unsigned CollisionDetector::boxAndSphere(
    const CollisionBox &box,
    const CollisionSphere &sphere,
    CollisionData *data
    // Transform the centre of the sphere into box coordinates
    Vector3 centre = sphere.getAxis(3);
    Vector3 relCentre = box.transform.transformInverse(centre);

    // Early out check to see if we can exclude the contact
    if (real_abs(relCentre.x) - sphere.radius > box.halfSize.x ||
        real_abs(relCentre.y) - sphere.radius > box.halfSize.y ||
        real_abs(relCentre.z) - sphere.radius > box.halfSize.z)
        return 0;

    Vector3 closestPt(0,0,0);
    real dist;

    // Clamp each coordinate to the box.
    dist = relCentre.x;
    if (dist > box.halfSize.x) dist = box.halfSize.x;
    if (dist < -box.halfSize.x) dist = -box.halfSize.x;
    closestPt.x = dist;

    dist = relCentre.y;
    if (dist > box.halfSize.y) dist = box.halfSize.y;
    if (dist < -box.halfSize.y) dist = -box.halfSize.y;
    closestPt.y = dist;

    dist = relCentre.z;
    if (dist > box.halfSize.z) dist = box.halfSize.z;
    if (dist < -box.halfSize.z) dist = -box.halfSize.z;
    closestPt.z = dist;

    // Check we're in contact
    dist = (closestPt - relCentre).squareMagnitude();
    if (dist > sphere.radius * sphere.radius) return 0;

    // Compile the contact
    Vector3 closestPtWorld = box.transform.transform(closestPt);

    Contact* contact = data->contacts;
    contact->contactNormal = (closestPtWorld - centre);
    contact->contactPoint = closestPtWorld;
    contact->penetration = sphere.radius - real_sqrt(dist);
    contact->setBodyData(box.body, sphere.body,
        data->friction, data->restitution);

    return 1;
Exemple #2
unsigned jfCollisionDetector_x86::boxAndSphere(const jfCollisionBox& box,
												const jfCollisionSphere& sphere,
												jfCollisionData* data
												) const
	// Transform the centre of the sphere into box coordinates
	jfMatrix4_x86 boxTransformMatrix;
    jfVector3_x86 relCentre;
    jfVector3_x86 centre;
    jfVector3_x86 boxHalfSize;

    sphere.getAxisVector(3, &centre);

//    cout<<"Printing centre"<<centre<< endl;


	//cout <<"Printing boxTransformMatrix" << boxTransformMatrix << endl;

	boxTransformMatrix.transformInverse(centre, &relCentre);


    cout<<"boxTransformMatrix is :"<<boxTransformMatrix<<endl;
    cout<<"boxHalfSize is :"<<boxHalfSize<<endl;
    cout<<"sphere.getRadius() :"<<sphere.getRadius()<<endl;
    jfVector3_x86 sphereCentre, boxPos;
    cout<<"Printing boxPos"<<boxPos<<endl;
    cout<<"Printing centre"<<sphereCentre<<endl;
    cout<<"Printing relCentre"<<relCentre<<endl;

    // Early out check to see if we can exclude the contact
	// Principle of Seperating Axis
	// @ref Millington p.283
    if (((jfRealAbs(relCentre.getX()) - sphere.getRadius()) > boxHalfSize.getX()) ||
			((jfRealAbs(relCentre.getY()) - sphere.getRadius()) > boxHalfSize.getY()) ||
			((jfRealAbs(relCentre.getZ()) - sphere.getRadius()) > boxHalfSize.getZ()))
        cout<<"DEBUG: Early out"<<endl;
        return 0;

    jfVector3_x86 closestPt(0,0,0);
    jfReal dist;

    // Clamp each coordinate to the box.
    dist = relCentre.getX();
    if (dist > boxHalfSize.getX())
		dist = boxHalfSize.getX();
	if (dist < -boxHalfSize.getX())
		dist = -boxHalfSize.getX();

    dist = relCentre.getY();
    if (dist > boxHalfSize.getY())
		dist = boxHalfSize.getY();
    if (dist < -boxHalfSize.getY())
		dist = -boxHalfSize.getY();

    dist = relCentre.getZ();
    if (dist > boxHalfSize.getZ())
		dist = boxHalfSize.getZ();
	if (dist < -boxHalfSize.getZ())
		dist = -boxHalfSize.getZ();

    cout <<"closestPt is :"<<closestPt<<endl;

    // Check we're in contact
    jfVector3_x86 closestPtMinusRelCentre;
    closestPt.subtract(relCentre, &closestPtMinusRelCentre);
    dist = closestPtMinusRelCentre.squareMagnitude();
    if (dist > (sphere.getRadius() * sphere.getRadius()))
		return 0;

    //cout <<"Sphere radius : "<<sphere.getRadius()<<endl;
    //cout <<"dist : "<<dist<<endl;

    // Compile the contact
    jfVector3_x86 closestPtWorld;
    jfContact_x86 contact;
    jfVector3_x86 contactNormal;

	boxTransformMatrix.transform(closestPt, &closestPtWorld);
    cout <<"closestPtWorld is :"<<closestPtWorld<<endl;
	closestPtWorld.subtract(centre, &contactNormal);
    contact.setPenetration(sphere.getRadius() - jfRealSqrt(dist));
    contact.setBodyData(box.getBody(), sphere.getBody(), data->getFriction(), data->getRestitution());

    return 1;