void battle_prediction_pane::get_unit_strings(const battle_context_unit_stats& stats, const unit& u, const map_location& u_loc, float u_unscathed, const unit& opp, const map_location& opp_loc, const attack_type *opp_weapon, std::vector<std::string>& left_strings, std::vector<std::string>& right_strings, int& left_strings_width, int& right_strings_width, int& strings_width) { std::stringstream str; char str_buf[10]; // With a weapon. if(stats.weapon != NULL) { // Set specials context (for safety, it should not have changed normally). const attack_type *weapon = stats.weapon; weapon->set_specials_context(u_loc, opp_loc, stats.is_attacker, opp_weapon); // Get damage modifiers. unit_ability_list dmg_specials = weapon->get_specials("damage"); unit_abilities::effect dmg_effect(dmg_specials, weapon->damage(), stats.backstab_pos); // Get the SET damage modifier, if any. const unit_abilities::individual_effect *set_dmg_effect = NULL; unit_abilities::effect::const_iterator i; for(i = dmg_effect.begin(); i != dmg_effect.end(); ++i) { if(i->type == unit_abilities::SET) { set_dmg_effect = &*i; break; } } // Either user the SET modifier or the base weapon damage. if(set_dmg_effect == NULL) { left_strings.push_back(weapon->name()); str.str(""); str << weapon->damage(); right_strings.push_back(str.str()); } else { assert(set_dmg_effect->ability); left_strings.push_back((*set_dmg_effect->ability)["name"]); str.str(""); str << set_dmg_effect->value; right_strings.push_back(str.str()); } // Process the ADD damage modifiers. for(i = dmg_effect.begin(); i != dmg_effect.end(); ++i) { if(i->type == unit_abilities::ADD) { left_strings.push_back((*i->ability)["name"]); str.str(""); if(i->value >= 0) str << "+" << i->value; else str << i->value; right_strings.push_back(str.str()); } } // Process the MUL damage modifiers. for(i = dmg_effect.begin(); i != dmg_effect.end(); ++i) { if(i->type == unit_abilities::MUL) { left_strings.push_back((*i->ability)["name"]); str.str(""); str << "* " << (i->value / 100); if(i->value % 100) { str << "." << ((i->value % 100) / 10); if(i->value % 10) str << (i->value % 10); } right_strings.push_back(str.str()); } } // Time of day modifier. int tod_modifier = combat_modifier(resources::gameboard->units(), resources::gameboard->map(), u_loc, u.alignment(), u.is_fearless()); if(tod_modifier != 0) { left_strings.push_back(_("Time of day")); str.str(""); str << utils::signed_percent(tod_modifier); right_strings.push_back(str.str()); } // Leadership bonus. int leadership_bonus = 0; under_leadership(*resources::units, u_loc, &leadership_bonus); if(leadership_bonus != 0) { left_strings.push_back(_("Leadership")); str.str(""); str << utils::signed_percent(leadership_bonus); right_strings.push_back(str.str()); } // Resistance modifier. int resistance_modifier = opp.damage_from(*weapon, !stats.is_attacker, opp_loc); if(resistance_modifier != 100) { str.str(""); if(stats.is_attacker) str << _("Defender"); else str << _("Attacker"); if(resistance_modifier < 100) str << _(" resistance vs "); else str << _(" vulnerability vs "); str << string_table["type_" + weapon->type()]; left_strings.push_back(str.str()); str.str(""); str << "* " << (resistance_modifier / 100) << "." << ((resistance_modifier % 100) / 10); right_strings.push_back(str.str()); } // Slowed penalty. if(stats.is_slowed) { left_strings.push_back(_("Slowed")); right_strings.push_back("/ 2"); } // Total damage. left_strings.push_back(_("Total damage")); str.str(""); str << stats.damage << utils::unicode_en_dash << stats.num_blows << " (" << stats.chance_to_hit << "%)"; right_strings.push_back(str.str()); // Without a weapon. } else { left_strings.push_back(_("No usable weapon")); right_strings.push_back(""); } // Unscathed probability. left_strings.push_back(_("Chance of being unscathed")); format_prob(str_buf, u_unscathed); right_strings.push_back(str_buf); #if 0 // might not be in English! // Fix capitalization of left strings. for(int i = 0; i < (int) left_strings.size(); i++) if(left_strings[i].size() > 0) left_strings[i][0] = toupper(left_strings[i][0]); #endif // Compute the width of the strings. left_strings_width = get_strings_max_length(left_strings); right_strings_width = get_strings_max_length(right_strings); strings_width = left_strings_width + inter_column_gap_ + right_strings_width; }
battle_context_unit_stats::battle_context_unit_stats(const unit &u, const map_location& u_loc, int u_attack_num, bool attacking, const unit &opp, const map_location& opp_loc, const attack_type *opp_weapon, const unit_map& units) : weapon(NULL), attack_num(u_attack_num), is_attacker(attacking), is_poisoned(u.get_state(unit::STATE_POISONED)), is_slowed(u.get_state(unit::STATE_SLOWED)), slows(false), drains(false), petrifies(false), plagues(false), poisons(false), backstab_pos(false), swarm(false), firststrike(false), experience(u.experience()), max_experience(u.max_experience()), level(u.level()), rounds(1), hp(0), max_hp(u.max_hitpoints()), chance_to_hit(0), damage(0), slow_damage(0), drain_percent(0), drain_constant(0), num_blows(0), swarm_min(0), swarm_max(0), plague_type() { // Get the current state of the unit. if (attack_num >= 0) { weapon = &u.attacks()[attack_num]; } if(u.hitpoints() < 0) { LOG_CF << "Unit with " << u.hitpoints() << " hitpoints found, set to 0 for damage calculations\n"; hp = 0; } else if(u.hitpoints() > u.max_hitpoints()) { // If a unit has more hp than its maximum, the engine will fail // with an assertion failure due to accessing the prob_matrix // out of bounds. hp = u.max_hitpoints(); } else { hp = u.hitpoints(); } // Get the weapon characteristics, if any. if (weapon) { weapon->set_specials_context(u_loc, opp_loc, attacking, opp_weapon); if (opp_weapon) opp_weapon->set_specials_context(opp_loc, u_loc, !attacking, weapon); slows = weapon->get_special_bool("slow"); drains = !opp.get_state("undrainable") && weapon->get_special_bool("drains"); petrifies = weapon->get_special_bool("petrifies"); poisons = !opp.get_state("unpoisonable") && weapon->get_special_bool("poison") && !opp.get_state(unit::STATE_POISONED); backstab_pos = is_attacker && backstab_check(u_loc, opp_loc, units, *resources::teams); rounds = weapon->get_specials("berserk").highest("value", 1).first; firststrike = weapon->get_special_bool("firststrike"); // Handle plague. unit_ability_list plague_specials = weapon->get_specials("plague"); plagues = !opp.get_state("unplagueable") && !plague_specials.empty() && strcmp(opp.undead_variation().c_str(), "null") && !resources::game_map->is_village(opp_loc); if (plagues) { plague_type = (*plague_specials.front().first)["type"].str(); if (plague_type.empty()) plague_type = u.type().base_id(); } // Compute chance to hit. chance_to_hit = opp.defense_modifier( resources::game_map->get_terrain(opp_loc)) + weapon->accuracy() - (opp_weapon ? opp_weapon->parry() : 0); if(chance_to_hit > 100) { chance_to_hit = 100; } unit_ability_list cth_specials = weapon->get_specials("chance_to_hit"); unit_abilities::effect cth_effects(cth_specials, chance_to_hit, backstab_pos); chance_to_hit = cth_effects.get_composite_value(); // Compute base damage done with the weapon. int base_damage = weapon->modified_damage(backstab_pos); // Get the damage multiplier applied to the base damage of the weapon. int damage_multiplier = 100; // Time of day bonus. damage_multiplier += combat_modifier(u_loc, u.alignment(), u.is_fearless()); // Leadership bonus. int leader_bonus = 0; if (under_leadership(units, u_loc, &leader_bonus).valid()) damage_multiplier += leader_bonus; // Resistance modifier. damage_multiplier *= opp.damage_from(*weapon, !attacking, opp_loc); // Compute both the normal and slowed damage. damage = round_damage(base_damage, damage_multiplier, 10000); slow_damage = round_damage(base_damage, damage_multiplier, 20000); if (is_slowed) damage = slow_damage; // Compute drain amounts only if draining is possible. if(drains) { unit_ability_list drain_specials = weapon->get_specials("drains"); // Compute the drain percent (with 50% as the base for backward compatibility) unit_abilities::effect drain_percent_effects(drain_specials, 50, backstab_pos); drain_percent = drain_percent_effects.get_composite_value(); } // Add heal_on_hit (the drain constant) unit_ability_list heal_on_hit_specials = weapon->get_specials("heal_on_hit"); unit_abilities::effect heal_on_hit_effects(heal_on_hit_specials, 0, backstab_pos); drain_constant += heal_on_hit_effects.get_composite_value(); drains = drain_constant || drain_percent; // Compute the number of blows and handle swarm. weapon->modified_attacks(backstab_pos, swarm_min, swarm_max); swarm = swarm_min != swarm_max; num_blows = calc_blows(hp); } }
report generate_report(TYPE type, std::map<reports::TYPE, std::string> report_contents, const team ¤t_team, int current_side, int playing_side, const map_location& loc, const map_location& mouseover, const map_location& displayed_unit_hex, const std::set<std::string> &observers, const config& level, bool show_everything) { unit_map &units = *resources::units; gamemap &map = *resources::game_map; std::vector<team> &teams = *resources::teams; const unit *u = NULL; if((int(type) >= int(UNIT_REPORTS_BEGIN) && int(type) < int(UNIT_REPORTS_END)) || type == POSITION){ u = get_visible_unit(units, displayed_unit_hex, current_team, show_everything); if (!u && type != POSITION) { return report(); } } std::ostringstream str; switch(type) { case UNIT_NAME: str << "<b>" << u->name() << "</b>"; return report(str.str(), "", u->name()); case UNIT_TYPE: str << span_color(font::unit_type_color) << u->type_name() << naps; return report(str.str(), "", u->unit_description()); case UNIT_RACE: str << span_color(font::race_color) << u->race()->name(u->gender()) << naps; break; case UNIT_SIDE: { std::string flag_icon = teams[u->side() - 1].flag_icon(); std::string old_rgb = game_config::flag_rgb; std::string new_rgb = team::get_side_colour_index(u->side()); std::string mods = "~RC(" + old_rgb + ">" + new_rgb + ")"; if(flag_icon.empty()) { flag_icon = game_config::flag_icon_image; } image::locator flag_icon_img(flag_icon, mods); return report("", flag_icon_img, teams[u->side() - 1].current_player()); } case UNIT_LEVEL: str << u->level(); break; case UNIT_AMLA: { report res; const std::vector<std::pair<std::string,std::string> > &amla_icons=u->amla_icons(); for(std::vector<std::pair<std::string,std::string> >::const_iterator i=amla_icons.begin();i!=amla_icons.end();i++){ res.add_image(i->first,i->second); } return(res); } case UNIT_TRAITS: return report(u->traits_description(), "", u->modification_description("trait")); case UNIT_STATUS: { report res; if (map.on_board(displayed_unit_hex) && u->invisible(displayed_unit_hex, units, teams)) { add_status(res, "misc/invisible.png", N_("invisible: "), N_("This unit is invisible. It cannot be seen or attacked by enemy units.")); } if (u->get_state(unit::STATE_SLOWED)) { add_status(res, "misc/slowed.png", N_("slowed: "), N_("This unit has been slowed. It will only deal half its normal damage when attacking and its movement cost is doubled.")); } if (u->get_state(unit::STATE_POISONED)) { add_status(res, "misc/poisoned.png", N_("poisoned: "), N_("This unit is poisoned. It will lose 8 HP every turn until it can seek a cure to the poison in a village or from a friendly unit with the 'cures' ability.\n\nUnits cannot be killed by poison alone. The poison will not reduce it below 1 HP.")); } if (u->get_state(unit::STATE_PETRIFIED)) { add_status(res, "misc/petrified.png", N_("petrified: "), N_("This unit has been petrified. It may not move or attack.")); } return res; } case UNIT_ALIGNMENT: { const std::string &align = unit_type::alignment_description(u->alignment(), u->gender()); const std::string &align_id = unit_type::alignment_id(u->alignment()); std::stringstream ss; int cm = combat_modifier(units, displayed_unit_hex, u->alignment(), u->is_fearless()); ss << align << " (" << (cm >= 0 ? "+" : "−") << abs(cm) << "%)"; return report(ss.str(), "", string_table[align_id + "_description"]); } case UNIT_ABILITIES: { report res; const std::vector<std::string> &abilities = u->ability_tooltips(); for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i = abilities.begin(); i != abilities.end(); ++i) { str << gettext(i->c_str()); if(i+2 != abilities.end()) str << ","; ++i; res.add_text(flush(str), *i); } return res; } case UNIT_HP: { std::ostringstream tooltip; str << span_color(u->hp_color()) << u->hitpoints() << '/' << u->max_hitpoints() << naps; std::set<std::string> resistances_table; string_map resistances = u->get_base_resistances(); bool att_def_diff = false; for(string_map::iterator resist = resistances.begin(); resist != resistances.end(); ++resist) { std::ostringstream line; line << gettext(resist->first.c_str()) << ": "; // Some units have different resistances when // attacking or defending. int res_att = 100 - u->resistance_against(resist->first, true, displayed_unit_hex); int res_def = 100 - u->resistance_against(resist->first, false, displayed_unit_hex); if (res_att == res_def) { line << res_def << "%\n"; } else { line << res_att << "% / " << res_def << "%\n"; att_def_diff = true; } resistances_table.insert(line.str()); } tooltip << _("Resistances: "); if (att_def_diff) tooltip << _("(Att / Def)"); tooltip << "\n"; // the STL set will give alphabetical sorting for(std::set<std::string>::iterator line = resistances_table.begin(); line != resistances_table.end(); ++line) { tooltip << (*line); } return report(str.str(), "", tooltip.str()); } case UNIT_XP: { std::ostringstream tooltip; str << span_color(u->xp_color()) << u->experience() << '/' << u->max_experience() << naps; tooltip << _("Experience Modifier: ") << ((level["experience_modifier"] != "") ? level["experience_modifier"] : "100") << "%"; return report(str.str(), "", tooltip.str()); } case UNIT_ADVANCEMENT_OPTIONS: { report res; const std::map<std::string,std::string> &adv_icons = u->advancement_icons(); for(std::map<std::string,std::string>::const_iterator i=adv_icons.begin();i!=adv_icons.end();i++){ res.add_image(i->first,i->second); } return res; } case UNIT_DEFENSE: { const t_translation::t_terrain terrain = map[displayed_unit_hex]; int def = 100 - u->defense_modifier(terrain); SDL_Color color = int_to_color(game_config::red_to_green(def)); str << span_color(color) << def << "%</span>"; break; } case UNIT_MOVES: { float movement_frac = 1.0; if (u->side() == playing_side) { movement_frac = static_cast<float>(u->movement_left()) / std::max(1.0f, static_cast<float>(u->total_movement())); if (movement_frac > 1.0) movement_frac = 1.0; } int grey = 128 + static_cast<int>((255-128) * movement_frac); SDL_Color c = { grey, grey, grey, 0 }; str << span_color(c) << u->movement_left() << '/' << u->total_movement() << naps; break; } case UNIT_WEAPONS: { report res; std::ostringstream tooltip; size_t team_index = u->side() - 1; if(team_index >= teams.size()) { std::cerr << "illegal team index in reporting: " << team_index << "\n"; return res; } foreach (const attack_type &at, u->attacks()) { at.set_specials_context(displayed_unit_hex, map_location(), *u); std::string lang_type = gettext(at.type().c_str()); str << span_color(font::weapon_color); if (u->get_state(unit::STATE_SLOWED)) { str << round_damage(at.damage(), 1, 2) << '-'; } else { str << at.damage() << '-'; } int nattacks = at.num_attacks(); // Compute swarm attacks: unit_ability_list swarm = at.get_specials("swarm"); if(!swarm.empty()) { int swarm_max_attacks = swarm.highest("swarm_attacks_max",nattacks).first; int swarm_min_attacks = swarm.highest("swarm_attacks_min").first; int hitp = u->hitpoints(); int mhitp = u->max_hitpoints(); nattacks = swarm_min_attacks + (swarm_max_attacks - swarm_min_attacks) * hitp / mhitp; } str << nattacks; str << ' ' << at.name() << ' ' << at.accuracy_parry_description(); tooltip << at.name() << "\n"; int effdmg; if (u->get_state(unit::STATE_SLOWED)) { effdmg = round_damage(at.damage(),1,2); } else { effdmg = at.damage(); } tooltip << effdmg << ' ' << _n("tooltip^damage", "damage", effdmg) << ", "; tooltip << nattacks << ' ' << _n("tooltip^attack", "attacks", nattacks); int accuracy = at.accuracy(); if(accuracy) { // Help xgettext with a directive to recognise the string as a non C printf-like string // xgettext:no-c-format tooltip << " " << (accuracy > 0 ? "+" : "") << accuracy << _("tooltip^% accuracy"); } int parry = at.parry(); if(parry) { // xgettext:no-c-format tooltip << " " << (parry > 0 ? "+" : "") << parry << _("tooltip^% parry"); } str << "</span>\n"; res.add_text(flush(str), flush(tooltip)); std::string range = gettext(at.range().c_str()); str << span_color(font::weapon_details_color) << " " << range << "--" << lang_type << "</span>\n"; tooltip << _("weapon range: ") << range <<"\n"; tooltip << _("damage type: ") << lang_type << "\n"; // Find all the unit types on the map, and // show this weapon's bonus against all the different units. // Don't show invisible units, except if they are in our team or allied. std::set<std::string> seen_units; std::map<int,std::vector<std::string> > resistances; for(unit_map::const_iterator u_it = units.begin(); u_it != units.end(); ++u_it) { if(teams[team_index].is_enemy(u_it->second.side()) && !current_team.fogged(u_it->first) && seen_units.count(u_it->second.type_id()) == 0 && ( !current_team.is_enemy(u_it->second.side()) || !u_it->second.invisible(u_it->first,units,teams))) { seen_units.insert(u_it->second.type_id()); int resistance = u_it->second.resistance_against(at, false, u_it->first) - 100; resistances[resistance].push_back(u_it->second.type_name()); } } for(std::map<int,std::vector<std::string> >::reverse_iterator resist = resistances.rbegin(); resist != resistances.rend(); ++resist) { std::sort(resist->second.begin(),resist->second.end()); tooltip << (resist->first >= 0 ? "+" : "") << resist->first << "% " << _("vs") << " "; for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i = resist->second.begin(); i != resist->second.end(); ++i) { if(i != resist->second.begin()) { tooltip << ", "; } tooltip << *i; } tooltip << "\n"; } res.add_text(flush(str), flush(tooltip)); const std::vector<t_string> &specials = at.special_tooltips(); if(! specials.empty()) { for(std::vector<t_string>::const_iterator sp_it = specials.begin(); sp_it != specials.end(); ++sp_it) { str << span_color(font::weapon_details_color) << " " << *sp_it << "</span>\n"; ++sp_it; tooltip << *sp_it << '\n'; } res.add_text(flush(str), flush(tooltip)); } } return res; } case UNIT_IMAGE: { // const std::vector<Uint32>& old_rgb = u->second.team_rgb_range(); // color_range new_rgb = team::get_side_color_range(u->second.side()); return report("", image::locator(u->absolute_image(), u->image_mods()), ""); } case UNIT_PROFILE: return report("", u->profile(), ""); case TIME_OF_DAY: { time_of_day tod = resources::tod_manager->time_of_day_at(units, mouseover, *resources::game_map); const std::string tod_image = tod.image + (preferences::flip_time() ? "~FL(horiz)" : ""); // Don't show illuminated time on fogged/shrouded tiles if (current_team.fogged(mouseover) || current_team.shrouded(mouseover)) { tod = resources::tod_manager->get_time_of_day(false, mouseover); } std::stringstream tooltip; tooltip << tod.name << "\n" << _("Lawful units: ") << (tod.lawful_bonus > 0 ? "+" : "") << tod.lawful_bonus << "%\n" << _("Neutral units: ") << "0%\n" << _("Chaotic units: ") << (tod.lawful_bonus < 0 ? "+" : "") << (tod.lawful_bonus*-1) << "%"; return report("",tod_image,tooltip.str()); } case TURN: { str << resources::tod_manager->turn(); int nb = resources::tod_manager->number_of_turns(); if (nb != -1) str << '/' << nb; break; } // For the following status reports, show them in gray text // when it is not the active player's turn. case GOLD: { char const *end = naps; if (current_side != playing_side) str << span_color(font::GRAY_COLOUR); else if (current_team.gold() < 0) str << span_color(font::BAD_COLOUR); else end = ""; str << current_team.gold() << end; break; } case VILLAGES: { const team_data data = calculate_team_data(current_team,current_side,units); if (current_side != playing_side) str << span_color(font::GRAY_COLOUR); str << data.villages << '/'; if (current_team.uses_shroud()) { int unshrouded_villages = 0; std::vector<map_location>::const_iterator i = map.villages().begin(); for (; i != map.villages().end(); i++) { if (!current_team.shrouded(*i)) unshrouded_villages++; } str << unshrouded_villages; } else { str << map.villages().size(); } if (current_side != playing_side) str << naps; break; } case NUM_UNITS: { if (current_side != playing_side) str << span_color(font::GRAY_COLOUR); str << side_units(units, current_side); if (current_side != playing_side) str << naps; break; } case UPKEEP: { const team_data data = calculate_team_data(current_team,current_side,units); if (current_side != playing_side) str << span_color(font::GRAY_COLOUR); str << data.expenses << " (" << data.upkeep << ")"; if (current_side != playing_side) str << naps; break; } case EXPENSES: { const team_data data = calculate_team_data(current_team,current_side,units); if (current_side != playing_side) str << span_color(font::GRAY_COLOUR); str << data.expenses; if (current_side != playing_side) str << naps; break; } case INCOME: { team_data data = calculate_team_data(current_team, current_side, units); char const *end = naps; if (current_side != playing_side) str << span_color(font::GRAY_COLOUR); else if (data.net_income < 0) str << span_color(font::BAD_COLOUR); else end = ""; str << data.net_income << end; break; } case TERRAIN: { if(!map.on_board(mouseover) || current_team.shrouded(mouseover)) break; const t_translation::t_terrain terrain = map.get_terrain(mouseover); if (terrain == t_translation::OFF_MAP_USER) break; const t_translation::t_list& underlying = map.underlying_union_terrain(terrain); if(map.is_village(mouseover)) { int owner = village_owner(mouseover, teams) + 1; if(owner == 0 || current_team.fogged(mouseover)) { str << map.get_terrain_info(terrain).income_description(); } else if(owner == current_side) { str << map.get_terrain_info(terrain).income_description_own(); } else if(current_team.is_enemy(owner)) { str << map.get_terrain_info(terrain).income_description_enemy(); } else { str << map.get_terrain_info(terrain).income_description_ally(); } str << " "; } else { str << map.get_terrain_info(terrain).description(); } if(underlying.size() != 1 || underlying.front() != terrain) { str << " ("; for(t_translation::t_list::const_iterator i = underlying.begin(); i != underlying.end(); ++i) { str << map.get_terrain_info(*i).name(); if(i+1 != underlying.end()) { str << ","; } } str << ")"; } break; } case POSITION: { if(!map.on_board(mouseover)) { break; } const t_translation::t_terrain terrain = map[mouseover]; if (terrain == t_translation::OFF_MAP_USER) break; str << mouseover; if (!u) break; if(displayed_unit_hex != mouseover && displayed_unit_hex != loc) break; if(current_team.shrouded(mouseover)) break; int move_cost = u->movement_cost(terrain); int defense = 100 - u->defense_modifier(terrain); if(move_cost < unit_movement_type::UNREACHABLE) { str << " (" << defense << "%," << move_cost << ")"; } else if (mouseover == displayed_unit_hex) { str << " (" << defense << "%,-)"; } else { str << " (-)"; } break; } case SIDE_PLAYING: { std::string flag_icon = teams[playing_side-1].flag_icon(); std::string old_rgb = game_config::flag_rgb; std::string new_rgb = team::get_side_colour_index(playing_side); std::string mods = "~RC(" + old_rgb + ">" + new_rgb + ")"; if(flag_icon.empty()) { flag_icon = game_config::flag_icon_image; } image::locator flag_icon_img(flag_icon, mods); return report("",flag_icon_img,teams[playing_side-1].current_player()); } case OBSERVERS: { if(observers.empty()) { return report(); } str << _("Observers:") << "\n"; for(std::set<std::string>::const_iterator i = observers.begin(); i != observers.end(); ++i) { str << *i << "\n"; } return report("",game_config::observer_image,str.str()); } case SELECTED_TERRAIN: { std::map<TYPE, std::string>::const_iterator it = report_contents.find(SELECTED_TERRAIN); if (it != report_contents.end()) { return report(it->second); } else { return report(); } } case EDIT_LEFT_BUTTON_FUNCTION: { std::map<TYPE, std::string>::const_iterator it = report_contents.find(EDIT_LEFT_BUTTON_FUNCTION); if (it != report_contents.end()) { return report(it->second); } else { return report(); } } case REPORT_COUNTDOWN: { int min; int sec; if (current_team.countdown_time() > 0){ sec = current_team.countdown_time() / 1000; char const *end = naps; if (current_side != playing_side) str << span_color(font::GRAY_COLOUR); else if (sec < 60) str << "<span foreground=\"#c80000\">"; else if (sec < 120) str << "<span foreground=\"#c8c800\">"; else end = ""; min = sec / 60; str << min << ":"; sec = sec % 60; if (sec < 10) { str << "0"; } str << sec << end; break; } // Intentional fall-through to REPORT_CLOCK // if the time countdown isn't valid. // If there is no turn time limit, // then we display the clock instead. } case REPORT_CLOCK: { time_t t = std::time(NULL); struct tm *lt = std::localtime(&t); if (lt) { char temp[10]; size_t s = std::strftime(temp, 10, preferences::clock_format().c_str(), lt); if(s>0) { return report(temp); } else { return report(); } } else { return report(); } } default: assert(false); break; } return report(str.str()); }