Exemple #1

    // Call the base implementation.

    // Create label
    enableHeader( true );
    setHeaderText( i18n( "Photos" ) );

    // Set the collapse size
    setCollapseHeight( m_header->height() );
    setCollapseOffHeight( 220 );
    setMaximumHeight( 220 );
    setMinimumHeight( collapseHeight() );
    setPreferredHeight( collapseHeight() );

    // Icon
    QAction* settingsAction = new QAction( this );
    settingsAction->setIcon( KIcon( "preferences-system" ) );
    settingsAction->setVisible( true );
    settingsAction->setEnabled( true );
    settingsAction->setText( i18n( "Settings" ) );
    m_settingsIcon = addRightHeaderAction( settingsAction );
    connect( m_settingsIcon, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( showConfigurationInterface() ) );

    m_widget = new PhotosScrollWidget( this );
    m_widget->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding );
    m_widget->setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
    connect( m_widget, SIGNAL(photoAdded()), SLOT(photoAdded()) );

    QGraphicsLinearLayout *layout = new QGraphicsLinearLayout( Qt::Vertical, this );
    layout->addItem( m_header );
    layout->addItem( m_widget );

    // Read config and inform the engine.
    KConfigGroup config = Amarok::config("Photos Applet");
    m_nbPhotos = config.readEntry( "NbPhotos", "10" ).toInt();
    m_Animation = config.readEntry( "Animation", "Fading" );
    m_KeyWords = config.readEntry( "KeyWords", QStringList() );

    if( m_Animation == i18nc( "animation type", "Automatic" ) )
        m_widget->setMode( 0 );
    else if( m_Animation == i18n( "Interactive" ) )
        m_widget->setMode( 1 );
    else // fading
        m_widget->setMode( 2 );

    Plasma::DataEngine *engine = dataEngine( "amarok-photos" );
    engine->setProperty( "fetchSize", m_nbPhotos );
    engine->setProperty( "keywords", m_KeyWords );
    engine->connectSource( "photos", this );
Exemple #2
 * \brief Initialization
 * Initializes the TabsApplet with default parameters
    // applet base initialization

    // create the header label
    enableHeader( true );
    setHeaderText( i18nc( "Guitar tablature", "Tabs" ) );

    // creates the tab view
    m_tabsView = new TabsView( this );

    // Set the collapse size
    setCollapseOffHeight( -1 );
    setCollapseHeight( m_header->height() );
    setMinimumHeight( collapseHeight() );
    setPreferredHeight( collapseHeight() );

    // create the reload icon
    QAction* reloadAction = new QAction( this );
    reloadAction->setIcon( KIcon( "view-refresh" ) );
    reloadAction->setVisible( true );
    reloadAction->setEnabled( true );
    reloadAction->setText( i18nc( "Guitar tablature", "Reload tabs" ) );
    m_reloadIcon = addLeftHeaderAction( reloadAction );
    m_reloadIcon.data()->setEnabled( false );
    connect( m_reloadIcon.data(), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(reloadTabs()) );

    // create the settings icon
    QAction* settingsAction = new QAction( this );
    settingsAction->setIcon( KIcon( "preferences-system" ) );
    settingsAction->setEnabled( true );
    settingsAction->setText( i18n( "Settings" ) );
    QWeakPointer<Plasma::IconWidget> settingsIcon = addRightHeaderAction( settingsAction );
    connect( settingsIcon.data(), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(showConfigurationInterface()) );

    m_layout = new QGraphicsLinearLayout( Qt::Vertical );
    m_layout->addItem( m_header );
    m_layout->addItem( m_tabsView );
    setLayout( m_layout );

    // read configuration data and update the engine.
    KConfigGroup config = Amarok::config("Tabs Applet");
    m_fetchGuitar = config.readEntry( "FetchGuitar", true );
    m_fetchBass = config.readEntry( "FetchBass", true );

    Plasma::DataEngine *engine = dataEngine( "amarok-tabs" );
    engine->setProperty( "fetchGuitarTabs", m_fetchGuitar );
    engine->setProperty( "fetchBassTabs", m_fetchBass );
    engine->connectSource( "tabs", this );

    updateInterface( InitState );
Exemple #3
void Albums::init()

    // Call the base implementation.

    enableHeader( true );
    setHeaderText( i18n( "Recently Added Albums" ) );

    setCollapseOffHeight( -1 );
    setCollapseHeight( m_header->height() );
    setMinimumHeight( collapseHeight() );

    QAction *settingsAction = new QAction( this );
    settingsAction->setIcon( KIcon( "preferences-system" ) );
    settingsAction->setEnabled( true );
    settingsAction->setToolTip( i18n( "Settings" ) );
    addRightHeaderAction( settingsAction );
    connect( settingsAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showConfigurationInterface()) );

    QAction *filterAction = new QAction( this );
    filterAction->setIcon( KIcon( "view-filter" ) );
    filterAction->setEnabled( true );
    filterAction->setToolTip( i18n( "Filter Albums" ) );
    m_filterIcon = addLeftHeaderAction( filterAction );
    connect( filterAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showFilterBar()) );

    m_albumsView = new AlbumsView( this );
    m_albumsView->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding );
    if( m_rightAlignLength )
        m_albumsView->setLengthAlignment( Qt::AlignRight );

    QGraphicsLinearLayout *layout = new QGraphicsLinearLayout( Qt::Vertical );
    layout->addItem( m_header );
    layout->addItem( m_albumsView );
    setLayout( layout );

    dataEngine( "amarok-current" )->connectSource( "albums", this );
    connect( CollectionManager::instance(), SIGNAL(collectionDataChanged(Collections::Collection*)),
             this, SLOT(collectionDataChanged(Collections::Collection*)) );

LabelsApplet::setStoppedState( bool stopped )
    if( stopped == m_stoppedstate )

    m_stoppedstate = stopped;


    if( !stopped )
        m_reloadIcon.data()->setEnabled( true );
        m_titleText = i18n( "Labels" );
        // not needed at the moment, since setStoppedState(false) is only called in dataUpdated() and we know that the engine never sends state=started without the user labels;
        // so the minimum size is set in constraintsEvent()
//         setCollapseOffHeight( m_header->height() + m_addLabelProxy.data()->size().height() + 2 * standardPadding() );
//         setCollapseOff();
        m_reloadIcon.data()->setEnabled( false );
        m_titleText = i18n( "Labels: No track playing" );
        setBusy( false );
        qDeleteAll( m_labelItems );
        qDeleteAll( m_labelAnimations );
        setMinimumHeight( collapseHeight() );

    // Call the base implementation.

    setBackgroundHints( Plasma::Applet::NoBackground );

    // properly set the size, asking for the whole cv size.
    resize( 500, -1 );

    // this applet has to be on top of the applet below, otherwise the completion list of the combobox will shine through the other applet
    setZValue( zValue() + 100 );

    // Create the title label
    enableHeader( true );
    setHeaderText( i18n( "Labels" ) );

    setCollapseHeight( m_header->height() );
    setMinimumHeight( collapseHeight() );

    // reload icon
    QAction *reloadAction = new QAction( this );
    reloadAction->setIcon( KIcon( "view-refresh" ) );
    reloadAction->setVisible( true );
    reloadAction->setEnabled( true );
    reloadAction->setText( i18n( "Reload" ) );
    m_reloadIcon = addLeftHeaderAction( reloadAction );
    m_reloadIcon.data()->setEnabled( false );
    connect( m_reloadIcon.data(), SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( reload() ) );

    // settings icon
    QAction *settingsAction = new QAction( this );
    settingsAction->setIcon( KIcon( "preferences-system" ) );
    settingsAction->setVisible( true );
    settingsAction->setEnabled( true );
    settingsAction->setText( i18n( "Settings" ) );
    m_settingsIcon = addRightHeaderAction( settingsAction );
    connect( m_settingsIcon.data(), SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( showConfigurationInterface() ) );

    QGraphicsLinearLayout *layout = new QGraphicsLinearLayout( Qt::Vertical, this );
    layout->addItem( m_header );

    m_addLabelProxy = new QGraphicsProxyWidget( this );
    m_addLabelProxy.data()->setAttribute( Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground );
    m_addLabel = new KComboBox( this );
    m_addLabel.data()->setAttribute( Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground );
    m_addLabel.data()->setAutoFillBackground( false );
    QPalette p = m_addLabel.data()->palette();
    QColor c = p.color( QPalette::Base );
    c.setAlphaF( 0.4 );
    p.setColor( QPalette::Base, c );
    m_addLabel.data()->setPalette( p );
    m_addLabel.data()->completionObject()->setIgnoreCase( true );
    m_addLabel.data()->setCompletionMode( KGlobalSettings::CompletionPopup );
    connect( m_addLabel.data(), SIGNAL( returnPressed() ), this, SLOT( addLabelPressed() ) );
    m_addLabelProxy.data()->setWidget( m_addLabel.data() );

    // Read config
    KConfigGroup config = Amarok::config("Labels Applet");
    m_minCount = config.readEntry( "MinCount", 30 );
    m_numLabels = config.readEntry( "NumLabels", 10 );
    m_personalCount = config.readEntry( "PersonalCount", 70 );
    m_autoAdd = config.readEntry( "AutoAdd", false );
    m_minAutoAddCount = config.readEntry( "MinAutoAddCount", 60 );
    m_selectedColor = config.readEntry( "SelectedColor", PaletteHandler::highlightColor( 2.0, 0.7 ) );
    const QPalette pal;
    m_backgroundColor = config.readEntry( "BackgroundColor", pal.color( QPalette::Base ) );

    m_matchArtist = config.readEntry( "MatchArtist", true );
    m_matchTitle = config.readEntry( "MatchTitle", true );
    m_matchAlbum = config.readEntry( "MatchAlbum", true );
    m_blacklist = config.readEntry( "Blacklist", QStringList() );

    const QStringList replacementList = config.readEntry( "ReplacementList", QStringList() );
    foreach( const QString replacement, replacementList )
        const QStringList parts = replacement.split( "|" );
        QString label = parts.at(0);
        label = label.replace( "%s", "|" );
        label = label.replace( "%p", "%" );
        QString replacementValue = parts.at(1);
        replacementValue = replacementValue.replace( "%s", "|" );
        replacementValue = replacementValue.replace( "%p", "%" );
        m_replacementMap.insert( label, replacementValue );

    m_stoppedstate = false; // force an update
    setStoppedState( true );

    connectSource( "labels" );
    connect( dataEngine( "amarok-labels" ), SIGNAL( sourceAdded( const QString & ) ),
             this, SLOT( connectSource( const QString & ) ) );

    // Call the base implementation.

    enableHeader( true );
    setHeaderText( i18n( "Similar Artists" ) );

    QAction* backwardAction = new QAction( this );
    backwardAction->setIcon( KIcon( "go-previous" ) );
    backwardAction->setEnabled( false );
    backwardAction->setText( i18n( "Back" ) );
    m_backwardIcon = addLeftHeaderAction( backwardAction );
    connect( m_backwardIcon, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(goBackward()) );

    QAction* forwardAction = new QAction( this );
    forwardAction->setIcon( KIcon( "go-next" ) );
    forwardAction->setEnabled( false );
    forwardAction->setText( i18n( "Forward" ) );
    m_forwardIcon = addLeftHeaderAction( forwardAction );
    connect( m_forwardIcon, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(goForward()) );

    QAction *currentAction = new QAction( this );
    currentAction->setIcon( KIcon( "filename-artist-amarok" ) );
    currentAction->setEnabled( true );
    currentAction->setText( i18n( "Show Similar Artists for Currently Playing Track" ) );
    m_currentArtistIcon = addRightHeaderAction( currentAction );
    connect( m_currentArtistIcon, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(queryForCurrentTrack()) );

    QAction* settingsAction = new QAction( this );
    settingsAction->setIcon( KIcon( "preferences-system" ) );
    settingsAction->setEnabled( true );
    settingsAction->setText( i18n( "Settings" ) );
    m_settingsIcon = addRightHeaderAction( settingsAction );
    connect( m_settingsIcon, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(configure()) );

    setCollapseOffHeight( -1 );
    setCollapseHeight( m_header->height() );
    setMinimumHeight( collapseHeight() );
    setPreferredHeight( collapseHeight() );

    // create a scrollarea
    m_scroll = new ArtistsListWidget( this );
    connect( m_scroll, SIGNAL(showSimilarArtists(QString)), SLOT(showSimilarArtists(QString)) );
    connect( m_scroll, SIGNAL(showBio(QString)), SLOT(showArtistBio(QString)) );

    m_layout = new QGraphicsLinearLayout( Qt::Vertical, this );
    m_layout->addItem( m_header );
    m_layout->addItem( m_scroll );
    setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding );

    // Read config and inform the engine.
    KConfigGroup config = Amarok::config( "SimilarArtists Applet" );
    m_maxArtists = config.readEntry( "maxArtists", "5" ).toInt();

    Plasma::DataEngine *engine = dataEngine( "amarok-similarArtists" );
    connect( engine, SIGNAL(sourceAdded(QString)), SLOT(connectSource(QString)) );
    engine->setProperty( "maximumArtists", m_maxArtists );
    engine->query( "similarArtists" );