NODE *integer_arg(NODE *args) {
    NODE *arg = car(args), *val;
    FIXNUM i;
    FLONUM f;

    val = cnv_node_to_numnode(arg);
    while ((nodetype(val) != INT) && NOT_THROWING) {
	if (nodetype(val) == FLOATT &&
		    fmod((f = getfloat(val)), 1.0) == 0.0 &&

	    i = (FIXNUM)f;

	    val = make_intnode(i);
	setcar(args, err_logo(BAD_DATA, arg));
	arg = car(args);
	val = cnv_node_to_numnode(arg);
    if (nodetype(val) == INT) return(val);
    return UNBOUND;
Exemple #2
NODE *runparse(NODE *ndlist) {
    NODE *curnd = NIL, *outline = NIL, *tnode = NIL, *lastnode = NIL;
    char *str;

    if (nodetype(ndlist) == RUN_PARSE)
		return parsed__runparse(ndlist);
    if (!is_list(ndlist)) {
	    err_logo(BAD_DATA_UNREC, ndlist);
    if (ndlist != NIL && is_word(curnd=car(ndlist)) && getstrlen(curnd) >= 2 &&
	(str=getstrptr(curnd)) && *str++ == '#' && *str == '!')
	    return NIL;	    /* shell-script #! treated as comment line */
    while (ndlist != NIL) {
	curnd = car(ndlist);
	ndlist = cdr(ndlist);
	if (!is_word(curnd))
	    tnode = cons(curnd, NIL);
	else {
	    if (!numberp(curnd))
		tnode = runparse_node(curnd, &ndlist);
		tnode = cons(cnv_node_to_numnode(curnd), NIL);
	if (tnode != NIL) {
	    if (outline == NIL) outline = tnode;
	    else setcdr(lastnode, tnode);
	    lastnode = tnode;
	    while (cdr(lastnode) != NIL) {
		lastnode = cdr(lastnode);
		if (check_throwing) break;
	if (check_throwing) break;
Exemple #3
void set_list_pen_pattern(NODE *arg) {
    NODE *temp;

    temp = cnv_node_to_numnode(car(arg));
    ztc_linepattern = getint(temp);
NODE *lnumberp(NODE *arg) {
    setcar(arg, cnv_node_to_numnode(car(arg)));
    return torf(car(arg) != UNBOUND);
Exemple #5
NODE *runparse_node(NODE *nd, NODE **ndsptr) {
    NODE *outline = NIL, *tnode = NIL, *lastnode = NIL, *snd;
    char *wptr, *tptr;
    struct string_block *whead;
    int wlen, wcnt, tcnt, isnumb, gotdot;
    NODETYPES wtyp;
    BOOLEAN monadic_minus = FALSE;

    if (nd == Minus_Tight) return cons(nd, NIL);
    snd = cnv_node_to_strnode(nd);
    wptr = getstrptr(snd);
    wlen = getstrlen(snd);
    wtyp = nodetype(snd);
    wcnt = 0;
    whead = getstrhead(snd);

    while (wcnt < wlen) {
	if (*wptr == ';') {
	    *ndsptr = NIL;
	if (*wptr == '"') {
	    tcnt = 0;
	    tptr = ++wptr;
	    while (wcnt < wlen && !parens(*wptr)) {
		if (wtyp == BACKSLASH_STRING && getparity(*wptr))
		    wtyp = PUNBOUND;    /* flag for "\( case */
		wptr++, wcnt++, tcnt++;
	    if (wtyp == PUNBOUND) {
		tnode = cons(make_quote(intern(make_strnode(tptr, NULL,
					tcnt, wtyp, noparity_strnzcpy))), NIL);
	    } else
		tnode = cons(make_quote(intern(make_strnode(tptr, whead, tcnt,
				        wtyp, strnzcpy))), NIL);
	} else if (*wptr == ':') {
	    tcnt = 0;
	    tptr = ++wptr;
	    while (wcnt < wlen && !parens(*wptr) && !infixs(*wptr))
		wptr++, wcnt++, tcnt++;
	    tnode = cons(make_colon(intern(make_strnode(tptr, whead, tcnt,
				    wtyp, strnzcpy))), NIL);
	} else if (wcnt == 0 && *wptr == '-' && monadic_minus == FALSE &&
		   wcnt+1 < wlen && !white_space(*(wptr+1))) {
	/* minus sign with space before and no space after is unary */
	    tnode = cons(make_intnode((FIXNUM)0), NIL);
	    monadic_minus = TRUE;
	} else if (parens(*wptr) || infixs(*wptr)) {
	    if (monadic_minus)
		tnode = cons(Minus_Tight, NIL);
	    else if (wcnt+1 < wlen && 
		     ((*wptr == '<' && (*(wptr+1) == '=' || *(wptr+1) == '>'))
		     || (*wptr == '>' && *(wptr+1) == '='))) {
		tnode = cons(intern(make_strnode(wptr, whead, 2,
						 STRING, strnzcpy)), NIL);
		wptr++, wcnt++;
	    } else
		tnode = cons(intern(make_strnode(wptr, whead, 1,
						 STRING, strnzcpy)), NIL);
	    monadic_minus = FALSE;
	    wptr++, wcnt++;
	} else {
	    tcnt = 0;
	    tptr = wptr;
	    /* isnumb 4 means nothing yet;
	     * 0 means digits so far, 1 means just saw
	     * 'e' so minus can be next, 2 means no longer
	     * eligible even if an 'e' comes along */
	    isnumb = 4;
	    gotdot = 0;
	    if (*wptr == '?') {
		isnumb = 3; /* turn ?5 to (? 5) */
		wptr++, wcnt++, tcnt++;
	    while (wcnt < wlen && !parens(*wptr) &&
		   (!infixs(*wptr) || (isnumb == 1 && (*wptr == '-' || *wptr == '+')))) {
		if (isnumb == 4 && isdigit(*wptr)) isnumb = 0;
		if (isnumb == 0 && tcnt > 0 && (*wptr == 'e' || *wptr == 'E'))
		    isnumb = 1;
		else if (!(isdigit(*wptr) || (!gotdot && *wptr == '.')) || isnumb == 1)
		    isnumb = 2;
		if (*wptr == '.') gotdot++;
		wptr++, wcnt++, tcnt++;
	    if (isnumb == 3 && tcnt > 1) {    /* ?5 syntax */
		NODE *qmtnode;

		qmtnode = cons_list(0, Left_Paren, Query,
					(make_strnode(tptr+1, whead,
						      tcnt-1, wtyp, strnzcpy)),
		if (outline == NIL) {
		    outline = qmtnode;
		} else {
		    setcdr(lastnode, qmtnode);
		lastnode = cddr(qmtnode);
		tnode = cons(Right_Paren, NIL);
	    } else if (isnumb < 2 && tcnt > 0) {
		tnode = cons(cnv_node_to_numnode(make_strnode(tptr, whead, tcnt,
							      wtyp, strnzcpy)),
	    } else
		tnode = cons(intern(make_strnode(tptr, whead, tcnt,
						 wtyp, strnzcpy)),

	if (outline == NIL) outline = tnode;
	else setcdr(lastnode, tnode);
	lastnode = tnode;