Exemple #1
bool RunsTableModel::postRow(int row_no, bool throw_exc)
	bool is_single_user = sqlConnection().driverName().endsWith(QLatin1String("SQLITE"), Qt::CaseInsensitive);
		return Super::postRow(row_no, throw_exc);

	int col_stime = columnIndex("startTimeMs");
	QF_ASSERT(col_stime >= 0, "Bad startTimeMs column!", return false);
	if(isDirty(row_no, col_stime)) {
		int id = value(row_no, "runs.id").toInt();
		int orig_msec = origValue(row_no, col_stime).toInt();
		int db_msec = 0;

		qf::core::sql::Transaction transaction(sqlConnection());
		QString qs = "SELECT id, startTimeMs FROM runs WHERE id=" QF_IARG(id) " FOR UPDATE";
		qf::core::sql::Query q(transaction.connection());
		q.exec(qs, qf::core::Exception::Throw);
		if(q.next()) {
			db_msec = q.value("startTimeMs").toInt();
		if(orig_msec == db_msec) {
			bool ret = Super::postRow(row_no, throw_exc);
			return ret;
		else {
			QString err_msg = tr("Mid-air collision setting start time, reload table and try it again.");
			return false;
	return Super::postRow(row_no, throw_exc);
Exemple #2
bool RunsTableModel::setValue(int row_ix, int column_ix, const QVariant &val)
	bool ret;
	ColumnDefinition cd = columnDefinition(column_ix);
	if(cd.matchesSqlId(QStringLiteral("finishTimeMs"))) {
		QVariant start_ms = value(row_ix, "startTimeMs");
		if(!start_ms.isNull()) {
			int time_ms = val.toInt() - start_ms.toInt();
			if(time_ms > 0) {
				Super::setValue(row_ix, "timeMs", time_ms);
	else if(cd.matchesSqlId(QStringLiteral("timeMs"))) {
		QVariant start_ms = value(row_ix, "startTimeMs");
		if(!start_ms.isNull()) {
			int finish_ms = val.toInt() + start_ms.toInt();
			if(finish_ms > 0) {
				Super::setValue(row_ix, columnIndex("finishTimeMs"), finish_ms);
	else if(cd.matchesSqlId(QStringLiteral("startTimeMs"))) {
		if(!val.isNull()) {
			int start_ms = val.toInt();
			int finish_ms = value(row_ix, "finishTimeMs").toInt();
			int time_ms = value(row_ix, "timeMs").toInt();
			if(finish_ms > 0) {
				int time_ms = finish_ms - start_ms;
				Super::setValue(row_ix, columnIndex("timeMs"), time_ms);
			else if(time_ms > 0) {
				finish_ms = start_ms + time_ms;
				Super::setValue(row_ix, "finishTimeMs", finish_ms);
	ret = Super::setValue(row_ix, column_ix, val);
	return ret;
  // This returns a matrix that is the lower-triangular part (only column
  // index <= row index) of the square of matrixToSquare.
  Eigen::MatrixXcd SymmetricComplexMassMatrix::LowerTriangleOfSquareMatrix(
                                 Eigen::MatrixXcd const& matrixToSquare ) const
    Eigen::MatrixXcd valuesSquaredMatrix( numberOfRows,
                                          numberOfRows );
    for( size_t rowIndex( 0 );
         rowIndex < numberOfRows;
         ++rowIndex )
      for( size_t columnIndex( 0 );
           columnIndex <= rowIndex;
           ++columnIndex )
        valuesSquaredMatrix.coeffRef( rowIndex,
                                      columnIndex ).real(0.0);
        valuesSquaredMatrix.coeffRef( rowIndex,
                                      columnIndex ).imag(0.0);
        for( size_t sumIndex( 0 );
             sumIndex < numberOfRows;
             ++sumIndex )
          double temp = valuesSquaredMatrix.coeffRef( rowIndex,
                                        columnIndex ).real()
          + ( ( matrixToSquare.coeff( sumIndex,
                                     rowIndex ).real()
                 * matrixToSquare.coeff( sumIndex,
                                       columnIndex ).real() )
               + ( matrixToSquare.coeff( sumIndex,
                                       rowIndex ).imag()
                   * matrixToSquare.coeff( sumIndex,
                                         columnIndex ).imag() ) );
		valuesSquaredMatrix.coeffRef( rowIndex, columnIndex ).real(temp);
          temp = valuesSquaredMatrix.coeffRef( rowIndex,
                                        columnIndex ).imag()
          + ( ( matrixToSquare.coeff( sumIndex,
                                     rowIndex ).real()
                 * matrixToSquare.coeff( sumIndex,
                                       columnIndex ).imag() )
               - ( matrixToSquare.coeff( sumIndex,
                                       rowIndex ).imag()
                   * matrixToSquare.coeff( sumIndex,
                                         columnIndex ).real() ) );
		valuesSquaredMatrix.coeffRef( rowIndex,
                                        columnIndex ).imag(temp);
          // The Eigen routines don't bother looking at elements of
          // valuesSquaredMatrix where columnIndex > rowIndex, so we don't even
          // bother filling them with the conjugates of the transpose.
    return valuesSquaredMatrix;
QVariant EventStatisticsModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
	int col = index.column();
	static int col_free_map_count = columnIndex(QStringLiteral("freeMapCount"));
	if(role == Qt::BackgroundRole) {
		if(col == col_free_map_count) {
			int cnt = data(index, Qt::DisplayRole).toInt();
			if(cnt < 0)
				return QColor(Qt::red);
			return QVariant();
	return Super::data(index, role);
Exemple #5
void RunsTableModel::switchStartTimes(int r1, int r2)
	qfLogFuncFrame() << r1 << r2;
	int col_stime = columnIndex("startTimeMs");
	QF_ASSERT(col_stime >= 0, "Bad startTimeMs column!", return);

	int id1 = value(r1, "runs.id").toInt();
	int id2 = value(r2, "runs.id").toInt();
	QString err_msg;
	QModelIndex ix1 = index(r1, col_stime);
	QVariant v1 = ix1.data(Qt::EditRole);
	QModelIndex ix2 = index(r2, col_stime);
	QVariant v2 = ix2.data(Qt::EditRole);

	bool is_single_user = sqlConnection().driverName().endsWith(QLatin1String("SQLITE"), Qt::CaseInsensitive);
	if(is_single_user) {
		setData(ix1, v2);
		setData(ix2, v1);
		postRow(r1, true);
		postRow(r2, true);
	else {
		//qf::core::sql::Transaction transaction(sqlConnection());
		quickevent::core::og::TimeMs t1 = v1.value<quickevent::core::og::TimeMs>();
		quickevent::core::og::TimeMs t2 = v2.value<quickevent::core::og::TimeMs>();
		int msec1 = -1, msec2 = -1;
		qf::core::sql::Query q(sqlConnection());
		QString qs = "SELECT id, startTimeMs FROM runs WHERE id IN (" QF_IARG(id1) ", " QF_IARG(id2) ")";
		q.exec(qs, qf::core::Exception::Throw);
		while(q.next()) {
			int id = q.value("id").toInt();
			if(id == id1)
				msec1 = q.value("startTimeMs").toInt();
			else if(id == id2)
				msec2 = q.value("startTimeMs").toInt();
		qfDebug() << t1.msec() << msec1 << t2.msec() << msec2;
		if(msec1 == t1.msec() && msec2 == t2.msec()) {
			setData(ix1, v2);
			setData(ix2, v1);
			postRow(r1, qf::core::Exception::Throw);
			postRow(r2, qf::core::Exception::Throw);
		else {
			err_msg = tr("Mid-air collision switching start times, reload table and try it again.");
	emit startTimesSwitched(id1, id2, err_msg);
Exemple #6
autoConfusion Confusion_condense (Confusion me, const char32 *search, const char32 *replace,
	long maximumNumberOfReplaces, int use_regexp) {
	try {
		long nmatches, nstringmatches;

		if (my rowLabels == 0 || my columnLabels == 0) {
			Melder_throw (U"No row or column labels.");
		autostring32vector rowLabels (strs_replace (my rowLabels, 1, my numberOfRows, search, replace,
			maximumNumberOfReplaces, &nmatches, &nstringmatches, use_regexp), 1, my numberOfRows);

		autostring32vector columnLabels (strs_replace (my columnLabels, 1, my numberOfColumns,  search, replace,
			 maximumNumberOfReplaces, &nmatches, &nstringmatches, use_regexp), 1, my numberOfColumns);

		autoStrings srow = Thing_new (Strings);
		srow -> numberOfStrings = my numberOfRows;
		srow -> strings = rowLabels.transfer();

		autoStrings scol = Thing_new (Strings);
		scol -> numberOfStrings = my numberOfColumns;
		scol -> strings = columnLabels.transfer();

		/* Find dimension of new Confusion */
		autoDistributions dcol = Strings_to_Distributions (scol.get());
		long nresp = dcol -> numberOfRows;

		autoDistributions drow = Strings_to_Distributions (srow.get());
		long nstim = drow -> numberOfRows;

		autoConfusion thee = Confusion_create (nstim, nresp);

		NUMstrings_copyElements (drow -> rowLabels, thy rowLabels, 1, nstim);
		NUMstrings_copyElements (dcol -> rowLabels, thy columnLabels, 1, nresp);

		autoNUMvector<long> rowIndex (1, my numberOfRows);
		create_index (srow -> strings, 1, my numberOfRows, drow -> rowLabels, 1, nstim, rowIndex.peek());
		autoNUMvector<long> columnIndex (1, my numberOfColumns);
		create_index (scol -> strings, 1, my numberOfColumns, dcol -> rowLabels, 1, nresp, columnIndex.peek());

		for (long i = 1; i <= my numberOfRows; i++) {
			for (long j = 1; j <= my numberOfColumns; j++) {
				thy data [rowIndex [i]][columnIndex[j]] += my data[i][j];
		return thee;
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U": not condensed.");
 // This returns a matrix of the values of the elements for a field
 // configuration given by fieldConfiguration, using the values for the
 // Lagrangian parameters found in parameterValues.
 Eigen::MatrixXcd SymmetricComplexMassMatrix::MatrixToSquare(
                                 std::vector< double > const& parameterValues,
                       std::vector< double > const& fieldConfiguration ) const
   size_t rowsTimesLength( 0 );
   Eigen::MatrixXcd valuesMatrix( numberOfRows,
                                  numberOfRows );
   for( size_t rowIndex( 0 );
        rowIndex < numberOfRows;
        ++rowIndex )
     for( size_t columnIndex( 0 );
          columnIndex < rowIndex;
          ++columnIndex )
       valuesMatrix.coeffRef( rowIndex,
                              columnIndex ).real(matrixElements[ rowsTimesLength + columnIndex ].first(
                                                         fieldConfiguration ));
       valuesMatrix.coeffRef( rowIndex,
                              columnIndex ).imag(matrixElements[ rowsTimesLength + columnIndex ].second(
                                                         fieldConfiguration ));
       // We use the fact that the matrix is symmetric.
       valuesMatrix.coeffRef( columnIndex,
                              rowIndex )
       = valuesMatrix.coeff( rowIndex,
                             columnIndex );
     valuesMatrix.coeffRef( rowIndex,
                            rowIndex ).real(matrixElements[ rowsTimesLength + rowIndex ].first( parameterValues,
                                                         fieldConfiguration ));
     valuesMatrix.coeffRef( rowIndex,
                            rowIndex ).imag(matrixElements[ rowsTimesLength + rowIndex ].second( parameterValues,
                                                         fieldConfiguration ));
     rowsTimesLength += numberOfRows;
   return valuesMatrix;
QVariant EventStatisticsModel::value(int row_ix, int column_ix) const
	static int col_map_count = columnIndex(QStringLiteral("classdefs.mapCount"));
	static int col_free_map_count = columnIndex(QStringLiteral("freeMapCount"));
	static int col_runners_count = columnIndex(QStringLiteral("runnersCount"));
	static int col_runners_finished = columnIndex(QStringLiteral("runnersFinished"));
	static int col_runners_not_finished = columnIndex(QStringLiteral("runnersNotFinished"));
	static int col_results_not_printed = columnIndex(QStringLiteral("resultsNotPrinted"));
	if(column_ix == col_free_map_count) {
		int cnt = value(row_ix, col_map_count).toInt() - value(row_ix, col_runners_count).toInt();
		return cnt;
	else if(column_ix == col_runners_not_finished) {
		int cnt = value(row_ix, col_runners_count).toInt() - value(row_ix, col_runners_finished).toInt();
		return cnt;
	else if(column_ix == col_results_not_printed) {
		int results_count = tableRow(row_ix).value(QStringLiteral("resultsCount")).toInt();
		int cnt = value(row_ix, col_runners_finished).toInt() - results_count;
		return cnt;
	return Super::value(row_ix, column_ix);
Exemple #9
void XTreeView::setColumnRole(const QString column, int role, const QVariant value)
  _model->setColumnRole(columnIndex(column), role, value);
Exemple #10
void XTableView::setItemDelegateForColumn(const QString column, QAbstractItemDelegate * delegate)
  setItemDelegateForColumn(columnIndex(column), delegate);
Exemple #11
QAbstractItemDelegate* XTableView::itemDelegateForColumn(const QString column)
  return itemDelegateForColumn(columnIndex(column));