Exemple #1
 * This sends the new list of names to the properties database.  Note it ignores
 * items that have been tagged for deletion.
static void
blist_write_list(Browselist *bl, Props *p) {
	int		i, len = 0;
	char		*buf;
	BlistData	*bd;

	 * First pass, count the number of bytes we're going to need
	for (i = 1; i <= bl->blist_data->count; i++) {
		bd = (BlistData *)CmDataListGetData(bl->blist_data, i);
		if (bd && bd->name && bd->tag != BLIST_DELETE)
			len += cm_strlen(bd->name) + 2; /* one for spacing */
	if (len <= 0)

	 * We have names, so build the string, making sure to exclude items
	 * tagged for delete.
	buf = (char *)ckalloc(len);
	memset(buf, '\0', len);
	for (i = 1; i <= bl->blist_data->count; i++) {
		bd = (BlistData *)CmDataListGetData(bl->blist_data, i);
		if (bd && bd->name && bd->tag != BLIST_DELETE) {
			cm_strcat(buf, bd->name);
			cm_strcat(buf, " ");
			bd->tag = BLIST_ACTIVE;
        set_char_prop(p, CP_DAYCALLIST, buf);
Exemple #2
extern void
format_abbrev_appt(Dtcm_appointment *appt, char *b, Boolean show_am,
		   DisplayType display)
        int hr, mn;
	Tick tick;
        Lines *lines=NULL;
        Boolean am = True;
	struct tm *tm;
	_Xltimeparams localtime_buf;
        if(appt==NULL || b==NULL) return;
	_csa_iso8601_to_tick(appt->time->value->item.string_value, &tick);
        tm = _XLocaltime(&tick, localtime_buf);
        hr = tm->tm_hour;
        mn = tm->tm_min;
        if (showtime_set(appt) && !magic_time(tick)) {
		if (display == HOUR12) {
			am = adjust_hour(&hr);
                	if (show_am)
                        	sprintf(b, "%2d:%02d%s ", hr, mn, am ? 
						"a" : "p");
				sprintf(b, "%2d:%02d ", hr, mn);
			sprintf(b, "%02d%02d ", hr, mn);
        lines = text_to_lines(appt->what->value->item.string_value, 1);
        if (lines != NULL && lines->s != NULL) {
                (void) cm_strcat(b, lines->s);
Exemple #3
/* The following routine is specific to using FMapType 3 composite fonts
 * in postscript.  Kanji, Asian specific?
char *
euc_to_octal(char *srcStr)
	int inKanji = FALSE;
	char buf[64];
	static char dstStr[512];
	int i;
	int len = cm_strlen(srcStr);

#ifdef SVR4
	memset(dstStr, 0, sizeof(dstStr));
	bzero(dstStr, sizeof(dstStr));
#endif /* SVR4 */
	for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
		if (inKanji) {
			if (!isEUC(srcStr[i])) {
				inKanji = FALSE;
				/* NOT NEEDED FOR FMapType 4 (or 5)
				cm_strcat(dstStr, "\\377\\000");
		else {
			if (isEUC(srcStr[i])) {
				inKanji = TRUE;
				/* NOT NEEDED FOR FMapType 4 (or 5)
				cm_strcat(dstStr, "\\377\\001");
		if (inKanji) {
			sprintf(buf, "\\%3.3o\\%3.3o", srcStr[i] & 0xff, srcStr[i+1] & 0xff);
		else {
			sprintf(buf, "%c", srcStr[i]);
		cm_strcat(dstStr, buf);
	return dstStr;
Exemple #4
 *  Format 2 lines of appt data
extern void
format_maxchars(Dtcm_appointment *appt, char *buf1, int maxchars,
		DisplayType display) {
        Tick    tick, end_tick = 0;
        int     hour1, min1, hour2, min2;
        Lines   *lines;
        char    *s1, *s2;
	struct tm *tm;
	_Xltimeparams localtime_buf;
	_csa_iso8601_to_tick(appt->time->value->item.string_value, &tick);
	if (appt->end_time)
        *buf1 = NULL;
        if (appt == NULL || appt->what->value->item.string_value == NULL) return;
        tm = _XLocaltime(&tick, localtime_buf);
        hour1 = tm->tm_hour;
        min1  = tm->tm_min;
	if (showtime_set(appt) && !magic_time(tick)) {
        	s1 = s2 = "am";
		if (display == HOUR12 && !adjust_hour(&hour1))

		if (end_tick) {
			hour2 = hour(end_tick);
			if (display == HOUR12 && !adjust_hour(&hour2))
			min2 = minute(end_tick);

		if (end_tick == 0 || hour1 == hour2 && min1 == min2) {
			if (display == HOUR24) 
				sprintf(buf1, "%02d%02d  ", hour1, min1);
				sprintf(buf1, "%d:%.2d%s  ", hour1, min1, s1);
		else {
			if (display == HOUR12)
				sprintf(buf1, "%d:%.2d%s-%d:%.2d%s  ", 
					hour1, min1, s1, hour2, min2, s2);
				sprintf(buf1, "%02d%02d-%02d%02d  ", 
					hour1, min1, hour2, min2);
        lines = (Lines *) text_to_lines(appt->what->value->item.string_value, 10);
	while (lines != NULL) {
		if ((cm_strlen(buf1) + cm_strlen(lines->s)) < (maxchars-2)) {
                	cm_strcat(buf1, lines->s);
			lines = lines->next;
			if (lines != NULL) 
                		cm_strcat(buf1, " - ");
		else {
			strncat(buf1, lines->s, (maxchars - cm_strlen(buf1)-1));
Exemple #5
 *  Format 1 line of appt data.  Returns True if begin hour is < 10 - thus
 *  padding needs to be done.
extern Boolean
format_line(Tick tick,
    char *what, 
    char *buf, 
    int end_tick, 
    Boolean showtime,
    DisplayType display)
        int hr, hr1, mn, mn1;
        Boolean am=True;
        Boolean am_end=True;
	struct tm *tm;
	Boolean	pad = FALSE;
	_Xltimeparams localtime_buf;

        if (buf==NULL) return pad;
	tm = _XLocaltime(&tick, localtime_buf);
        hr = tm->tm_hour;
        mn = tm->tm_min;
        if (showtime && !magic_time(tick)) {
		if (display == HOUR12)
			am = adjust_hour(&hr);
                if (end_tick && end_tick != tick) {
                        hr1 = hour(end_tick);
                        mn1 = minute(end_tick);
			if (display == HOUR12) {
				am_end = adjust_hour(&hr1);
				if (am_end != am) {
                        		(void) sprintf(buf, "%d:%.2d - %d:%.2d%s ", 
							hr, mn,
							hr1, mn1, am_end ? "am" : "pm");
				} else {
                        		(void) sprintf(buf, "%d:%.2d - %d:%.2d ", 
							hr, mn, hr1, mn1);
				if (hr < 10) pad = TRUE;
                        	(void) sprintf(buf, "%02d%02d - %02d%02d ", 
						hr, mn, hr1, mn1);
                else {
                	/* Check to see if there are 2 digits in
                   	in initial time format. If so, pad with
                   	1 space; if not 2.  The font is not fixed
                   	width, so I have to line it up myself.. */
			if (display == HOUR12) {
                        	if (hr > 9)
                               		(char *)sprintf(buf, "%2d:%.2d%s ", 
							hr, mn, am ? "a" : "p");
                        	else {
                               		(char *)sprintf(buf, "%d:%.2d%s ", 
							hr, mn, am ? "a" : "p");
					pad = TRUE;
				 (char *)sprintf(buf, "%02d%02d ", hr, mn);
	if (what)
		(void) cm_strcat(buf, what);

	return pad;
Exemple #6
static void
paint_dayview_appts(Calendar *c, Paint_cache *cache, int a_total, void *rect)
	int w = c->view->boxw;
	int h = c->view->boxh;
	int begin_time, end_time;
	int x, x2, y, y2, num_hrs, i, last_hr, hr, x_off;
	Cal_Font *pf = c->fonts->boldfont;
	Cal_Font *pf2 = c->fonts->viewfont;
	XFontSetExtents fontextents;
	XFontSetExtents fontextents2;
	Props *p = (Props*)c->properties;
	Boolean am = True;
	char buf[5], *appt_str;
	int pfy, curr_line, maxlines;
	Lines *lines = NULL, *headlines = NULL;
	DisplayType disp_t;
	Colormap cmap;
	Pixel fg;
	Tick start_tick, end_tick;
	int	nop, hrbox_margin;

	CalFontExtents(pf, &fontextents);
	CalFontExtents(pf2, &fontextents2);

	XtVaGetValues(c->canvas, XmNcolormap, &cmap, XmNforeground, &fg, NULL);

	/* draw horizontal lines */
	begin_time = get_int_prop(p, CP_DAYBEGIN);
	end_time = get_int_prop(p, CP_DAYEND);
	disp_t = get_int_prop(p, CP_DEFAULTDISP);
	num_hrs = end_time - begin_time + 1;

	if (disp_t == HOUR12)
		CalTextExtents(pf, "12pm", 4, &nop, &nop, &hrbox_margin, &nop);
		CalTextExtents(pf, "24 ", 3, &nop, &nop, &hrbox_margin, &nop);

	x2 = x + w;
	y = c->view->topoffset;
	for (i = 0; i <= num_hrs; i++) {
		gr_draw_line(c->xcontext, x, y, x2, y, gr_solid, rect);
		y += h;
	/* draw vertical line */
	y = c->view->topoffset;
	y2 = y + num_hrs * h;
	x += hrbox_margin;
	gr_draw_line(c->xcontext, x, y, x, y2, gr_solid, rect);

	y += h/2+4;

	/* draw in hours */
	for (i = begin_time - 1; i < end_time; i++) {
		hr = i;
		if (i < begin_time)
			(void) sprintf(buf, "");
		else if (disp_t == HOUR12) {
			am = adjust_hour(&hr);
			(void) sprintf(buf, "%d%s", hr, am ? "a" : "p");
			(void) sprintf(buf, "%02d", hr);
		x_off = gr_center(hrbox_margin, buf, pf); 

/* REVISIT: unclear why we're still distinguishing between gr_text[_rgb]
		if (c->xcontext->screen_depth >= 8) 
			gr_text_rgb(c->xcontext, x+x_off, y, pf,
				buf, fg, cmap, rect);
			gr_text(c->xcontext, x+x_off, y, pf, buf, rect);

		y += h;

	/* draw in appointments */

	x = MOBOX_AREA_WIDTH + hrbox_margin + 6;
	pfy = fontextents2.max_logical_extent.height;

	maxlines = (h - 6) / pfy;
	curr_line = last_hr = 0;

	/* loop thru, getting out the "no time" appointments */

        for (i = 0; i < a_total; i++) {
		if (i != a_total)
			last_hr = hr;
		hr = begin_time;
		if (cache[i].show_time == 0) {
			if (last_hr != hr) curr_line = 0;
			y = c->view->topoffset + 2 + pfy;
			if (curr_line < maxlines) {
				y += (curr_line * pfy) + h * (hr - begin_time);
				headlines = lines = text_to_lines(cache[i].summary, 4);

				start_tick = cache[i].start_time;
				end_tick = cache[i].end_time;
				if (lines != NULL && lines->s != NULL) { 
					appt_str = ckalloc(cm_strlen(lines->s)+18);
					format_line(start_tick, lines->s, 
						appt_str, end_tick, 
						cache[i].show_time, disp_t);
					lines = lines->next;
				else {
					appt_str = ckalloc(15);
					format_line(start_tick, (char*)NULL, 
						appt_str, end_tick, 
						cache[i].show_time, disp_t);

/* REVISIT: unclear why we're still distinguishing between gr_text[_rgb]
				if (c->xcontext->screen_depth >= 8) 
					gr_text_rgb(c->xcontext, x, y,
					   pf2, appt_str, fg, cmap, rect);
					gr_text(c->xcontext, x, y,
					   pf2, appt_str, rect);

				free(appt_str); appt_str = NULL;
				if (curr_line < maxlines && lines != NULL) {
				 	appt_str = ckalloc(324);
					cm_strcpy(appt_str, "    ");
					while (lines != NULL) { 
						if (lines->s != NULL) 
							cm_strcat(appt_str, lines->s);
						lines = lines->next;
						if (lines != NULL && lines->s != NULL)
							cm_strcat(appt_str, " - ");
					y += pfy;

/* REVISIT: unclear why we're still distinguishing between gr_text[_rgb]

					if (c->xcontext->screen_depth >= 8) 
						gr_text_rgb(c->xcontext, x, y,
						   pf2, appt_str, fg,
						   cmap, rect);
						gr_text(c->xcontext, x, y,
						   pf2, appt_str, rect);

					free(appt_str); appt_str = NULL;
				destroy_lines(headlines); lines=NULL;

        for (i = 0; i < a_total; i++) {
		if (i != a_total)
			last_hr = hr;

		start_tick = cache[i].start_time;
		end_tick = cache[i].end_time;
		hr = hour(start_tick);
		if (hr >= begin_time && hr < end_time && (cache[i].show_time && !magic_time(start_tick))) {
			if (last_hr != hr) curr_line = 0;
			y = c->view->topoffset + 2 + pfy;
			if (curr_line < maxlines) {
				y += (curr_line * pfy) + h * (hr - begin_time + 1);
				headlines = lines = text_to_lines(cache[i].summary, 4);
				if (lines != NULL && lines->s != NULL) { 
					appt_str = ckalloc(cm_strlen(lines->s)+18);
					format_line(start_tick, lines->s, 
						appt_str, end_tick, 
						cache[i].show_time, disp_t);
					lines = lines->next;
				else {
					appt_str = ckalloc(15);
					format_line(start_tick, (char*)NULL, 
						appt_str, end_tick, 
						cache[i].show_time, disp_t);

/* REVISIT: unclear why we're still distinguishing between gr_text[_rgb]
				if (c->xcontext->screen_depth >= 8) 
					gr_text_rgb(c->xcontext, x, y,
					   pf2, appt_str, fg, cmap, rect);
					gr_text(c->xcontext, x, y,
					   pf2, appt_str, rect);

				free(appt_str); appt_str = NULL;
				if (curr_line < maxlines && lines != NULL) {
				 	appt_str = ckalloc(324);
					cm_strcpy(appt_str, "    ");
					while (lines != NULL) { 
						if (lines->s != NULL) 
							cm_strcat(appt_str, lines->s);
						lines = lines->next;
						if (lines != NULL && lines->s != NULL)
							cm_strcat(appt_str, " - ");
					y += pfy;

/* REVISIT: unclear why we're still distinguishing between gr_text[_rgb]

					if (c->xcontext->screen_depth >= 8) 
						gr_text_rgb(c->xcontext, x, y,
						   pf2, appt_str, fg,
						   cmap, rect);
						gr_text(c->xcontext, x, y,
						   pf2, appt_str, rect);

					free(appt_str); appt_str = NULL;
				destroy_lines(headlines); lines=NULL;