Exemple #1
 * Subscribing code
static int camqp_read_body(camqp_config_t *conf, /* {{{ */
                           size_t body_size, const char *content_type) {
  char body[body_size + 1];
  char *body_ptr;
  size_t received;
  amqp_frame_t frame;
  int status;

  memset(body, 0, sizeof(body));
  body_ptr = &body[0];
  received = 0;

  while (received < body_size) {
    status = amqp_simple_wait_frame(conf->connection, &frame);
    if (status < 0) {
      status = (-1) * status;
      ERROR("amqp plugin: amqp_simple_wait_frame failed: %s", STRERROR(status));
      return status;

    if (frame.frame_type != AMQP_FRAME_BODY) {
      NOTICE("amqp plugin: Unexpected frame type: %#" PRIx8, frame.frame_type);
      return -1;

    if ((body_size - received) < frame.payload.body_fragment.len) {
      WARNING("amqp plugin: Body is larger than indicated by header.");
      return -1;

    memcpy(body_ptr, frame.payload.body_fragment.bytes,
    body_ptr += frame.payload.body_fragment.len;
    received += frame.payload.body_fragment.len;
  } /* while (received < body_size) */

  if (strcasecmp("text/collectd", content_type) == 0) {
    status = cmd_handle_putval(stderr, body);
    if (status != 0)
      ERROR("amqp plugin: cmd_handle_putval failed with status %i.", status);
    return status;
  } else if (strcasecmp("application/json", content_type) == 0) {
    ERROR("amqp plugin: camqp_read_body: Parsing JSON data has not "
          "been implemented yet. FIXME!");
    return 0;
  } else {
    ERROR("amqp plugin: camqp_read_body: Unknown content type \"%s\".",
    return EINVAL;

  /* not reached */
  return 0;
} /* }}} int camqp_read_body */
Exemple #2
static void *us_handle_client (void *arg)
	int fdin;
	int fdout;
	FILE *fhin, *fhout;

	fdin = *((int *) arg);
	free (arg);
	arg = NULL;

	DEBUG ("unixsock plugin: us_handle_client: Reading from fd #%i", fdin);

	fdout = dup (fdin);
	if (fdout < 0)
		char errbuf[1024];
		ERROR ("unixsock plugin: dup failed: %s",
				sstrerror (errno, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf)));
		close (fdin);
		pthread_exit ((void *) 1);

	fhin  = fdopen (fdin, "r");
	if (fhin == NULL)
		char errbuf[1024];
		ERROR ("unixsock plugin: fdopen failed: %s",
				sstrerror (errno, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf)));
		close (fdin);
		close (fdout);
		pthread_exit ((void *) 1);
		return ((void *) 1);

	fhout = fdopen (fdout, "w");
	if (fhout == NULL)
		char errbuf[1024];
		ERROR ("unixsock plugin: fdopen failed: %s",
				sstrerror (errno, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf)));
		fclose (fhin); /* this closes fdin as well */
		close (fdout);
		pthread_exit ((void *) 1);
		return ((void *) 1);

	/* change output buffer to line buffered mode */
	if (setvbuf (fhout, NULL, _IOLBF, 0) != 0)
		char errbuf[1024];
		ERROR ("unixsock plugin: setvbuf failed: %s",
				sstrerror (errno, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf)));
		fclose (fhin);
		fclose (fhout);
		pthread_exit ((void *) 1);
		return ((void *) 0);

	while (42)
		char buffer[1024];
		char buffer_copy[1024];
		char *fields[128];
		int   fields_num;
		int   len;

		errno = 0;
		if (fgets (buffer, sizeof (buffer), fhin) == NULL)
			if ((errno == EINTR) || (errno == EAGAIN))

			if (errno != 0)
				char errbuf[1024];
				WARNING ("unixsock plugin: failed to read from socket #%i: %s",
						fileno (fhin),
						sstrerror (errno, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf)));

		len = strlen (buffer);
		while ((len > 0)
				&& ((buffer[len - 1] == '\n') || (buffer[len - 1] == '\r')))
			buffer[--len] = '\0';

		if (len == 0)

		sstrncpy (buffer_copy, buffer, sizeof (buffer_copy));

		fields_num = strsplit (buffer_copy, fields,
				sizeof (fields) / sizeof (fields[0]));
		if (fields_num < 1)
			fprintf (fhout, "-1 Internal error\n");
			fclose (fhin);
			fclose (fhout);
			pthread_exit ((void *) 1);
			return ((void *) 1);

		if (strcasecmp (fields[0], "getval") == 0)
			cmd_handle_getval (fhout, buffer);
		else if (strcasecmp (fields[0], "getthreshold") == 0)
			handle_getthreshold (fhout, buffer);
		else if (strcasecmp (fields[0], "putval") == 0)
			cmd_handle_putval (fhout, buffer);
		else if (strcasecmp (fields[0], "listval") == 0)
			cmd_handle_listval (fhout, buffer);
		else if (strcasecmp (fields[0], "putnotif") == 0)
			handle_putnotif (fhout, buffer);
		else if (strcasecmp (fields[0], "flush") == 0)
			cmd_handle_flush (fhout, buffer);
			if (fprintf (fhout, "-1 Unknown command: %s\n", fields[0]) < 0)
				char errbuf[1024];
				WARNING ("unixsock plugin: failed to write to socket #%i: %s",
						fileno (fhout),
						sstrerror (errno, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf)));
	} /* while (fgets) */

	DEBUG ("unixsock plugin: us_handle_client: Exiting..");
	fclose (fhin);
	fclose (fhout);

	pthread_exit ((void *) 0);
	return ((void *) 0);
} /* void *us_handle_client */