/* constrainX: * Create the X constrains and solve. We use a linear objective function * (absolute values rather than squares), so we can reuse network simplex. * The constraints are encoded as a dag with edges having a minimum length. */ static void constrainX(graph_t* g, nitem* nlist, int nnodes, intersectfn ifn, int ortho) { Dt_t *list = dtopen(&constr, Dtobag); nitem *p = nlist; graph_t *cg; int i; for (i = 0; i < nnodes; i++) { p->val = p->pos.x; dtinsert(list, p); p++; } if (ortho) cg = mkConstraintG(g, list, ifn, distX); else cg = mkNConstraintG(g, list, ifn, distX); rank(cg, 2, INT_MAX); p = nlist; for (i = 0; i < nnodes; i++) { int newpos, oldpos, delta; oldpos = p->pos.x; newpos = ND_rank(p->cnode); delta = newpos - oldpos; p->pos.x = newpos; p->bb.LL.x += delta; p->bb.UR.x += delta; p++; } closeGraph(cg); dtclose(list); }
int main(int argc,char * argv[]) { int rc; GLMDB_env *genv; printf("opening graph!\n"); rc = openGraph(&genv, "/home/pieter/Downloads/glmdb-blueprints/src/main/native/testdb"); if (rc != 0) { printf("opening graph failure = %i!\n", rc); goto fail; } rc = addVertexAnd2Properties(genv); if (rc != 0) { goto fail; } printf("before traverseEdgeDb\n"); MDB_txn *txn; rc = mdb_txn_begin(genv->env, NULL, 1, &txn); if (rc != 0) { printf("begin transaction failure = %i!\n", rc); goto fail; } traverseEdgeDb(genv, txn); mdb_txn_commit(txn); fail: printf("closing graph!\n"); closeGraph(genv); return 0; }
main() { int goukei,ninzuu[8],heikin,i; goukei = 0; for (i=0;i<8;i++) { printf("%d時の来店者数を入力してください : ",i); scanf("%d",&ninzuu[i]); } for (i=0;i<8;i++) { goukei += ninzuu[i]; } heikin = goukei / i; printf("一日の平均は%d人です。\n",heikin); initGraph(); for(i=0;i<8;i++) { fillRectangle(i*10,479,i*10+40,479-ninzuu[i],BLACK); } waitButtonPress(); closeGraph(); }
void MainWindow::drawGraphSlot(QModelIndex ind) { int netAddr = proxyMdl->data(proxyMdl->index(ind.row(), 0)).toInt(); if((graph[netAddr].size() > 0) && (ind.column() == 2)) { graphView = new Form(graph[netAddr]); QPoint pos = graphView->mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos()); graphView->move(pos.x() - 5, pos.y() - 65); graphView->show(); connect(graphView, SIGNAL(closeGraph()), SLOT(closeSignalGraph())); } }
/* constrainY: * See constrainX. */ static void constrainY(graph_t* g, nitem* nlist, int nnodes, intersectfn ifn, int ortho) { Dt_t *list = dtopen(&constr, Dtobag); nitem *p = nlist; graph_t *cg; int i; for (i = 0; i < nnodes; i++) { p->val = p->pos.y; dtinsert(list, p); p++; } if (ortho) cg = mkConstraintG(g, list, ifn, distY); else cg = mkNConstraintG(g, list, ifn, distY); rank(cg, 2, INT_MAX); #ifdef DEBUG { Agsym_t *mlsym = agedgeattr(cg, "minlen", ""); Agsym_t *rksym = agnodeattr(cg, "rank", ""); char buf[100]; node_t *n; edge_t *e; for (n = agfstnode(cg); n; n = agnxtnode(cg, n)) { sprintf(buf, "%d", ND_rank(n)); agxset(n, rksym->index, buf); for (e = agfstedge(cg, n); e; e = agnxtedge(cg, e, n)) { sprintf(buf, "%d", ED_minlen(e)); agxset(e, mlsym->index, buf); } } } #endif p = nlist; for (i = 0; i < nnodes; i++) { int newpos, oldpos, delta; oldpos = p->pos.y; newpos = ND_rank(p->cnode); delta = newpos - oldpos; p->pos.y = newpos; p->bb.LL.y += delta; p->bb.UR.y += delta; p++; } closeGraph(cg); dtclose(list); }
main(void) { int i; int array[10] = {10,102,20,50,64,0,85,50,12,10}; initGraph(); for(i=0;i<10;i++) { fillRectangle(i*10,479,i*10+40,479-array[i],BLACK); } waitButtonPress(); closeGraph(); }
main (void) { initGraph (); /* 背景 */ floodFill (320, 240, BLACK, LIGHTBLUE); waitButtonPress (); /* 頭 */ fillEllipse (320, 250, 230, 160, WHITE); /* 耳 */ fillTriangle (130, 40, 90, 250, 250, 92, WHITE); fillTriangle (530, 40, 530, 250, 390, 92, WHITE); waitButtonPress (); /* 目 */ fillEllipse (200, 290, 15, 20, BLACK); fillEllipse (195, 282, 8, 6, WHITE); fillEllipse (440, 290, 15, 20, BLACK); fillEllipse (435, 282, 8, 6, WHITE); waitButtonPress (); /* 鼻 */ fillEllipse (320, 330, 24, 15, YELLOW); fillEllipse (315, 322, 9, 6, WHITE); waitButtonPress (); /* ひげ */ drawLine (125, 280, 40, 275, BLACK); drawLine (130, 300, 50, 305, BLACK); drawLine (140, 320, 40, 335, BLACK); drawLine (515, 280, 600, 275, BLACK); drawLine (510, 300, 590, 305, BLACK); drawLine (500, 320, 600, 335, BLACK); waitButtonPress (); /* リボン */ fillTriangle (465, 160, 415, 70, 365, 160, RED); fillTriangle (465, 160, 515, 250, 565, 160, RED); fillCircle (465, 160, 20, RED); waitButtonPress (); closeGraph (); }
main (void) { initGraph (); /* 背景 */ floodFill (320, 240, BLACK, LIGHTBLUE); waitButtonPress (); /* 頭 */ fillEllipse (320, 240, 240, 180, WHITE); /* 耳 */ fillEllipse (480, 140, 60, 80, WHITE); fillEllipse (160, 140, 60, 80, WHITE); waitButtonPress (); /* 目 */ fillEllipse (200, 300, 15, 20, BLACK); fillEllipse (440, 300, 15, 20, BLACK); waitButtonPress (); /* 鼻 */ fillEllipse (320, 340, 10, 14, YELLOW); setLineWidth (2); waitButtonPress (); /* ひげ */ drawLine (125, 300, 40, 305, BLACK); drawLine (130, 320, 50, 330, BLACK); drawLine (140, 340, 40, 355, BLACK); drawLine (515, 300, 600, 305, BLACK); drawLine (510, 320, 590, 330, BLACK); drawLine (500, 340, 600, 355, BLACK); waitButtonPress (); /* リボン */ fillTriangle (480, 160, 430, 70, 380, 160, RED); fillTriangle (480, 160, 530, 250, 580, 160, RED); fillCircle (480, 160, 20, RED); waitButtonPress (); closeGraph (); }
//Do zrobienia(?): przerzuciæ obs³ugê slotów (open, close) do engine'u? MWindow::MWindow(){ #ifdef MYDEBUG qDebug() << "Startuje konstruktor MWindow()"; #endif //Tworzenie silnika engine = new MEngine; //Akcje do menu File openAction = new QAction(tr("&Otworz graf"), this); closeAction = new QAction(tr("&Zamknij graf"), this); saveOneAction = new QAction(tr("&Zapisz rezultat"), this); //saveAllAction = new QAction(tr("Sa&ve all"), this); newWindowAction = new QAction(tr("&Rysuj!"), this); //Tworzy nowe okienko exitAction = new QAction(tr("Wyjscie"), this); //Akcje do menu Algorithm BFSAction = new QAction(tr("BFS"), this); DFSAction = new QAction(tr("DFS"), this); transposeAction = new QAction(tr("Transponuj"), this); toUdirectedAction = new QAction(tr("Symetryzuj"), this); stronglyConnectedAction = new QAction(tr("Silnie spojne skladowe"), this); graphColoringAction = new QAction(tr("Kolorowanie wierzcholkowe"), this); //Akcje do menu About displayHelpAction = new QAction(tr("&Pomoc"), this); displayAuthorsAction = new QAction(tr("Autorzy"), this); displayAboutQtAction = new QAction(tr("Info o Qt"), this); // closeAction->setEnabled(false); saveOneAction->setEnabled(false); //saveAllAction->setEnabled(false); newWindowAction->setEnabled(false); BFSAction->setEnabled(false); DFSAction->setEnabled(false); transposeAction->setEnabled(false); toUdirectedAction->setEnabled(false); displayHelpAction->setEnabled(false); stronglyConnectedAction->setEnabled(false); graphColoringAction->setEnabled(false); // connect(openAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(open())); connect(closeAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this , SLOT(closeGraph())); connect(saveOneAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(save())); connect(newWindowAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(openNewWindow())); connect(exitAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(quit())); // connect(BFSAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(BFS())); connect(DFSAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(DFS())); connect(transposeAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(transpose())); connect(toUdirectedAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(toUndirected())); connect(stronglyConnectedAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(stronglyConnected())); connect(graphColoringAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(graphColoring())); //countOrderAction = new QAction(tr("Count order"), this); //checkAdjacencyAction = new QAction(tr("Check adjacency"), this); //isSubgraphAction = new QAction(tr("Is subgraph"), this); connect(displayAuthorsAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(authors())); connect(displayAboutQtAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), qApp, SLOT(aboutQt())); // //Dodawanie akcji do MenuBar fileMenu = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("&Plik")); fileMenu->addAction(openAction); fileMenu->addAction(saveOneAction); fileMenu->addAction(newWindowAction); fileMenu->addAction(closeAction); //fileMenu->addAction(saveAllAction); fileMenu->addSeparator(); fileMenu->addAction(exitAction); algorithmMenu = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("Algorytmy")); //algorithmMenu->addAction(countOrderAction); algorithmMenu->addAction(BFSAction); algorithmMenu->addAction(DFSAction); algorithmMenu->addSeparator(); algorithmMenu->addAction(transposeAction); algorithmMenu->addAction(toUdirectedAction); //algorithmMenu->addAction(stronglyConnectedAction); algorithmMenu->addSeparator(); algorithmMenu->addAction(graphColoringAction); //algorithmMenu->addAction(checkAdjacencyAction); //algorithmMenu->addAction(isSubgraphAction); aboutMenu = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("O programie")); aboutMenu->addAction(displayHelpAction); aboutMenu->addAction(displayAuthorsAction); aboutMenu->addAction(displayAboutQtAction); // statusBarPtr = statusBar();// Ustawia pasek stanu statusBarPtr->showMessage(tr("Gotowy")); //POPRACOWAÆ NAD TYM NP DODAÆ WID¯ET QPROGRESSBAR LUB QLABEL // centralWidgetPtr = new MCentral; setCentralWidget(centralWidgetPtr); // secondWindow = NULL; //Inicjalizacja wskaŸnika na nowe okno // msgBox.setWindowTitle("Autor"); msgBox.setText(tr("Autor: \nKamil Burzynski.\nAlgorytmy na Grafach 2012\nUKSW")); // applicationName = tr("AGR v 0.4"); setWindowTitle(applicationName); setMinimumSize(400, 400); // opened = 0; // options = NULL; #ifdef MYDEBUG qDebug() << "Konczy konstruktor MWindow()"; #endif }
int main(int argc,char * argv[]) { int rc; GLMDB_env *genv; MDB_txn *txn; MDB_cursor *cursor; printf("opening graph!\n"); rc = openGraph(&genv, "/home/pieter/Downloads/thundergraph/src/main/native/testdb"); if (rc != 0) { printf("opening graph failure = %i!\n", rc); goto fail; } rc = mdb_txn_begin(genv->env, NULL, 1, &txn); if (rc != 0) { printf("begin transaction failure = %i!\n", rc); goto fail; } rc = mdb_cursor_open(txn, genv->vertexDb, &cursor); if (rc != 0) { printf("open cursor failure = %i!\n", rc); goto fail; } //Add a vertex MDB_val vertexKey; long long vertexId1 = genv->vertexIdSequence++; rc = addVertex(cursor, genv->vertexDb, vertexId1, &vertexKey); if (rc != 0) { printf("addVertex failure = %i!\n", rc); goto fail; } // int *vertexPropertyKeyIdSequence = malloc(sizeof(int)); // char key1[5] = ""; // sprintf(key1, "%.*s", 4, "key1"); // rc = setPropertyKey(genv, (MDB_txn *) (long) txn, STRING, vertexPropertyKeyIdSequence, 5, key1, 1, 0, 0); // if (rc != 0) { // printf("setPropertyKey failure = %i!\n", rc); // goto fail; // } // // rc = addOrUpdateStringIndexedProperty(genv, txn, cursor, vertexId1, *vertexPropertyKeyIdSequence, 5, key1, 1); // // //Add a vertex // long long vertexId2 = genv->vertexIdSequence++; // rc = addVertex(cursor, genv->vertexDb, vertexId2, &vertexKey); // if (rc != 0) { // printf("addVertex failure = %i!\n", rc); // goto fail; // } // // rc = addOrUpdateStringIndexedProperty(genv, txn, cursor, vertexId2, *vertexPropertyKeyIdSequence, 5, key1, 1); // // mdb_cursor_close(cursor); // thundergraph_commit(genv, txn); // // printf("traverseVertexPropertyKeyDb\n"); // // rc = mdb_txn_begin(genv->env, NULL, 1, &txn); // if (rc != 0) { // printf("begin transaction failure = %i!\n", rc); // goto fail; // } // // rc = traverseVertexPropertyKeyDb(genv, txn); // // if (rc == MDB_NOTFOUND) { // printf("traverseVertexDb\n"); // rc = traverseVertexDb(genv, txn); // if (rc == MDB_NOTFOUND) { // rc = traverseStringIndexDb(genv, txn, genv->vertexStringIndexDb); // } // } // thundergraph_commit(genv, txn); // // rc = mdb_txn_begin(genv->env, NULL, 1, &txn); // if (rc != 0) { // printf("begin transaction failure = %i!\n", rc); // goto fail; // } // rc = mdb_cursor_open(txn, genv->vertexStringIndexDb, &cursor); // if (rc != 0) { // printf("open cursor failure = %i!\n", rc); // goto fail; // } // // rc = deleteStringIndex(genv, txn, *vertexPropertyKeyIdSequence, 1); // if (rc != 0) { // printf("deleteStringIndex failure = %i!\n", rc); // goto fail; // } // // free(vertexPropertyKeyIdSequence); // // //MDB_cursor *cursor, int propertyKeyId, int propertyValueLength, char *value, long long int *vertexIdResultC // long long int *vertexIdResultC = malloc(sizeof(long long int)); // rc = getFirstElementForKeyValueFromStringIndex(cursor, 0, 5, "key1", vertexIdResultC); // if (rc == 0) { // printf("getFirstVertexForKeyValueFromStringIndex vertexid = %lld\n", *vertexIdResultC); // // rc = getNextElementForKeyValueFromStringIndex(cursor, 0, 5, "key1", vertexIdResultC); // if (rc == 0) { // printf("getFirstVertexForKeyValueFromStringIndex vertexid = %lld\n", *vertexIdResultC); // } else { // printf("getNextVertexForKeyValueFromStringIndex %i\n", rc); // } // // } mdb_cursor_close(cursor); thundergraph_commit(genv, txn); // free(vertexIdResultC); fail: printf("closing graph! %i\n", rc); closeGraph(genv); return 0; }
int main(int argc,char * argv[]) { int rc; GLMDB_env *genv; MDB_txn *txn; MDB_cursor *cursor; printf("opening graph!\n"); rc = openGraph(&genv, "/home/pieter/Downloads/thundergraph/src/main/native/testdb"); if (rc != 0) { printf("opening graph failure = %i!\n", rc); goto fail; } rc = mdb_txn_begin(genv->env, NULL, 1, &txn); if (rc != 0) { printf("begin transaction failure = %i!\n", rc); goto fail; } rc = mdb_cursor_open(txn, genv->vertexDb, &cursor); if (rc != 0) { printf("open cursor failure = %i!\n", rc); goto fail; } int vertexPropertyKeyIdSequence = genv->vertexPropertyKeyIdSequence; char key1[5] = ""; sprintf(key1, "%.*s", 4, "key1"); rc = setPropertyKey(genv, (MDB_txn *) (long) txn, STRING, &vertexPropertyKeyIdSequence, 5, key1, 1, 0, 0); sprintf(key1, "%.*s", 4, "key2"); rc = setPropertyKey(genv, (MDB_txn *) (long) txn, STRING, &vertexPropertyKeyIdSequence, 5, key1, 1, 0, 0); sprintf(key1, "%.*s", 4, "key3"); rc = setPropertyKey(genv, (MDB_txn *) (long) txn, STRING, &vertexPropertyKeyIdSequence, 5, key1, 1, 0, 0); sprintf(key1, "%.*s", 4, "key4"); rc = setPropertyKey(genv, (MDB_txn *) (long) txn, STRING, &vertexPropertyKeyIdSequence, 5, key1, 1, 0, 0); sprintf(key1, "%.*s", 4, "key5"); rc = setPropertyKey(genv, (MDB_txn *) (long) txn, STRING, &vertexPropertyKeyIdSequence, 5, key1, 1, 0, 0); sprintf(key1, "%.*s", 4, "key6"); rc = setPropertyKey(genv, (MDB_txn *) (long) txn, STRING, &vertexPropertyKeyIdSequence, 5, key1, 1, 0, 0); sprintf(key1, "%.*s", 4, "key7"); rc = setPropertyKey(genv, (MDB_txn *) (long) txn, STRING, &vertexPropertyKeyIdSequence, 5, key1, 1, 0, 0); sprintf(key1, "%.*s", 4, "key8"); rc = setPropertyKey(genv, (MDB_txn *) (long) txn, STRING, &vertexPropertyKeyIdSequence, 5, key1, 1, 0, 0); sprintf(key1, "%.*s", 4, "key9"); rc = setPropertyKey(genv, (MDB_txn *) (long) txn, STRING, &vertexPropertyKeyIdSequence, 5, key1, 1, 0, 0); sprintf(key1, "%.*s", 4, "key0"); rc = setPropertyKey(genv, (MDB_txn *) (long) txn, STRING, &vertexPropertyKeyIdSequence, 5, key1, 1, 0, 0); mdb_cursor_close(cursor); thundergraph_commit(genv, txn); printf("traverseVertexPropertyKeyDb\n"); rc = mdb_txn_begin(genv->env, NULL, 1, &txn); if (rc != 0) { printf("begin transaction failure = %i!\n", rc); goto fail; } rc = traverseVertexPropertyKeyDb(genv, txn); if (rc == MDB_NOTFOUND) { printf("traverseVertexDb\n"); rc = traverseVertexDb(genv, txn); } thundergraph_commit(genv, txn); fail: printf("closing graph! %i\n", rc); closeGraph(genv); return 0; }
int main(int argc,char * argv[]) { int rc; GLMDB_env *genv; printf("opening graph!\n"); rc = openGraph(&genv, "/home/pieter/Downloads/glmdb-blueprints/src/main/native/testdb"); if (rc != 0) { printf("opening graph failure = %i!\n", rc); goto fail; } MDB_txn *txn; MDB_cursor *cursor; rc = mdb_txn_begin(genv->env, NULL, 1, &txn); if (rc != 0) { printf("begin transaction failure = %i!\n", rc); goto fail; } rc = mdb_cursor_open(txn, genv->vertexDb, &cursor); if (rc != 0) { printf("open cursor failure = %i!\n", rc); goto fail; } MDB_val vertexKey; rc = addVertex(cursor, genv->vertexDb, genv->vertexIdSequence++, &vertexKey); if (rc != 0) { printf("add out vertex failure = %i!\n", rc); goto fail; } VertexDbId outVertexDbId = (*((VertexDbId *) (vertexKey.mv_data))); signed long long outVertexId = outVertexDbId.vertexId; char *propertyValue1 = malloc(5); char v1[] = "12345"; memcpy(propertyValue1, v1, 5); rc = setVertexPropertyString(cursor, 0, 0, 5, propertyValue1); if (rc != 0) { printf("setVertexPropertyChar failure = %i!\n", rc); goto fail; } char *propertyValue2 = malloc(5); char v2[] = "12345"; memcpy(propertyValue2, v2, 5); rc = setVertexPropertyString(cursor, 0, 1, 5, propertyValue2); if (rc != 0) { printf("setVertexPropertyChar failure = %i!\n", rc); goto fail; } jint *propertyKeyIdSize = (jint *)malloc(sizeof(int)); jint **propertyKeyId = malloc(sizeof(void *)); rc = getVertexPropertyKeys(cursor, 0, propertyKeyIdSize, propertyKeyId); if (rc != 0 && rc != MDB_NOTFOUND) { goto fail; } int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < 10; i = i + 1) { rc = addVertex(cursor, genv->vertexDb, genv->vertexIdSequence++, &vertexKey); if (rc != 0) { printf("add in vertex failure = %i!\n", rc); goto fail; } VertexDbId inVertexDbId = (*((VertexDbId *) (vertexKey.mv_data))); signed long long inVertexId = inVertexDbId.vertexId; rc = addEdge(txn, genv->vertexDb, genv->edgeDb, genv->edgeIdSequence++, 0, outVertexId, inVertexId); if (rc != 0) { printf("add edge failure = %i!\n", rc); goto fail; } MDB_cursor *edgeCursor; rc = mdb_cursor_open(txn, genv->edgeDb, &edgeCursor); if (rc != 0) { printf("open cursor failure = %i!\n", rc); goto fail; } char *edgePropertyValue2 = malloc(5); char v2[] = "12345"; memcpy(edgePropertyValue2, v2, 5); rc = setEdgePropertyString(edgeCursor, genv->edgeIdSequence - 1, 0, 5, edgePropertyValue2); mdb_cursor_close(edgeCursor); if (rc != 0) { printf("setEdgePropertyChar failure = %i!\n", rc); goto fail; } } mdb_cursor_close(cursor); mdb_txn_commit(txn); rc = mdb_txn_begin(genv->env, NULL, 1, &txn); if (rc != 0) { printf("transaction begin = %i!\n", rc); goto fail; } rc = mdb_cursor_open(txn, genv->vertexDb, &cursor); if (rc != 0) { printf("open cursor failure = %i!\n", rc); goto fail; } rc = getVertex(cursor, 0LL, &vertexKey); if (rc != 0) { printf("get vertex failure = %i!\n", rc); goto fail; } jlong *edgeIdResultC = (jlong *)malloc(sizeof(signed long long)); jlong *outVertexIdC = (jlong *)malloc(sizeof(signed long long)); jlong *inVertexIdC = (jlong *)malloc(sizeof(signed long long)); rc = getFirstEdgefromVertex(cursor, 0, 0, 0LL, edgeIdResultC, outVertexIdC, inVertexIdC); if (rc != 0) { printf("getFirstEdgefromVertex failure = %i!\n", rc); goto fail; } rc = getNextEdgefromVertex(cursor, 0, 0, 0LL, edgeIdResultC, outVertexIdC, inVertexIdC); if (rc != 0) { printf("getNextEdgefromVertex failure = %i!\n", rc); goto fail; } mdb_cursor_close(cursor); mdb_txn_commit(txn); rc = mdb_txn_begin(genv->env, NULL, 1, &txn); if (rc != 0) { printf("transaction begin = %i!\n", rc); goto fail; } printf("before remove traverseVertexDb\n"); traverseVertexDb(genv, txn); printf("before remove traverseEdgeDb\n"); traverseEdgeDb(genv, txn); mdb_txn_commit(txn); rc = mdb_txn_begin(genv->env, NULL, 1, &txn); if (rc != 0) { printf("transaction begin failure = %i!\n", rc); goto fail; } rc = mdb_cursor_open(txn, genv->vertexDb, &cursor); if (rc != 0) { printf("open cursor failure = %i!\n", rc); goto fail; } // rc = removeEdge(txn, genv, 9LL); // printf("rc = %i\n", rc); // rc = removeEdge(txn, genv, 8LL); // printf("rc = %i\n", rc); // rc = removeEdge(txn, genv, 7LL); // printf("rc = %i\n", rc); // rc = removeEdge(txn, genv, 6LL); // printf("rc = %i\n", rc); // rc = removeEdge(txn, genv, 5LL); // printf("rc = %i\n", rc); // rc = removeEdge(txn, genv, 4LL); // printf("rc = %i\n", rc); // rc = removeEdge(txn, genv, 3LL); // printf("rc = %i\n", rc); // rc = removeEdge(txn, genv, 2LL); // printf("rc = %i\n", rc); // rc = removeEdge(txn, genv, 1LL); // printf("rc = %i\n", rc); // rc = removeEdge(txn, genv, 0LL); // printf("rc = %i\n", rc); rc = removeVertex(txn, genv, 10LL); rc = removeVertex(txn, genv, 9LL); rc = removeVertex(txn, genv, 8LL); rc = removeVertex(txn, genv, 7LL); rc = removeVertex(txn, genv, 6LL); rc = removeVertex(txn, genv, 5LL); rc = removeVertex(txn, genv, 4LL); rc = removeVertex(txn, genv, 3LL); rc = removeVertex(txn, genv, 2LL); rc = removeVertex(txn, genv, 1LL); rc = removeVertex(txn, genv, 0LL); // rc = removeVertex(txn, genv, 0LL); // rc = removeVertex(txn, genv, 1LL); // rc = removeVertex(txn, genv, 2LL); // rc = removeVertex(txn, genv, 3LL); // rc = removeVertex(txn, genv, 4LL); // rc = removeVertex(txn, genv, 5LL); // rc = removeVertex(txn, genv, 6LL); // rc = removeVertex(txn, genv, 7LL); // rc = removeVertex(txn, genv, 8LL); // rc = removeVertex(txn, genv, 9LL); // rc = removeVertex(txn, genv, 10LL); printf("before traverseVertexDb\n"); traverseVertexDb(genv, txn); printf("before traverseEdgeDb\n"); traverseEdgeDb(genv, txn); mdb_txn_commit(txn); fail: printf("closing graph!\n"); closeGraph(genv); return 0; }
void MainWindow::closeSignalGraph() { disconnect(graphView, SIGNAL(closeGraph()), this, SLOT(closeSignalGraph())); delete graphView; }