Exemple #1
bool QoreValue::isEqualHard(const QoreValue n) const {
   qore_type_t t = getType();
   if (t != n.getType())
      return false;
   switch (t) {
      case NT_INT: return getAsBigInt() == n.getAsBigInt();
      case NT_BOOLEAN: return getAsBool() == n.getAsBool();
      case NT_FLOAT: return getAsFloat() == n.getAsFloat();
      case NT_NOTHING:
      case NT_NULL:
	 return true;
   return !compareHard(v.n, n.v.n, 0);
bool CaseNode::matches(AbstractQoreNode *lhs_value, ExceptionSink *xsink) {
   return !compareHard(lhs_value, val, xsink); // the ! is because of compareHard() semantics
int SwitchStatement::parseInitImpl(LocalVar *oflag, int pflag) {
   int lvids = 0;

   // turn off top-level flag for statement vars
   pflag &= (~PF_TOP_LEVEL);

   const QoreTypeInfo *argTypeInfo = 0;

   if (sexp)
      sexp = sexp->parseInit(oflag, pflag, lvids, argTypeInfo);

   CaseNode *w = head;
   ExceptionSink xsink;
   QoreProgram *pgm = getProgram();
   while (w) {
      if (w->val) {
         argTypeInfo = 0;
         w->val = w->val->parseInit(oflag, pflag | PF_CONST_EXPRESSION, lvids, argTypeInfo);
	 if (lvids) {
	    parse_error("illegal local variable declaration in assignment expression for case block");
	    while (lvids--)

	    w = w->next;

	 // evaluate case expression if necessary and no parse expressions have been raised
	 if (w->val && !w->val->is_value()) {
	    if (pgm->parseExceptionRaised()) {
	       w = w->next;

	    ReferenceHolder<AbstractQoreNode> v(w->val->eval(&xsink), &xsink);
	    if (!xsink) {
	       w->val = v.release();
	       if (!w->val)
		  w->val = nothing();
	       qore_program_private::addParseException(pgm, xsink);
	 //printd(5, "SwitchStatement::parseInit() this=%p case exp: %p %s\n", this, w->val, get_type_name(w->val));

	 // check for duplicate values
	 CaseNode *cw = head;
	 while (cw != w) {
            // Check only the simple case blocks (case 1: ...),
            // not those with relational operators. Could be changed later to provide more checking.
	    // note that no exception can be raised here as the case node values are parse values
            if (w->isCaseNode() && cw->isCaseNode() && !compareHard(w->val, cw->val, &xsink))
	       parse_error("duplicate case values in switch");
	    cw = cw->next;

      if (w->code)
	 w->code->parseInitImpl(oflag, pflag);
      w = w->next;

   // save local variables
   if (lvids)
      lvars = new LVList(lvids);

   return 0;