media_auditor::summary media_auditor::audit_media(const char *validation) { // start fresh m_record_list.reset(); // store validation for later m_validation = validation; // temporary hack until romload is update: get the driver path and support it for // all searches const char *driverpath = m_enumerator.config().devicelist().find("root")->searchpath(); // iterate over ROM sources and regions int found = 0; int required = 0; int sharedFound = 0; int sharedRequired = 0; for (const rom_source *source = rom_first_source(m_enumerator.config()); source != NULL; source = rom_next_source(*source)) { // determine the search path for this source and iterate through the regions m_searchpath = source->searchpath(); // also determine if this is the driver's specific ROMs or not bool source_is_gamedrv = (dynamic_cast<const driver_device *>(source) != NULL); // now iterate over regions and ROMs within for (const rom_entry *region = rom_first_region(*source); region != NULL; region = rom_next_region(region)) { // temporary hack: add the driver path & region name astring combinedpath(source->searchpath(), ";", driverpath); if(ROMREGION_ISLOADBYNAME(region)) {";");; } m_searchpath = combinedpath; for (const rom_entry *rom = rom_first_file(region); rom; rom = rom_next_file(rom)) { hash_collection hashes(ROM_GETHASHDATA(rom)); bool shared = also_used_by_parent(hashes) >= 0; // if a dump exists, then at least one entry is required if (!hashes.flag(hash_collection::FLAG_NO_DUMP)) { required++; if (shared) { sharedRequired++; } } // audit a file audit_record *record = NULL; if (ROMREGION_ISROMDATA(region)) record = audit_one_rom(rom); // audit a disk else if (ROMREGION_ISDISKDATA(region)) record = audit_one_disk(rom); // skip if no record if (record == NULL) continue; // if we got a record back, if (record->status() != audit_record::STATUS_NOT_FOUND && source_is_gamedrv) { found++; if (shared) { sharedFound++; } } } } } // if we found nothing unique to this set & the set needs roms that aren't in the parent or the parent isn't found either, then we don't have the set at all if (found == sharedFound && required > 0 && (required != sharedRequired || sharedFound == 0)) m_record_list.reset(); // return a summary return summarize(); }
media_auditor::summary media_auditor::audit_media(const char *validation) { // start fresh m_record_list.reset(); // store validation for later m_validation = validation; // temporary hack until romload is update: get the driver path and support it for // all searches const char *driverpath = m_enumerator.config().root_device().searchpath(); int found = 0; int required = 0; int shared_found = 0; int shared_required = 0; // iterate over devices and regions device_iterator deviter(m_enumerator.config().root_device()); for (device_t *device = deviter.first(); device != NULL; device = { // determine the search path for this source and iterate through the regions m_searchpath = device->searchpath(); // now iterate over regions and ROMs within for (const rom_entry *region = rom_first_region(*device); region != NULL; region = rom_next_region(region)) { // temporary hack: add the driver path & region name astring combinedpath(device->searchpath(), ";", driverpath); if (device->shortname())";").cat(device->shortname()); m_searchpath = combinedpath; for (const rom_entry *rom = rom_first_file(region); rom; rom = rom_next_file(rom)) { const char *name = ROM_GETNAME(rom); hash_collection hashes(ROM_GETHASHDATA(rom)); device_t *shared_device = find_shared_device(*device, name, hashes, ROM_GETLENGTH(rom)); // count the number of files with hashes if (!hashes.flag(hash_collection::FLAG_NO_DUMP) && !ROM_ISOPTIONAL(rom)) { required++; if (shared_device != NULL) shared_required++; } // audit a file audit_record *record = NULL; if (ROMREGION_ISROMDATA(region)) record = audit_one_rom(rom); // audit a disk else if (ROMREGION_ISDISKDATA(region)) record = audit_one_disk(rom); if (record != NULL) { // count the number of files that are found. if (record->status() == audit_record::STATUS_GOOD || (record->status() == audit_record::STATUS_FOUND_INVALID && find_shared_device(*device, name, record->actual_hashes(), record->actual_length()) == NULL)) { found++; if (shared_device != NULL) shared_found++; } record->set_shared_device(shared_device); } } } } // if we only find files that are in the parent & either the set has no unique files or the parent is not found, then assume we don't have the set at all if (found == shared_found && required > 0 && (required != shared_required || shared_found == 0)) { m_record_list.reset(); return NOTFOUND; } // return a summary return summarize(m_enumerator.driver().name); }
//------------------------------------------------- // audit_software //------------------------------------------------- media_auditor::summary media_auditor::audit_software(const char *list_name, software_info *swinfo, const char *validation) { // start fresh m_record_list.reset(); // store validation for later m_validation = validation; std::string combinedpath(swinfo->shortname()); combinedpath.append(";"); combinedpath.append(list_name); combinedpath.append(PATH_SEPARATOR); combinedpath.append(swinfo->shortname()); std::string locationtag(list_name); locationtag.append("%"); locationtag.append(swinfo->shortname()); locationtag.append("%"); if (swinfo->parentname() != nullptr) { locationtag.append(swinfo->parentname()); combinedpath.append(";").append(swinfo->parentname()).append(";").append(list_name).append(PATH_SEPARATOR).append(swinfo->parentname()); } m_searchpath = combinedpath.c_str(); int found = 0; int required = 0; // now iterate over software parts for (software_part &part : swinfo->parts()) { // now iterate over regions for ( const rom_entry *region = part.romdata(); region; region = rom_next_region( region ) ) { // now iterate over rom definitions for (const rom_entry *rom = rom_first_file(region); rom; rom = rom_next_file(rom)) { hash_collection hashes(ROM_GETHASHDATA(rom)); // count the number of files with hashes if (!hashes.flag(hash_collection::FLAG_NO_DUMP) && !ROM_ISOPTIONAL(rom)) { required++; } // audit a file audit_record *record = nullptr; if (ROMREGION_ISROMDATA(region)) { record = audit_one_rom(rom); } // audit a disk else if (ROMREGION_ISDISKDATA(region)) { record = audit_one_disk(rom, locationtag.c_str()); } // count the number of files that are found. if (record != nullptr && (record->status() == audit_record::STATUS_GOOD || record->status() == audit_record::STATUS_FOUND_INVALID)) { found++; } } } } if (found == 0 && required > 0) { m_record_list.reset(); return NOTFOUND; } // return a summary return summarize(list_name); }
//------------------------------------------------- // audit_software //------------------------------------------------- media_auditor::summary media_auditor::audit_software(const char *list_name, software_info *swinfo, const char *validation) { // start fresh m_record_list.reset(); // store validation for later m_validation = validation; astring combinedpath(swinfo->shortname, ";", list_name, PATH_SEPARATOR, swinfo->shortname); m_searchpath = combinedpath; int found = 0; int required = 0; // now iterate over software parts for ( software_part *part = software_find_part( swinfo, NULL, NULL ); part != NULL; part = software_part_next( part ) ) { // now iterate over regions for ( const rom_entry *region = part->romdata; region; region = rom_next_region( region ) ) { // now iterate over rom definitions for (const rom_entry *rom = rom_first_file(region); rom; rom = rom_next_file(rom)) { hash_collection hashes(ROM_GETHASHDATA(rom)); // count the number of files with hashes if (!hashes.flag(hash_collection::FLAG_NO_DUMP) && !ROM_ISOPTIONAL(rom)) { required++; } // audit a file audit_record *record = NULL; if (ROMREGION_ISROMDATA(region)) { record = audit_one_rom(rom); } // audit a disk else if (ROMREGION_ISDISKDATA(region)) { record = audit_one_disk(rom); } // count the number of files that are found. if (record != NULL && (record->status() == audit_record::STATUS_GOOD || record->status() == audit_record::STATUS_FOUND_INVALID)) { found++; } } } } if (found == 0 && required > 0) { m_record_list.reset(); return NOTFOUND; } // return a summary return summarize(list_name); }