TTErr TTData::setGenericValue(const TTValue& value)
    if (!mIsSending && mActive) {
        // lock
		mIsSending = YES;

        // don't update the internal value with empty value
        if (value.size()) {
            // set internal value
            mValue = value;
            // clip the internal value
        // return the internal value
		// unlock
		mIsSending = NO;
		return kTTErrNone;
	return kTTErrGeneric;
void pointCloudCallback(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2& msg)
  // Convert the sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 data to pcl/PointCloud
  pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> cloud;
  pcl::fromROSMsg (msg, cloud);

  /// Update map with each point
  // Store robot position in map grid coordinates
  unsigned int robot_col = cvRound((MAP_WIDTH/2+robot_pose.x)/MAP_RESOLUTION);
  unsigned int robot_row = cvRound((MAP_HEIGHT/2-robot_pose.y)/MAP_RESOLUTION);

  for( uint i=0; i < cloud.width; i++ )
    // Get point in map grid coordinates
    unsigned int obstacle_col = cvRound((MAP_WIDTH/2+cloud.points[i].x)/MAP_RESOLUTION);
    unsigned int obstacle_row = cvRound((MAP_HEIGHT/2-cloud.points[i].y)/MAP_RESOLUTION);

    // Get line iterator from robot to point
    cv::LineIterator it(map,
                        cv::Point(robot_col, robot_row), // Start point
                        cv::Point(obstacle_col, obstacle_row), // End point
                        4); // Connectivity
    // Update free space
    for(int j=0; j < it.count-1; j++, ++it)
      **it = clipValue(**it+CELL_DELTA_UP,MIN_CELL_VALUE, MAX_CELL_VALUE);
    // Update occupied space

  // Show map
  cv::imshow("Mapa", map);

  // Save the map every DELTA_SAVE iterations
  if( iteration == DELTA_SAVE )
    cv::imwrite("mapa.png", map);
    iteration = 0;

Exemple #3
void laserCallback(const sensor_msgs::LaserScan& msg)
  double angle;
  unsigned int i;

  /// Update distance to closest front obstacles
  angle = -0.785; // DEG2RAD(-45)
  i = round((angle - msg.angle_min)/msg.angle_increment);
  double closest_front_obstacle = msg.range_max;
  while( angle < 0.785 ) // DEG2RAD(45)
    if( (msg.ranges[i] < msg.range_max) &&
        (msg.ranges[i] > msg.range_min) &&
        (msg.ranges[i] < closest_front_obstacle) )
      closest_front_obstacle = msg.ranges[i];
    angle += msg.angle_increment;

  /// Perform navigation base on the detected obstacle
  bool avoid = false;
  if( closest_front_obstacle < min_front_dist )
    if( closest_front_obstacle < stop_front_dist )
      avoid = true;
      lin_vel = -0.100;
    } else
      avoid = true;
      lin_vel = 0;
  } else
    lin_vel = 0.5;
    ang_vel = 0.0;
    rotating = false;

    lin_vel = 0.0;
    if( rotating == false )
      // Favor rotation in the same direction as the last rotation
      if( rng.uniform(0.0, 1.0) < 0.1 )
        rotate_left = !rotate_left;

      if( rotate_left == true )
        ang_vel = DEG2RAD(30.0); // Rotate left
        ang_vel = DEG2RAD(-30.0); // Rotate right

      rotating = true;

  // Limit maximum velocities
  // (not needed here)
  lin_vel = clipValue(lin_vel, -MAX_LIN_VEL, MAX_LIN_VEL);
  ang_vel = clipValue(ang_vel, -MAX_ANG_VEL, MAX_ANG_VEL);

  // Send velocity commands
  vel_cmd.angular.z = ang_vel;
  vel_cmd.linear.x = lin_vel;

TTErr TTData::setIntegerDecimalArrayValue(const TTValue& value)
	// Storing locally to protect the input value
	TTValue lValue = value;
	if (!mIsSending && mActive)
		// We are locking while updating, in order to prevent returned values from clients to cause an infinite loop.
		mIsSending = YES;
		if (checkIntegerDecimalArrayType(lValue))
			if (lValue.size() > 0)
				TTValue lPreviousValue = mValue;
				// If ramp is performed using non-default dataspace unit, the returned values need to be converted.
				if (mIsOverridingDataspaceUnit)
					convertUnit(lValue, mValue);
					mValue = lValue;
				// Filter repetitions.
				// This is done before clipping and integer truncation in order enforce views (returns) to stay within range when they attempt to set values out of range. See
				// Additionally: If ramps reach the end prematurely (due to requests for ramp targets beyond the accepted range), the ramp will not be stopped.
				if (mRepetitionsFilter)
					if (mInitialized)
						TTValue tempValue = mValue;
						// Convert to integer if necsessary before comparing
						if (mType == kTTSym_integer)
						if (tempValue == lPreviousValue)
							// Unlock and exit without outputing
							mIsSending = NO;
							return kTTErrNone;
				// Clipping
				// Truncate if type is integer
				if (mType == kTTSym_integer)
				// Flag to ensure that value has been set at least once
				mInitialized = true;
			// unlock
			mIsSending = NO;
			return kTTErrNone;
			// unlock
			mIsSending = NO;
			return kTTErrInvalidValue;
	return kTTErrGeneric;
Exemple #5
void TP8::laserCallback(const sensor_msgs::LaserScan& msg)
  double angle, max_angle;
  unsigned int i;

  /// Update distance to closest front obstacles
  angle = deg2rad(-45);
  i = round((angle - msg.angle_min)/msg.angle_increment);
  double closest_front_obstacle = msg.range_max;
  max_angle = deg2rad(45);
  while( angle < max_angle ) // DEG2RAD(45)
    if( (msg.ranges[i] < msg.range_max) &&
        (msg.ranges[i] > msg.range_min) &&
        (msg.ranges[i] < closest_front_obstacle) )
      closest_front_obstacle = msg.ranges[i];
    angle += msg.angle_increment;

  /// Perform navigation base on the detected obstacle
  bool avoid = false;
  if( closest_front_obstacle < _min_front_dist )
    if( closest_front_obstacle < _stop_front_dist )
      avoid = true;
      _lin_vel = -0.100;
    } else
      avoid = true;
      _lin_vel = 0;
  } else
    _lin_vel = 0.5;
    _ang_vel = 0.0;
    _rotating = false;

    _lin_vel = 0.0;
    if( _rotating == false )
      // Favor rotation in the same direction as the last rotation
      if( _rng.uniform(0.0, 1.0) < 0.1 )
        _rotate_left = !_rotate_left;

      if( _rotate_left == true )
        _ang_vel = deg2rad(30.0); // Rotate left
        _ang_vel = deg2rad(-30.0); // Rotate right

      _rotating = true;

  // Limit maximum velocities
  // (not needed here)
  _lin_vel = clipValue(_lin_vel, -_MAX_LIN_VEL, _MAX_LIN_VEL);
  _ang_vel = clipValue(_ang_vel, -_MAX_ANG_VEL, _MAX_ANG_VEL);

  // Send velocity commands
  _vel_cmd.angular.z = _ang_vel;
  _vel_cmd.linear.x = _lin_vel;
