void displayHashValues(dataList L) { /* variable declaration here */ /* system("cls"); */ printf("\n\n%s", "Displaying Open and Closed Hash Values"); printf("\n--------------------------------------\n"); printf("\n%-10s","ID"); printf("%-30s","Name"); printf("%-15s","Open HValues"); printf("%-15s","Closed HValues"); printf("\n"); /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Put the necessary code fragment here * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int i, openKey, closeKey; for(i=0;i<L.last;i++){ openKey = openHash(L.data[i].name.LName); closeKey = closeHash(L.data[i].IDen); printf("%s %s, %s %c.", L.data[i].IDen, L.data[i].name.LName, L.data[i].name.FName, L.data[i].name.MI); printf("\t\t%d\t%d", openKey, closeKey); printf("\n"); } printf("\n\nPress any key to continue... "); getch(); }
void insertDictionary(studRec stud, Dictionary D) { //OPEN HASH int openKey; studPtr studNode, trav; openKey = openHash(stud.name.LName); studNode = (studPtr)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); studNode->stud = stud; if(D->openHT[openKey].count > 0){ for(trav = D->openHT[openKey].ptr; trav->next!=NULL && (strcmp(studNode->stud.name.LName, trav->stud.name.LName) > 0 && strcmp(studNode->stud.name.LName, trav->next->stud.name.LName) > 0); trav = trav->next){} studNode->next = trav->next; trav->next = studNode; }else{ studNode->next = D->openHT[openKey].ptr; D->openHT[openKey].ptr = studNode; } D->openHT[openKey].count++; //CLOSE HASH int closeKey, i, j=0; studPtr newNode; statusType empty = EMPTY, occupied = OCCUPIED; closeKey = closeHash(stud.IDen); newNode = (studPtr)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); newNode->stud = stud; newNode->next = NULL; for(i=closeKey; j==0;i =(i+1)%(CLOSE_SIZE)){ if(D->closeHT[i].status != OCCUPIED){ D->closeHT[i].ptr = newNode; D->closeHT[i].status = OCCUPIED; D->closeHashCount++; printf("%s inserted at %d\n ", newNode->stud.name.LName, i); j = 1; } } }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { char* inputFile = NULL; char* outputFile = NULL; unsigned int nstreams= 0; unsigned int maxfilehandles = 250; void *fcbin; fcbT fcb; int nrectypes; int *recordtypes; int i; int a; VTF3_handler_t *handlers; void **firsthandlerargs; size_t bytesread; OTF_FileManager* manager= NULL; int buffersize = 1024 * 1024; OTF_FileCompression compression= OTF_FILECOMPRESSION_UNCOMPRESSED; char iofile[128]; fcb.ioonly= 0; /* argument handling */ if ( 1 >= argc ) { SHOW_HELPTEXT; exit(0); } for ( i = 1; i < argc; i++ ) { if ( ( 0 == strcmp( "-i", argv[i] ) ) && ( i+1 < argc ) ) { inputFile= argv[i+1]; ++i; } else if ( ( 0 == strcmp( "-o", argv[i] ) ) && ( i+1 < argc ) ) { fcb.outputFile= strdup( argv[i+1] ); ++i; } else if ( ( 0 == strcmp( "-n", argv[i] ) ) && ( i+1 < argc ) ) { nstreams = atoi( argv[i+1] ); ++i; } else if ( ( 0 == strcmp( "-f", argv[i] ) ) && ( i+1 < argc ) ) { maxfilehandles = atoi( argv[i+1] ); ++i; } else if ( ( 0 == strcmp( "-b", argv[i] ) ) && ( i+1 < argc ) ) { buffersize = atoi( argv[i+1] ); ++i; } else if ( 0 == strcmp( "-io", argv[i] ) ) { fcb.ioonly= 1; } else if ( ( 0 == strcmp( "-z", argv[i] ) ) && ( i+1 < argc ) ) { compression= atoi( argv [i+1] ); ++i; } else if ( 0 == strcmp( "--help", argv[i] ) || 0 == strcmp( "-h", argv[i] ) ) { SHOW_HELPTEXT; exit(0); } else if ( 0 == strcmp( "-V", argv[i] ) ) { printf( "%u.%u.%u \"%s\"\n", OTF_VERSION_MAYOR, OTF_VERSION_MINOR, OTF_VERSION_SUB, OTF_VERSION_STRING); exit( 0 ); } else { if ( '-' != argv[i][0] ) { inputFile= argv[i]; } else { fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: Unknown option '%s'\n", argv[i] ); exit(1); } } } /* check parameters */ if ( NULL == inputFile ) { printf( " no input file specified\n" ); exit(1); } if ( NULL == outputFile ) { /* printf( " no output file specified\n" ); exit(1); */ outputFile= strdup( "out.otf" ); } if ( maxfilehandles < 1 ) { printf( " there must be at least 1 available filehandle\n" ); exit(1); } fcb.processes= NULL; fcb.processcount= 0; fcb.threadnums= 0; fcb.processgroups= NULL; fcb.processgroupcount= 0; fcb.reservedIds= NULL; fcb.reservedIdsc= 0; fcb.pghash= initHash(); fcb.handleid= 0; /* Open FileManager */ if( 0 == fcb.ioonly ) { manager= OTF_FileManager_open( maxfilehandles ); assert( NULL != manager ); /* Open OTF Writer */ fcb.outputFile= OTF_stripFilename( fcb.outputFile ); fcb.writer = OTF_Writer_open( fcb.outputFile, nstreams, manager ); OTF_Writer_setBufferSizes( fcb.writer, buffersize ); OTF_Writer_setCompression( fcb.writer, compression ); } /* Initialize VTF3. */ (void) VTF3_InitTables (); /* Again, how many different record types do exist ? */ nrectypes = VTF3_GetRecTypeArrayDim (); /* Allocate three auxiliary arrays for the record types, the record handler entry point pointers and some data. */ recordtypes = (int *) malloc ((size_t) nrectypes * sizeof (int)); handlers = (VTF3_handler_t *) malloc ((size_t) nrectypes * sizeof (VTF3_handler_t)); firsthandlerargs = (void **) malloc ((size_t) nrectypes * sizeof (void *)); /* Store the record types onto the appropriate array. Pay attention, the caller does not know their ordering scheme. */ (void) VTF3_GetRecTypeArray (recordtypes); /* What follows, this is the final handler table setup. */ if( 0 == fcb.ioonly ) { for (i = 0; i < nrectypes; i++) { if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_CLSTRREGVAL == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleClstrregval; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_COMMENT == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleComment; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_CPUREGVAL == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleCpuregval; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_DEFACT == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleDefact; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_DEFACT_OBSOL == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleDefact_obsol; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_DEFCLKPERIOD == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleDefclkperiod; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_DEFCLSTR == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleDefclstr; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_DEFCLSTRREG == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleDefclstrreg; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_DEFCLSTRREGCLASS == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleDefclstrregclass; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_DEFCOMMUNICATOR == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleDefcommunicator; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_DEFCPUGRP == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleDefcpugrp; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_DEFCPUNAME == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleDefcpuname; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_DEFCPUREG == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleDefcpureg; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_DEFCPUREGCLASS == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleDefcpuregclass; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } /* if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_DEFCREATOR == recordtypes[i] ) { */ /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ /* handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleDefcreator; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } */ if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_DEFGLOBALOP == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleDefglobalop; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_DEFIOFILE == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleDefiofile; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_DEFKPARREG == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleDefkparreg; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_DEFMSGNAME == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleDefmsgname; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_DEFOPENMPNAME == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleDefopenmpname; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_DEFOPENMPTYPE == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleDefopenmptype; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_DEFPATTERN == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleDefpattern; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_DEFPATTERNSHAPE == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleDefpatternshape; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_DEFREDFUNC_OBSOL == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleDefredfunc_obsol; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_DEFSAMP == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleDefsamp; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_DEFSAMPCLASS == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleDefsampclass; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_DEFSCL == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleDefscl; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_DEFSCLFILE == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleDefsclfile; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_DEFSTATE == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleDefstate; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_DEFSTATE_OBSOL == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleDefstate_obsol; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_DEFSYSCPUNAMES == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleDefsyscpunames; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_DEFSYSCPUNUMS == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleDefsyscpunums; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_DEFTHREADNUMS == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleDefthreadnums; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_DEFTIMEOFFSET == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleDeftimeoffset; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_DEFUNMERGED == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleDefunmerged; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } /* if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_DEFVERSION == recordtypes[i] ) { */ /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ /* handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleDefversion; firsthandlerargs[i] = writer; continue; } */ if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_DOWNTO == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleDownto; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_EXCHANGE == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleExchange; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_EXCHANGE_OBSOL == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleExchange_obsol; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_FILEIOBEGIN == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleFileiobegin; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_FILEIOEND == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleFileioend; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_GLOBALOP == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleGlobalop; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_KPARREGBARSUM == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleKparregbarsum; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_KPARREGBEGIN == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleKparregbegin; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_KPARREGEND == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleKparregend; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_MUTEXACQUIRE == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleMutexacquire; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_MUTEXRELEASE == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleMutexrelease; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_OPENMPENTER == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleOpenmpenter; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_OPENMPLEAVE == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleOpenmpleave; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_PATTERN == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handlePattern; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_RECVMSG == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleRecvmsg; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_SAMP == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleSamp; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_SENDMSG == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleSendmsg; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_SRCINFO_OBSOL == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleSrcinfo_obsol; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_UNRECOGNIZABLE == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleUnrecognizable; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_UPFROM == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleUpfrom; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_UPTO == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleUpto; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } } } else { /* 1 == fcb.ioonly */ for (i = 0; i < nrectypes; i++) { if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_DEFSYSCPUNUMS == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleDefsyscpunums; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_DEFTHREADNUMS == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleDefthreadnums; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_FILEIOBEGIN == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleFileiobegin; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } if ( VTF3_RECTYPE_FILEIOEND == recordtypes[i] ) { /* Replace the predefined copy handler by our own one, do not forget to redirect the first argument, too. */ handlers[i] = (VTF3_handler_t) handleFileioend; firsthandlerargs[i] = &fcb; continue; } } } /* Open the input device */ fcbin = VTF3_OpenFileInput ( inputFile, handlers, firsthandlerargs, 0); /* Free the auxiliary arrays. */ (void) free (firsthandlerargs); (void) free (handlers); (void) free (recordtypes); if ( NULL == fcbin ) { fprintf( stderr, "cannot open input file '%s'\n", inputFile ); exit( 1 ); } /* Now push the operation to portion-wise process the input file contents. */ if( 0 == fcb.ioonly ) { OTF_Writer_writeDefCreator( fcb.writer, 0, VTF32OTFCREATOR ); /* generate a standardfile group - vampir needs a filegroup(communicator) group 0 would be invalid */ OTF_Writer_writeDefFileGroup( fcb.writer, 0, 1, "Default" ); } do { bytesread = VTF3_ReadFileInputLtdBytes (fcbin, 50000); } while (bytesread != 0); if ( NULL == fcb.processes ) { fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: Missing NCPU record\n" ); exit(1); } /* create defprocess records with thread hierarchie */ if( 0 == fcb.ioonly ) { for( i = 0; i < fcb.processcount; i++ ) { OTF_Writer_writeDefProcess( fcb.writer, 0, i + 1, fcb.processes[i][0].name, 0); for( a = 1; a < fcb.threadnums[i]; ++a ) { OTF_Writer_writeDefProcess( fcb.writer, 0, (i + 1) + (a << 16), fcb.processes[i][a].name, i + 1); } } } /* create defprocessgroup records */ for( i= 0;i < (int)fcb.processgroupcount; ++i ) { if( 0 == fcb.ioonly ) { OTF_Writer_writeDefProcessGroup( fcb.writer, 0 /* uint32_t stream */, fcb.processgroups[i].id /* uint32_t procGroup */, fcb.processgroups[i].name /* const char* name */, fcb.processgroups[i].size /* uint32_t numberOfProcs */, fcb.processgroups[i].procs /* const uint32_t* procs */ ); } free( fcb.processgroups[i].procs ); free( fcb.processgroups[i].name ); } free( fcb.processgroups ); /* free process-array */ for( i = 0; i < fcb.processcount; ++i ) { for( a = 0; a < fcb.threadnums[i]; ++a ) { writeFileIOBuffer( i + (a<<16)/*cpuid*/, &fcb.processes[i][a], fcb.outputFile ); /* delete iofiles */ if( 0 == fcb.ioonly ) { sprintf( iofile, "%s.%i.io", fcb.outputFile, i + (a<<16) ); unlink( iofile ); } Stack_delete( fcb.processes[i][a].stack ); if ( 0 != fcb.processes[i][a].name ) { free( fcb.processes[i][a].name ); } } free( fcb.processes[i] ); } free( fcb.processes ); /* Close all devices. */ (void) VTF3_Close (fcbin); if( 0 == fcb.ioonly ) { OTF_Writer_close( fcb.writer ); OTF_FileManager_close( manager ); } closeHash( fcb.pghash ); free( fcb.outputFile ); return 0; }