Exemple #1
static int prv_checkFinished(lwm2m_transaction_t * transacP,
                             coap_packet_t * receivedMessage)
    int len;
    const uint8_t* token;
    coap_packet_t * transactionMessage = transacP->message;

    if (COAP_DELETE < transactionMessage->code)
        // response
        return transacP->ack_received ? 1 : 0;
    if (!IS_OPTION(transactionMessage, COAP_OPTION_TOKEN))
        // request without token
        return transacP->ack_received ? 1 : 0;

    len = coap_get_header_token(receivedMessage, &token);
    if (transactionMessage->token_len == len)
        if (memcmp(transactionMessage->token, token, len)==0) return 1;

    return 0;
Exemple #2
handle_observe_notify(lwm2m_context_t * contextP,
                           void * fromSessionH,
                           coap_packet_t * message,
        				   coap_packet_t * response)
    uint8_t * tokenP;
    int token_len;
    uint16_t clientID;
    uint16_t obsID;
    lwm2m_client_t * clientP;
    lwm2m_observation_t * observationP;
    uint32_t count;

    token_len = coap_get_header_token(message, (const uint8_t **)&tokenP);
    if (token_len != sizeof(uint32_t)) return false;

    if (1 != coap_get_header_observe(message, &count)) return false;

    clientID = (tokenP[0] << 8) | tokenP[1];
    obsID = (tokenP[2] << 8) | tokenP[3];

    clientP = (lwm2m_client_t *)lwm2m_list_find((lwm2m_list_t *)contextP->clientList, clientID);
    if (clientP == NULL) return false;

    observationP = (lwm2m_observation_t *)lwm2m_list_find((lwm2m_list_t *)clientP->observationList, obsID);
    if (observationP == NULL)
        coap_init_message(response, COAP_TYPE_RST, 0, message->mid);
        message_send(contextP, response, fromSessionH);
        if (message->type == COAP_TYPE_CON ) {
            coap_init_message(response, COAP_TYPE_ACK, 0, message->mid);
            message_send(contextP, response, fromSessionH);
                               message->content_type, message->payload, message->payload_len,
    return true;
Exemple #3
void handle_observe_notify(lwm2m_context_t * contextP,
                           uint8_t * fromAddr,
                           size_t fromAddrLen,
                           coap_packet_t * message)
    uint8_t * tokenP;
    int token_len;
    uint16_t clientID;
    uint16_t obsID;
    lwm2m_client_t * clientP;
    lwm2m_observation_t * observationP;
    uint32_t count;

    token_len = coap_get_header_token(message, (const uint8_t **)&tokenP);
    if (token_len != sizeof(uint32_t)) return;

    if (1 != coap_get_header_observe(message, &count)) return;

    clientID = (tokenP[0] << 8) | tokenP[1];
    obsID = (tokenP[2] << 8) | tokenP[3];

    clientP = (lwm2m_client_t *)lwm2m_list_find((lwm2m_list_t *)contextP->clientList, clientID);
    if (clientP == NULL) return;

    observationP = (lwm2m_observation_t *)lwm2m_list_find((lwm2m_list_t *)clientP->observationList, obsID);
    if (observationP == NULL)
        coap_packet_t resetMsg;

        coap_init_message(&resetMsg, COAP_TYPE_RST, 0, message->mid);

        message_send(contextP, &resetMsg, fromAddr, fromAddrLen);
                               message->payload, message->payload_len,
mirror_handler(void* request, void* response, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t preferred_size, int32_t *offset)
  /* The ETag and Token is copied to the header. */
  uint8_t opaque[] = {0x0A, 0xBC, 0xDE};

  /* Strings are not copied, so use static string buffers or strings in .text memory (char *str = "string in .text";). */
  static char location[] = {'/','f','/','a','?','k','&','e', 0};

  /* Getter for the header option Content-Type. If the option is not set, text/plain is returned by default. */
  unsigned int content_type = REST.get_header_content_type(request);

  /* The other getters copy the value (or string/array pointer) to the given pointers and return 1 for success or the length of strings/arrays. */
  uint32_t max_age_and_size = 0;
  const char *str = NULL;
  uint32_t observe = 0;
  const uint8_t *bytes = NULL;
  uint32_t block_num = 0;
  uint8_t block_more = 0;
  uint16_t block_size = 0;
  const char *query = "";
  int len = 0;

  /* Mirror the received header options in the response payload. Unsupported getters (e.g., rest_get_header_observe() with HTTP) will return 0. */

  int strpos = 0;
  /* snprintf() counts the terminating '\0' to the size parameter.
   * The additional byte is taken care of by allocating REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE+1 bytes in the REST framework.
   * Add +1 to fill the complete buffer, as the payload does not need a terminating '\0'. */
  if (content_type!=-1)
    strpos += snprintf((char *)buffer, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE+1, "CT %u\n", content_type);
  /* Some getters such as for ETag or Location are omitted, as these options should not appear in a request.
   * Max-Age might appear in HTTP requests or used for special purposes in CoAP. */
  if (strpos<=REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE && REST.get_header_max_age(request, &max_age_and_size))
    strpos += snprintf((char *)buffer+strpos, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE-strpos+1, "MA %lu\n", max_age_and_size);
  /* For HTTP this is the Length option, for CoAP it is the Size option. */
  if (strpos<=REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE && REST.get_header_length(request, &max_age_and_size))
    strpos += snprintf((char *)buffer+strpos, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE-strpos+1, "SZ %lu\n", max_age_and_size);

  if (strpos<=REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE && (len = REST.get_header_host(request, &str)))
    strpos += snprintf((char *)buffer+strpos, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE-strpos+1, "UH %.*s\n", len, str);

/* CoAP-specific example: actions not required for normal RESTful Web service. */
#if WITH_COAP > 1
  if (strpos<=REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE && coap_get_header_observe(request, &observe))
    strpos += snprintf((char *)buffer+strpos, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE-strpos+1, "Ob %lu\n", observe);
  if (strpos<=REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE && (len = coap_get_header_token(request, &bytes)))
    strpos += snprintf((char *)buffer+strpos, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE-strpos+1, "To 0x");
    int index = 0;
    for (index = 0; index<len; ++index) {
        strpos += snprintf((char *)buffer+strpos, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE-strpos+1, "%02X", bytes[index]);
    strpos += snprintf((char *)buffer+strpos, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE-strpos+1, "\n");
  if (strpos<=REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE && (len = coap_get_header_etag(request, &bytes)))
    strpos += snprintf((char *)buffer+strpos, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE-strpos+1, "ET 0x");
    int index = 0;
    for (index = 0; index<len; ++index) {
        strpos += snprintf((char *)buffer+strpos, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE-strpos+1, "%02X", bytes[index]);
    strpos += snprintf((char *)buffer+strpos, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE-strpos+1, "\n");
  if (strpos<=REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE && (len = coap_get_header_uri_path(request, &str)))
    strpos += snprintf((char *)buffer+strpos, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE-strpos+1, "UP ");
    strpos += snprintf((char *)buffer+strpos, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE-strpos+1, "%.*s\n", len, str);
#if WITH_COAP == 3
  if (strpos<=REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE && (len = coap_get_header_location(request, &str)))
    strpos += snprintf((char *)buffer+strpos, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE-strpos+1, "Lo %.*s\n", len, str);
  if (strpos<=REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE && coap_get_header_block(request, &block_num, &block_more, &block_size, NULL)) /* This getter allows NULL pointers to get only a subset of the block parameters. */
    strpos += snprintf((char *)buffer+strpos, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE-strpos+1, "Bl %lu%s (%u)\n", block_num, block_more ? "+" : "", block_size);
  if (strpos<=REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE && (len = coap_get_header_location_path(request, &str)))
    strpos += snprintf((char *)buffer+strpos, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE-strpos+1, "LP %.*s\n", len, str);
  if (strpos<=REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE && (len = coap_get_header_location_query(request, &str)))
    strpos += snprintf((char *)buffer+strpos, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE-strpos+1, "LQ %.*s\n", len, str);
  if (strpos<=REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE && coap_get_header_block2(request, &block_num, &block_more, &block_size, NULL)) /* This getter allows NULL pointers to get only a subset of the block parameters. */
    strpos += snprintf((char *)buffer+strpos, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE-strpos+1, "B2 %lu%s (%u)\n", block_num, block_more ? "+" : "", block_size);
   * Critical Block1 option is currently rejected by engine.
  if (strpos<=REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE && coap_get_header_block1(request, &block_num, &block_more, &block_size, NULL))
    strpos += snprintf((char *)buffer+strpos, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE-strpos+1, "B1 %lu%s (%u)\n", block_num, block_more ? "+" : "", block_size);
#endif /* CoAP > 03 */
#endif /* CoAP-specific example */

  if (strpos<=REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE && (len = REST.get_query(request, &query)))
    strpos += snprintf((char *)buffer+strpos, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE-strpos+1, "Qu %.*s\n", len, query);
  if (strpos<=REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE && (len = REST.get_request_payload(request, &bytes)))
    strpos += snprintf((char *)buffer+strpos, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE-strpos+1, "%.*s", len, bytes);

  if (strpos >= REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE)
      buffer[REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE-1] = 0xBB; /* '»' to indicate truncation */

  REST.set_response_payload(response, buffer, strpos);

  PRINTF("/mirror options received: %s\n", buffer);

  /* Set dummy header options for response. Like getters, some setters are not implemented for HTTP and have no effect. */
  REST.set_header_content_type(response, REST.type.TEXT_PLAIN);
  REST.set_header_max_age(response, 17); /* For HTTP, browsers will not re-request the page for 17 seconds. */
  REST.set_header_etag(response, opaque, 2);
  REST.set_header_location(response, location); /* Initial slash is omitted by framework */
  REST.set_header_length(response, strpos); /* For HTTP, browsers will not re-request the page for 10 seconds. CoAP action depends on the client. */

/* CoAP-specific example: actions not required for normal RESTful Web service. */
#if WITH_COAP > 1
  coap_set_header_uri_host(response, "tiki");
  coap_set_header_observe(response, 10);
#if WITH_COAP == 3
  coap_set_header_block(response, 42, 0, 64); /* The block option might be overwritten by the framework when blockwise transfer is requested. */
  coap_set_header_proxy_uri(response, "ftp://x");
  coap_set_header_block2(response, 42, 0, 64); /* The block option might be overwritten by the framework when blockwise transfer is requested. */
  coap_set_header_block1(response, 23, 0, 16);
  coap_set_header_accept(response, TEXT_PLAIN);
#endif /* CoAP > 03 */
#endif /* CoAP-specific example */