Exemple #1
void collision_response_slide(void* x, vec3* position, vec3* velocity, collision (*colfunc)(void* x, vec3* pos, vec3* vel) ) {
  collision col = colfunc(x, position, velocity);
  int count = 0;
  while (col.collided) {
    //renderer_add(x, render_object_line(*position, vec3_add(*position, col.norm), vec3_red(), count+1));
    if (count++ == 100) {
      *velocity = vec3_zero();
    vec3 fwrd = vec3_mul(*velocity, col.time);
    float len = max(vec3_length(fwrd) - 0.001, 0.0) / vec3_length(fwrd);
    vec3 move = vec3_add(*position, vec3_mul(fwrd, len));
    vec3 proj = vec3_project(vec3_mul(*velocity, (1.0-col.time)), col.norm);
    //renderer_add(x, render_object_line(*position, vec3_add(*position, vec3_normalize(proj)), vec3_green(), count+1));
    *position = move;
    *velocity = proj;
    col = colfunc(x, position, velocity);
  *position = vec3_add(*position, *velocity);

Exemple #2
// R_DrawPlanes
// At the end of each frame.
void R_DrawPlane (visplane_t *pl)
    int			light;
    int			x;
    int			stop;
    int			angle;

	if (pl->minx > pl->maxx)

	// sky flat
	if (pl->picnum == skyflatnum)
	    dc_iscale = pspriteiscale>>detailshift;
	    // Sky is allways drawn full bright,
	    //  i.e. colormaps[0] is used.
	    // Because of this hack, sky is not affected
	    //  by INVUL inverse mapping.
	    dc_colormap = colormaps;
	    dc_texturemid = skytexturemid;
	    for (x=pl->minx ; x <= pl->maxx ; x++)
		dc_yl = pl->top[x];
		dc_yh = pl->bottom[x];

		if (dc_yl <= dc_yh)
		    angle = (viewangle + xtoviewangle[x])>>ANGLETOSKYSHIFT;
		    dc_x = x;
		    dc_source = R_GetColumn(skytexture, angle);
		    colfunc ();
Exemple #3
// R_DrawPlanes
// At the end of each frame.
void R_DrawPlanes (void)
    visplane_t*		pl;
    int			light;
    int			x;
    int			stop;
    int			angle;
    int                 lumpnum;
    if (ds_p - drawsegs > MAXDRAWSEGS)
	I_Error ("R_DrawPlanes: drawsegs overflow (%i)",
		 ds_p - drawsegs);
    if (lastvisplane - visplanes > MAXVISPLANES)
	I_Error ("R_DrawPlanes: visplane overflow (%i)",
		 lastvisplane - visplanes);
    if (lastopening - openings > MAXOPENINGS)
	I_Error ("R_DrawPlanes: opening overflow (%i)",
		 lastopening - openings);

    for (pl = visplanes ; pl < lastvisplane ; pl++)
	if (pl->minx > pl->maxx)

	// sky flat
	if (pl->picnum == skyflatnum)
	    dc_iscale = pspriteiscale>>detailshift;
	    // Sky is allways drawn full bright,
	    //  i.e. colormaps[0] is used.
	    // Because of this hack, sky is not affected
	    //  by INVUL inverse mapping.
	    dc_colormap = colormaps;
	    dc_texturemid = skytexturemid;
	    for (x=pl->minx ; x <= pl->maxx ; x++)
		dc_yl = pl->top[x];
		dc_yh = pl->bottom[x];

		if (dc_yl <= dc_yh)
		    angle = (viewangle + xtoviewangle[x])>>ANGLETOSKYSHIFT;
		    dc_x = x;
		    dc_source = R_GetColumn(skytexture, angle);
		    colfunc ();
Exemple #4
static void R_DrawMaskedSpriteColumn(column_t *column, int baseclip)
    while (column->topdelta != 0xff)
        // calculate unclipped screen coordinates for post
        int     topscreen = sprtopscreen + spryscale * column->topdelta + 1;

        dc_yl = MAX((topscreen + FRACUNIT) >> FRACBITS, mceilingclip[dc_x] + 1);
        dc_yh = MIN((topscreen + spryscale * column->length) >> FRACBITS, mfloorclip[dc_x] - 1);

        if (baseclip != -1)
            dc_yh = MIN(baseclip, dc_yh);
        fuzzclip = baseclip;

        dc_texturefrac = dc_texturemid - (column->topdelta << FRACBITS) +
            FixedMul((dc_yl - centery) << FRACBITS, dc_iscale);

        if (dc_texturefrac < 0)
            int cnt = (FixedDiv(-dc_texturefrac, dc_iscale) + FRACUNIT - 1) >> FRACBITS;

            dc_yl += cnt;
            dc_texturefrac += cnt * dc_iscale;

            const fixed_t       endfrac = dc_texturefrac + (dc_yh - dc_yl) * dc_iscale;
            const fixed_t       maxfrac = column->length << FRACBITS;

            if (endfrac >= maxfrac)
                dc_yh -= (FixedDiv(endfrac - maxfrac - 1, dc_iscale) + FRACUNIT - 1) >> FRACBITS;

        if (dc_yl <= dc_yh && dc_yh < viewheight)
            dc_source = (byte *)column + 3;
        column = (column_t *)((byte *)column + column->length + 4);
Exemple #5
void R_DrawMaskedColumn(column_t *column)
  int topscreen, bottomscreen;
  fixed_t basetexturemid = dc_texturemid;
  dc_texheight = 0; // killough 11/98

  while (column->topdelta != 0xff)
      // calculate unclipped screen coordinates for post
      topscreen = sprtopscreen + spryscale*column->topdelta;
      bottomscreen = topscreen + spryscale*column->length;

      // Here's where "sparkles" come in -- killough:
      dc_yl = (topscreen+FRACUNIT-1)>>FRACBITS;
      dc_yh = (bottomscreen-1)>>FRACBITS;

      if (dc_yh >= mfloorclip[dc_x])
        dc_yh = mfloorclip[dc_x]-1;

      if (dc_yl <= mceilingclip[dc_x])
        dc_yl = mceilingclip[dc_x]+1;

      // killough 3/2/98, 3/27/98: Failsafe against overflow/crash:
      if (dc_yl <= dc_yh && dc_yh < viewheight )
          dc_source = (byte *) column + 3;
          dc_texturemid = basetexturemid - (column->topdelta<<FRACBITS);

          // Drawn by either R_DrawColumn
          //  or (SHADOW) R_DrawFuzzColumn.
      column = (column_t *)((byte *) column + column->length + 4);
  dc_texturemid = basetexturemid;
static int __collision( INSTANCE * my, int id, int colltype )
    INSTANCE * ptr, ** ctx ;
    int status, p ;
    int ( *colfunc )( INSTANCE *, GRAPH *, REGION *, INSTANCE * );
    REGION bbox1 ;
    GRAPH * bmp1 ;

    if ( id == -1 ) return ( check_collision_with_mouse( my, colltype ) ) ? 1 : 0 ;

    switch ( colltype )
        case    COLLISION_NORMAL:
                colfunc = check_collision;

        case    COLLISION_BOX:
                colfunc = check_collision_box;

        case    COLLISION_CIRCLE:
                colfunc = check_collision_circle;

                return 0;

    bmp1 = instance_graph( my ) ; if ( !bmp1 ) return 0 ;
    instance_get_bbox( my, bmp1, &bbox1 );

    int ctype = LOCDWORD( mod_grproc, my, CTYPE );

    /* Checks only for a single instance */
    if ( id >= FIRST_INSTANCE_ID ) return ( ( ( ptr = instance_get( id ) ) && ctype == LOCDWORD( mod_grproc, ptr, CTYPE ) ) ? colfunc( my, bmp1, &bbox1, ptr ) : 0 ) ;

    /* we must use full list of instances or get types from it */
    ptr = first_instance ;

    if ( !id )
        LOCDWORD( mod_grproc, my, GRPROC_TYPE_SCAN ) = 0 ;
        if ( ( p = LOCDWORD( mod_grproc, my, GRPROC_ID_SCAN ) ) )
            ptr = instance_get( p ) ;
            if ( ptr ) ptr = ptr->next ;

        while ( ptr )
            if ( ptr != my &&
                 ctype == LOCDWORD( mod_grproc, ptr, CTYPE ) &&
                    ( status = ( LOCDWORD( mod_grproc, ptr, STATUS ) & ~STATUS_WAITING_MASK ) ) == STATUS_RUNNING ||
                    status == STATUS_FROZEN
                  ) && colfunc( my, bmp1, &bbox1, ptr )
                LOCDWORD( mod_grproc, my, GRPROC_ID_SCAN ) = LOCDWORD( mod_grproc, ptr, PROCESS_ID ) ;
                return LOCDWORD( mod_grproc, ptr, PROCESS_ID ) ;
            ptr = ptr->next ;
        return 0 ;

    LOCDWORD( mod_grproc, my, GRPROC_ID_SCAN ) = 0 ;
    /* Check if already in scan by type and we reach limit */
    ctx = ( INSTANCE ** ) LOCADDR( mod_grproc, my, GRPROC_CONTEXT );
    if ( LOCDWORD( mod_grproc, my, GRPROC_TYPE_SCAN ) != id ) /* Check if type change from last call */
        *ctx = NULL;
        LOCDWORD( mod_grproc, my, GRPROC_TYPE_SCAN ) = id;

    while ( ( ptr = instance_get_by_type( id, ctx ) ) )
        if ( ptr != my &&
             ctype == LOCDWORD( mod_grproc, ptr, CTYPE ) &&
                ( status = ( LOCDWORD( mod_grproc, ptr, STATUS ) & ~STATUS_WAITING_MASK ) ) == STATUS_RUNNING ||
                  status == STATUS_FROZEN
             ) &&
             colfunc( my, bmp1, &bbox1, ptr )
            return LOCDWORD( mod_grproc, ptr, PROCESS_ID ) ;

    return 0 ;
Exemple #7
// R_DrawPlanes
// At the end of each frame.
void R_DrawPlanes(void)
    int i;
    visplane_t *pl;

    if (ds_p > &drawsegs[MAXDRAWSEGS])
        I_Error ("R_DrawPlanes: drawsegs overflow (%i)",
                 ds_p - drawsegs);

    if (lastvisplane > &visplanes[MAXVISPLANES])
        I_Error ("R_DrawPlanes: visplane overflow (%i)",
                 lastvisplane - visplanes);

    if (lastopening > &openings[MAXOPENINGS])
        I_Error ("R_DrawPlanes: opening overflow (%i)",
                 lastopening - openings);

    if (showrplanestats)
#ifdef __riscos
        extern void _kernel_oswrch (int);
        _kernel_oswrch (31);
        _kernel_oswrch (0);
        _kernel_oswrch (0);
        printf ("Drawsegs = %u/%u, Visplanes = %u/%u, Openings = %u/%u\n",
                ds_p - drawsegs, MAXDRAWSEGS,
                lastvisplane - visplanes, MAXVISPLANES,
                lastopening - openings, MAXOPENINGS);

    for (pl = visplanes ; pl < lastvisplane ; pl++)
        if (pl->minx <= pl->maxx)
            int picnum = pl->picnum;

            // sky flat
            if (picnum == skyflatnum || (picnum & PL_SKYFLAT))
                int	 x;
                int	 texture;
                int	 offset;
                angle_t  an, flip;
                rpatch_t *tex_patch;

                // killough 10/98: allow skies to come from sidedefs.
                // Allows scrolling and/or animated skies, as well as
                // arbitrary multiple skies per level without having
                // to use info lumps.
                an = viewangle;

                if (picnum & PL_SKYFLAT)
                    // Sky Linedef
                    const line_t *l = &lines[picnum & ~PL_SKYFLAT];

                    // Sky transferred from first sidedef
                    const side_t *s = *l->sidenum + sides;

                    // Texture comes from upper texture of reference sidedef
                    texture = texturetranslation[s->toptexture];

                    // Horizontal offset is turned into an angle offset,
                    // to allow sky rotation as well as careful positioning.
                    // However, the offset is scaled very small, so that it
                    // allows a long-period of sky rotation.
                    an += s->textureoffset;

                    // Vertical offset allows careful sky positioning.
                    dc_texturemid = s->rowoffset - 28 * FRACUNIT;

                    // We sometimes flip the picture horizontally.
                    // DOOM always flipped the picture, so we make it optional,
                    // to make it easier to use the new feature, while to still
                    // allow old sky textures to be used.
                    flip = l->special==272 ? 0u : ~0u;
                else	// Normal DOOM sky, only one allowed per level
                    dc_texturemid = skytexturemid;	// Default y-offset
                    texture = skytexture;			// Default texture
                    flip = 0;				// DOOM flips it

                // Sky is always drawn full bright,
                //  i.e. colormaps[0] is used.
                // Because of this hack, sky is not affected
                //  by INVUL inverse mapping.
                dc_colormap = (fixedcolormap ? fixedcolormap : colormaps);

                dc_ylim = textureheight[texture];
                dc_iscale = skyiscale;
                tex_patch = R_CacheTextureCompositePatchNum (texture);
                offset = skycolumnoffset >> FRACBITS;

                for (x = pl->minx; x <= pl->maxx; x++)
                    dc_yl = pl->top[x+1];
                    dc_yh = pl->bottom[x+1];

                    if (dc_yl <= dc_yh)
                        dc_x = x;
                        dc_source = R_GetTextureColumn(tex_patch, (((an + xtoviewangle[x]) ^ flip)
                                                       >> ANGLETOSKYSHIFT) + offset);
                        dc_texturefrac = R_CalcFrac ();
                R_UnlockTextureCompositePatchNum (texture);