Exemple #1
int wordTreeCmpWord(const void *va, const void *vb)
/* Compare two wordTree for slSort. */
const struct wordTree *a = *((struct wordTree **)va);
const struct wordTree *b = *((struct wordTree **)vb);
return cmpStringsWithEmbeddedNumbers(a->info->word, b->info->word);
Exemple #2
int hashElCmpWithEmbeddedNumbers(const void *va, const void *vb)
/* Compare two hashEl by name sorting including numbers within name,
 * suitable for chromosomes, genes, etc. */
const struct hashEl *a = *((struct hashEl **)va);
const struct hashEl *b = *((struct hashEl **)vb);
return cmpStringsWithEmbeddedNumbers(a->name, b->name);
int bedCmpChrom(const void *va, const void *vb)
/* Compare strings such as chromosome names that may have embedded numbers,
 * so that chr4 comes before chr14 */
const struct bed *a = *((struct bed **)va);
const struct bed *b = *((struct bed **)vb);
return cmpStringsWithEmbeddedNumbers(a->chrom, b->chrom);
Exemple #4
static int bbiChromInfoCmpStringsWithEmbeddedNumbers(const void *va, const void *vb)
/* Compare strings such as gene names that may have embedded numbers,
 * so that bmp4a comes before bmp14a */
const struct bbiChromInfo *a = *((struct bbiChromInfo **)va);
const struct bbiChromInfo *b = *((struct bbiChromInfo **)vb);
return cmpStringsWithEmbeddedNumbers(a->name, b->name);
Exemple #5
int cmpChrom(char *a, char *b)
/* Compare two chromosomes. */
return cmpStringsWithEmbeddedNumbers(a, b);