int MainCanvas::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a) { _id = QMainWindow::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a); if (_id < 0) return _id; if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) { switch (_id) { case 0: tinChanged(); break; case 1: hfpChanged(); break; case 2: numclustersChanged((*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 3: open(); break; case 4: save_model(); break; case 5: save_scene(); break; case 6: closeMesh(); break; case 7: properties(); break; case 8: runhfp(); break; case 9: shuffleColors(); break; case 10: increaseNumClusters(); break; case 11: decreaseNumClusters(); break; case 12: showAllClusters(); break; case 13: showOneCluster(); break; case 14: about(); break; case 15: setSceneGraph(); break; case 16: checkNoTIN(); break; case 17: checkHFPStatus(); break; case 18: updateMatIndexes(); break; case 19: setNumClusters((*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 20: setNumClusters(); break; default: ; } _id -= 21; } return _id; }
void ColladaSerializer::ColladaExporter::ColladaGeometries::write(const std::string mesh_id, const std::string& default_material_name, const std::vector<double>& positions, const std::vector<double>& normals, const std::vector<int>& indices, const std::vector<int> material_ids, const std::vector<IfcGeom::Material>& materials) { // The goal of the IfcGeom::Iterator is to filter out empty geometries, but // since this function would crash trying to deference the material_ids in // that case, a hard return statement is added just in case. if (indices.empty()) return; openMesh(mesh_id); // The normals vector can be empty for example when the WELD_VERTICES setting is used. // IfcOpenShell does not provide them with multiple face normals collapsed into a single vertex. const bool has_normals = !normals.empty(); addFloatSource(mesh_id, COLLADASW::LibraryGeometries::POSITIONS_SOURCE_ID_SUFFIX, positions); if (has_normals) { addFloatSource(mesh_id, COLLADASW::LibraryGeometries::NORMALS_SOURCE_ID_SUFFIX, normals); } COLLADASW::VerticesElement vertices(mSW); vertices.setId(mesh_id + COLLADASW::LibraryGeometries::VERTICES_ID_SUFFIX ); vertices.getInputList().push_back(COLLADASW::Input(COLLADASW::InputSemantic::POSITION, "#" + mesh_id + COLLADASW::LibraryGeometries::POSITIONS_SOURCE_ID_SUFFIX)); vertices.add(); std::vector<int>::const_iterator index_range_start = indices.begin(); std::vector<int>::const_iterator material_it = material_ids.begin(); int previous_material_id = -1; for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator it = indices.begin(); ; it += 3) { const int current_material_id = *(material_it++); const int num_triangles = std::distance(index_range_start, it) / 3; if ((previous_material_id != current_material_id && num_triangles > 0) || (it == indices.end())) { COLLADASW::Triangles triangles(mSW); triangles.setMaterial(materials[previous_material_id].name()); triangles.setCount(num_triangles); int offset = 0; triangles.getInputList().push_back(COLLADASW::Input(COLLADASW::InputSemantic::VERTEX,"#" + mesh_id + COLLADASW::LibraryGeometries::VERTICES_ID_SUFFIX, offset++ ) ); if (has_normals) { triangles.getInputList().push_back(COLLADASW::Input(COLLADASW::InputSemantic::NORMAL,"#" + mesh_id + COLLADASW::LibraryGeometries::NORMALS_SOURCE_ID_SUFFIX, offset++ ) ); } triangles.prepareToAppendValues(); for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator jt = index_range_start; jt != it; ++jt) { const int idx = *jt; if (has_normals) { triangles.appendValues(idx, idx); } else { triangles.appendValues(idx); } } triangles.finish(); index_range_start = it; } previous_material_id = current_material_id; if (it == indices.end()) { break; } } closeMesh(); closeGeometry(); }
void XMLMesh::endElement(const xmlChar *name) { switch (state) { case INSIDE_MESH: if (xmlStrcasecmp(name, (xmlChar *) "mesh") == 0) { closeMesh(); state = DONE; } break; case INSIDE_VERTICES: if (xmlStrcasecmp(name, (xmlChar *) "vertices") == 0) state = INSIDE_MESH; break; case INSIDE_CELLS: if (xmlStrcasecmp(name, (xmlChar *) "cells") == 0) state = INSIDE_MESH; break; default: break; } };
void GeometryExporter::operator()(Object *ob) { // XXX don't use DerivedMesh, Mesh instead? #if 0 DerivedMesh *dm = mesh_get_derived_final(mScene, ob, CD_MASK_BAREMESH); #endif Mesh *me = (Mesh*)ob->data; std::string geom_id = get_geometry_id(ob); std::string geom_name = id_name(ob->data); std::vector<Normal> nor; std::vector<Face> norind; // Skip if linked geometry was already exported from another reference if (exportedGeometry.find(geom_id) != exportedGeometry.end()) return; exportedGeometry.insert(geom_id); bool has_color = (bool)CustomData_has_layer(&me->fdata, CD_MCOL); create_normals(nor, norind, me); // openMesh(geoId, geoName, meshId) openMesh(geom_id, geom_name); // writes <source> for vertex coords createVertsSource(geom_id, me); // writes <source> for normal coords createNormalsSource(geom_id, me, nor); bool has_uvs = (bool)CustomData_has_layer(&me->fdata, CD_MTFACE); // writes <source> for uv coords if mesh has uv coords if (has_uvs) createTexcoordsSource(geom_id, me); if (has_color) createVertexColorSource(geom_id, me); // <vertices> COLLADASW::Vertices verts(mSW); verts.setId(getIdBySemantics(geom_id, COLLADASW::InputSemantic::VERTEX)); COLLADASW::InputList &input_list = verts.getInputList(); COLLADASW::Input input(COLLADASW::InputSemantic::POSITION, getUrlBySemantics(geom_id, COLLADASW::InputSemantic::POSITION)); input_list.push_back(input); verts.add(); // XXX slow if (ob->totcol) { for(int a = 0; a < ob->totcol; a++) { createPolylist(a, has_uvs, has_color, ob, geom_id, norind); } } else { createPolylist(0, has_uvs, has_color, ob, geom_id, norind); } closeMesh(); if (me->flag & ME_TWOSIDED) { mSW->appendTextBlock("<extra><technique profile=\"MAYA\"><double_sided>1</double_sided></technique></extra>"); } closeGeometry(); #if 0 dm->release(dm); #endif }
void ColladaSerializer::ColladaExporter::ColladaGeometries::write(const std::string mesh_id, const std::string& default_material_name, const std::vector<double>& positions, const std::vector<double>& normals, const std::vector<int>& faces, const std::vector<int>& edges, const std::vector<int> material_ids, const std::vector<IfcGeom::Material>& materials) { openMesh(mesh_id); // The normals vector can be empty for example when the WELD_VERTICES setting is used. // IfcOpenShell does not provide them with multiple face normals collapsed into a single vertex. const bool has_normals = !normals.empty(); addFloatSource(mesh_id, COLLADASW::LibraryGeometries::POSITIONS_SOURCE_ID_SUFFIX, positions); if (has_normals) { addFloatSource(mesh_id, COLLADASW::LibraryGeometries::NORMALS_SOURCE_ID_SUFFIX, normals); } COLLADASW::VerticesElement vertices(mSW); vertices.setId(mesh_id + COLLADASW::LibraryGeometries::VERTICES_ID_SUFFIX ); vertices.getInputList().push_back(COLLADASW::Input(COLLADASW::InputSemantic::POSITION, "#" + mesh_id + COLLADASW::LibraryGeometries::POSITIONS_SOURCE_ID_SUFFIX)); vertices.add(); std::vector<int>::const_iterator index_range_start = faces.begin(); std::vector<int>::const_iterator material_it = material_ids.begin(); int previous_material_id = -1; for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator it = faces.begin(); !faces.empty(); it += 3) { const int current_material_id = *(material_it++); const unsigned long num_triangles = (unsigned long)std::distance(index_range_start, it) / 3; if ((previous_material_id != current_material_id && num_triangles > 0) || (it == faces.end())) { COLLADASW::Triangles triangles(mSW); triangles.setMaterial(materials[previous_material_id].name()); triangles.setCount(num_triangles); int offset = 0; triangles.getInputList().push_back(COLLADASW::Input(COLLADASW::InputSemantic::VERTEX,"#" + mesh_id + COLLADASW::LibraryGeometries::VERTICES_ID_SUFFIX, offset++ ) ); if (has_normals) { triangles.getInputList().push_back(COLLADASW::Input(COLLADASW::InputSemantic::NORMAL,"#" + mesh_id + COLLADASW::LibraryGeometries::NORMALS_SOURCE_ID_SUFFIX, offset++ ) ); } triangles.prepareToAppendValues(); for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator jt = index_range_start; jt != it; ++jt) { const int idx = *jt; if (has_normals) { triangles.appendValues(idx, idx); } else { triangles.appendValues(idx); } } triangles.finish(); index_range_start = it; } previous_material_id = current_material_id; if (it == faces.end()) { break; } } std::set<int> faces_set (faces.begin(), faces.end()); typedef std::vector< std::pair<int, std::vector<unsigned long> > > linelist_t; linelist_t linelist; int num_lines = 0; for ( std::vector<int>::const_iterator it = edges.begin(); it != edges.end(); ++num_lines) { const int i1 = *(it++); const int i2 = *(it++); if (faces_set.find(i1) != faces_set.end() || faces_set.find(i2) != faces_set.end()) { continue; } const int current_material_id = *(material_it++); if ((previous_material_id != current_material_id) || (num_lines == 0)) { linelist.resize(linelist.size() + 1); } linelist.rbegin()->second.push_back(i1); linelist.rbegin()->second.push_back(i2); } for (linelist_t::const_iterator it = linelist.begin(); it != linelist.end(); ++it) { COLLADASW::Lines lines(mSW); lines.setMaterial(materials[it->first].name()); lines.setCount((unsigned long)it->second.size()); int offset = 0; lines.getInputList().push_back(COLLADASW::Input(COLLADASW::InputSemantic::VERTEX, "#" + mesh_id + COLLADASW::LibraryGeometries::VERTICES_ID_SUFFIX, 0)); lines.prepareToAppendValues(); lines.appendValues(it->second); lines.finish(); } closeMesh(); closeGeometry(); }
void GeometryExporter::operator()(Object *ob) { // XXX don't use DerivedMesh, Mesh instead? #if 0 DerivedMesh *dm = mesh_get_derived_final(mScene, ob, CD_MASK_BAREMESH); #endif bool use_instantiation = this->export_settings->use_object_instantiation; Mesh *me = bc_get_mesh_copy( mScene, ob, this->export_settings->export_mesh_type, this->export_settings->apply_modifiers, this->export_settings->triangulate); Mesh *mesh = (Mesh *) ob->data; me->flag = mesh->flag; std::string geom_id = get_geometry_id(ob, use_instantiation); std::vector<Normal> nor; std::vector<BCPolygonNormalsIndices> norind; // Skip if linked geometry was already exported from another reference if (use_instantiation && exportedGeometry.find(geom_id) != exportedGeometry.end()) { return; } std::string geom_name = (use_instantiation) ? id_name(ob->data) : id_name(ob); exportedGeometry.insert(geom_id); bool has_color = (bool)CustomData_has_layer(&me->fdata, CD_MCOL); create_normals(nor, norind, me); // openMesh(geoId, geoName, meshId) openMesh(geom_id, geom_name); // writes <source> for vertex coords createVertsSource(geom_id, me); // writes <source> for normal coords createNormalsSource(geom_id, me, nor); bool has_uvs = (bool)CustomData_has_layer(&me->fdata, CD_MTFACE); // writes <source> for uv coords if mesh has uv coords if (has_uvs) { createTexcoordsSource(geom_id, me); } if (has_color) { createVertexColorSource(geom_id, me); } // <vertices> COLLADASW::Vertices verts(mSW); verts.setId(getIdBySemantics(geom_id, COLLADASW::InputSemantic::VERTEX)); COLLADASW::InputList &input_list = verts.getInputList(); COLLADASW::Input input(COLLADASW::InputSemantic::POSITION, getUrlBySemantics(geom_id, COLLADASW::InputSemantic::POSITION)); input_list.push_back(input); verts.add(); createLooseEdgeList(ob, me, geom_id); // Only create Polylists if number of faces > 0 if (me->totface > 0) { // XXX slow if (ob->totcol) { for (int a = 0; a < ob->totcol; a++) { createPolylist(a, has_uvs, has_color, ob, me, geom_id, norind); } } else { createPolylist(0, has_uvs, has_color, ob, me, geom_id, norind); } } closeMesh(); if (me->flag & ME_TWOSIDED) { mSW->appendTextBlock("<extra><technique profile=\"MAYA\"><double_sided>1</double_sided></technique></extra>"); } closeGeometry(); if (this->export_settings->include_shapekeys) { Key * key = BKE_key_from_object(ob); if (key) { KeyBlock * kb = (KeyBlock *)key->block.first; //skip the basis kb = kb->next; for (; kb; kb = kb->next) { BKE_keyblock_convert_to_mesh(kb, me); export_key_mesh(ob, me, kb); } } } BKE_libblock_free_us(G.main, me); }
void GeometryExporter::export_key_mesh(Object *ob, Mesh *me, KeyBlock *kb) { std::string geom_id = get_geometry_id(ob, false) + "_morph_" + translate_id(kb->name); std::vector<Normal> nor; std::vector<BCPolygonNormalsIndices> norind; if (exportedGeometry.find(geom_id) != exportedGeometry.end()) { return; } std::string geom_name = kb->name; exportedGeometry.insert(geom_id); bool has_color = (bool)CustomData_has_layer(&me->fdata, CD_MCOL); create_normals(nor, norind, me); // openMesh(geoId, geoName, meshId) openMesh(geom_id, geom_name); // writes <source> for vertex coords createVertsSource(geom_id, me); // writes <source> for normal coords createNormalsSource(geom_id, me, nor); bool has_uvs = (bool)CustomData_has_layer(&me->fdata, CD_MTFACE); // writes <source> for uv coords if mesh has uv coords if (has_uvs) { createTexcoordsSource(geom_id, me); } if (has_color) { createVertexColorSource(geom_id, me); } // <vertices> COLLADASW::Vertices verts(mSW); verts.setId(getIdBySemantics(geom_id, COLLADASW::InputSemantic::VERTEX)); COLLADASW::InputList &input_list = verts.getInputList(); COLLADASW::Input input(COLLADASW::InputSemantic::POSITION, getUrlBySemantics(geom_id, COLLADASW::InputSemantic::POSITION)); input_list.push_back(input); verts.add(); //createLooseEdgeList(ob, me, geom_id, norind); // XXX slow if (ob->totcol) { for (int a = 0; a < ob->totcol; a++) { createPolylist(a, has_uvs, has_color, ob, me, geom_id, norind); } } else { createPolylist(0, has_uvs, has_color, ob, me, geom_id, norind); } closeMesh(); if (me->flag & ME_TWOSIDED) { mSW->appendTextBlock("<extra><technique profile=\"MAYA\"><double_sided>1</double_sided></technique></extra>"); } closeGeometry(); }