coap_separate_resume(void *response, coap_separate_t *separate_store, uint8_t code)
  coap_init_message(response, separate_store->type, code, separate_store->mid);
  if (separate_store->token_len)
    coap_set_header_token(response, separate_store->token, separate_store->token_len);
Exemple #2
lwm2m_observe(lwm2m_context_t * contextP,
                  uint16_t clientID,
                  lwm2m_uri_t * uriP,
                  lwm2m_result_callback_t callback,
                  void * userData)
    lwm2m_client_t * clientP;
    lwm2m_transaction_t * transactionP;
    lwm2m_observation_t * observationP;
    uint8_t token[4];


    clientP = (lwm2m_client_t *)lwm2m_list_find((lwm2m_list_t *)contextP->clientList, clientID);
    if (clientP == NULL) return COAP_404_NOT_FOUND;

    observationP = (lwm2m_observation_t *)lwm2m_malloc(sizeof(lwm2m_observation_t));
    if (observationP == NULL) return COAP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
    c_memset(observationP, 0, sizeof(lwm2m_observation_t));

    observationP->id = lwm2m_list_newId((lwm2m_list_t *)clientP->observationList);
    c_memcpy(&observationP->uri, uriP, sizeof(lwm2m_uri_t));
    observationP->clientP = clientP;
    observationP->status = STATE_REG_PENDING;
    observationP->callback = callback;
    observationP->userData = userData;

    token[0] = clientP->internalID >> 8;
    token[1] = clientP->internalID & 0xFF;
    token[2] = observationP->id >> 8;
    token[3] = observationP->id & 0xFF;

    transactionP = transaction_new(COAP_TYPE_CON, COAP_GET, clientP->altPath, uriP, contextP->nextMID++, 4, token, ENDPOINT_CLIENT, (void *)clientP);
    if (transactionP == NULL)
        return COAP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;

    observationP->clientP->observationList = (lwm2m_observation_t *)LWM2M_LIST_ADD(observationP->clientP->observationList, observationP);

    coap_set_header_observe(transactionP->message, 0);
    coap_set_header_token(transactionP->message, token, sizeof(token));

    transactionP->callback = prv_obsRequestCallback;
    transactionP->userData = (void *)observationP;

    contextP->transactionList = (lwm2m_transaction_t *)LWM2M_LIST_ADD(contextP->transactionList, transactionP);

    return transaction_send(contextP, transactionP);
coap_notify_observers(resource_t *resource, int32_t obs_counter, void *notification)
  coap_packet_t *const coap_res = (coap_packet_t *) notification;
  coap_observer_t* obs = NULL;
  uint8_t preferred_type = coap_res->type;

  PRINTF("Observing: Notification from %s\n", resource->url);

  /* Iterate over observers. */
  for (obs = (coap_observer_t*)list_head(observers_list); obs; obs = obs->next)
    if (obs->url==resource->url) /* using RESOURCE url pointer as handle */
      coap_transaction_t *transaction = NULL;

      /*TODO implement special transaction for CON, sharing the same buffer to allow for more observers. */

      if ( (transaction = coap_new_transaction(coap_get_mid(), &obs->addr, obs->port)) )
        PRINTF("           Observer ");
        PRINTF(":%u\n", obs->port);

        /* Update last MID for RST matching. */
        obs->last_mid = transaction->mid;

        /* Prepare response */
        coap_res->mid = transaction->mid;
        coap_set_header_observe(coap_res, obs_counter);
        coap_set_header_token(coap_res, obs->token, obs->token_len);

        /* Use CON to check whether client is still there/interested after COAP_OBSERVING_REFRESH_INTERVAL. */
        if (stimer_expired(&obs->refresh_timer))
          PRINTF("           Refreshing with CON\n");
          coap_res->type = COAP_TYPE_CON;
          coap_res->type = preferred_type;

        transaction->packet_len = coap_serialize_message(coap_res, transaction->packet);

Exemple #4
lwm2m_resource_value_changed(lwm2m_context_t * contextP,
                                  lwm2m_uri_t * uriP)
    int result;
    obs_list_t * listP;
    lwm2m_watcher_t * watcherP;

    listP = prv_getObservedList(contextP, uriP);
    while (listP != NULL)
        obs_list_t * targetP;
        uint8_t * buffer = NULL;
        size_t length = 0;
        lwm2m_media_type_t format;

        format = LWM2M_CONTENT_TEXT;
        result = object_read(contextP, &listP->item->uri, &format, &buffer, &length);
        if (result == COAP_205_CONTENT)
            coap_packet_t message[1];

            coap_init_message(message, COAP_TYPE_NON, COAP_205_CONTENT, 0);
            coap_set_header_content_type(message, format);
            coap_set_payload(message, buffer, length);

            for (watcherP = listP->item->watcherList ; watcherP != NULL ; watcherP = watcherP->next)
                watcherP->lastMid = contextP->nextMID++;
                message->mid = watcherP->lastMid;
                coap_set_header_token(message, watcherP->token, watcherP->tokenLen);
                coap_set_header_observe(message, watcherP->counter++);
                (void)message_send(contextP, message, watcherP->server->sessionH);

        targetP = listP;
        listP = listP->next;

coap_notify_observers(const char *url, int type, uint32_t observe, uint8_t *payload, size_t payload_len)
  coap_observer_t* obs = NULL;
  for (obs = (coap_observer_t*)list_head(observers_list); obs; obs = obs->next)
    if (obs->url==url) /* using RESOURCE url string as handle */
      coap_transaction_t *transaction = NULL;

      /*TODO implement special transaction for CON, sharing the same buffer to allow for more observers */

      if ( (transaction = coap_new_transaction(coap_get_tid(), &obs->addr, obs->port)) )
        /* Use CON to check whether client is still there/interested after COAP_OBSERVING_REFRESH_INTERVAL. */
        if (stimer_expired(&obs->refresh_timer))
          PRINTF("Observing: Refresh client with CON\n");
          type = COAP_TYPE_CON;

        /* prepare response */
        coap_packet_t push[1]; /* This way the packet can be treated as pointer as usual. */
        coap_init_message(push, (coap_message_type_t)type, OK_200, transaction->tid );
        coap_set_header_observe(push, observe);
        coap_set_header_token(push, obs->token, obs->token_len);
        coap_set_payload(push, payload, payload_len);
        transaction->packet_len = coap_serialize_message(push, transaction->packet);

        PRINTF("Observing: Notify from /%s for ", url);
        PRINTF(":%u\n", obs->port);
        PRINTF("  %.*s\n", payload_len, payload);

Exemple #6
void lwm2m_resource_value_changed(lwm2m_context_t * contextP,
                                  lwm2m_uri_t * uriP)
    int result;
    obs_list_t * listP;
    lwm2m_watcher_t * watcherP;

    listP = prv_getObservedList(contextP, uriP);
    while (listP != NULL)
        obs_list_t * targetP;
        char * buffer = NULL;
        int length = 0;

        result = object_read(contextP, &listP->item->uri, &buffer, &length);
        if (result == COAP_205_CONTENT)
            coap_packet_t message[1];

            coap_init_message(message, COAP_TYPE_ACK, COAP_204_CHANGED, 0);
            coap_set_payload(message, buffer, length);

            for (watcherP = listP->item->watcherList ; watcherP != NULL ; watcherP = watcherP->next)
                watcherP->lastMid = contextP->nextMID++;
                message->mid = watcherP->lastMid;
                coap_set_header_token(message, watcherP->token, watcherP->tokenLen);
                coap_set_header_observe(message, watcherP->counter++);
                (void)message_send(contextP, message, watcherP->server->addr, watcherP->server->addrLen);

        targetP = listP;
        listP = listP->next;

    coap_error_code = NO_ERROR;

    PRINTF("handle_incoming_data(): received uip_datalen=%u \n",(uint16_t)uip_datalen());

    /* Static declaration reduces stack peaks and program code size. */
    static coap_packet_t message[1]; /* This way the packet can be treated as pointer as usual. */
    static coap_packet_t response[1];
    static coap_transaction_t *transaction = NULL;

    if (uip_newdata()) {

        PRINTF("receiving UDP datagram from: ");
        PRINTF(":%u\n  Length: %u\n  Data: ", uip_ntohs(UIP_UDP_BUF->srcport), uip_datalen() );
        PRINTBITS(uip_appdata, uip_datalen());

        coap_error_code = coap_parse_message(message, uip_appdata, uip_datalen());

        if (coap_error_code==NO_ERROR)

            /*TODO duplicates suppression, if required by application */

            PRINTF("  Parsed: v %u, t %u, oc %u, c %u, mid %u\n", message->version, message->type, message->option_count, message->code, message->mid);
            PRINTF("  URL: %.*s\n", message->uri_path_len, message->uri_path);
            PRINTF("  Payload: %.*s\n", message->payload_len, message->payload);

            /* Handle requests. */
            if (message->code >= COAP_GET && message->code <= COAP_DELETE)
                /* Use transaction buffer for response to confirmable request. */
                if ( (transaction = coap_new_transaction(message->mid, &UIP_IP_BUF->srcipaddr, UIP_UDP_BUF->srcport)) )
                    uint32_t block_num = 0;
                    uint16_t block_size = REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE;
                    uint32_t block_offset = 0;
                    int32_t new_offset = 0;

                    /* prepare response */
                    if (message->type==COAP_TYPE_CON)
                        /* Reliable CON requests are answered with an ACK. */
                        coap_init_message(response, COAP_TYPE_ACK, CONTENT_2_05, message->mid);
                        /* Unreliable NON requests are answered with a NON as well. */
                        coap_init_message(response, COAP_TYPE_NON, CONTENT_2_05, coap_get_mid());

                    /* resource handlers must take care of different handling (e.g., TOKEN_OPTION_REQUIRED_240) */
                    if (IS_OPTION(message, COAP_OPTION_TOKEN))
                        coap_set_header_token(response, message->token, message->token_len);
                        SET_OPTION(response, COAP_OPTION_TOKEN);

                    /* get offset for blockwise transfers */
                    if (coap_get_header_block2(message, &block_num, NULL, &block_size, &block_offset))
                        PRINTF("Blockwise: block request %lu (%u/%u) @ %lu bytes\n", block_num, block_size, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE, block_offset);
                        block_size = MIN(block_size, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE);
                        new_offset = block_offset;

                    /* Invoke resource handler. */
                    if (service_cbk)
                        /* Call REST framework and check if found and allowed. */
                        if (service_cbk(message, response, transaction->packet+COAP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE, block_size, &new_offset))
                            if (coap_error_code==NO_ERROR)
                                /* Apply blockwise transfers. */
                                if ( IS_OPTION(message, COAP_OPTION_BLOCK1) && response->code<BAD_REQUEST_4_00 && !IS_OPTION(response, COAP_OPTION_BLOCK1) )
                                    PRINTF("Block1 NOT IMPLEMENTED\n");

                                    coap_error_code = NOT_IMPLEMENTED_5_01;
                                    coap_error_message = "NoBlock1Support";
                                else if ( IS_OPTION(message, COAP_OPTION_BLOCK2) )
                                    /* unchanged new_offset indicates that resource is unaware of blockwise transfer */
                                    if (new_offset==block_offset)
                                        PRINTF("Blockwise: unaware resource with payload length %u/%u\n", response->payload_len, block_size);
                                        if (block_offset >= response->payload_len)
                                            PRINTF("handle_incoming_data(): block_offset >= response->payload_len\n");

                                            response->code = BAD_OPTION_4_02;
                                            coap_set_payload(response, "BlockOutOfScope", 15); /* a const char str[] and sizeof(str) produces larger code size */
                                            coap_set_header_block2(response, block_num, response->payload_len - block_offset > block_size, block_size);
                                            coap_set_payload(response, response->payload+block_offset, MIN(response->payload_len - block_offset, block_size));
                                        } /* if (valid offset) */
                                        /* resource provides chunk-wise data */
                                        PRINTF("Blockwise: blockwise resource, new offset %ld\n", new_offset);
                                        coap_set_header_block2(response, block_num, new_offset!=-1 || response->payload_len > block_size, block_size);
                                        if (response->payload_len > block_size) coap_set_payload(response, response->payload, block_size);
                                    } /* if (resource aware of blockwise) */
                                else if (new_offset!=0)
                                    PRINTF("Blockwise: no block option for blockwise resource, using block size %u\n", REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE);

                                    coap_set_header_block2(response, 0, new_offset!=-1, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE);
                                    coap_set_payload(response, response->payload, MIN(response->payload_len, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE));
                                } /* if (blockwise request) */
                            } /* no errors/hooks */
                        } /* successful service callback */

                        /* Serialize response. */
                        if (coap_error_code==NO_ERROR)
                            if ((transaction->packet_len = coap_serialize_message(response, transaction->packet))==0)
                                coap_error_code = PACKET_SERIALIZATION_ERROR;

                        coap_error_code = NOT_IMPLEMENTED_5_01;
                        coap_error_message = "NoServiceCallbck"; // no a to fit 16 bytes
                    } /* if (service callback) */

                } else {
                    coap_error_code = SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE_5_03;
                    coap_error_message = "NoFreeTraBuffer";
                } /* if (transaction buffer) */
                /* Responses */

                if (message->type==COAP_TYPE_ACK)
                    PRINTF("Received ACK\n");
                else if (message->type==COAP_TYPE_RST)
                    PRINTF("Received RST\n");
                    /* Cancel possible subscriptions. */
                    coap_remove_observer_by_mid(&UIP_IP_BUF->srcipaddr, UIP_UDP_BUF->srcport, message->mid);

                transaction = coap_get_transaction_by_mid(message->mid);
                if (message->type != COAP_TYPE_CON && transaction)
                    /* Free transaction memory before callback, as it may create a new transaction. */
                    restful_response_handler callback = transaction->callback;
                    void *callback_data = transaction->callback_data;

                    /* Check if someone registered for the response */
                    if (callback) {
                        callback(callback_data, message);
                } /* if (ACKed transaction) */
                /* Observe notification */
                if ((message->type == COAP_TYPE_CON || message->type == COAP_TYPE_NON) \
                        && IS_OPTION(message, COAP_OPTION_OBSERVE)) {
                    PRINTF("Observe [%u]\n", message->observe);
                    coap_handle_notification(&UIP_IP_BUF->srcipaddr,                     \
                                             UIP_UDP_BUF->srcport, message);
                transaction = NULL;

            } /* Request or Response */

        } /* if (parsed correctly) */

        if (coap_error_code==NO_ERROR)
            if (transaction) coap_send_transaction(transaction);
        else if (coap_error_code==MANUAL_RESPONSE)
            PRINTF("Clearing transaction for manual response");
            PRINTF("ERROR %u: %s\n", coap_error_code, coap_error_message);

            /* Set to sendable error code. */
            if (coap_error_code >= 192)
                coap_error_code = INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR_5_00;
            /* Reuse input buffer for error message. */
            coap_init_message(message, COAP_TYPE_ACK, coap_error_code, message->mid);
            coap_set_payload(message, coap_error_message, strlen(coap_error_message));
            coap_send_message(&UIP_IP_BUF->srcipaddr, UIP_UDP_BUF->srcport, uip_appdata, coap_serialize_message(message, uip_appdata));
    } /* if (new data) */

    return coap_error_code;
Exemple #8
void observe_step(lwm2m_context_t * contextP,
                  time_t currentTime,
                  time_t * timeoutP)
    lwm2m_observed_t * targetP;

    for (targetP = contextP->observedList ; targetP != NULL ; targetP = targetP->next)
        lwm2m_watcher_t * watcherP;
        uint8_t * buffer = NULL;
        size_t length = 0;
        lwm2m_data_t * dataP = NULL;
        int size = 0;
        double floatValue = 0;
        int64_t integerValue = 0;
        bool storeValue = false;
        lwm2m_media_type_t format = LWM2M_CONTENT_TEXT;
        coap_packet_t message[1];
        time_t interval;

        if (LWM2M_URI_IS_SET_RESOURCE(&targetP->uri))
            if (COAP_205_CONTENT != object_readData(contextP, &targetP->uri, &size, &dataP)) continue;
            switch (dataP->type)
            case LWM2M_TYPE_INTEGER:
                if (1 != lwm2m_data_decode_int(dataP, &integerValue)) continue;
                storeValue = true;
            case LWM2M_TYPE_FLOAT:
                if (1 != lwm2m_data_decode_float(dataP, &floatValue)) continue;
                storeValue = true;
        for (watcherP = targetP->watcherList ; watcherP != NULL ; watcherP = watcherP->next)
            if (watcherP->active == true)
                bool notify = false;

                if (watcherP->update == true)
                    // value changed, should we notify the server ?

                    if (watcherP->parameters == NULL || watcherP->parameters->toSet == 0)
                        // no conditions
                        notify = true;
                        LOG("observation_step(/%d/%d/%d) notify[1] = TRUE\n", targetP->uri.objectId, targetP->uri.instanceId, targetP->uri.resourceId);

                    if (notify == false
                     && watcherP->parameters != NULL
                     && (watcherP->parameters->toSet & ATTR_FLAG_NUMERIC) != 0)
                        if ((watcherP->parameters->toSet & LWM2M_ATTR_FLAG_LESS_THAN) != 0)
                            // Did we cross the lower treshold ?
                            switch (dataP->type)
                            case LWM2M_TYPE_INTEGER:
                                if ((integerValue <= watcherP->parameters->lessThan
                                  && watcherP->lastValue.asInteger > watcherP->parameters->lessThan)
                                 || (integerValue >= watcherP->parameters->lessThan
                                  && watcherP->lastValue.asInteger < watcherP->parameters->lessThan))
                                    notify = true;
                            case LWM2M_TYPE_FLOAT:
                                if ((floatValue <= watcherP->parameters->lessThan
                                  && watcherP->lastValue.asFloat > watcherP->parameters->lessThan)
                                 || (floatValue >= watcherP->parameters->lessThan
                                  && watcherP->lastValue.asFloat < watcherP->parameters->lessThan))
                                    notify = true;
                            LOG("observation_step(/%d/%d/%d) notify[2] = %s\n", targetP->uri.objectId, targetP->uri.instanceId, targetP->uri.resourceId, notify ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
                        if ((watcherP->parameters->toSet & LWM2M_ATTR_FLAG_GREATER_THAN) != 0)
                            // Did we cross the upper treshold ?
                            switch (dataP->type)
                            case LWM2M_TYPE_INTEGER:
                                if ((integerValue <= watcherP->parameters->greaterThan
                                  && watcherP->lastValue.asInteger > watcherP->parameters->greaterThan)
                                 || (integerValue >= watcherP->parameters->greaterThan
                                  && watcherP->lastValue.asInteger < watcherP->parameters->greaterThan))
                                    notify = true;
                            case LWM2M_TYPE_FLOAT:
                                if ((floatValue <= watcherP->parameters->greaterThan
                                  && watcherP->lastValue.asFloat > watcherP->parameters->greaterThan)
                                 || (floatValue >= watcherP->parameters->greaterThan
                                  && watcherP->lastValue.asFloat < watcherP->parameters->greaterThan))
                                    notify = true;
                            LOG("observation_step(/%d/%d/%d) notify[3] = %s\n", targetP->uri.objectId, targetP->uri.instanceId, targetP->uri.resourceId, notify ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
                        if ((watcherP->parameters->toSet & LWM2M_ATTR_FLAG_STEP) != 0)
                            switch (dataP->type)
                            case LWM2M_TYPE_INTEGER:
                                int64_t diff;

                                diff = integerValue - watcherP->lastValue.asInteger;
                                if ((diff < 0 && (0 - diff) >= watcherP->parameters->step)
                                 || (diff >= 0 && diff >= watcherP->parameters->step))
                                    notify = true;
                            case LWM2M_TYPE_FLOAT:
                                double diff;

                                diff = floatValue - watcherP->lastValue.asFloat;
                                if ((diff < 0 && (0 - diff) >= watcherP->parameters->step)
                                 || (diff >= 0 && diff >= watcherP->parameters->step))
                                    notify = true;
                            LOG("observation_step(/%d/%d/%d) notify[4] = %s\n", targetP->uri.objectId, targetP->uri.instanceId, targetP->uri.resourceId, notify? "TRUE" : "FALSE");

                    if (watcherP->parameters != NULL
                     && (watcherP->parameters->toSet & LWM2M_ATTR_FLAG_MIN_PERIOD) != 0)
                        if (watcherP->lastTime + watcherP->parameters->minPeriod > currentTime)
                            // Minimum Period did not elapse yet
                            interval = watcherP->lastTime + watcherP->parameters->minPeriod - currentTime;
                            if (*timeoutP > interval) *timeoutP = interval;
                            notify = false;
                            notify = true;
                        LOG("observation_step(/%d/%d/%d) notify[5] = %s\n", targetP->uri.objectId, targetP->uri.instanceId, targetP->uri.resourceId, notify ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");

                // Is the Maximum Period reached ?
                if (notify == false
                 && watcherP->parameters != NULL
                 && (watcherP->parameters->toSet & LWM2M_ATTR_FLAG_MAX_PERIOD) != 0)
                    if (watcherP->lastTime + watcherP->parameters->maxPeriod <= currentTime)
                        notify = true;
                    LOG("observation_step(/%d/%d/%d) notify[6] = %s\n", targetP->uri.objectId, targetP->uri.instanceId, targetP->uri.resourceId, notify ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");

                if (notify == true)
                    if (buffer == NULL)
                        if (dataP != NULL)
                            length = lwm2m_data_serialize(&targetP->uri, size, dataP, &format, &buffer);
                            if (length == 0) break;
                            if (COAP_205_CONTENT != object_read(contextP, &targetP->uri, &format, &buffer, &length))
                                buffer = NULL;
                        coap_init_message(message, COAP_TYPE_NON, COAP_205_CONTENT, 0);
                        coap_set_header_content_type(message, format);
                        coap_set_payload(message, buffer, length);
                        LOG("Observe Update[/%d/%d/%d]: %.*s\n", targetP->uri.objectId, targetP->uri.instanceId, targetP->uri.resourceId, length, buffer);
                    watcherP->lastTime = currentTime;
                    watcherP->lastMid = contextP->nextMID++;
                    message->mid = watcherP->lastMid;
                    coap_set_header_token(message, watcherP->token, watcherP->tokenLen);
                    coap_set_header_observe(message, watcherP->counter++);
                    (void)message_send(contextP, message, watcherP->server->sessionH);
                    watcherP->update = false;

                // Store this value
                if (notify == true && storeValue == true)
                    switch (dataP->type)
                    case LWM2M_TYPE_INTEGER:
                        watcherP->lastValue.asInteger = integerValue;
                    case LWM2M_TYPE_FLOAT:
                        watcherP->lastValue.asFloat = floatValue;

                if (watcherP->parameters != NULL && (watcherP->parameters->toSet & LWM2M_ATTR_FLAG_MAX_PERIOD) != 0)
                    // update timers
                    interval = watcherP->lastTime + watcherP->parameters->maxPeriod - currentTime;
                    if (*timeoutP > interval) *timeoutP = interval;
        if (dataP != NULL) lwm2m_data_free(size, dataP);
        if (buffer != NULL) lwm2m_free(buffer);
Exemple #9
/* This function is an adaptation of function coap_receive() from Erbium's er-coap-13-engine.c.
 * Erbium is Copyright (c) 2013, Institute for Pervasive Computing, ETH Zurich
 * All rights reserved.
void lwm2m_handle_packet(lwm2m_context_t * contextP,
                        uint8_t * buffer,
                        int length,
                        void * fromSessionH)
    coap_status_t coap_error_code = NO_ERROR;
    static coap_packet_t message[1];
    static coap_packet_t response[1];

    coap_error_code = coap_parse_message(message, buffer, (uint16_t)length);
    if (coap_error_code==NO_ERROR)
        LOG("  Parsed: ver %u, type %u, tkl %u, code %u, mid %u\r\n", message->version, message->type, message->token_len, message->code, message->mid);
        LOG("  Payload: %.*s\r\n\n", message->payload_len, message->payload);

        if (message->code >= COAP_GET && message->code <= COAP_DELETE)
            uint32_t block_num = 0;
            uint16_t block_size = REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE;
            uint32_t block_offset = 0;
            int32_t new_offset = 0;

            /* prepare response */
            if (message->type==COAP_TYPE_CON)
                /* Reliable CON requests are answered with an ACK. */
                coap_init_message(response, COAP_TYPE_ACK, CONTENT_2_05, message->mid);
                /* Unreliable NON requests are answered with a NON as well. */
                coap_init_message(response, COAP_TYPE_NON, CONTENT_2_05, coap_get_mid());

            /* mirror token */
            if (message->token_len)
                coap_set_header_token(response, message->token, message->token_len);

            /* get offset for blockwise transfers */
            if (coap_get_header_block2(message, &block_num, NULL, &block_size, &block_offset))
                LOG("Blockwise: block request %u (%u/%u) @ %u bytes\n", block_num, block_size, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE, block_offset);
                block_size = MIN(block_size, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE);
                new_offset = block_offset;

            coap_error_code = handle_request(contextP, fromSessionH, message, response);
            if (coap_error_code==NO_ERROR)
                /* Apply blockwise transfers. */
                if ( IS_OPTION(message, COAP_OPTION_BLOCK1) && response->code<BAD_REQUEST_4_00 && !IS_OPTION(response, COAP_OPTION_BLOCK1) )
                    LOG("Block1 NOT IMPLEMENTED\n");

                    coap_error_code = NOT_IMPLEMENTED_5_01;
                    coap_error_message = "NoBlock1Support";
                else if ( IS_OPTION(message, COAP_OPTION_BLOCK2) )
                    /* unchanged new_offset indicates that resource is unaware of blockwise transfer */
                    if (new_offset==block_offset)
                        LOG("Blockwise: unaware resource with payload length %u/%u\n", response->payload_len, block_size);
                        if (block_offset >= response->payload_len)
                            LOG("handle_incoming_data(): block_offset >= response->payload_len\n");

                            response->code = BAD_OPTION_4_02;
                            coap_set_payload(response, "BlockOutOfScope", 15); /* a const char str[] and sizeof(str) produces larger code size */
                            coap_set_header_block2(response, block_num, response->payload_len - block_offset > block_size, block_size);
                            coap_set_payload(response, response->payload+block_offset, MIN(response->payload_len - block_offset, block_size));
                        } /* if (valid offset) */
                        /* resource provides chunk-wise data */
                        LOG("Blockwise: blockwise resource, new offset %d\n", new_offset);
                        coap_set_header_block2(response, block_num, new_offset!=-1 || response->payload_len > block_size, block_size);
                        if (response->payload_len > block_size) coap_set_payload(response, response->payload, block_size);
                    } /* if (resource aware of blockwise) */
                else if (new_offset!=0)
                    LOG("Blockwise: no block option for blockwise resource, using block size %u\n", REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE);

                    coap_set_header_block2(response, 0, new_offset!=-1, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE);
                    coap_set_payload(response, response->payload, MIN(response->payload_len, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE));
                } /* if (blockwise request) */

                coap_error_code = message_send(contextP, response, fromSessionH);

                response->payload = NULL;
                response->payload_len = 0;
            	coap_error_code = message_send(contextP, response, fromSessionH);
            /* Responses */
            lwm2m_transaction_t * transaction;

            if (message->type==COAP_TYPE_ACK)
                LOG("Received ACK\n");
            else if (message->type==COAP_TYPE_RST)
                LOG("Received RST\n");
                /* Cancel possible subscriptions. */
                handle_reset(contextP, fromSessionH, message);

            if (message->code == COAP_204_CHANGED
             && IS_OPTION(message, COAP_OPTION_OBSERVE))
                handle_observe_notify(contextP, fromSessionH, message);
                transaction_handle_response(contextP, fromSessionH, message);
        } /* Request or Response */


    } /* if (parsed correctly) */
        LOG("Message parsing failed %d\r\n", coap_error_code);

    if (coap_error_code != NO_ERROR)
        LOG("ERROR %u: %s\n", coap_error_code, coap_error_message);

        /* Set to sendable error code. */
        if (coap_error_code >= 192)
            coap_error_code = INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR_5_00;
        /* Reuse input buffer for error message. */
        coap_init_message(message, COAP_TYPE_ACK, coap_error_code, message->mid);
        coap_set_payload(message, coap_error_message, strlen(coap_error_message));
        message_send(contextP, message, fromSessionH);
Exemple #10
lwm2m_transaction_t * transaction_new(void * sessionH,
                                      coap_method_t method,
                                      char * altPath,
                                      lwm2m_uri_t * uriP,
                                      uint16_t mID,
                                      uint8_t token_len,
                                      uint8_t* token)
    lwm2m_transaction_t * transacP;
    int result;

    LOG_ARG("method: %d, altPath: \"%s\", mID: %d, token_len: %d",
            method, altPath, mID, token_len);

    // no transactions without peer
    if (NULL == sessionH) return NULL;

    transacP = (lwm2m_transaction_t *)lwm2m_malloc(sizeof(lwm2m_transaction_t));

    if (NULL == transacP) return NULL;
    memset(transacP, 0, sizeof(lwm2m_transaction_t));

    transacP->message = lwm2m_malloc(sizeof(coap_packet_t));
    if (NULL == transacP->message) goto error;

    coap_init_message(transacP->message, COAP_TYPE_CON, method, mID);

    transacP->peerH = sessionH;

    transacP->mID = mID;

    if (altPath != NULL)
        // TODO: Support multi-segment alternative path
        coap_set_header_uri_path_segment(transacP->message, altPath + 1);
    if (NULL != uriP)
        char stringID[LWM2M_STRING_ID_MAX_LEN];

        result = utils_intToText(uriP->objectId, (uint8_t*)stringID, LWM2M_STRING_ID_MAX_LEN);
        if (result == 0) goto error;
        stringID[result] = 0;
        coap_set_header_uri_path_segment(transacP->message, stringID);

        if (LWM2M_URI_IS_SET_INSTANCE(uriP))
            result = utils_intToText(uriP->instanceId, (uint8_t*)stringID, LWM2M_STRING_ID_MAX_LEN);
            if (result == 0) goto error;
            stringID[result] = 0;
            coap_set_header_uri_path_segment(transacP->message, stringID);
            if (LWM2M_URI_IS_SET_RESOURCE(uriP))
                coap_set_header_uri_path_segment(transacP->message, NULL);
        if (LWM2M_URI_IS_SET_RESOURCE(uriP))
            result = utils_intToText(uriP->resourceId, (uint8_t*)stringID, LWM2M_STRING_ID_MAX_LEN);
            if (result == 0) goto error;
            stringID[result] = 0;
            coap_set_header_uri_path_segment(transacP->message, stringID);
    if (0 < token_len)
        if (NULL != token)
            coap_set_header_token(transacP->message, token, token_len);
        else {
            // generate a token
            uint8_t temp_token[COAP_TOKEN_LEN];
            time_t tv_sec = lwm2m_gettime();

            // initialize first 6 bytes, leave the last 2 random
            temp_token[0] = mID;
            temp_token[1] = mID >> 8;
            temp_token[2] = tv_sec;
            temp_token[3] = tv_sec >> 8;
            temp_token[4] = tv_sec >> 16;
            temp_token[5] = tv_sec >> 24;
            // use just the provided amount of bytes
            coap_set_header_token(transacP->message, temp_token, token_len);

    LOG("Exiting on success");
    return transacP;

    LOG("Exiting on failure");
    return NULL;
Exemple #11
/* This function is an adaptation of function coap_receive() from Erbium's er-coap-13-engine.c.
 * Erbium is Copyright (c) 2013, Institute for Pervasive Computing, ETH Zurich
 * All rights reserved.
void lwm2m_handle_packet(lwm2m_context_t * contextP,
                         uint8_t * buffer,
                         int length,
                         void * fromSessionH)
    uint8_t coap_error_code = NO_ERROR;
    static coap_packet_t message[1];
    static coap_packet_t response[1];

    coap_error_code = coap_parse_message(message, buffer, (uint16_t)length);
    if (coap_error_code == NO_ERROR)
        LOG_ARG("Parsed: ver %u, type %u, tkl %u, code %u.%.2u, mid %u, Content type: %d",
                message->version, message->type, message->token_len, message->code >> 5, message->code & 0x1F, message->mid, message->content_type);
        LOG_ARG("Payload: %.*s", message->payload_len, message->payload);
        if (message->code >= COAP_GET && message->code <= COAP_DELETE)
            uint32_t block_num = 0;
            uint16_t block_size = REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE;
            uint32_t block_offset = 0;
            int64_t new_offset = 0;

            /* prepare response */
            if (message->type == COAP_TYPE_CON)
                /* Reliable CON requests are answered with an ACK. */
                coap_init_message(response, COAP_TYPE_ACK, COAP_205_CONTENT, message->mid);
                /* Unreliable NON requests are answered with a NON as well. */
                coap_init_message(response, COAP_TYPE_NON, COAP_205_CONTENT, contextP->nextMID++);

            /* mirror token */
            if (message->token_len)
                coap_set_header_token(response, message->token, message->token_len);

            /* get offset for blockwise transfers */
            if (coap_get_header_block2(message, &block_num, NULL, &block_size, &block_offset))
                LOG_ARG("Blockwise: block request %u (%u/%u) @ %u bytes", block_num, block_size, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE, block_offset);
                block_size = MIN(block_size, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE);
                new_offset = block_offset;

            /* handle block1 option */
            if (IS_OPTION(message, COAP_OPTION_BLOCK1))
                // get server
                lwm2m_server_t * serverP;
                serverP = utils_findServer(contextP, fromSessionH);
                if (serverP == NULL)
                    serverP = utils_findBootstrapServer(contextP, fromSessionH);
                if (serverP == NULL)
                    coap_error_code = COAP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
                    uint32_t block1_num;
                    uint8_t  block1_more;
                    uint16_t block1_size;
                    uint8_t * complete_buffer = NULL;
                    size_t complete_buffer_size;

                    // parse block1 header
                    coap_get_header_block1(message, &block1_num, &block1_more, &block1_size, NULL);
                    LOG_ARG("Blockwise: block1 request NUM %u (SZX %u/ SZX Max%u) MORE %u", block1_num, block1_size, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE, block1_more);

                    // handle block 1
                    coap_error_code = coap_block1_handler(&serverP->block1Data, message->mid, message->payload, message->payload_len, block1_size, block1_num, block1_more, &complete_buffer, &complete_buffer_size);

                    // if payload is complete, replace it in the coap message.
                    if (coap_error_code == NO_ERROR)
                        message->payload = complete_buffer;
                        message->payload_len = complete_buffer_size;
                    else if (coap_error_code == COAP_231_CONTINUE)
                        block1_size = MIN(block1_size, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE);
                        coap_set_header_block1(response,block1_num, block1_more,block1_size);
                coap_error_code = COAP_501_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
            if (coap_error_code == NO_ERROR)
                coap_error_code = handle_request(contextP, fromSessionH, message, response);
            if (coap_error_code==NO_ERROR)
                /* Save original payload pointer for later freeing. Payload in response may be updated. */
                uint8_t *payload = response->payload;
                if ( IS_OPTION(message, COAP_OPTION_BLOCK2) )
                    /* unchanged new_offset indicates that resource is unaware of blockwise transfer */
                    if (new_offset==block_offset)
                        LOG_ARG("Blockwise: unaware resource with payload length %u/%u", response->payload_len, block_size);
                        if (block_offset >= response->payload_len)
                            LOG("handle_incoming_data(): block_offset >= response->payload_len");

                            response->code = COAP_402_BAD_OPTION;
                            coap_set_payload(response, "BlockOutOfScope", 15); /* a const char str[] and sizeof(str) produces larger code size */
                            coap_set_header_block2(response, block_num, response->payload_len - block_offset > block_size, block_size);
                            coap_set_payload(response, response->payload+block_offset, MIN(response->payload_len - block_offset, block_size));
                        } /* if (valid offset) */
                        /* resource provides chunk-wise data */
                        LOG_ARG("Blockwise: blockwise resource, new offset %d", (int) new_offset);
                        coap_set_header_block2(response, block_num, new_offset!=-1 || response->payload_len > block_size, block_size);
                        if (response->payload_len > block_size) coap_set_payload(response, response->payload, block_size);
                    } /* if (resource aware of blockwise) */
                else if (new_offset!=0)
                    LOG_ARG("Blockwise: no block option for blockwise resource, using block size %u", REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE);

                    coap_set_header_block2(response, 0, new_offset!=-1, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE);
                    coap_set_payload(response, response->payload, MIN(response->payload_len, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE));
                } /* if (blockwise request) */

                coap_error_code = message_send(contextP, response, fromSessionH);

                response->payload = NULL;
                response->payload_len = 0;
            else if (coap_error_code != COAP_IGNORE)
                if (1 == coap_set_status_code(response, coap_error_code))
                    coap_error_code = message_send(contextP, response, fromSessionH);
            /* Responses */
            switch (message->type)
            case COAP_TYPE_NON:
            case COAP_TYPE_CON:
                    bool done = transaction_handleResponse(contextP, fromSessionH, message, response);

                    if (!done && IS_OPTION(message, COAP_OPTION_OBSERVE) &&
                        ((message->code == COAP_204_CHANGED) || (message->code == COAP_205_CONTENT)))
                        done = observe_handleNotify(contextP, fromSessionH, message, response);
                    if (!done && message->type == COAP_TYPE_CON )
                        coap_init_message(response, COAP_TYPE_ACK, 0, message->mid);
                        coap_error_code = message_send(contextP, response, fromSessionH);

            case COAP_TYPE_RST:
                /* Cancel possible subscriptions. */
                handle_reset(contextP, fromSessionH, message);
                transaction_handleResponse(contextP, fromSessionH, message, NULL);

            case COAP_TYPE_ACK:
                transaction_handleResponse(contextP, fromSessionH, message, NULL);

        } /* Request or Response */
    } /* if (parsed correctly) */
    // server CB
    int request1 (void* transaction_, void* data) {
        CEU_Transaction* transaction = (CEU_Transaction*) transaction_;
        coap_transaction_t* transaction = (coap_transaction_t*) transaction_;
        /* Use transaction buffer for response to confirmable request. */
          uint32_t block_num = 0;
          uint16_t block_size = REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE;
          uint32_t block_offset = 0;
          int32_t new_offset = 0;

          /* prepare response */
          if (message->type==COAP_TYPE_CON)
            /* Reliable CON requests are answered with an ACK. */
            coap_init_message(response, COAP_TYPE_ACK, CONTENT_2_05, message->mid);
            /* Unreliable NON requests are answered with a NON as well. */
            coap_init_message(response, COAP_TYPE_NON, CONTENT_2_05, coap_get_mid());

          /* mirror token */
          if (message->token_len)
              coap_set_header_token(response, message->token, message->token_len);

          /* get offset for blockwise transfers */
          if (coap_get_header_block2(message, &block_num, NULL, &block_size, &block_offset))
              PRINTF("Blockwise: block request %lu (%u/%u) @ %lu bytes\n", block_num, block_size, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE, block_offset);
              block_size = MIN(block_size, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE);
              new_offset = block_offset;

          /* Invoke resource handler. */
          if (service_cbk)
            /* Call REST framework and check if found and allowed. */
            if (service_cbk(message, response, transaction->packet+COAP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE, block_size, &new_offset))
              if (coap_error_code==NO_ERROR)
                /* Apply blockwise transfers. */
                if ( IS_OPTION(message, COAP_OPTION_BLOCK1) && response->code<BAD_REQUEST_4_00 && !IS_OPTION(response, COAP_OPTION_BLOCK1) )
                  PRINTF("Block1 NOT IMPLEMENTED\n");

                  coap_error_code = NOT_IMPLEMENTED_5_01;
                  coap_error_message = "NoBlock1Support";
                else if ( IS_OPTION(message, COAP_OPTION_BLOCK2) )
                  /* unchanged new_offset indicates that resource is unaware of blockwise transfer */
                  if (new_offset==block_offset)
                    PRINTF("Blockwise: unaware resource with payload length %u/%u\n", response->payload_len, block_size);
                    if (block_offset >= response->payload_len)
                      PRINTF("handle_incoming_data(): block_offset >= response->payload_len\n");

                      response->code = BAD_OPTION_4_02;
                      coap_set_payload(response, "BlockOutOfScope", 15); /* a const char str[] and sizeof(str) produces larger code size */
                      coap_set_header_block2(response, block_num, response->payload_len - block_offset > block_size, block_size);
                      coap_set_payload(response, response->payload+block_offset, MIN(response->payload_len - block_offset, block_size));
                    } /* if (valid offset) */
                    /* resource provides chunk-wise data */
                    PRINTF("Blockwise: blockwise resource, new offset %ld\n", new_offset);
                    coap_set_header_block2(response, block_num, new_offset!=-1 || response->payload_len > block_size, block_size);
                    if (response->payload_len > block_size) coap_set_payload(response, response->payload, block_size);
                  } /* if (resource aware of blockwise) */
                else if (new_offset!=0)
                  PRINTF("Blockwise: no block option for blockwise resource, using block size %u\n", REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE);

                  coap_set_header_block2(response, 0, new_offset!=-1, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE);
                  coap_set_payload(response, response->payload, MIN(response->payload_len, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE));
                } /* if (blockwise request) */
              } /* no errors/hooks */
            } /* successful service callback */

            /* Serialize response. */
            if (coap_error_code==NO_ERROR)
              if ((transaction->packet_len = coap_serialize_message(response, transaction->packet))==0)
                coap_error_code = PACKET_SERIALIZATION_ERROR;

            coap_error_code = NOT_IMPLEMENTED_5_01;
            coap_error_message = "NoServiceCallbck"; // no a to fit 16 bytes
          } /* if (service callback) */

          return coap_error_code;
Exemple #13
/* This function is an adaptation of function coap_receive() from Erbium's er-coap-13-engine.c.
 * Erbium is Copyright (c) 2013, Institute for Pervasive Computing, ETH Zurich
 * All rights reserved.
void lwm2m_handle_packet(lwm2m_context_t * contextP,
                        uint8_t * buffer,
                        int length,
                        void * fromSessionH)
    coap_status_t coap_error_code = NO_ERROR;
    static coap_packet_t message[1];
    static coap_packet_t response[1];

    coap_error_code = coap_parse_message(message, buffer, (uint16_t)length);

    if (message[0].uri_path && message[0].uri_path->next &&
            (message[0].uri_path->next->is_static != 0 && message[0].uri_path->next->is_static != 1)) {

    if (coap_error_code == NO_ERROR)
        LOG("  Parsed: ver %u, type %u, tkl %u, code %u.%.2u, mid %u\r\n", message->version, message->type, message->token_len, message->code >> 5, message->code & 0x1F, message->mid);
        LOG("  Content type: %d\r\n  Payload: %.*s\r\n\n", message->content_type, message->payload_len, message->payload);
        if (message->code >= COAP_GET && message->code <= COAP_DELETE)
            uint32_t block_num = 0;
            uint16_t block_size = REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE;
            uint32_t block_offset = 0;
            int64_t new_offset = 0;

            /* prepare response */
            if (message->type == COAP_TYPE_CON)
                /* Reliable CON requests are answered with an ACK. */
                coap_init_message(response, COAP_TYPE_ACK, COAP_205_CONTENT, message->mid);
                /* Unreliable NON requests are answered with a NON as well. */
                coap_init_message(response, COAP_TYPE_NON, COAP_205_CONTENT, contextP->nextMID++);

            /* mirror token */
            if (message->token_len)
                coap_set_header_token(response, message->token, message->token_len);

            /* get offset for blockwise transfers */
            if (coap_get_header_block2(message, &block_num, NULL, &block_size, &block_offset))
                LOG("Blockwise: block request %u (%u/%u) @ %u bytes\n", block_num, block_size, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE, block_offset);
                block_size = MIN(block_size, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE);
                new_offset = block_offset;

            coap_error_code = handle_request(contextP, fromSessionH, message, response);
            if (coap_error_code==NO_ERROR)
                /* Apply blockwise transfers. */
                if ( IS_OPTION(message, COAP_OPTION_BLOCK1) && response->code<COAP_400_BAD_REQUEST && !IS_OPTION(response, COAP_OPTION_BLOCK1) )
                    LOG("Block1 NOT IMPLEMENTED\n");

                    coap_error_code = COAP_501_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
                    coap_error_message = "NoBlock1Support";
                else if ( IS_OPTION(message, COAP_OPTION_BLOCK2) )
                    /* unchanged new_offset indicates that resource is unaware of blockwise transfer */
                    if (new_offset==block_offset)
                        LOG("Blockwise: unaware resource with payload length %u/%u\n", response->payload_len, block_size);
                        if (block_offset >= response->payload_len)
                            LOG("handle_incoming_data(): block_offset >= response->payload_len\n");

                            response->code = COAP_402_BAD_OPTION;
                            coap_set_payload(response, "BlockOutOfScope", 15); /* a const char str[] and sizeof(str) produces larger code size */
                            coap_set_header_block2(response, block_num, response->payload_len - block_offset > block_size, block_size);
                            coap_set_payload(response, response->payload+block_offset, MIN(response->payload_len - block_offset, block_size));
                        } /* if (valid offset) */
                        /* resource provides chunk-wise data */
                        LOG("Blockwise: blockwise resource, new offset %d\n", (int) new_offset);
                        coap_set_header_block2(response, block_num, new_offset!=-1 || response->payload_len > block_size, block_size);
                        if (response->payload_len > block_size) coap_set_payload(response, response->payload, block_size);
                    } /* if (resource aware of blockwise) */
                else if (new_offset!=0)
                    LOG("Blockwise: no block option for blockwise resource, using block size %u\n", REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE);

                    coap_set_header_block2(response, 0, new_offset!=-1, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE);
                    coap_set_payload(response, response->payload, MIN(response->payload_len, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE));
                } /* if (blockwise request) */

                coap_error_code = message_send(contextP, response, fromSessionH);

                response->payload = NULL;
                response->payload_len = 0;
            else if (coap_error_code != COAP_IGNORE)
                if (1 == coap_set_status_code(response, coap_error_code))
                    coap_error_code = message_send(contextP, response, fromSessionH);
            /* Responses */
            switch (message->type)
            case COAP_TYPE_NON:
            case COAP_TYPE_CON:
                    bool done = transaction_handleResponse(contextP, fromSessionH, message, response);

                    if (!done && IS_OPTION(message, COAP_OPTION_OBSERVE) &&
                        ((message->code == COAP_204_CHANGED) || (message->code == COAP_205_CONTENT)))
                        done = observe_handleNotify(contextP, fromSessionH, message, response);
                    if (!done && message->type == COAP_TYPE_CON )
                        coap_init_message(response, COAP_TYPE_ACK, 0, message->mid);
                        coap_error_code = message_send(contextP, response, fromSessionH);

            case COAP_TYPE_RST:
                /* Cancel possible subscriptions. */
                handle_reset(contextP, fromSessionH, message);
                transaction_handleResponse(contextP, fromSessionH, message, NULL);

            case COAP_TYPE_ACK:
                transaction_handleResponse(contextP, fromSessionH, message, NULL);

        } /* Request or Response */
    } /* if (parsed correctly) */
  int error = NO_ERROR;

  PRINTF("handle_incoming_data(): received uip_datalen=%u \n",(uint16_t)uip_datalen());

  if (uip_newdata()) {

    PRINTF("receiving UDP datagram from: ");
    PRINTF(":%u\n  Length: %u\n  Data: ", uip_ntohs(UIP_UDP_BUF->srcport), uip_datalen() );
    PRINTBITS(uip_appdata, uip_datalen());

    coap_packet_t message[1];
    coap_transaction_t *transaction = NULL;

    error = coap_parse_message(message, uip_appdata, uip_datalen());

    if (error==NO_ERROR)

      /*TODO duplicates suppression, if required */

      PRINTF("  Parsed: v %u, t %u, oc %u, c %u, tid %u\n", message->version, message->type, message->option_count, message->code, message->tid);
      PRINTF("  URL: %.*s\n", message->uri_path_len, message->uri_path);
      PRINTF("  Payload: %.*s\n", message->payload_len, message->payload);

      /* Handle requests. */
      if (message->code >= COAP_GET && message->code <= COAP_DELETE)
        /* Use transaction buffer for response to confirmable request. */
        if ( (transaction = coap_new_transaction(message->tid, &UIP_IP_BUF->srcipaddr, UIP_UDP_BUF->srcport)) )
            uint32_t block_num = 0;
            uint16_t block_size = REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE;
            uint32_t block_offset = 0;
            int32_t new_offset = 0;

            /* prepare response */
            coap_packet_t response[1]; /* This way the packet can be treated as pointer as usual. */
            if (message->type==COAP_TYPE_CON)
              /* Reliable CON requests are answered with an ACK. */
              coap_init_message(response, COAP_TYPE_ACK, OK_200, message->tid);
              /* Unreliable NON requests are answered with a NON as well. */
              coap_init_message(response, COAP_TYPE_NON, OK_200, coap_get_tid());

            /* resource handlers must take care of different handling (e.g., TOKEN_OPTION_REQUIRED_240) */
            if (IS_OPTION(message, COAP_OPTION_TOKEN))
                coap_set_header_token(response, message->token, message->token_len);
                SET_OPTION(response, COAP_OPTION_TOKEN);

            /* get offset for blockwise transfers */
            if (coap_get_header_block(message, &block_num, NULL, &block_size, &block_offset))
                PRINTF("Blockwise: block request %lu (%u/%u) @ %lu bytes\n", block_num, block_size, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE, block_offset);
                block_size = MIN(block_size, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE);
                new_offset = block_offset;

            /* call application-specific handler        */
            if (service_cbk) {
              service_cbk(message, response, transaction->packet+COAP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE, block_size, &new_offset);

            /* apply blockwise transfers */
            if ( IS_OPTION(message, COAP_OPTION_BLOCK) )
              /* unchanged new_offset indicates that resource is unaware of blockwise transfer */
              if (new_offset==block_offset)
                PRINTF("Blockwise: unaware resource with payload length %u/%u\n", response->payload_len, block_size);
                if (block_offset >= response->payload_len)
                  response->code = BAD_REQUEST_400;
                  coap_set_payload(response, (uint8_t*)"Block out of scope", 18);
                  coap_set_header_block(response, block_num, response->payload_len - block_offset > block_size, block_size);
                  coap_set_payload(response, response->payload+block_offset, MIN(response->payload_len - block_offset, block_size));
                } /* if (valid offset) */
                /* resource provides chunk-wise data */
                PRINTF("Blockwise: blockwise resource, new offset %ld\n", new_offset);
                coap_set_header_block(response, block_num, new_offset!=-1 || response->payload_len > block_size, block_size);
                if (response->payload_len > block_size) coap_set_payload(response, response->payload, block_size);
              } /* if (resource aware of blockwise) */
            else if (new_offset!=0)
              PRINTF("Blockwise: no block option for blockwise resource, using block size %u\n", REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE);

              coap_set_header_block(response, 0, new_offset!=-1, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE);
              coap_set_payload(response, response->payload, MIN(response->payload_len, REST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE));
            } /* if (blockwise request) */

            if ((transaction->packet_len = coap_serialize_message(response, transaction->packet))==0)
              error = PACKET_SERIALIZATION_ERROR;

        } else {
            error = MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
        /* Responses */
        coap_transaction_t *t;

        if (message->type==COAP_TYPE_ACK)
          PRINTF("Received ACK\n");
        else if (message->type==COAP_TYPE_RST)
          PRINTF("Received RST\n");
          /* Cancel possible subscriptions. */
          if (IS_OPTION(message, COAP_OPTION_TOKEN))
            PRINTF("  Token 0x%02X%02X\n", message->token[0], message->token[1]);
            coap_remove_observer_by_token(&UIP_IP_BUF->srcipaddr, UIP_UDP_BUF->srcport, message->token, message->token_len);

        if ( (t = coap_get_transaction_by_tid(message->tid)) )
          /* Free transaction memory before callback, as it may create a new transaction. */
          restful_response_handler callback = t->callback;
          void *callback_data = t->callback_data;

          /* Check if someone registered for the response */
          if (callback) {
            callback(callback_data, message);
        } /* if (transaction) */
    } /* if (parsed correctly) */

    if (error==NO_ERROR) {
      if (transaction) coap_send_transaction(transaction);
      PRINTF("ERROR %u: %s\n", error, error_messages[error]);

      /* reuse input buffer */
      coap_init_message(message, COAP_TYPE_ACK, INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR_500, message->tid);
      coap_set_payload(message, (uint8_t *) error_messages[error], strlen(error_messages[error]));
      coap_send_message(&UIP_IP_BUF->srcipaddr, UIP_UDP_BUF->srcport, uip_appdata, coap_serialize_message(message, uip_appdata));
  } /* if (new data) */

  return error;