  * Clip the cell coordinates in @a block vs the dimensions of this gridmap
  * so that they are inside the boundary this defines.
  * @param block  Block coordinates to be clipped.
  * @return  @c true iff the block coordinates were changed.
 bool clipBlock(CellBlock &block)
     bool const didClipMin = clipCell(block.min);
     bool const didClipMax = clipCell(block.max);
     return didClipMin | didClipMax;
void wxSheetCellStringRendererRefData::DoDraw(wxSheet& sheet,
        const wxSheetCellAttr& attr,
        wxDC& dc,
        const wxRect& rectCell,
        const wxSheetCoords& coords,
        bool isSelected)
    wxRect rect = rectCell;

    int align = attr.GetAlignment();
    int orient = attr.GetOrientation();

    wxString value( sheet.GetCellValue(coords) );
    int best_width = DoGetBestSize(sheet, attr, dc, value).GetWidth();
    wxSheetCoords cellSpan(sheet.GetCellSpan(coords)); // shouldn't get here if <=0
    int cell_rows = cellSpan.m_row;
    int cell_cols = cellSpan.m_col;

    bool is_grid_cell = coords.IsGridCell();
    // no overflow for row/col/corner labels
    bool overflow = is_grid_cell && (orient == wxSHEET_AttrOrientHoriz) ? attr.GetOverflow() : false;
    int overflowCols = 0;
    int num_cols = sheet.GetNumberCols();
    // this is the right col which includes overflow
    int rightCol = coords.m_col + cell_cols - 1;

    // Check if this cell should overflow to right and for how many cells
    if (overflow)
        bool is_editing = sheet.IsCellEditControlShown();
        wxSheetCoords editorCell = is_editing ? sheet.GetEditControlCoords() : wxNullSheetCoords;
        int row = coords.GetRow(), col = coords.GetCol();
        wxSheetCoords ownerCell;
        if ((best_width > rectCell.width) && (col < num_cols-1) && sheet.GetTable())
            wxSheetCoords cell;
            for (cell.m_col = col+cell_cols; cell.m_col < num_cols; cell.m_col++)
                bool is_empty = true;
                for (cell.m_row = row; cell.m_row < row+cell_rows; cell.m_row++)
                    // check w/ anchor cell for spanned cell block
                    ownerCell = sheet.GetCellOwner(cell);
                    if ( sheet.GetTable()->HasValue(ownerCell) ||
                            (ownerCell == editorCell) )
                        is_empty = false;

                if (is_empty)
                    rect.width += sheet.GetColWidth(cell.m_col);

                if (rect.width >= best_width)
            // this may extend out of sheet
            overflowCols = cell.m_col - col - cell_cols + 1;
            rightCol = wxMin(coords.m_col+cell_cols-1+overflowCols, num_cols - 1);

        // redraw overflow cells individually for proper selection hilight
        if (overflowCols > 0)
            // if overflowed then it's left aligned (yes I know ALIGN_LEFT=0)
            align &= ~wxSHEET_AttrAlignHoriz_Mask;
            align |= wxSHEET_AttrAlignLeft;

            wxRect clip(rect);
            clip.x += rectCell.width;

            int col_width;
            wxSheetCoords cell(coords);
            // draw each cell individually since it may be selected or not
            for (cell.m_col = col+cell_cols; cell.m_col <= rightCol; cell.m_col++)
                col_width = sheet.GetColWidth(cell.m_col);
                clip.width = col_width - 1;
                SetTextColoursAndFont(sheet, attr, dc, sheet.IsCellSelected(cell));
                sheet.DrawTextRectangle(dc, value, rect, align, orient);
                clip.x += col_width - 1;

            rect = rectCell;

    // Draw the text
    SetTextColoursAndFont(sheet, attr, dc, isSelected);
    sheet.DrawTextRectangle(dc, value, rect, align, orient);

    if (attr.GetOverflowMarker())
        // Draw a marker to show that the contents has been clipped off
        int cellRight = sheet.GetColRight(rightCol);
        if (cellRight - rect.x < best_width)
            int bmpWidth   = s_overflowBitmap.GetWidth();
            int bmpHeight  = s_overflowBitmap.GetHeight();
            int cellWidth  = sheet.GetColWidth(rightCol);
            int cellHeight = sheet.GetRowHeight(coords.m_row);

            if ((bmpWidth < cellWidth-3) && (bmpHeight < cellHeight-3))
                int cellTop = sheet.GetRowTop(coords.m_row);

                int x = cellRight - bmpWidth - 2;
                int y = cellTop + (cellHeight - bmpHeight)/2;
                wxRect r(x-2, cellTop, bmpWidth+4-1, cellHeight-1);
                wxSheetCellAttr rightAttr(attr);
                if (overflowCols > 0)
                    wxSheetCoords clipCell(coords.m_row, rightCol);
                    isSelected = sheet.IsCellSelected(clipCell);
                    rightAttr = sheet.GetAttr(clipCell);

                // clear background for bitmap
                wxSheetCellRendererRefData::Draw(sheet, rightAttr, dc, r, coords, isSelected);
                dc.DrawBitmap( s_overflowBitmap, x, y, true );