Exemple #1
static LLVMValueRef get_prototype(compile_t* c, gentype_t* g, const char *name,
  ast_t* typeargs, ast_t* fun)
  // Behaviours and actor constructors also have sender functions.
  bool sender = false;

    case TK_NEW:
      sender = g->underlying == TK_ACTOR;

    case TK_BE:
      sender = true;

    default: {}

  // Get a fully qualified name: starts with the type name, followed by the
  // type arguments, followed by the function name, followed by the function
  // level type arguments.
  const char* funname = genname_fun(g->type_name, name, typeargs);

  // If the function already exists, just return it.
  LLVMValueRef func = LLVMGetNamedFunction(c->module, funname);

  if(func != NULL)
    return func;

  LLVMTypeRef ftype = get_signature(c, g, fun);

  if(ftype == NULL)
    return NULL;

  // If the function exists now, just return it.
  func = LLVMGetNamedFunction(c->module, funname);

  if(func != NULL)
    return func;

    // Generate the sender prototype.
    const char* be_name = genname_be(funname);
    func = codegen_addfun(c, be_name, ftype);

    // Change the return type to void for the handler.
    size_t count = LLVMCountParamTypes(ftype);
    size_t buf_size = count *sizeof(LLVMTypeRef);
    LLVMTypeRef* tparams = (LLVMTypeRef*)pool_alloc_size(buf_size);
    LLVMGetParamTypes(ftype, tparams);

    ftype = LLVMFunctionType(c->void_type, tparams, (int)count, false);
    pool_free_size(buf_size, tparams);

  // Generate the function prototype.
  return codegen_addfun(c, funname, ftype);
Exemple #2
void genprim_string_deserialise(compile_t* c, reach_type_t* t)
  // Generate the deserisalise function.
  t->deserialise_fn = codegen_addfun(c, genname_serialise(t->name),

  codegen_startfun(c, t->deserialise_fn, NULL, NULL);
  LLVMSetFunctionCallConv(t->deserialise_fn, LLVMCCallConv);

  LLVMValueRef ctx = LLVMGetParam(t->deserialise_fn, 0);
  LLVMValueRef arg = LLVMGetParam(t->deserialise_fn, 1);

  LLVMValueRef object = LLVMBuildBitCast(c->builder, arg, t->structure_ptr,
  gendeserialise_typeid(c, t, object);

  // Deserialise the string contents.
  LLVMValueRef alloc = field_value(c, object, 2);
  LLVMValueRef ptr_offset = field_value(c, object, 3);
  ptr_offset = LLVMBuildPtrToInt(c->builder, ptr_offset, c->intptr, "");

  LLVMValueRef args[3];
  args[0] = ctx;
  args[1] = ptr_offset;
  args[2] = alloc;
  LLVMValueRef ptr_addr = gencall_runtime(c, "pony_deserialise_block", args, 3,

  LLVMValueRef ptr = LLVMBuildStructGEP(c->builder, object, 3, "");
  LLVMBuildStore(c->builder, ptr_addr, ptr);

Exemple #3
static void start_function(compile_t* c, reach_method_t* m,
  LLVMTypeRef result, LLVMTypeRef* params, unsigned count)
  m->func_type = LLVMFunctionType(result, params, count, false);
  m->func = codegen_addfun(c, m->full_name, m->func_type);
  codegen_startfun(c, m->func, NULL, NULL);
Exemple #4
static void make_rdtscp(compile_t* c)
    // i64 @llvm.x86.rdtscp(i8*)
    LLVMTypeRef f_type = LLVMFunctionType(c->i64, &c->void_ptr, 1, false);
    LLVMValueRef rdtscp = LLVMAddFunction(c->module, "llvm.x86.rdtscp",

    // i64 @internal.x86.rdtscp(i32*)
    LLVMTypeRef i32_ptr = LLVMPointerType(c->i32, 0);
    f_type = LLVMFunctionType(c->i64, &i32_ptr, 1, false);
    LLVMValueRef fun = codegen_addfun(c, "internal.x86.rdtscp", f_type);
    LLVMSetFunctionCallConv(fun, LLVMCCallConv);
    codegen_startfun(c, fun, NULL, NULL);

    // Cast i32* to i8* and call the intrinsic.
    LLVMValueRef arg = LLVMGetParam(fun, 0);
    arg = LLVMBuildBitCast(c->builder, arg, c->void_ptr, "");
    LLVMValueRef result = LLVMBuildCall(c->builder, rdtscp, &arg, 1, "");
    LLVMBuildRet(c->builder, result);

  } else {
Exemple #5
void gentrace_prototype(compile_t* c, reachable_type_t* t)
    case TK_CLASS:
    case TK_ACTOR:


  bool need_trace = false;

  for(uint32_t i = 0; i < t->field_count; i++)
      need_trace = true;


  const char* trace_name = genname_trace(t->name);
  t->trace_fn = codegen_addfun(c, trace_name, c->trace_type);
Exemple #6
static bool genfun_allocator(compile_t* c, gentype_t* g)
  // No allocator for primitive types or pointers.
  if((g->primitive != NULL) || is_pointer(g->ast))
    return true;

  const char* funname = genname_fun(g->type_name, "Alloc", NULL);
  LLVMTypeRef ftype = LLVMFunctionType(g->use_type, NULL, 0, false);
  LLVMValueRef fun = codegen_addfun(c, funname, ftype);
  codegen_startfun(c, fun, false);

  LLVMValueRef result;

    case TK_PRIMITIVE:
    case TK_CLASS:
      // Allocate the object or return the global instance.
      result = gencall_alloc(c, g);

    case TK_ACTOR:
      // Allocate the actor.
      result = gencall_create(c, g);

      return false;

  LLVMBuildRet(c->builder, result);
  return true;
Exemple #7
static void make_dispatch(compile_t* c, gentype_t* g)
  // Do nothing if we're not an actor.
  if(g->underlying != TK_ACTOR)

  // Create a dispatch function.
  const char* dispatch_name = genname_dispatch(g->type_name);
  g->dispatch_fn = codegen_addfun(c, dispatch_name, c->dispatch_type);
  LLVMSetFunctionCallConv(g->dispatch_fn, LLVMCCallConv);
  codegen_startfun(c, g->dispatch_fn, false);

  LLVMBasicBlockRef unreachable = codegen_block(c, "unreachable");

  // Read the message ID.
  LLVMValueRef msg = LLVMGetParam(g->dispatch_fn, 2);
  LLVMValueRef id_ptr = LLVMBuildStructGEP(c->builder, msg, 1, "");
  LLVMValueRef id = LLVMBuildLoad(c->builder, id_ptr, "id");

  // Store a reference to the dispatch switch. When we build behaviours, we
  // will add cases to this switch statement based on message ID.
  g->dispatch_switch = LLVMBuildSwitch(c->builder, id, unreachable, 0);

  // Mark the default case as unreachable.
  LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(c->builder, unreachable);
Exemple #8
void genprim_string_serialise_trace(compile_t* c, reach_type_t* t)
  // Generate the serialise_trace function.
  t->serialise_trace_fn = codegen_addfun(c, genname_serialise_trace(t->name),

  codegen_startfun(c, t->serialise_trace_fn, NULL, NULL);
  LLVMSetFunctionCallConv(t->serialise_trace_fn, LLVMCCallConv);

  LLVMValueRef ctx = LLVMGetParam(t->serialise_trace_fn, 0);
  LLVMValueRef arg = LLVMGetParam(t->serialise_trace_fn, 1);
  LLVMValueRef object = LLVMBuildBitCast(c->builder, arg, t->use_type, "");

  // Read the size.
  LLVMValueRef size = field_value(c, object, 1);
  LLVMValueRef alloc = LLVMBuildAdd(c->builder, size,
    LLVMConstInt(c->intptr, 1, false), "");

  // Reserve space for the contents.
  LLVMValueRef ptr = field_value(c, object, 3);

  LLVMValueRef args[3];
  args[0] = ctx;
  args[1] = ptr;
  args[2] = alloc;
  gencall_runtime(c, "pony_serialise_reserve", args, 3, "");

Exemple #9
static void make_serialise(compile_t* c, reach_type_t* t)
  // Use the trace function as the serialise_trace function.
  t->serialise_trace_fn = t->trace_fn;

  // Generate the serialise function.
  t->serialise_fn = codegen_addfun(c, genname_serialise(t->name),

  codegen_startfun(c, t->serialise_fn, NULL, NULL);
  LLVMSetFunctionCallConv(t->serialise_fn, LLVMCCallConv);
  LLVMSetLinkage(t->serialise_fn, LLVMExternalLinkage);

  LLVMValueRef ctx = LLVMGetParam(t->serialise_fn, 0);
  LLVMValueRef arg = LLVMGetParam(t->serialise_fn, 1);
  LLVMValueRef addr = LLVMGetParam(t->serialise_fn, 2);
  LLVMValueRef offset = LLVMGetParam(t->serialise_fn, 3);

  LLVMValueRef object = LLVMBuildBitCast(c->builder, arg, t->structure_ptr,
  LLVMValueRef offset_addr = LLVMBuildInBoundsGEP(c->builder, addr, &offset, 1,

  serialise(c, t, ctx, object, offset_addr);

Exemple #10
static bool make_trace(compile_t* c, gentype_t* g)
  // Do nothing if we have no fields.
  if(g->field_count == 0)
    return true;

  if(g->underlying == TK_CLASS)
    // Special case the array trace function.
    AST_GET_CHILDREN(g->ast, pkg, id);
    const char* package = ast_name(pkg);
    const char* name = ast_name(id);

    if((package == c->str_builtin) && (name == c->str_Array))
      genprim_array_trace(c, g);
      return true;

  // Create a trace function.
  const char* trace_name = genname_trace(g->type_name);
  LLVMValueRef trace_fn = codegen_addfun(c, trace_name, c->trace_type);

  codegen_startfun(c, trace_fn, false);
  LLVMSetFunctionCallConv(trace_fn, LLVMCCallConv);

  LLVMValueRef ctx = LLVMGetParam(trace_fn, 0);
  LLVMValueRef arg = LLVMGetParam(trace_fn, 1);
  LLVMValueRef object = LLVMBuildBitCast(c->builder, arg, g->structure_ptr,

  // If we don't ever trace anything, delete this function.
  int extra = 0;

  // Non-structs have a type descriptor.
  if(g->underlying != TK_STRUCT)

  // Actors have a pad.
  if(g->underlying == TK_ACTOR)

  bool need_trace = trace_fields(c, g, ctx, object, extra);



  return true;
Exemple #11
static LLVMValueRef make_unbox_function(compile_t* c, gentype_t* g,
  const char* name)
  LLVMValueRef fun = LLVMGetNamedFunction(c->module, name);

  if(fun == NULL)
    return LLVMConstNull(c->void_ptr);

  // Create a new unboxing function that forwards to the real function.
  LLVMTypeRef f_type = LLVMGetElementType(LLVMTypeOf(fun));
  int count = LLVMCountParamTypes(f_type);

  // If it takes no arguments, it's a special number constructor. Don't put it
  // in the vtable.
  if(count == 0)
    return LLVMConstNull(c->void_ptr);

  size_t buf_size = count *sizeof(LLVMTypeRef);
  LLVMTypeRef* params = (LLVMTypeRef*)pool_alloc_size(buf_size);
  LLVMGetParamTypes(f_type, params);
  LLVMTypeRef ret_type = LLVMGetReturnType(f_type);

  // It's the same type, but it takes the boxed type instead of the primitive
  // type as the receiver.
  params[0] = g->structure_ptr;

  const char* unbox_name = genname_unbox(name);
  LLVMTypeRef unbox_type = LLVMFunctionType(ret_type, params, count, false);
  LLVMValueRef unbox_fun = codegen_addfun(c, unbox_name, unbox_type);
  codegen_startfun(c, unbox_fun, false);

  // Extract the primitive type from element 1 and call the real function.
  LLVMValueRef this_ptr = LLVMGetParam(unbox_fun, 0);
  LLVMValueRef primitive_ptr = LLVMBuildStructGEP(c->builder, this_ptr, 1, "");
  LLVMValueRef primitive = LLVMBuildLoad(c->builder, primitive_ptr, "");

  LLVMValueRef* args = (LLVMValueRef*)pool_alloc_size(buf_size);
  args[0] = primitive;

  for(int i = 1; i < count; i++)
    args[i] = LLVMGetParam(unbox_fun, i);

  LLVMValueRef result = codegen_call(c, fun, args, count);
  LLVMBuildRet(c->builder, result);

  pool_free_size(buf_size, params);
  pool_free_size(buf_size, args);
  return LLVMConstBitCast(unbox_fun, c->void_ptr);
Exemple #12
void genprim_array_serialise_trace(compile_t* c, reach_type_t* t)
  // Generate the serialise_trace function.
  t->serialise_trace_fn = codegen_addfun(c, genname_serialise_trace(t->name),

  codegen_startfun(c, t->serialise_trace_fn, NULL, NULL);
  LLVMSetFunctionCallConv(t->serialise_trace_fn, LLVMCCallConv);
  LLVMSetLinkage(t->serialise_trace_fn, LLVMExternalLinkage);

  LLVMValueRef ctx = LLVMGetParam(t->serialise_trace_fn, 0);
  LLVMValueRef arg = LLVMGetParam(t->serialise_trace_fn, 1);
  LLVMValueRef object = LLVMBuildBitCast(c->builder, arg, t->use_type, "");

  // Read the size.
  LLVMValueRef size = field_value(c, object, 1);

  // Calculate the size of the element type.
  ast_t* typeargs = ast_childidx(t->ast, 2);
  ast_t* typearg = ast_child(typeargs);
  reach_type_t* t_elem = reach_type(c->reach, typearg);

  size_t abisize = (size_t)LLVMABISizeOfType(c->target_data, t_elem->use_type);
  LLVMValueRef l_size = LLVMConstInt(c->intptr, abisize, false);

  // Reserve space for the array elements.
  LLVMValueRef pointer = field_value(c, object, 3);

  LLVMValueRef args[3];
  args[0] = ctx;
  args[1] = pointer;
  args[2] = LLVMBuildMul(c->builder, size, l_size, "");
  gencall_runtime(c, "pony_serialise_reserve", args, 3, "");

  // Trace the array elements.
  trace_array_elements(c, t, ctx, object, pointer);

Exemple #13
void gen_digestof_fun(compile_t* c, reach_type_t* t)

  reach_method_t* m = reach_method(t, TK_BOX, stringtab("__digestof"), NULL);

  if(m == NULL)

  compile_type_t* c_t = (compile_type_t*)t->c_type;
  compile_method_t* c_m = (compile_method_t*)m->c_method;
  c_m->func_type = LLVMFunctionType(c->intptr, &c_t->structure_ptr, 1, false);
  c_m->func = codegen_addfun(c, m->full_name, c_m->func_type, true);

  codegen_startfun(c, c_m->func, NULL, NULL, NULL, false);
  LLVMValueRef value = LLVMGetParam(codegen_fun(c), 0);

  value = gen_unbox(c, t->ast_cap, value);
  LLVMBuildRet(c->builder, gen_digestof_value(c, t->ast_cap, value));

Exemple #14
static void make_cpuid(compile_t* c)
    LLVMTypeRef elems[4] = {c->i32, c->i32, c->i32, c->i32};
    LLVMTypeRef r_type = LLVMStructTypeInContext(c->context, elems, 4, false);
    LLVMTypeRef f_type = LLVMFunctionType(r_type, &c->i32, 1, false);
    LLVMValueRef fun = codegen_addfun(c, "internal.x86.cpuid", f_type);
    LLVMSetFunctionCallConv(fun, LLVMCCallConv);
    codegen_startfun(c, fun, NULL, NULL);

    LLVMValueRef cpuid = LLVMConstInlineAsm(f_type,
      "cpuid", "={ax},={bx},={cx},={dx},{ax}", false, false);
    LLVMValueRef zero = LLVMConstInt(c->i32, 0, false);

    LLVMValueRef result = LLVMBuildCall(c->builder, cpuid, &zero, 1, "");
    LLVMBuildRet(c->builder, result);

  } else {
Exemple #15
static void make_deserialise(compile_t* c, reach_type_t* t)
  // Generate the deserialise function.
  t->deserialise_fn = codegen_addfun(c, genname_deserialise(t->name),

  codegen_startfun(c, t->deserialise_fn, NULL, NULL);
  LLVMSetFunctionCallConv(t->deserialise_fn, LLVMCCallConv);
  LLVMSetLinkage(t->deserialise_fn, LLVMExternalLinkage);

  LLVMValueRef ctx = LLVMGetParam(t->deserialise_fn, 0);
  LLVMValueRef arg = LLVMGetParam(t->deserialise_fn, 1);

  LLVMValueRef object = LLVMBuildBitCast(c->builder, arg, t->structure_ptr,

  // At this point, the serialised contents have been copied to the allocated
  // object.
  deserialise(c, t, ctx, object);

Exemple #16
void gen_is_tuple_fun(compile_t* c, reach_type_t* t)
  pony_assert(t->underlying == TK_TUPLETYPE);

  reach_method_t* m = reach_method(t, TK_BOX, stringtab("__is"), NULL);
  pony_assert(m != NULL);

  LLVMTypeRef params[2];
  params[0] = t->structure_ptr;
  params[1] = t->structure_ptr;
  m->func_type = LLVMFunctionType(c->i1, params, 2, false);
  m->func = codegen_addfun(c, m->full_name, m->func_type);

  codegen_startfun(c, m->func, NULL, NULL);
  LLVMValueRef l_value = LLVMGetParam(codegen_fun(c), 0);
  LLVMValueRef r_value = LLVMGetParam(codegen_fun(c), 1);

  l_value = gen_unbox(c, t->ast_cap, l_value);
  r_value = gen_unbox(c, t->ast_cap, r_value);
  LLVMBuildRet(c->builder, tuple_is(c, t->ast_cap, t->ast_cap, l_value,

Exemple #17
void genprim_array_serialise(compile_t* c, reach_type_t* t)
  // Generate the serialise function.
  t->serialise_fn = codegen_addfun(c, genname_serialise(t->name),

  codegen_startfun(c, t->serialise_fn, NULL, NULL);
  LLVMSetFunctionCallConv(t->serialise_fn, LLVMCCallConv);

  LLVMValueRef ctx = LLVMGetParam(t->serialise_fn, 0);
  LLVMValueRef arg = LLVMGetParam(t->serialise_fn, 1);
  LLVMValueRef addr = LLVMGetParam(t->serialise_fn, 2);
  LLVMValueRef offset = LLVMGetParam(t->serialise_fn, 3);
  LLVMValueRef mut = LLVMGetParam(t->serialise_fn, 4);

  LLVMValueRef object = LLVMBuildBitCast(c->builder, arg, t->structure_ptr,
  LLVMValueRef offset_addr = LLVMBuildAdd(c->builder,
    LLVMBuildPtrToInt(c->builder, addr, c->intptr, ""), offset, "");

  genserialise_typeid(c, t, offset_addr);

  // Don't serialise our contents if we are opaque.
  LLVMBasicBlockRef body_block = codegen_block(c, "body");
  LLVMBasicBlockRef post_block = codegen_block(c, "post");

  LLVMValueRef test = LLVMBuildICmp(c->builder, LLVMIntNE, mut,
    LLVMConstInt(c->i32, PONY_TRACE_OPAQUE, false), "");
  LLVMBuildCondBr(c->builder, test, body_block, post_block);
  LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(c->builder, body_block);

  // Write the size twice, effectively rewriting alloc to be the same as size.
  LLVMValueRef size = field_value(c, object, 1);

  LLVMValueRef size_loc = field_loc(c, offset_addr, t->structure,
    c->intptr, 1);
  LLVMBuildStore(c->builder, size, size_loc);

  LLVMValueRef alloc_loc = field_loc(c, offset_addr, t->structure,
    c->intptr, 2);
  LLVMBuildStore(c->builder, size, alloc_loc);

  // Write the pointer.
  LLVMValueRef ptr = field_value(c, object, 3);

  // The resulting offset will only be invalid (i.e. have the high bit set) if
  // the size is zero. For an opaque array, we don't serialise the contents,
  // so we don't get here, so we don't end up with an invalid offset.
  LLVMValueRef args[5];
  args[0] = ctx;
  args[1] = ptr;
  LLVMValueRef ptr_offset = gencall_runtime(c, "pony_serialise_offset",
    args, 2, "");

  LLVMValueRef ptr_loc = field_loc(c, offset_addr, t->structure, c->intptr, 3);
  LLVMBuildStore(c->builder, ptr_offset, ptr_loc);

  LLVMValueRef ptr_offset_addr = LLVMBuildAdd(c->builder, ptr_offset,
    LLVMBuildPtrToInt(c->builder, addr, c->intptr, ""), "");

  // Serialise elements.
  ast_t* typeargs = ast_childidx(t->ast, 2);
  ast_t* typearg = ast_child(typeargs);
  reach_type_t* t_elem = reach_type(c->reach, typearg);

  size_t abisize = (size_t)LLVMABISizeOfType(c->target_data, t_elem->use_type);
  LLVMValueRef l_size = LLVMConstInt(c->intptr, abisize, false);

  if((t_elem->underlying == TK_PRIMITIVE) && (t_elem->primitive != NULL))
    // memcpy machine words
    args[0] = LLVMBuildIntToPtr(c->builder, ptr_offset_addr, c->void_ptr, "");
    args[1] = LLVMBuildBitCast(c->builder, ptr, c->void_ptr, "");
    args[2] = LLVMBuildMul(c->builder, size, l_size, "");
    args[3] = LLVMConstInt(c->i32, 1, false);
    args[4] = LLVMConstInt(c->i1, 0, false);
      gencall_runtime(c, "llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i32", args, 5, "");
    } else {
      gencall_runtime(c, "llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64", args, 5, "");
  } else {
    ptr = LLVMBuildBitCast(c->builder, ptr,
      LLVMPointerType(t_elem->use_type, 0), "");

    LLVMBasicBlockRef entry_block = LLVMGetInsertBlock(c->builder);
    LLVMBasicBlockRef cond_block = codegen_block(c, "cond");
    LLVMBasicBlockRef body_block = codegen_block(c, "body");
    LLVMBasicBlockRef post_block = codegen_block(c, "post");

    LLVMValueRef offset_var = LLVMBuildAlloca(c->builder, c->intptr, "");
    LLVMBuildStore(c->builder, ptr_offset_addr, offset_var);

    LLVMBuildBr(c->builder, cond_block);

    // While the index is less than the size, serialise an element. The
    // initial index when coming from the entry block is zero.
    LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(c->builder, cond_block);
    LLVMValueRef phi = LLVMBuildPhi(c->builder, c->intptr, "");
    LLVMValueRef zero = LLVMConstInt(c->intptr, 0, false);
    LLVMAddIncoming(phi, &zero, &entry_block, 1);
    LLVMValueRef test = LLVMBuildICmp(c->builder, LLVMIntULT, phi, size, "");
    LLVMBuildCondBr(c->builder, test, body_block, post_block);

    // The phi node is the index. Get the element and serialise it.
    LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(c->builder, body_block);
    LLVMValueRef elem_ptr = LLVMBuildGEP(c->builder, ptr, &phi, 1, "");

    ptr_offset_addr = LLVMBuildLoad(c->builder, offset_var, "");
    genserialise_element(c, t_elem, false, ctx, elem_ptr, ptr_offset_addr);
    ptr_offset_addr = LLVMBuildAdd(c->builder, ptr_offset_addr, l_size, "");
    LLVMBuildStore(c->builder, ptr_offset_addr, offset_var);

    // Add one to the phi node and branch back to the cond block.
    LLVMValueRef one = LLVMConstInt(c->intptr, 1, false);
    LLVMValueRef inc = LLVMBuildAdd(c->builder, phi, one, "");
    body_block = LLVMGetInsertBlock(c->builder);
    LLVMAddIncoming(phi, &inc, &body_block, 1);
    LLVMBuildBr(c->builder, cond_block);

    LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(c->builder, post_block);

  LLVMBuildBr(c->builder, post_block);
  LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(c->builder, post_block);
Exemple #18
static void make_prototype(compile_t* c, reachable_type_t* t,
  reachable_method_t* m)

  // Behaviours and actor constructors also have handler functions.
  bool handler = false;

    case TK_NEW:
      handler = t->underlying == TK_ACTOR;

    case TK_BE:
      handler = true;

    default: {}

  make_signature(t, m);

    case TK_PRIMITIVE:
    case TK_STRUCT:
    case TK_CLASS:
    case TK_ACTOR:


    // Generate the sender prototype.
    const char* sender_name = genname_be(m->full_name);
    m->func = codegen_addfun(c, sender_name, m->func_type);

    // Change the return type to void for the handler.
    size_t count = LLVMCountParamTypes(m->func_type);
    size_t buf_size = count * sizeof(LLVMTypeRef);
    LLVMTypeRef* tparams = (LLVMTypeRef*)ponyint_pool_alloc_size(buf_size);
    LLVMGetParamTypes(m->func_type, tparams);

    LLVMTypeRef handler_type = LLVMFunctionType(c->void_type, tparams,
      (int)count, false);
    ponyint_pool_free_size(buf_size, tparams);

    // Generate the handler prototype.
    m->func_handler = codegen_addfun(c, m->full_name, handler_type);
    make_function_debug(c, t, m, m->func_handler);
  } else {
    // Generate the function prototype.
    m->func = codegen_addfun(c, m->full_name, m->func_type);
    make_function_debug(c, t, m, m->func);
Exemple #19
static bool make_trace(compile_t* c, gentype_t* g)
  // Do nothing if we have no fields.
  if(g->field_count == 0)
    return true;

  if(g->underlying == TK_CLASS)
    // Special case the array trace function.
    AST_GET_CHILDREN(g->ast, pkg, id);
    const char* package = ast_name(pkg);
    const char* name = ast_name(id);

    if((package == c->str_1) && (name == c->str_Array))
      genprim_array_trace(c, g);
      return true;

  // Create a trace function.
  const char* trace_name = genname_trace(g->type_name);
  LLVMValueRef trace_fn = codegen_addfun(c, trace_name, c->trace_type);

  codegen_startfun(c, trace_fn, false);
  LLVMSetFunctionCallConv(trace_fn, LLVMCCallConv);

  LLVMValueRef arg = LLVMGetParam(trace_fn, 0);
  LLVMValueRef object = LLVMBuildBitCast(c->builder, arg, g->structure_ptr,

  // If we don't ever trace anything, delete this function.
  bool need_trace;

  if(g->underlying == TK_TUPLETYPE)
    // Create another function that traces the tuple members.
    const char* trace_tuple_name = genname_tracetuple(g->type_name);
    LLVMTypeRef trace_tuple_type = LLVMFunctionType(c->void_type,
      &g->primitive, 1, false);
    LLVMValueRef trace_tuple_fn = codegen_addfun(c, trace_tuple_name,

    codegen_startfun(c, trace_tuple_fn, false);
    LLVMSetFunctionCallConv(trace_tuple_fn, LLVMCCallConv);

    LLVMValueRef arg = LLVMGetParam(trace_tuple_fn, 0);
    need_trace = trace_elements(c, g, arg);


      // Get the tuple primitive.
      LLVMValueRef tuple_ptr = LLVMBuildStructGEP(c->builder, object, 1, "");
      LLVMValueRef tuple = LLVMBuildLoad(c->builder, tuple_ptr, "");

      // Call the tuple trace function with the unboxed primitive type.
      LLVMBuildCall(c->builder, trace_tuple_fn, &tuple, 1, "");
    } else {
  } else {
    int extra = 1;

    // Actors have a pad.
    if(g->underlying == TK_ACTOR)

    need_trace = trace_fields(c, g, object, extra);



  return true;
Exemple #20
static LLVMValueRef make_unbox_function(compile_t* c, reach_type_t* t,
  reach_method_t* m)
  // Create a new unboxing function that forwards to the real function.
  LLVMTypeRef f_type = LLVMGetElementType(LLVMTypeOf(m->func));
  int count = LLVMCountParamTypes(f_type);

  // Leave space for a receiver if it's a constructor vtable entry.
  size_t buf_size = (count + 1) * sizeof(LLVMTypeRef);
  LLVMTypeRef* params = (LLVMTypeRef*)ponyint_pool_alloc_size(buf_size);
  LLVMGetParamTypes(f_type, params);
  LLVMTypeRef ret_type = LLVMGetReturnType(f_type);

  const char* unbox_name = genname_unbox(m->full_name);

  if(ast_id(m->r_fun) != TK_NEW)
    // It's the same type, but it takes the boxed type instead of the primitive
    // type as the receiver.
    params[0] = t->structure_ptr;
  } else {
    // For a constructor, the unbox_fun has a receiver, even though the real
    // method does not.
    memmove(&params[1], &params[0], count * sizeof(LLVMTypeRef*));
    params[0] = t->structure_ptr;

  LLVMTypeRef unbox_type = LLVMFunctionType(ret_type, params, count, false);
  LLVMValueRef unbox_fun = codegen_addfun(c, unbox_name, unbox_type);
  codegen_startfun(c, unbox_fun, NULL, NULL);

  // Extract the primitive type from element 1 and call the real function.
  LLVMValueRef this_ptr = LLVMGetParam(unbox_fun, 0);
  LLVMValueRef primitive_ptr = LLVMBuildStructGEP(c->builder, this_ptr, 1, "");
  LLVMValueRef primitive = LLVMBuildLoad(c->builder, primitive_ptr, "");

  LLVMValueRef* args = (LLVMValueRef*)ponyint_pool_alloc_size(buf_size);

  if(ast_id(m->r_fun) != TK_NEW)
    // If it's not a constructor, pass the extracted primitive as the receiver.
    args[0] = primitive;

    for(int i = 1; i < count; i++)
      args[i] = LLVMGetParam(unbox_fun, i);
  } else {

    for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
      args[i] = LLVMGetParam(unbox_fun, i + 1);

  LLVMValueRef result = codegen_call(c, m->func, args, count);
  LLVMBuildRet(c->builder, result);

  ponyint_pool_free_size(buf_size, params);
  ponyint_pool_free_size(buf_size, args);
  return LLVMConstBitCast(unbox_fun, c->void_ptr);
Exemple #21
void genprim_string_serialise(compile_t* c, reach_type_t* t)
  // Generate the serialise function.
  t->serialise_fn = codegen_addfun(c, genname_serialise(t->name),

  codegen_startfun(c, t->serialise_fn, NULL, NULL);
  LLVMSetFunctionCallConv(t->serialise_fn, LLVMCCallConv);

  LLVMValueRef ctx = LLVMGetParam(t->serialise_fn, 0);
  LLVMValueRef arg = LLVMGetParam(t->serialise_fn, 1);
  LLVMValueRef addr = LLVMGetParam(t->serialise_fn, 2);
  LLVMValueRef offset = LLVMGetParam(t->serialise_fn, 3);
  LLVMValueRef mut = LLVMGetParam(t->serialise_fn, 4);

  LLVMValueRef object = LLVMBuildBitCast(c->builder, arg, t->structure_ptr,
  LLVMValueRef offset_addr = LLVMBuildAdd(c->builder,
    LLVMBuildPtrToInt(c->builder, addr, c->intptr, ""), offset, "");

  genserialise_typeid(c, t, offset_addr);

  // Don't serialise our contents if we are opaque.
  LLVMBasicBlockRef body_block = codegen_block(c, "body");
  LLVMBasicBlockRef post_block = codegen_block(c, "post");

  LLVMValueRef test = LLVMBuildICmp(c->builder, LLVMIntNE, mut,
    LLVMConstInt(c->i32, PONY_TRACE_OPAQUE, false), "");
  LLVMBuildCondBr(c->builder, test, body_block, post_block);
  LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(c->builder, body_block);

  // Write the size, and rewrite alloc to be size + 1.
  LLVMValueRef size = field_value(c, object, 1);
  LLVMValueRef size_loc = field_loc(c, offset_addr, t->structure,
    c->intptr, 1);
  LLVMBuildStore(c->builder, size, size_loc);

  LLVMValueRef alloc = LLVMBuildAdd(c->builder, size,
    LLVMConstInt(c->intptr, 1, false), "");
  LLVMValueRef alloc_loc = field_loc(c, offset_addr, t->structure,
    c->intptr, 2);
  LLVMBuildStore(c->builder, alloc, alloc_loc);

  // Write the pointer.
  LLVMValueRef ptr = field_value(c, object, 3);

  LLVMValueRef args[5];
  args[0] = ctx;
  args[1] = ptr;
  LLVMValueRef ptr_offset = gencall_runtime(c, "pony_serialise_offset",
    args, 2, "");

  LLVMValueRef ptr_loc = field_loc(c, offset_addr, t->structure, c->intptr, 3);
  LLVMBuildStore(c->builder, ptr_offset, ptr_loc);

  // Serialise the string contents.
  LLVMValueRef ptr_offset_addr = LLVMBuildAdd(c->builder,
    LLVMBuildPtrToInt(c->builder, addr, c->intptr, ""), ptr_offset, "");

  args[0] = LLVMBuildIntToPtr(c->builder, ptr_offset_addr, c->void_ptr, "");
  args[1] = LLVMBuildBitCast(c->builder, field_value(c, object, 3),
    c->void_ptr, "");
  args[2] = alloc;
  args[3] = LLVMConstInt(c->i32, 1, false);
  args[4] = LLVMConstInt(c->i1, 0, false);

    gencall_runtime(c, "llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i32", args, 5, "");
  } else {
    gencall_runtime(c, "llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64", args, 5, "");

  LLVMBuildBr(c->builder, post_block);
  LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(c->builder, post_block);
Exemple #22
void genprim_array_deserialise(compile_t* c, reach_type_t* t)
  // Generate the deserisalise function.
  t->deserialise_fn = codegen_addfun(c, genname_serialise(t->name),

  codegen_startfun(c, t->deserialise_fn, NULL, NULL);
  LLVMSetFunctionCallConv(t->deserialise_fn, LLVMCCallConv);

  LLVMValueRef ctx = LLVMGetParam(t->deserialise_fn, 0);
  LLVMValueRef arg = LLVMGetParam(t->deserialise_fn, 1);

  LLVMValueRef object = LLVMBuildBitCast(c->builder, arg, t->structure_ptr,
  gendeserialise_typeid(c, t, object);

  // Deserialise the array contents.
  LLVMValueRef alloc = field_value(c, object, 2);
  LLVMValueRef ptr_offset = field_value(c, object, 3);
  ptr_offset = LLVMBuildPtrToInt(c->builder, ptr_offset, c->intptr, "");

  ast_t* typeargs = ast_childidx(t->ast, 2);
  ast_t* typearg = ast_child(typeargs);

  reach_type_t* t_elem = reach_type(c->reach, typearg);
  size_t abisize = (size_t)LLVMABISizeOfType(c->target_data, t_elem->use_type);
  LLVMValueRef l_size = LLVMConstInt(c->intptr, abisize, false);

  LLVMValueRef args[3];
  args[0] = ctx;
  args[1] = ptr_offset;
  args[2] = LLVMBuildMul(c->builder, alloc, l_size, "");
  LLVMValueRef ptr = gencall_runtime(c, "pony_deserialise_block", args, 3, "");

  LLVMValueRef ptr_loc = LLVMBuildStructGEP(c->builder, object, 3, "");
  LLVMBuildStore(c->builder, ptr, ptr_loc);

  if((t_elem->underlying == TK_PRIMITIVE) && (t_elem->primitive != NULL))
    // Do nothing. A memcpy is sufficient.
  } else {
    LLVMValueRef size = field_value(c, object, 1);
    ptr = LLVMBuildBitCast(c->builder, ptr,
      LLVMPointerType(t_elem->use_type, 0), "");

    LLVMBasicBlockRef entry_block = LLVMGetInsertBlock(c->builder);
    LLVMBasicBlockRef cond_block = codegen_block(c, "cond");
    LLVMBasicBlockRef body_block = codegen_block(c, "body");
    LLVMBasicBlockRef post_block = codegen_block(c, "post");

    LLVMBuildBr(c->builder, cond_block);

    // While the index is less than the size, deserialise an element. The
    // initial index when coming from the entry block is zero.
    LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(c->builder, cond_block);
    LLVMValueRef phi = LLVMBuildPhi(c->builder, c->intptr, "");
    LLVMValueRef zero = LLVMConstInt(c->intptr, 0, false);
    LLVMAddIncoming(phi, &zero, &entry_block, 1);
    LLVMValueRef test = LLVMBuildICmp(c->builder, LLVMIntULT, phi, size, "");
    LLVMBuildCondBr(c->builder, test, body_block, post_block);

    // The phi node is the index. Get the element and deserialise it.
    LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(c->builder, body_block);
    LLVMValueRef elem_ptr = LLVMBuildGEP(c->builder, ptr, &phi, 1, "");
    gendeserialise_element(c, t_elem, false, ctx, elem_ptr);

    // Add one to the phi node and branch back to the cond block.
    LLVMValueRef one = LLVMConstInt(c->intptr, 1, false);
    LLVMValueRef inc = LLVMBuildAdd(c->builder, phi, one, "");
    body_block = LLVMGetInsertBlock(c->builder);
    LLVMAddIncoming(phi, &inc, &body_block, 1);
    LLVMBuildBr(c->builder, cond_block);

    LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(c->builder, post_block);
