static int stream_es_release(play_para_t *p_para) { int r = -1; if (p_para->acodec) { r = codec_close(p_para->acodec); if (r < 0) { log_error("[stream_es_release]close acodec failed, r= %x\n", r); return r; } codec_free(p_para->acodec); p_para->acodec = NULL; } if (p_para->vcodec) { r = codec_close(p_para->vcodec); if (r < 0) { log_error("[stream_es_release]close vcodec failed, r= %x\n", r); return r; } codec_free(p_para->vcodec); p_para->vcodec = NULL; } if (p_para->scodec) { r = codec_close(p_para->scodec); if (r < 0) { log_error("[stream_es_release]close scodec failed, r= %x\n", r); return r; } codec_free(p_para->scodec); p_para->scodec = NULL; } p_para->codec = NULL; return 0; }
static void signal_handler(int signum) { printf("Get signum=%x\n",signum); codec_close(apcodec); codec_close(vpcodec); fclose(fp); set_display_axis(1); signal(signum, SIG_DFL); raise (signum); }
void ES_PlayDeinit() { if( apcodec != NULL ) { codec_close(apcodec); // apcodec = NULL; } if( vpcodec != NULL ) { codec_close(vpcodec); vpcodec = NULL; } }
static int stream_video_init(play_para_t *p_para) { int ret = CODEC_ERROR_NONE; v_stream_info_t *vinfo = &p_para->vstream_info; codec_para_t *codec ; codec = codec_alloc(); if (!codec) { return PLAYER_EMPTY_P; } MEMSET(codec, 0, sizeof(codec_para_t)); if (vinfo->has_video) { codec->has_video = 1; codec->video_type = vinfo->video_format; codec->video_pid = vinfo->video_pid; } codec->stream_type = stream_type_convert(p_para->stream_type, codec->has_video, codec->has_audio); codec->noblock = !!p_para->buffering_enable; ret = codec_init(codec); if (ret != CODEC_ERROR_NONE) { if (ret != CODEC_OPEN_HANDLE_FAILED) { codec_close(codec); } goto error1; } p_para->vcodec = codec; return PLAYER_SUCCESS; error1: log_print("[video]codec_init failed!ret=%x stream_type=%d\n", ret, codec->stream_type); codec_free(codec); return DECODER_INIT_FAILED; }
static int stream_ts_release(play_para_t *p_para) { if (p_para->codec) { codec_close(p_para->codec); codec_free(p_para->codec); } p_para->codec = NULL; return 0; }
static int stream_audio_release(play_para_t *p_para) { if (p_para->acodec) { codec_close(p_para->acodec); codec_free(p_para->acodec); } p_para->acodec = NULL; p_para->codec = NULL; return PLAYER_SUCCESS; }
bool CTsPlayer::Stop() { #if DUMP_TSPACKET1 if(m_fStream){ fclose(m_fStream); } #endif codec_close(pcodec); return true; }
/* ====================== S_StopBackgroundTrack ====================== */ void SOrig_StopBackgroundTrack( void ) { if ( !s_backgroundStream ) { return; } codec_close( s_backgroundStream ); s_backgroundStream = NULL; s_rawend = 0; }
static int stream_video_release(play_para_t *p_para) { if(p_para->vcodec) { codec_close_cntl(p_para->vcodec); codec_close(p_para->vcodec); codec_free(p_para->vcodec); } p_para->vcodec=NULL; return 0; }
static int stream_ts_release(play_para_t *p_para) { if (p_para->codec) { if (p_para->codec->audio_utils_handle >= 0) { codec_set_audio_resample_ena(p_para->codec, 0); } codec_close(p_para->codec); codec_free(p_para->codec); } p_para->codec = NULL; return 0; }
static int codec_release(codec_para_t *codec) { int r = CODEC_ERROR_NONE; if (codec) { r = codec_close(codec); if (r < 0) { log_error("[stream_es_init]close codec failed, r= %x\n", r); return r; } codec_free(codec); codec = NULL; } return r; }
static gboolean gst_aml_vdec_close(GstVideoDecoder * dec) { GstAmlVdec *amlvdec = GST_AMLVDEC(dec); gint ret=0; GST_ERROR("%s,%d\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); stop_eos_task (amlvdec); if (amlvdec->codec_init_ok) { amlvdec->codec_init_ok = 0; if (amlvdec->is_paused == TRUE) { ret = codec_resume(amlvdec->pcodec); if (ret != 0) { GST_ERROR("[%s:%d]resume failed!ret=%d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret); } else amlvdec->is_paused = FALSE; } set_black_policy(1); codec_close(amlvdec->pcodec); amlvdec->is_headerfeed = FALSE; if (amlvdec->input_state) { gst_video_codec_state_unref(amlvdec->input_state); amlvdec->input_state = NULL; } set_fb0_blank(0); set_fb1_blank(0); //T? set_display_axis(1); } if (amlvdec->info) { amlvdec->info->finalize(amlvdec->info); amlvdec->info = NULL; } #if DEBUG_DUMP if (amlvdec->dump_fd > 0) { codec_set_dump_fd(NULL, 0); close(amlvdec->dump_fd); } #endif if (amlvdec->pcodec) { g_free(amlvdec->pcodec); amlvdec->pcodec = NULL; } return TRUE; }
/* ====================== S_StartBackgroundTrack ====================== */ void SOrig_StartBackgroundTrack( const char *intro, const char *loop ) { if ( !intro ) { intro = ""; } if ( !loop || !loop[ 0 ] ) { loop = intro; } Com_DPrintf( "S_StartBackgroundTrack( %s, %s )\n", intro, loop ); if ( !intro[ 0 ] ) { return; } Q_strncpyz( s_backgroundLoop, loop, sizeof( s_backgroundLoop ) ); // close the background track, but DON'T reset s_rawend // if restarting the same back ground track if ( s_backgroundStream ) { codec_close( s_backgroundStream ); s_backgroundStream = NULL; } // Open stream s_backgroundStream = codec_open( intro ); if ( !s_backgroundStream ) { Com_DPrintf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: couldn't open music file %s\n", intro ); return; } if ( s_backgroundStream->info.channels != 2 || s_backgroundStream->info.rate != 22050 ) { Com_DPrintf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: music file %s is not 22k stereo\n", intro ); } }
static int stream_audio_init(play_para_t *p_para) { int ret = CODEC_ERROR_NONE; a_stream_info_t *ainfo = &p_para->astream_info; codec_para_t *codec ; AVCodecContext *pCodecCtx; codec = codec_alloc(); if (!codec) { return PLAYER_EMPTY_P; } MEMSET(codec, 0, sizeof(codec_para_t)); codec->noblock = !!p_para->buffering_enable; if (ainfo->has_audio) { codec->has_audio = 1; codec->audio_type = ainfo->audio_format; codec->audio_pid = ainfo->audio_pid; codec->audio_channels = ainfo->audio_channel; codec->audio_samplerate = ainfo->audio_samplerate; codec->switch_audio_flag = 0; } codec->stream_type = stream_type_convert(p_para->stream_type, codec->has_video, codec->has_audio); pCodecCtx = p_para->pFormatCtx->streams[p_para->astream_info.audio_index]->codec; /*if ((codec->audio_type == AFORMAT_ADPCM) || (codec->audio_type == AFORMAT_WMA) || (codec->audio_type == AFORMAT_WMAPRO) || (codec->audio_type == AFORMAT_PCM_S16BE) || (codec->audio_type == AFORMAT_PCM_S16LE) || (codec->audio_type == AFORMAT_PCM_U8) \ ||(codec->audio_type == AFORMAT_AMR)) {*/ if (IS_AUIDO_NEED_EXT_INFO(codec->audio_type)) { codec->audio_info.bitrate = pCodecCtx->sample_fmt; codec->audio_info.sample_rate = pCodecCtx->sample_rate; codec->audio_info.channels = pCodecCtx->channels; codec->audio_info.codec_id = pCodecCtx->codec_id; codec->audio_info.block_align = pCodecCtx->block_align; codec->audio_info.extradata_size = pCodecCtx->extradata_size; if (codec->audio_info.extradata_size > 0) { if (codec->audio_info.extradata_size > AUDIO_EXTRA_DATA_SIZE) { log_print("[%s:%d],extra data size exceed max extra data buffer,cut it to max buffer size ", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); codec->audio_info.extradata_size = AUDIO_EXTRA_DATA_SIZE; } memcpy((char*)codec->audio_info.extradata, pCodecCtx->extradata, codec->audio_info.extradata_size); } codec->audio_info.valid = 1; log_print("[%s:%d]block_align=%d,,sample_rate=%d,,channels=%d,,bitrate=%d,,codec_id=%d,extra size %d,SessionID=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, codec->audio_info.block_align, codec->audio_info.sample_rate, codec->audio_info.channels , codec->audio_info.extradata_size, codec->audio_info.codec_id, codec->audio_info.extradata_size, codec->SessionID); } codec->SessionID = p_para->start_param->SessionID; if(IS_AUDIO_NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_AUDIODSP(codec->audio_type,pCodecCtx)){ codec->dspdec_not_supported = 1; log_print("main profile aac not supported by dsp decoder,so set dspdec_not_supported flag\n"); } ret = codec_init(codec); if (ret != CODEC_ERROR_NONE) { if (ret != CODEC_OPEN_HANDLE_FAILED) { codec_close(codec); } goto error1; } log_print("[%s:%d]codec init finished! mute_on:%d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, p_para->playctrl_info.audio_mute); /*ret = codec_set_mute(codec, p_para->playctrl_info.audio_mute); if (ret != CODEC_ERROR_NONE) { codec_close(codec); goto error1; }*/ p_para->acodec = codec; return PLAYER_SUCCESS; error1: log_print("[audio]codec_init failed!ret=%x stream_type=%d\n", ret, codec->stream_type); codec_free(codec); return DECODER_INIT_FAILED; }
static int stream_ts_init(play_para_t *p_para) { v_stream_info_t *vinfo = &p_para->vstream_info; a_stream_info_t *ainfo = &p_para->astream_info; s_stream_info_t *sinfo = &p_para->sstream_info; AVCodecContext *pCodecCtx; codec_para_t *codec ; int ret = CODEC_ERROR_NONE; codec = codec_alloc(); if (!codec) { return PLAYER_EMPTY_P; } MEMSET(codec, 0, sizeof(codec_para_t)); codec->noblock = !!p_para->buffering_enable; if (vinfo->has_video) { codec->has_video = 1; codec->video_type = vinfo->video_format; codec->video_pid = vinfo->video_pid; if ((codec->video_type == VFORMAT_H264) || (codec->video_type == VFORMAT_H264MVC)) { codec->am_sysinfo.format = vinfo->video_codec_type; codec->am_sysinfo.width = vinfo->video_width; codec->am_sysinfo.height = vinfo->video_height; } else if (codec->video_type == VFORMAT_VC1) { codec->am_sysinfo.format = vinfo->video_codec_type; codec->am_sysinfo.width = vinfo->video_width; codec->am_sysinfo.height = vinfo->video_height; codec->am_sysinfo.rate = vinfo->video_rate; } } if (ainfo->has_audio) { codec->has_audio = 1; codec->audio_type = ainfo->audio_format; codec->audio_pid = ainfo->audio_pid; codec->audio_channels = ainfo->audio_channel; codec->audio_samplerate = ainfo->audio_samplerate; pCodecCtx = p_para->pFormatCtx->streams[p_para->astream_info.audio_index]->codec; /*if ((codec->audio_type == AFORMAT_ADPCM) || (codec->audio_type == AFORMAT_WMA) || (codec->audio_type == AFORMAT_WMAPRO) || (codec->audio_type == AFORMAT_PCM_S16BE) || (codec->audio_type == AFORMAT_PCM_S16LE) || (codec->audio_type == AFORMAT_PCM_U8) || (codec->audio_type == AFORMAT_PCM_BLURAY)||(codec->audio_type == AFORMAT_AMR)) {*/ if(IS_AUIDO_NEED_EXT_INFO(codec->audio_type)){ codec->audio_info.bitrate = pCodecCtx->sample_fmt; codec->audio_info.sample_rate = pCodecCtx->sample_rate; codec->audio_info.channels = pCodecCtx->channels; codec->audio_info.codec_id = pCodecCtx->codec_id; codec->audio_info.block_align = pCodecCtx->block_align; codec->audio_info.extradata_size = pCodecCtx->extradata_size; if (codec->audio_info.extradata_size > 0) { if(codec->audio_info.extradata_size > AUDIO_EXTRA_DATA_SIZE) { log_print("[%s:%d],extra data size exceed max extra data buffer,cut it to max buffer size ", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); codec->audio_info.extradata_size = AUDIO_EXTRA_DATA_SIZE; } memcpy((char*)codec->audio_info.extradata, pCodecCtx->extradata, codec->audio_info.extradata_size); } codec->audio_info.valid = 1; } codec->avsync_threshold = p_para->start_param->avsync_threshold; log_print("[%s:%d]audio bitrate=%d sample_rate=%d channels=%d codec_id=%x block_align=%d,extra size\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, codec->audio_info.bitrate, codec->audio_info.sample_rate, codec->audio_info.channels, codec->audio_info.codec_id, codec->audio_info.block_align,codec->audio_info.extradata_size); } if (sinfo->has_sub) { codec->has_sub = 1; codec->sub_pid = sinfo->sub_pid; codec->sub_type = sinfo->sub_type; } codec->stream_type = stream_type_convert(p_para->stream_type, codec->has_video, codec->has_audio); codec->packet_size = p_para->pFormatCtx->orig_packet_size; ret = codec_init(codec); if (ret != CODEC_ERROR_NONE) { if (ret != CODEC_OPEN_HANDLE_FAILED) { codec_close(codec); } goto error1; } p_para->codec = codec; return PLAYER_SUCCESS; error1: log_print("[ts]codec_init failed!\n"); codec_free(codec); return DECODER_INIT_FAILED; }
/* Handle Q_CODEC_UNLOAD */ static void unload_codec(void) { /* Tell codec to clean up */ codec_type = AFMT_UNKNOWN; codec_close(); }
int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { int ret = CODEC_ERROR_NONE; char buffer[READ_SIZE]; unsigned int vformat = 0, aformat = 0; int len = 0; int size = READ_SIZE; uint32_t Readlen; uint32_t isize; struct buf_status vbuf; if (argc < 8) { printf("Corret command: tsplay <filename> <vid> <vformat(1 for mpeg2, 2 for h264)> <aid> <aformat(1 for mp3)> <channel> <samplerate>\n"); return -1; } osd_blank("/sys/class/graphics/fb0/blank",1); osd_blank("/sys/class/graphics/fb1/blank",0); set_display_axis(0); set_stb_source_hiu(); set_stb_demux_source_hiu(); pcodec = &codec_para; memset(pcodec, 0, sizeof(codec_para_t )); pcodec->noblock = 0; pcodec->has_video = 1; pcodec->video_pid = atoi(argv[2]); vformat = atoi(argv[3]); if (vformat == 1) pcodec->video_type = VFORMAT_MPEG12; else if (vformat == 2) pcodec->video_type = VFORMAT_H264; else pcodec->video_type = VFORMAT_MPEG12; pcodec->has_audio = 1; pcodec->audio_pid = atoi(argv[4]); aformat = atoi(argv[5]); pcodec->audio_type = AFORMAT_MPEG; // take mp for example pcodec->audio_channels = atoi(argv[6]); pcodec->audio_samplerate = atoi(argv[7]); pcodec->audio_info.channels = 2; pcodec->audio_info.sample_rate = pcodec->audio_samplerate; pcodec->audio_info.valid = 1; pcodec->stream_type = STREAM_TYPE_TS; pcodec->packet_size = 188; // standard ts packet size printf("\n*********CODEC PLAYER DEMO************\n\n"); filename = argv[1]; printf("file %s to be played\n", filename); if((fp = fopen(filename,"rb")) == NULL) { printf("open file error!\n"); return -1; } ret = codec_init(pcodec); if(ret != CODEC_ERROR_NONE) { printf("codec init failed, ret=-0x%x", -ret); return -1; } printf("ps codec ok!\n"); //codec_set_cntl_avthresh(vpcodec, AV_SYNC_THRESH); //codec_set_cntl_syncthresh(vpcodec, 0); set_avsync_enable(1); while(!feof(fp)) { Readlen = fread(buffer, 1, READ_SIZE,fp); //printf("Readlen %d\n", Readlen); if(Readlen <= 0) { printf("read file error!\n"); rewind(fp); } isize = 0; do{ ret = codec_write(pcodec, buffer+isize, Readlen); if (ret < 0) { if (errno != EAGAIN) { printf("write data failed, errno %d\n", errno); goto error; } else { continue; } } else { isize += ret; } //printf("ret %d, isize %d\n", ret, isize); }while(isize < Readlen); signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGTSTP, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGTTOU, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGTTIN, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGHUP, signal_handler); signal(SIGTERM, signal_handler); signal(SIGSEGV, signal_handler); signal(SIGINT, signal_handler); signal(SIGQUIT, signal_handler); } do { ret = codec_get_vbuf_state(pcodec, &vbuf); if (ret != 0) { printf("codec_get_vbuf_state error: %x\n", -ret); goto error; } } while (vbuf.data_len > 0x100); error: codec_close(pcodec); fclose(fp); set_display_axis(1); return 0; }
/* ====================== S_UpdateBackgroundTrack ====================== */ void S_UpdateBackgroundTrack( void ) { int bufferSamples; int fileSamples; byte raw[ 30000 ]; // just enough to fit in a mac stack frame int fileBytes; int r; static float musicVolume = 0.5f; if ( !s_backgroundStream ) { return; } // graeme see if this is OK musicVolume = ( musicVolume + ( s_musicVolume->value * 2 ) ) / 4.0f; // don't bother playing anything if musicvolume is 0 if ( musicVolume <= 0 ) { return; } // see how many samples should be copied into the raw buffer if ( s_rawend < s_soundtime ) { s_rawend = s_soundtime; } while ( s_rawend < s_soundtime + MAX_RAW_SAMPLES ) { bufferSamples = MAX_RAW_SAMPLES - ( s_rawend - s_soundtime ); // decide how much data needs to be read from the file fileSamples = bufferSamples * s_backgroundStream->info.rate / dma.speed; // our max buffer size fileBytes = fileSamples * ( s_backgroundStream->info.width * s_backgroundStream->info.channels ); if ( fileBytes > sizeof( raw ) ) { fileBytes = sizeof( raw ); fileSamples = fileBytes / ( s_backgroundStream->info.width * s_backgroundStream->info.channels ); } // Read r = codec_read( s_backgroundStream, fileBytes, raw ); if ( r < fileBytes ) { fileBytes = r; fileSamples = r / ( s_backgroundStream->info.width * s_backgroundStream->info.channels ); } if ( r > 0 ) { // add to raw buffer SOrig_RawSamples( 0, fileSamples, s_backgroundStream->info.rate, s_backgroundStream->info.width, s_backgroundStream->info.channels, raw, s_musicVolume->value, -1 ); } else { // loop if ( s_backgroundLoop[ 0 ] ) { codec_close( s_backgroundStream ); s_backgroundStream = NULL; SOrig_StartBackgroundTrack( s_backgroundLoop, s_backgroundLoop ); if ( !s_backgroundStream ) { return; } } else { SOrig_StopBackgroundTrack(); return; } } } }
int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { int ret = CODEC_ERROR_NONE; char buffer[READ_SIZE]; int len = 0; int size = READ_SIZE; uint32_t Readlen; uint32_t isize; struct buf_status vbuf; if (argc < 6) { printf("Corret command: esplayer <filename> <width> <height> <fps> <format(1:mpeg4 2:h264 6:vc1)> [subformat for mpeg4/vc1]\n"); return -1; } osd_blank("/sys/class/graphics/fb0/blank",1); osd_blank("/sys/class/graphics/fb1/blank",0); set_display_axis(0); #ifdef AUDIO_ES apcodec = &a_codec_para; memset(apcodec, 0, sizeof(codec_para_t )); #endif vpcodec = &v_codec_para; memset(vpcodec, 0, sizeof(codec_para_t )); vpcodec->has_video = 1; vpcodec->video_type = atoi(argv[5]); if (vpcodec->video_type == VFORMAT_H264) { vpcodec->am_sysinfo.format = VIDEO_DEC_FORMAT_H264; vpcodec->am_sysinfo.param = (void *)(EXTERNAL_PTS | SYNC_OUTSIDE); } else if (vpcodec->video_type == VFORMAT_VC1) { if (argc < 7) { printf("No subformat for vc1, take the default VIDEO_DEC_FORMAT_WVC1\n"); vpcodec->am_sysinfo.format = VIDEO_DEC_FORMAT_WVC1; } else { vpcodec->am_sysinfo.format = atoi(argv[6]); } } else if (vpcodec->video_type == VFORMAT_MPEG4) { if (argc < 7) { printf("No subformat for mpeg4, take the default VIDEO_DEC_FORMAT_MPEG4_5\n"); vpcodec->am_sysinfo.format = VIDEO_DEC_FORMAT_MPEG4_5; } else { vpcodec->am_sysinfo.format = atoi(argv[6]); } } vpcodec->stream_type = STREAM_TYPE_ES_VIDEO; vpcodec->am_sysinfo.rate = 96000 / atoi(argv[4]); vpcodec->am_sysinfo.height = atoi(argv[3]); vpcodec->am_sysinfo.width = atoi(argv[2]); vpcodec->has_audio = 0; vpcodec->noblock = 0; #ifdef AUDIO_ES apcodec->audio_type = AFORMAT_MPEG; apcodec->stream_type = STREAM_TYPE_ES_AUDIO; apcodec->audio_pid = 0x1023; apcodec->has_audio = 1; apcodec->audio_channels = 2; apcodec->audio_samplerate = 48000; apcodec->noblock = 0; apcodec->audio_info.channels = 2; apcodec->audio_info.sample_rate = 48000; #endif printf("\n*********CODEC PLAYER DEMO************\n\n"); filename = argv[1]; printf("file %s to be played\n", filename); if((fp = fopen(filename,"rb")) == NULL) { printf("open file error!\n"); return -1; } #ifdef AUDIO_ES ret = codec_init(apcodec); if(ret != CODEC_ERROR_NONE) { printf("codec init failed, ret=-0x%x", -ret); return -1; } #endif ret = codec_init(vpcodec); if(ret != CODEC_ERROR_NONE) { printf("codec init failed, ret=-0x%x", -ret); return -1; } printf("video codec ok!\n"); //codec_set_cntl_avthresh(vpcodec, AV_SYNC_THRESH); //codec_set_cntl_syncthresh(vpcodec, 0); set_tsync_enable(0); pcodec = vpcodec; while(!feof(fp)) { Readlen = fread(buffer, 1, READ_SIZE,fp); //printf("Readlen %d\n", Readlen); if(Readlen <= 0) { printf("read file error!\n"); rewind(fp); } isize = 0; do { ret = codec_write(pcodec, buffer+isize, Readlen); if (ret < 0) { if (errno != EAGAIN) { printf("write data failed, errno %d\n", errno); goto error; } else { continue; } } else { isize += ret; } //printf("ret %d, isize %d\n", ret, isize); } while(isize < Readlen); signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGTSTP, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGTTOU, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGTTIN, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGHUP, signal_handler); signal(SIGTERM, signal_handler); signal(SIGSEGV, signal_handler); signal(SIGINT, signal_handler); signal(SIGQUIT, signal_handler); } do { ret = codec_get_vbuf_state(pcodec, &vbuf); if (ret != 0) { printf("codec_get_vbuf_state error: %x\n", -ret); goto error; } } while (vbuf.data_len > 0x100); error: #ifdef AUDIO_ES codec_close(apcodec); #endif codec_close(vpcodec); fclose(fp); set_display_axis(1); return 0; }
static int stream_es_init(play_para_t *p_para) { v_stream_info_t *vinfo = &p_para->vstream_info; a_stream_info_t *ainfo = &p_para->astream_info; s_stream_info_t *sinfo = &p_para->sstream_info; codec_para_t *v_codec = NULL, *a_codec = NULL, *s_codec = NULL; int ret = CODEC_ERROR_NONE; if (vinfo->has_video) { v_codec = codec_alloc(); if (!v_codec) { return PLAYER_EMPTY_P; } MEMSET(v_codec, 0, sizeof(codec_para_t)); vcodec_info_init(p_para, v_codec); ret = codec_init(v_codec); if (ret != CODEC_ERROR_NONE) { if (ret != CODEC_OPEN_HANDLE_FAILED) { codec_close(v_codec); } goto error1; } p_para->vcodec = v_codec; } if (ainfo->has_audio) { a_codec = codec_alloc(); if (!a_codec) { if (vinfo->has_video && v_codec) { codec_release(v_codec); } return PLAYER_EMPTY_P; } MEMSET(a_codec, 0, sizeof(codec_para_t)); acodec_info_init(p_para, a_codec); ret = codec_init(a_codec); if (ret != CODEC_ERROR_NONE) { if (ret != CODEC_OPEN_HANDLE_FAILED) { codec_close(a_codec); } goto error2; } p_para->acodec = a_codec; } if (!p_para->vcodec && !p_para->acodec) { log_print("[stream_es_init] no audio and no video codec init!\n"); return DECODER_INIT_FAILED; } if (sinfo->has_sub) { s_codec = codec_alloc(); if (!s_codec) { if (vinfo->has_video && v_codec) { codec_release(v_codec); } if (ainfo->has_audio && a_codec) { codec_release(a_codec); } return PLAYER_EMPTY_P; } MEMSET(s_codec, 0, sizeof(codec_para_t)); scodec_info_init(p_para, s_codec); if (codec_init(s_codec) != 0) { goto error3; } p_para->scodec = s_codec; } if (v_codec) { codec_set_freerun_mode(v_codec, p_para->playctrl_info.freerun_mode); codec_set_vsync_upint(v_codec, p_para->playctrl_info.vsync_upint); } return PLAYER_SUCCESS; error1: codec_free(v_codec); return DECODER_INIT_FAILED; error2: if (vinfo->has_video && v_codec) { codec_release(v_codec); } codec_free(a_codec); return DECODER_INIT_FAILED; error3: if (vinfo->has_video && v_codec) { codec_release(v_codec); } if (ainfo->has_audio && a_codec) { codec_release(a_codec); } codec_free(s_codec); return DECODER_INIT_FAILED; }
int main(int argc, char * const argv[]) { int ret = CODEC_ERROR_NONE; std::string input_filename; if (argc > 1) { for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (strncasecmp(argv[i], "--input", 7) == 0) { // check the next arg with the proper value. int next = i + 1; if (next < argc) { input_filename = argv[next]; i++; } } else if (strncasecmp(argv[i], "-h", 2) == 0 || strncasecmp(argv[i], "--help", 6) == 0) { printf("Usage: %s [OPTIONS]...\n", argv[0]); printf("Arguments:\n"); printf(" --input <filename> \tInput video filename\n"); exit(0); } } } if (input_filename.empty()) { printf("no input file specified\n"); exit(0); } // install signal handlers signal(SIGINT, signal_handler); signal(SIGTERM, signal_handler); // initialize App contex. AVPacket avpkt; AppContext ctx; memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx)); player_para_init(&ctx); am_packet_init(&ctx.am_pkt); ctx.am_pkt.avpkt = &avpkt; av_init_packet(ctx.am_pkt.avpkt); // create the ffmepg file reader/demuxer ctx.demuxer = new FFmpegFileReader(input_filename.c_str()); if (!ctx.demuxer->Initialize()) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Can't initialize FFmpegFileReader\n"); goto fail; } ctx.codec_context = ctx.demuxer->GetCodecContext(); ctx.format_context = ctx.demuxer->GetFormatContext(); if (!ctx.codec_context) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Invalid FFmpegFileReader Codec Context\n"); goto fail; } dump_extradata(&ctx); printf("video width(%d), height(%d), extradata_size(%d)\n", (int)ctx.codec_context->width, (int)ctx.codec_context->height, ctx.codec_context->extradata_size); AVStream *pStream; pStream = ctx.format_context->streams[ctx.demuxer->GetVideoIndex()]; //ctx.vstream_info.video_pid = (unsigned short)ctx.codec_context->id; if (pStream->time_base.den) { ctx.vstream_info.start_time = pStream->start_time * pStream->time_base.num * PTS_FREQ / pStream->time_base.den; ctx.vstream_info.video_duration = ((float)pStream->time_base.num / pStream->time_base.den) * UNIT_FREQ; ctx.vstream_info.video_pts = ((float)pStream->time_base.num / pStream->time_base.den) * PTS_FREQ; } ctx.vstream_info.video_width = ctx.codec_context->width; ctx.vstream_info.video_height = ctx.codec_context->height; ctx.vstream_info.video_ratio = (float)pStream->sample_aspect_ratio.num / pStream->sample_aspect_ratio.den; if (ctx.codec_context->time_base.den) { ctx.vstream_info.video_codec_rate = (int64_t)UNIT_FREQ * ctx.codec_context->time_base.num / ctx.codec_context->time_base.den; } if (pStream->r_frame_rate.num) { ctx.vstream_info.video_rate = (int64_t)UNIT_FREQ * pStream->r_frame_rate.den / pStream->r_frame_rate.num; } log_print("time_base.num(%d), pStream->time_base.den(%d)\n", pStream->time_base.num, pStream->time_base.den); ctx.vstream_info.video_duration = ((float)pStream->time_base.num / pStream->time_base.den) * UNIT_FREQ; ctx.vstream_info.video_pts = ((float)pStream->time_base.num / pStream->time_base.den) * PTS_FREQ; printf("\n*********AMLOGIC CODEC PLAYER DEMO************\n\n"); osd_blank("/sys/class/graphics/fb0/blank", 1); osd_blank("/sys/class/graphics/fb1/blank", 1); //osd_blank("/sys/class/tsync/enable", 1); osd_blank("/sys/class/tsync/enable", 0); switch(ctx.codec_context->codec_id) { case CODEC_ID_H264: printf("CODEC_ID_H264\n"); ctx.vcodec.has_video = 1; ctx.vcodec.has_audio = 0; ctx.stream_type = STREAM_ES; //ctx.vcodec.video_pid = ctx.demuxer->GetVideoIndex(); ctx.vcodec.video_type = VFORMAT_H264; ctx.vcodec.stream_type = STREAM_TYPE_ES_VIDEO; //ctx.vcodec.noblock = !!p_para->buffering_enable; ctx.vcodec.am_sysinfo.format = VIDEO_DEC_FORMAT_H264; ctx.vcodec.am_sysinfo.width = ctx.vstream_info.video_width; ctx.vcodec.am_sysinfo.height = ctx.vstream_info.video_height; ctx.vcodec.am_sysinfo.rate = ctx.vstream_info.video_rate; ctx.vcodec.am_sysinfo.ratio = ctx.vstream_info.video_ratio; ctx.vcodec.am_sysinfo.param = (void*)(EXTERNAL_PTS | SYNC_OUTSIDE); break; case CODEC_ID_MPEG4: printf("CODEC_ID_MPEG4\n"); ctx.vcodec.video_type = VFORMAT_MPEG4; break; case CODEC_ID_MPEG2VIDEO: printf("CODEC_ID_MPEG2VIDEO\n"); ctx.vcodec.video_type = VFORMAT_MPEG12; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Invalid FFmpegFileReader Codec Format (not h264/mpeg4) = %d\n", ctx.codec_context->codec_id); goto fail; break; } ret = codec_init(&ctx.vcodec); if(ret != CODEC_ERROR_NONE) { printf("codec init failed, ret=-0x%x", -ret); return -1; } printf("video codec ok!\n"); ret = codec_init_cntl(&ctx.vcodec); if( ret != CODEC_ERROR_NONE ) { printf("codec_init_cntl error\n"); return -1; } codec_set_cntl_avthresh(&ctx.vcodec, AV_SYNC_THRESH); codec_set_cntl_syncthresh(&ctx.vcodec, ctx.vcodec.has_audio); { int frame_count, total = 0; int64_t bgn_us, end_us; ctx.am_pkt.codec = &ctx.vcodec; pre_header_feeding(&ctx, &ctx.am_pkt); ctx.demuxer->Read(ctx.am_pkt.avpkt); printf("byte_count(%d), dts(%llu), pts(%llu)\n", ctx.am_pkt.avpkt->size, ctx.am_pkt.avpkt->dts, ctx.am_pkt.avpkt->pts); if (!ctx.am_pkt.avpkt->size) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Zero bytes read from input\n"); //goto fail; } ctx.am_pkt.type = CODEC_VIDEO; = ctx.am_pkt.avpkt->data; ctx.am_pkt.data_size = ctx.am_pkt.avpkt->size; ctx.am_pkt.avpkt_newflag = 1; ctx.am_pkt.avpkt_isvalid = 1; frame_count = 0; bool done = false; struct buf_status vbuf; struct vdec_status vdec; float vlevel; while (!g_signal_abort && !done && (frame_count < 5000)) { h264_update_frame_header(&ctx.am_pkt); bgn_us = CurrentHostCounter() * 1000 / CurrentHostFrequency(); log_print("avpts(%lld), avdts(%lld)\n", ctx.am_pkt.avpkt->pts, ctx.am_pkt.avpkt->dts); ret = write_av_packet(&ctx, &ctx.am_pkt); end_us = CurrentHostCounter() * 1000 / CurrentHostFrequency(); frame_count++; //fprintf(stdout, "decode time(%llu) us\n", end_us-bgn_us); check_vcodec_state(&ctx.vcodec, &vdec, &vbuf); vlevel = 100.0 * (float)vbuf.data_len / vbuf.size; //log_print("buffering_states,vlevel=%d,vsize=%d,level=%f\n", vbuf.data_len, vbuf.size, vlevel); usleep(vlevel * 5000); ctx.demuxer->Read(ctx.am_pkt.avpkt); ctx.am_pkt.type = CODEC_VIDEO; = ctx.am_pkt.avpkt->data; ctx.am_pkt.data_size = ctx.am_pkt.avpkt->size; ctx.am_pkt.avpkt_newflag = 1; ctx.am_pkt.avpkt_isvalid = 1; if (!ctx.am_pkt.data_size) done = true; total += ctx.am_pkt.data_size; } } fail: codec_close_cntl(&ctx.vcodec); codec_close(&ctx.vcodec); return 0; }
void aml_cleanup() { codec_close(&codecParam); }