Expr lower_euclidean_div(Expr a, Expr b) {
    internal_assert(a.type() == b.type());
    // IROperator's div_round_to_zero will replace this with a / b for
    // unsigned ops, so create the intrinsic directly.
    Expr q = Call::make(a.type(), Call::div_round_to_zero, {a, b}, Call::PureIntrinsic);
    if (a.type().is_int()) {
        // Signed integer division sucks. It should be defined such
        // that it satisifies (a/b)*b + a%b = a, where 0 <= a%b < |b|,
        // i.e. Euclidean division.

        // We get rounding to work by examining the implied remainder
        // and correcting the quotient.

        /* Here's the C code that we're trying to match:
           int q = a / b;
           int r = a - q * b;
           int bs = b >> (t.bits() - 1);
           int rs = r >> (t.bits() - 1);
           return q - (rs & bs) + (rs & ~bs);

        Expr r = a - q*b;
        Expr bs = b >> (a.type().bits() - 1);
        Expr rs = r >> (a.type().bits() - 1);
        q = q - (rs & bs) + (rs & ~bs);
        return common_subexpression_elimination(q);
    } else {
Expr halide_exp(Expr x_full) {
    Type type = x_full.type();
    internal_assert(type.element_of() == Float(32));

    float ln2_part1 = 0.6931457519f;
    float ln2_part2 = 1.4286067653e-6f;
    float one_over_ln2 = 1.0f/logf(2.0f);

    Expr scaled = x_full * one_over_ln2;
    Expr k_real = floor(scaled);
    Expr k = cast(Int(32, type.lanes()), k_real);

    Expr x = x_full - k_real * ln2_part1;
    x -= k_real * ln2_part2;

    float coeff[] = {
    Expr result = evaluate_polynomial(x, coeff, sizeof(coeff)/sizeof(coeff[0]));

    // Compute 2^k.
    int fpbias = 127;
    Expr biased = k + fpbias;

    Expr inf = Call::make(type, "inf_f32", {}, Call::PureExtern);

    // Shift the bits up into the exponent field and reinterpret this
    // thing as float.
    Expr two_to_the_n = reinterpret(type, biased << 23);
    result *= two_to_the_n;

    // Catch overflow and underflow
    result = select(biased < 255, result, inf);
    result = select(biased > 0, result, make_zero(type));

    // This introduces lots of common subexpressions
    result = common_subexpression_elimination(result);

    return result;
Expr halide_log(Expr x_full) {
    Type type = x_full.type();
    internal_assert(type.element_of() == Float(32));

    Expr nan = Call::make(type, "nan_f32", {}, Call::PureExtern);
    Expr neg_inf = Call::make(type, "neg_inf_f32", {}, Call::PureExtern);

    Expr use_nan = x_full < 0.0f; // log of a negative returns nan
    Expr use_neg_inf = x_full == 0.0f; // log of zero is -inf
    Expr exceptional = use_nan | use_neg_inf;

    // Avoid producing nans or infs by generating ln(1.0f) instead and
    // then fixing it later.
    Expr patched = select(exceptional, make_one(type), x_full);
    Expr reduced, exponent;
    range_reduce_log(patched, &reduced, &exponent);

    // Very close to the Taylor series for log about 1, but tuned to
    // have minimum relative error in the reduced domain (0.75 - 1.5).

    float coeff[] = {
    Expr x1 = reduced - 1.0f;
    Expr result = evaluate_polynomial(x1, coeff, sizeof(coeff)/sizeof(coeff[0]));

    result += cast(type, exponent) * logf(2.0);

    result = select(exceptional, select(use_nan, nan, neg_inf), result);

    // This introduces lots of common subexpressions
    result = common_subexpression_elimination(result);

    return result;
Expr halide_erf(Expr x_full) {
    user_assert(x_full.type() == Float(32)) << "halide_erf only works for Float(32)";

    // Extract the sign and magnitude.
    Expr sign = select(x_full < 0, -1.0f, 1.0f);
    Expr x = abs(x_full);

    // An approximation very similar to one from Abramowitz and
    // Stegun, but tuned for values > 1. Takes the form 1 - P(x)^-16.
    float c1[] = {0.0000818502f,
    Expr approx1 = evaluate_polynomial(x, c1, sizeof(c1)/sizeof(c1[0]));

    approx1 = 1.0f - pow(approx1, -16);

    // An odd polynomial tuned for values < 1. Similar to the Taylor
    // expansion of erf.
    float c2[] = {-0.0005553339f,

    Expr approx2 = evaluate_polynomial(x*x, c2, sizeof(c2)/sizeof(c2[0]));
    approx2 *= x;

    // Switch between the two approximations based on the magnitude.
    Expr y = select(x > 1.0f, approx1, approx2);

    Expr result = common_subexpression_elimination(sign * y);

    return result;