auto cursor(cursors.cbegin());
          for(auto token(tokens.cbegin()); token != tokens.cend();
              ++token, ++cursor)
            CXTokenKind const kind{ clang_getTokenKind(*token) };
            clang::string const spell{ clang_getTokenSpelling(tu, *token) };
            auto const loc(clang_getTokenLocation(tu, *token));

            CXFile file{};
            unsigned line{}, column{}, offset{};
            clang_getFileLocation(loc, &file, &line, &column, &offset);

            auto const cur(*cursor);
            auto const cursor_kind(cur.kind);
            auto const cursor_type(clang_getCursorType(cur).kind);

            auto const mapped(clang::token::map_token_kind(kind, cursor_kind,
              //std::cout << spell.c_str() << " : " << mapped << std::endl;
              emplace_back(mapped, line, column, spell.c_str());
            { /* std::cout << "unmapped: " << spell.c_str() << std::endl; */ }
CXChildVisitResult visitor(
        CXCursor cursor, CXCursor parent, CXClientData client_data)
    ClangTools::TranslationUnit::AstWalker * astWalker =
        reinterpret_cast<ClangTools::TranslationUnit::AstWalker *>(client_data);
    std::vector<std::string> & funcNames =
        *(reinterpret_cast<std::vector<std::string> *>(astWalker->getClientData()));

    auto sourceLocation = clang_getCursorLocation(cursor);
    CXFile file;
    clang_getFileLocation(sourceLocation, &file, 0, 0, 0);
    auto fileName = clang_getFileName(file);
    auto fileNameStr = ClangTools::String(fileName);

    if (fileNameStr != astWalker->getFileName())
        return CXChildVisit_Recurse;

    auto func = std::string{};
    auto def = bool{false};

    if (clang_isCursorDefinition(cursor))
        def = true;

    switch (clang_getCursorKind(cursor))
        case CXCursor_FunctionDecl:
            func = "Function ";
        case CXCursor_FunctionTemplate:
            func = "FunctionTemplate ";
        case CXCursor_CXXMethod:
            func = "CXXMethod ";
            return CXChildVisit_Recurse;

    func += clang_isCursorDefinition(cursor) ? "definition: " : "declaration: ";

    auto semanticParent = clang_getCursorSemanticParent(cursor);
    auto semanticParentSpelling = clang_getCursorSpelling(semanticParent);
    func += ClangTools::String(semanticParentSpelling) + "::";

    auto cursorSpelling = clang_getCursorSpelling(cursor);
    func += ClangTools::String(cursorSpelling);

    auto lexicalParent = clang_getCursorLexicalParent(cursor);
    auto lexicalParentSpelling = clang_getCursorSpelling(lexicalParent);
    func += " found in: " + ClangTools::String(lexicalParentSpelling);


    return CXChildVisit_Recurse;
void SourceLocation::getFileLocation(File* file, unsigned* line,
                                     unsigned* column, unsigned* offset) {
    CXFile* cx_file = nullptr;
    if (file) {
        cx_file = &(file->file_);
    clang_getFileLocation(location_, cx_file, line, column, offset);
Exemple #4
std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, CXSourceLocation loc )
    CXFile cxfile;
    unsigned line, col, off;
    clang_getFileLocation( loc, &cxfile, &line, &col, &off );
    auto filestr = clang_getFileName( cxfile );
    os << clang_getCString( filestr ) << ":" << line << ":" << col;
    clang_disposeString( filestr );
    return os;
SourceLocation::SourceLocation(CXSourceLocation cxSourceLocation)
    CXFile cxFile;


    filePath_ = ClangString(clang_getFileName(cxFile));
Exemple #6
    std::string make_vimson_from_tokens(std::vector<Token> tokens) const
        return "[" + std::accumulate(std::begin(tokens), std::end(tokens), std::string{}, [&](std::string const& acc, Token const& token){
            auto const kind = clang_getTokenKind(token);
            auto const spell = owned(clang_getTokenSpelling(translation_unit, token));
            auto const location = clang_getTokenLocation(translation_unit, token);

            CXFile file;
            unsigned int line, column, offset;
            clang_getFileLocation(location, &file, &line, &column, &offset);
            auto const source_name = owned(clang_getFileName(file));

            return acc
                + "{'spell':'" + clang_getCString(*spell)
                + "','kind':'" + get_kind_spelling(kind)
                + "','file':'" + clang_getCString(*source_name)
                + "','line':" + std::to_string(line)
                + ",'column':" + std::to_string(column)
                + ",'offset':" + std::to_string(offset)
                + "},";
        }) + "]";
Exemple #7
void printTreeRecursive(struct treeNode* node, CXTranslationUnit cxtup) {
    if(node->modified == 0) {
        CXSourceRange range = clang_getCursorExtent(node->cursor);
        CXSourceLocation rstart = clang_getRangeStart(range);
        if(clang_Location_isFromMainFile(rstart) != 0) {
	    enum CXCursorKind cursorkind = clang_getCursorKind(node->cursor);
	    if(depth == 1 && cursorkind != CXCursor_MacroExpansion) {
		if(cursorkind == CXCursor_StructDecl) {
		    CXToken* currTokens;
		    unsigned int numCurrTokens;
		    clang_tokenize(cxtup, range, &currTokens, &numCurrTokens);
		    CXToken token = currTokens[numCurrTokens-1];
		    CXString tokenstring = clang_getTokenSpelling(cxtup, token);
		    char* tokenstr = clang_getCString(tokenstring);
		    clang_disposeTokens(cxtup, currTokens, numCurrTokens);
		    //printf("\ntoken: %s\n", tokenstr);
		    if(strcmp(tokenstr, ";")) {
			// Print nothing, do nothing.
		    } else {
			goto PRINT;
		} else {
		    CXToken* tokens;
		    unsigned int numTokens;
		    clang_tokenize(cxtup, range, &tokens, &numTokens);
		    CXString tokenstring;
		    CXSourceRange tokenrange;
		    unsigned* startcol = malloc(sizeof(unsigned));
		    unsigned* startline = malloc(sizeof(unsigned));
		    unsigned* endcol = malloc(sizeof(unsigned));
		    unsigned* endline = malloc(sizeof(unsigned));
		    for(int i = 0; i<numTokens; i++) {
		        tokenrange = clang_getTokenExtent(cxtup, tokens[i]);
			tokenstring = clang_getTokenSpelling(cxtup, tokens[i]);
			CXSourceLocation currend = clang_getRangeEnd(tokenrange);
			clang_getFileLocation(currend, NULL, endline, endcol, NULL);
			if(prevcol != 0) {
			    CXSourceLocation currstart = clang_getRangeStart(tokenrange);
			    clang_getFileLocation(currstart, NULL, startline, startcol, NULL);
			    //printf("L%u-%u, C%u-%u", *startline, prevline, *startcol, prevcol);
			    int startl = *startline;
			    int startc = *startcol;
			    for(int i = 0; i < startl-prevline; i++) {
				//printf("*startline-prevline = %u, i = %u, prevline = %u\n", start-prevline, i, prevline);
			    if(startc-prevcol >= 0) {
			        for(int i = 0; i < startc-prevcol; i++) {
				    printf(" ");
			    } else {
			        for(int i = 1; i < startc; i++) {
				    printf(" ");
			char* tstr = clang_getCString(tokenstring);
			/*if(i == 0 && !strcmp(tstr, lastPrintedToken)) {	    
			    // Do nothing, print nothing.
			    } else {*/
			    printf("%s", tstr);
			prevline = *endline;
			prevcol = *endcol;
			char* str = clang_getCString(tokenstring);
			strcpy(lastPrintedToken, str);
		    //printf("%i\n", lastPrintedToken);
		    clang_disposeTokens(cxtup, tokens, numTokens);
    } else if(depth == 1) {
      //printf("Modified node detected.");
        if(node->validcursor == false) {
	    //Print modified
	    //printf("%s\n", node->newContent);
        } else {
	    struct treeNode** nodes = malloc((node->modified) * sizeof(struct treeNode));
	    //printf("%i\n", sizeof(nodes))
	    nodes[node->modified-1] = NULL;
	    //printf("nodes[node->modified-1]: %i\n", nodes[node->modified-1]);
	    struct treeNode* next = NULL;
	    int nextnode = 0;
	    int smallestcol = INT_MAX;
	    int smallestline = INT_MAX;
	    int cscol = INT_MIN;
	    int csline = INT_MIN;
	    struct treeListNode* currnode = node->modifiedNodes;
	    CXSourceRange srange;
	    CXSourceLocation sloc;
	    bool first = true;
	    while(nodes[(node->modified)-1] == NULL) {
	        while(currnode != NULL) {
		    if(currnode->node->startline == -1) {
		        srange = clang_getCursorExtent(currnode->node->cursor);
			sloc = clang_getRangeStart(srange);
			clang_getFileLocation(sloc, NULL, &(currnode->node->startline), &(currnode->node->startcol), NULL);
			//printf("Calculated node %i: startline: %i, startcol: %i\n", currnode->node, currnode->node->startline, currnode->node->startcol);
		    //printf("\ncurrnode->node: %i, nextnode: %i\nnstartline: %i, smallestline: %i ,csline: %i\nnstartcol: %i, smallestcol: %i, cscol: %i\n", currnode->node, nextnode, currnode->node->startline, smallestline, csline, currnode->node->startcol, smallestcol, cscol);
		    if(currnode->node->startline < smallestline) {
		      //printf("\n1\, %i < %i", currnode->node->startline, smallestline);
		        if((currnode->node->startline > csline) || (first == true)) {
			  //printf("\n2, %i > %i", currnode->node->startline);
			    smallestline = currnode->node->startline;
			    smallestcol = currnode->node->startcol;
			    csline = currnode->node->startline;
			    cscol = currnode->node->startcol;
			    next = currnode->node;
		    } else if(currnode->node->startline == smallestline) {
		        if(currnode->node->startcol < smallestcol) {
			    if((currnode->node->startcol > cscol) || (first == true)) {
			        smallestline = currnode->node->startline;
				smallestcol = currnode->node->startcol;
				csline = currnode->node->startline;
				cscol = currnode->node->startcol;
				next = currnode->node;
		    //printf("currnode->node: %i, nextnode: %i\nnstartline: %i, smallestline: %i ,csline: %i\nnstartcol: %i, smallestcol: %i, cscol: %i\n", currnode->node, nextnode, currnode->node->startline, smallestline, csline, currnode->node->startcol, smallestcol, cscol);
		    currnode = currnode->next;
		first = false;
		//printf("%i ", nodes[nextnode]);
		//printf("%i\n", next);
		nodes[nextnode] = next;
		smallestcol = INT_MAX;
		smallestline = INT_MAX;
		currnode = node->modifiedNodes;
	    for(int i = 0; i <= 1; i++) {
	      //printf("nodenum: %i, nstartline: %i, nstartcol: %i\n", i, nodes[i]->startline, nodes[i]->startcol);
	    CXSourceRange range = clang_getCursorExtent(node->cursor);
	    CXToken* tokens;
	    unsigned int numTokens;
	    int numNodes = nextnode;
	    nextnode = 0;
	    clang_tokenize(cxtup, range, &tokens, &numTokens);
	    for(int i = 0; i<numTokens; i++) {
	        CXSourceRange tokenrange = clang_getTokenExtent(cxtup, tokens[i]);
	        CXString tokenstring = clang_getTokenSpelling(cxtup, tokens[i]);
		unsigned startline;
		unsigned startcol;
		unsigned endline;
		unsigned endcol;
	        CXSourceLocation currend = clang_getRangeEnd(tokenrange);
	        clang_getFileLocation(currend, NULL, &endline, &endcol, NULL);
	        if(prevcol != 0) {
		    CXSourceLocation currstart = clang_getRangeStart(tokenrange);
		    clang_getFileLocation(currstart, NULL, &startline, &startcol, NULL);
		    //printf("L%u-%u, C%u-%u", *startline, prevline, *startcol, prevcol);
		    int startl = startline;
		    int startc = startcol;
		    for(int i = 0; i < startl-prevline; i++) {
		        //printf("*startline-prevline = %u, i = %u, prevline = %u\n", start-prevline, i, prevline);
		    if(startc-prevcol >= 0) {
		        for(int i = 0; i < startc-prevcol; i++) {
			    printf(" ");
		    } else {
		        for(int i = 0; i < startc; i++) {
			printf(" ");
		char* tstr = clang_getCString(tokenstring);
		if(i == 0 && !strcmp(tstr, lastPrintedToken)) {	    
		    // Do nothing, print nothing.
		} else {
		  //printf("nextstartline: %i, startline: %i\n", nodes[nextnode]->startline, startline);
		  if((nextnode < numNodes) && (nodes[nextnode]->startline == startline) && (nodes[nextnode]->startcol == startcol)) {
		        int* nodenext = &(nodes[nextnode]->cursor);
		        if(nodenext == NULL) {
			    printf("%s\n", nodes[nextnode]->newContent);
			} else {
			    printf("%s", nodes[nextnode]->newContent);
			    prevline = endline;
			    prevcol = endcol;
		    } else {
		        printf("%s", tstr);
			prevline = endline;
			prevcol = endcol;
		//printf("%i\n", sizeof(nodes));
		char* str = clang_getCString(tokenstring);
		strcpy(lastPrintedToken, str);
	    clang_disposeTokens(cxtup, tokens, numTokens);
    if(node->children != NULL) {
        struct treeListNode* childlist = node->children;
	while(childlist != NULL) {
	    printTreeRecursive(childlist->node, cxtup);
	    childlist = childlist->next;
Exemple #8
void source_location::file_location(CXFile *file, unsigned *line, unsigned *column, unsigned *offset) const
    clang_getFileLocation(loc, file, line, column, offset);
Exemple #9
// Desired functions:
//      Go to definition of variable/function
//      Go to declaration of function/class
bool Tokenizer::findToken(eFindTokenTypes ft, size_t origOffset, std::string &fn,
        size_t &line)
    CLangAutoLock lock(mCLangLock, __LINE__, this);
    CXCursor startCursor = getCursorAtOffset(mTransUnit, mSourceFile, origOffset);
    DUMP_PARSE("find:start cursor", startCursor);
    // Instantiating type - <class> <type> - CXCursor_TypeRef
    // Method declaration - <class> { <method>(); }; CXCursor_NoDeclFound
    // Method definition - <class>::<method>(){} - CXCursor_CXXMethod
    // Class/method usage - <class>.<method>()
    // Instance usage - method(){ int v = typename[4]; } - CXCursor_DeclStmt
    //          clang_getCursorSemanticParent returns method
    //          clang_getCursorDefinition returns invalid
    if(startCursor.kind == CXCursor_InclusionDirective)
        CXFile file = clang_getIncludedFile(startCursor);
            fn = getDisposedString(clang_getFileName(file));
            line = 1;
            /// @todo - need to get the full path.
    //      CXStringDisposer cfn = clang_getCursorSpelling(cursor);
    //      fn = cfn;
            line = 1;
        CXCursor cursor = startCursor;
            case FT_FindDecl:
                cursor = clang_getCursorReferenced(startCursor);
                DUMP_PARSE("find:decl", cursor);

            case FT_FindDef:
                // If instantiating a type (CXCursor_TypeRef), this goes to the type declaration.
                cursor = clang_getCursorDefinition(startCursor);
                // Method call can return invalid file when the definition is not in this
                // translation unit.
                if(clang_getCursorKind(cursor) == CXCursor_InvalidFile)
                    DUMP_PARSE("find:def-invalid", cursor);
                    cursor = clang_getCursorReferenced(startCursor);
                DUMP_PARSE("find:def", cursor);
            //      cursor = clang_getCursor(mTransUnit, clang_getCursorLocation(cursor));
            //      cursor = clang_getCursorDefinition(cursor);

            //          cursor = clang_getCursorReferenced(cursor);
            //  cursor = clang_getCanonicalCursor(cursor);
            //  cursor = clang_getCursorSemanticParent(cursor);
            //  cursor = clang_getCursorLexicalParent(cursor);
            CXSourceLocation loc = clang_getCursorLocation(cursor);

            CXFile file;
            unsigned int uline;
            clang_getFileLocation(loc, &file, &uline, nullptr, nullptr);
                line = uline;
                fn = getDisposedString(clang_getFileName(file));
    return(fn.size() > 0);