Exemple #1
		 * Start the the ADC sampling, unless the external trigger command
		 * is set it will begin sampling as soon as the usbdux device has been
		 * initialized.
		 * The final three arguments are very important to get right
		 * as the recorder thread will use them to determine where to write it's samples and
		 * when it's reached end of the buffer. It doesn't care about the c_buffer class
		 * at all.
		 * @param arg_device name of the comedi device e.g., 'comedi0'
		 * @param arg_sample_rate the rate the usb_dux should sample with in hertz (max=3[Mhz]})
		 * @param arg_start_address the start address of the circle buffer sample should be loading into
		 * @param arg_end_address the end address of the cicle buffer.
		 * @param arg_buffer_size byte size of the buffer.
		int start_Sampling(char* arg_device, uint32_t arg_sample_rate, 
				char* arg_start_address, char* arg_end_address, int arg_buffer_size){

			_channel_amount = 16;
			_sample_rate = arg_sample_rate;

			unsigned int chanlist[_channel_amount];
			unsigned int convert_arg = 1e9 / _sample_rate;
			int ret;

			comedi_cmd *cmd = (comedi_cmd *) calloc(1, sizeof(comedi_cmd));
			_device = comedi_open(arg_device);

			int buffer = 1048576*40;
			buffer = (buffer * 4096)/4096;

			if(comedi_set_max_buffer_size(_device, 0, buffer) < 0 ){
				printf("Failed to set max buffer size to %i bytes\n", buffer);
				return -1;
			} else printf("Maximum buffer size set to %i bytes\n", comedi_get_max_buffer_size(_device,0));

			if(comedi_set_buffer_size(_device, 0, buffer) < 0){
				printf("Failed to set buffer size to %iBytes\n", buffer);
				return -1;
			} else printf("Buffer size set to %iBytes\n", comedi_get_buffer_size(_device,0));

				errx(1, "unable to open device");
				return -1;

			for(int i = 0; i < _channel_amount; i++)	
				chanlist[i] = i;


			if((ret = comedi_get_cmd_generic_timed(_device, 0, cmd, _channel_amount,0)) < 0){
				printf("comedi_get_cmd_generic_timed failed\n");
				return ret;

			cmd->chanlist 	= chanlist;
			cmd->stop_src	= TRIG_NONE;
			cmd->stop_arg	= 0;
			cmd->convert_arg = convert_arg;
			//setup the sampling to start from the trigger.
			//cmd->start_src = TRIG_EXT 
			//cmd->start_arg = 1;

			/* call test twice because different things are tested?
			 * if tests are successful run sampling command */
			if((ret = comedi_command_test(_device, cmd)) != 0
					|| (ret = comedi_command_test(_device, cmd)) != 0
					|| (ret = comedi_command(_device, cmd)) < 0){

				fprintf(stderr, "err: %d\n", ret);
				return -1;

			FILE* dux_fp;

			if((dux_fp = fdopen(comedi_fileno(_device), "r")) <= 0)

			char* write_address = arg_start_address;
			Utility::SNAP_SAMPLE = 0;
			Utility::LAST_SAMPLE = 0;

			uint64_t active_sample = 0;
			uint32_t tmp_block = 0;
			int samples_pr_block = 4096/sizeof(Type);

			while((ret = fread(write_address, 1, 4096,dux_fp)) >= 0){

				write_address += 4096;
				tmp_block += 1;

				active_sample += samples_pr_block;
				Utility::LAST_SAMPLE += samples_pr_block;

				if(tmp_block >= Utility::SNAPSHOT_BLOCK_SIZE){
					//printf("signalling serial snapshotter\n");
					tmp_block = 0;
					Utility::SNAP_SAMPLE = active_sample;
					Utility::SNAP_READY = true;

				if(write_address == arg_end_address){
					write_address -= arg_buffer_size;
					//printf("resetting to beginning of buffer\n");

				if(_stop == true)

			if(ret < 0)

			comedi_cancel(_device, 0);
			return 0;
Exemple #2
int _comedi_get_buffer_size(comedi_t *it, unsigned int subdev)
	return comedi_set_buffer_size(it, subdev, 0);