Exemple #1
void Solver::Advance (float timeStep)
    Timer t;

    integrate(HIGH, timeStep/2.0f);

    integrate(HIGH, timeStep/2.0f);

    integrate(LOW, timeStep);


    std::cout << "#LOW " << mFluidParticles[LOW]->ActiveIDs.size() << " #HIGH "
              <<  mFluidParticles[HIGH]->ActiveIDs.size() << " #TOTAL: "
              << mFluidParticles[LOW]->ActiveIDs.size() +
              mFluidParticles[HIGH]->ActiveIDs.size() << "TIME: "
              << t.GetElapsed() << std::endl;

Exemple #2
/* NOTE: We output only the fluid cells */
void writeVtkOutput(const double * const collideField, const int * const flagField, 
        const char * filename, unsigned int t, int xlength, int rank, int x_proc) {
  int i, j, k;
  double velocity[3], density;
  /* len is used to set values in lexicographic order "[ Q * ( z*len*len + y*len + x) + i ]" */
  int len = xlength + 2;

  char szFileName[80];
  FILE *fp=NULL;
  sprintf( szFileName, "%s-rank%i.%i.vtk", filename, rank, t );
  fp = fopen( szFileName, "w");
  if( fp == NULL ){
    char szBuff[80];
    sprintf( szBuff, "Failed to open %s", szFileName );
    ERROR( szBuff );

  write_vtkHeader(fp, xlength);

  fprintf(fp,"POINT_DATA %i \n", xlength*xlength*xlength );

  fprintf(fp, "VECTORS velocity float\n");
  for(k = 1; k < xlength+1; k++) {
    for(j = 1; j < xlength+1; j++) {
      for(i = 1; i < xlength+1; i++) {
        computeDensity (&collideField[ 19 * ( k*len*len + j*len + i) ], &density);
        computeVelocity(&collideField[ 19 * ( k*len*len + j*len + i) ], &density, velocity);
        fprintf(fp, "%f %f %f\n",  velocity[0], velocity[1], velocity[2]);

  fprintf(fp, "SCALARS density float 1 \n");
  fprintf(fp, "LOOKUP_TABLE default \n");
  for(k = 1; k < xlength+1; k++) {
    for(j = 1; j < xlength+1; j++) {
      for(i = 1; i < xlength+1; i++) {
        computeDensity (&collideField[ 19 * ( k*len*len + j*len + i) ], &density);
        fprintf(fp, "%f\n",  density);

    char szBuff[80];
    sprintf( szBuff, "Failed to close %s", szFileName );
    ERROR( szBuff );
Exemple #3
main(int argc, char **argv) {
  char     *merylName    = 0L;
  char     *fastaName    = 0L;
  char     *outputPrefix = 0L;

  uint32    onlySeqIID = ~uint32ZERO;

  bool      doDensity  = false;
  bool      doRescue   = false;

  mateRescueData  lib[MAX_COVERAGE];
  uint32          libLen  = 0;

  int arg=1;
  int err=0;
  while (arg < argc) {
    if        (strcmp(argv[arg], "-mers") == 0) {
      merylName = argv[++arg];

    } else if (strcmp(argv[arg], "-seq") == 0) {
      fastaName = argv[++arg];

    } else if (strcmp(argv[arg], "-only") == 0) {
      onlySeqIID = atoi(argv[++arg]);

    } else if (strcmp(argv[arg], "-output") == 0) {
      outputPrefix = argv[++arg];

    } else if (strcmp(argv[arg], "-d") == 0) {
      doDensity = true;

    } else if (strcmp(argv[arg], "-r") == 0) {
      if (atoi(argv[arg+3]) > 0) {
        doRescue = true;
        lib[libLen++].init(atoi(argv[arg+1]), atoi(argv[arg+2]), atoi(argv[arg+3]));
      arg += 3;

    } else {
      fprintf(stderr, "unknown option '%s'\n", argv[arg]);
  if ((err) || (merylName == 0L) || (fastaName == 0L) || (outputPrefix == 0L)) {
    fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s -mers mers -seq fasta -output prefix [-d] [-r mean stddev coverage]\n", argv[0]);

  merMaskedSequence *S = new merMaskedSequence(fastaName, merylName, onlySeqIID);

  if (doDensity)
    computeDensity(S, outputPrefix);

  if (doRescue)
    computeMateRescue(S, outputPrefix, lib, libLen);

Exemple #4
void doCollision(double *collideField, int *flagField, const double * const tau,int xlength){
  double density;
  double velocity[3];
  double feq[Q];
  double* currentCell;
  int currentIndex;

  /* Set pointer to first cell that is not a boundary */
  currentIndex = (xlength+3);

  /* Last row is a border */
  while(currentIndex < (xlength+2)*(xlength+2)*(xlength+2) - (xlength+2))
	  /* No left and right border, only inner cells */
	  if(flagField[currentIndex] == FLUID)
			currentCell = &collideField[currentIndex*Q];
			computeDensity(currentCell, &density);
			computeVelocity(currentCell, &density, velocity);
			computeFeq(&density, velocity, feq);
			computePostCollisionDistributions(currentCell, tau, feq);
Exemple #5
void doCollision(double *collideField, int *flagField, const double * const tau, int * length){
     * For each inner grid cell in collideField, compute the post-collide
     * distribution
    double density;
    double velocity[D];
    double feq[Q];

    double * currentCell;

    int x,y,z;
    int node[3];
    int n[3] = { length[0] + 2, length[1] + 2, length[2] + 2 };

    // Loop over inner cells: compare to streaming.c
    for (z = 1; z <= length[2]; z++) {
        node[2] = z;
        for (y = 1; y <= length[1]; y++) {
            node[1] = y;
            for (x = 1; x <= length[0]; x++) {
                node[0] = x;

                currentCell = getEl(collideField, node, 0, n);

                computeDensity(currentCell, &density);
                computeVelocity(currentCell, &density, velocity);
                computeFeq(&density, velocity, feq);
                computePostCollisionDistributions(currentCell, tau, feq);
Exemple #6
//do neighbor search
//compute density 
//compute force
//scene interaction
void particleSystem::LeapfrogIntegrate(float dt){
	float halfdt = 0.5f * dt;
	particleGrid target = particles;// target is a copy!
	particleGrid& source = particles;//source is a ptr!

	for (int i=0; i < target.size(); i++){
		target[i].pos = source[i].pos + source[i].vel * dt 
						+ halfdt * dt * source[i].force / source[i].actual_density;

	//calculate actual density 

	/*particleGrid nghrs;
	for (int i=0; i < target.size(); i++){
		if( !checkIfOutOfBoundry(target[i]) ){
			nghrs = gridcells.getNeighbors(target[i]);
			target[i].actual_density = computeDensity(nghrs, target[i]);
			target[i].pressure = target[i].gas_constant * (target[i].actual_density - target[i].rest_density);

	for (int i=0; i < target.size(); i++){
		if( !checkIfOutOfBoundry(target[i]) ){
			nghrs = gridcells.getNeighbors(target[i]);
			target[i].force = computeForce(nghrs, target[i]);

	//calculate actual density 
	for (int i=0; i < target.size(); i++){
		target[i].actual_density = computeDensity(target, target[i]);
		target[i].pressure = target[i].gas_constant * (target[i].actual_density - target[i].rest_density);

	for (int i=0; i < target.size(); i++){
		target[i].force = computeForce(target, target[i]);

	glm::vec3 collision_normal = glm::vec3(0.f);
	for (int i=0; i < target.size(); i++){
		if( CollisionDectection(target[i], collision_normal) ){
			glm::vec3 vn = (source[i].vel * collision_normal) * collision_normal;//decompose v along normal
			glm::vec3 vt = source[i].vel - vn;
			source[i].vel = 0.9f * vt - 0.8f * vn;//flip normal direction speed
			source[i].vel += halfdt * (target[i].force/target[i].actual_density  + source[i].force /source[i].actual_density);
			source[i].pos = target[i].pos;
			source[i].force = target[i].force;
			source[i].actual_density = target[i].actual_density;


Exemple #7
void SPHSystem::normalizeMass() {
    mass = 1.0;
    float rho0 = params.rho0;
    float rho2s = 0;
    float rhos  = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        rho2s += density[i]*density[i];
        rhos  += density[i];
    mass *= ( rho0*rhos / rho2s );
Exemple #8
  void WriteVtk::perform(MultiBlockLattice2D<T,DESCRIPTOR> &lattice, 
			 plint nStep)
    T dx = controller->getParams().getDeltaX();
    T physU = controller->getUnits().physVelocity();
    std::string fname = createFileName(prefix, nStep, fileNameLength);
    VtkImageOutput2D<T> vtkOut(fname, dx);
    std::auto_ptr<MultiScalarField2D<T> > density = computeDensity(lattice);
    PressureFromRho p(controller);

    vtkOut.writeData<float>(*density, "pressure", 1);
    vtkOut.writeData<2,float>(*computeVelocity(lattice), "velocity", physU);
    pcout << "vtk file " << fname << " written" << std::endl;
Exemple #9
    const Calc::Output& Calc::operator()(const Input& frames)
        cv::Mat old, current;
        cv::cvtColor(frames.old, old, CV_BGR2GRAY);
        cv::cvtColor(frames.current, current, CV_BGR2GRAY);


        old = 255 + (old - _background);
        current = 255 + (current - _background);

        computeVelocity(old, current);

        return _out;
Exemple #10
void doCollision(double *collideField, int *flagField, const double * const tau,
        const int * const sublength)
    for (int z = 1; z < sublength[0] + 1; ++z) {
        for (int y = 1; y < sublength[1] + 1; ++y) {
            for (int x = 1; x < sublength[2] + 1; ++x) {
                double *currentCell = &collideField[idx(sublength, x, y, z, 0)];
                /*Updating values for velocity, density and Feq for Current cell*/
                double density;
                computeDensity(currentCell, &density);
                double velocity[D];
                computeVelocity(currentCell, &density, velocity);
                double feq[Q];
                computeFeq(&density, velocity, feq);
                computePostCollisionDistributions(currentCell, tau, feq);
Exemple #11
void updatePressures(fluid_particle *fluid_particles, param *params)
    int num_particles = params->number_fluid_particles;

    // Hint: Parallelize this loop
    for(int i=0; i<num_particles; i++) {
        double3 p_pos = fluid_particles[i].pos;
        double3 p_v   = fluid_particles[i].v;
        double density = fluid_particles[i].density;

        for(int j=0; j<num_particles; j++) {
            double3 q_pos = fluid_particles[j].pos;
            double3 q_v   = fluid_particles[j].v;
            density += computeDensity(p_pos,p_v,q_pos,q_v, params);
        fluid_particles[i].density = density;
        fluid_particles[i].pressure = computePressure(density, params);
Exemple #12
void updatePressures(fluid_particle *fluid_particles, param *params)
    int num_particles = params[0].number_fluid_particles;

   #pragma acc parallel loop default(present)
    for(int i=0; i<num_particles; i++) {
        double3 p_pos = fluid_particles[i].pos;
        double3 p_v   = fluid_particles[i].v;
        double density = fluid_particles[i].density;

        for(int j=0; j<num_particles; j++) {
            double3 q_pos = fluid_particles[j].pos;
            double3 q_v   = fluid_particles[j].v;
            density += computeDensity(p_pos,p_v,q_pos,q_v, params[0].mass_particle,params[0].smoothing_radius,params[0].time_step);
        fluid_particles[i].density = density;
        fluid_particles[i].pressure = computePressure(density, params[0].rest_density,params[0].speed_sound);
Exemple #13
void updatePressures(fluid_particle *fluid_particles, param *params)
    int num_particles = params->number_fluid_particles;

    #pragma omp parallel for firstprivate(num_particles) shared(fluid_particles, params) default(none)
    for(int i=0; i<num_particles; i++) {
        double3 p_pos = fluid_particles[i].pos;
        double3 p_v   = fluid_particles[i].v;
        double density = fluid_particles[i].density;

        for(int j=0; j<num_particles; j++) {
            double3 q_pos = fluid_particles[j].pos;
            double3 q_v   = fluid_particles[j].v;
            density += computeDensity(p_pos,p_v,q_pos,q_v, params);
        fluid_particles[i].density = density;
        fluid_particles[i].pressure = computePressure(density, params);
Exemple #14
void SPHSystem::computeAcceleration() {
    // Unpack basic parameters
    const float mu   = params.mu;
    const float g    = params.g;
    // Compute density and color
    // Start with gravity and surface forces
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        a[i] = Vec(0, -g, 0);
    // Now compute interaction forces
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        float w0i = mass * invrho[i];
        for(int nidx=0;nidx<nid[i].size();nidx++) {
            const Grid::cell_t& ncell = pgrid.getcell(nid[i][nidx]);
            for (int j : ncell) {
                if( i >= j ) continue;
                Vec dp = p[i] - p[j];
                float r = glm::length(dp);
                //Vec fp = mass / rhoj / rhoi * 0.5f * (pressure[i] + pressure[j]) * spiky_grad(h, r) * dp;
                float w0ij = w0i * invrho[j];
                Vec fp = w0ij * 0.5f * (pressure[i] + pressure[j]) * kern.spiky_grad(r) * dp;
                Vec dv = v[j] - v[i];
                Vec fv = mu * w0ij * dv * kern.viscosity_lap(r);
                Vec ftotal = fp + fv;
                a[i] += ftotal;
                a[j] -= ftotal;
Exemple #15
void ConsolidateHome::proceed(component::World& world, utils::Team& team)
    if(computeDensity(world, team) < kDensityAim)
        for(auto &blob : team)
            if(blob.busy == true) continue;
            sf::Vector2i loc = findTask(world,
            {component::World::Cell::kNothing, component::World::Cell::kFood},
            if(loc.x != -1)
                blob.job = std::make_shared<utils::BuildBlock>(loc);
                blob.busy = true;
Exemple #16
void doCollision(double *collideField, int *flagField,const double * const tau, int *subdomain){

	double density;
	double velocity[D];
	double feq[Q];
	double *currentCell = NULL; // currentCell points to the first distribution function within the respective cell
        for (int iz=1; iz<=subdomain[2]; iz++){
		for (int iy=1; iy<=subdomain[1]; iy++){
			for (int ix=1; ix<=subdomain[0]; ix++){
				// set pointer to current cell
				currentCell = collideField + Q * compute_index(ix, iy, iz, subdomain);

				// compute density, velocity and equilibrium prob. distrib. for this cell
				computeDensity ( currentCell, &density );
				computeVelocity ( currentCell, &density, velocity );
				computeFeq ( &density, velocity, feq );

				computePostCollisionDistributions ( currentCell, tau, feq );
Exemple #17
   void CiraExponentialDrag::test()
      cout<<"testing CiraExponentialDrag"<<endl;

      Vector<double> r(3),v(3);

      v(0) =  3831.888;
      v(1) = -2887.221;
      v(2) = -6.018232;

      EarthBody body;
      UTCTime t;
      Spacecraft sc;


Exemple #18
/** carries out the whole local collision process. Computes density and velocity and
 *  equilibrium distributions. Carries out BGK update.
void doCollision(double *collideField, int *flagField,const double * const tau,int xlength){

	int x,y,z ;
	int counter;
	double density;
	double velocity[3] ;
	double feq[Q] ;

    /* we loop over all the inner cells i.e. fluid cells */
	for (z = 1; z < xlength+1; z++) {
		for (y = 1; y < xlength+1; y++) {
			for (x = 1; x < xlength+1; x++) {
                /* get the current index */
				counter  = Q*(z*(xlength+2)*(xlength+2) + y * (xlength+2) + x );
				/* Compute density, velocity, f_eq to finally get the postcollision distribution */
				computeDensity (&collideField[counter], &density) ;
                computeVelocity(&collideField[counter], &density,velocity) ;
				computeFeq(&density,velocity,feq) ;
Exemple #19
void MainWindow::setDensityMax()
	m_max_density = computeDensity(m_max_level, m_max_rank, m_spaceSize, m_sampler->tiling().subdivFactor());
	optionDensityMax->setText(QString().setNum((float)m_max_density, 'g', 3));
Exemple #20
/* treatBoundary
 Carries out the boundary treatment. Therefore, we loop over the outer boundary cells, check
 each cell for its state (NO SLIP or MOVING WALL), and set the respective distribution
 functions inside this cell according to Eq.(16) and Eq.(18).
void treatBoundary(double *collideField, int* flagField, const double * const wallVelocity, int xlength){
	int x, y, z;
	int i;
	double density;
	int counter;
	int counter_wall;
	/*The following array are the values for i that are pointing in the direction of the inner cells
	 * for example in the border where y = 0, the c vectors pointing inside must be the ones which
	 * y component is = 1, in this case the ones with index 4, 11, 12, 13, 18, and the array is denoted
	 * as y_min. The same case is for when y = xlength+1 and the array is y_max, and similarly for the
	 * other 4 planes that form the border of the cube. */
	int y_min[5]={4, 11, 12, 13, 18};
	int y_max[5]={14, 7, 6, 5, 0};
	int x_min[5]={3, 7, 10, 13, 17};
	int x_max[5]={15, 11, 8, 5, 1};
	int z_min[5]={14, 15, 16, 17, 18};
	int z_max[5]={4, 3, 2, 1, 0};
	/*This is divided in 6 similar for loops for each of the planes, starting with the plane where y = 0*/
	y = 0;
	for(z = 0; z < xlength + 1; z++){
		for(x = 0; x < xlength + 2; x++){
			/* Store an index for the current cell */
			counter = (z * (xlength+2) * (xlength+2) + y * (xlength+2) + x);
			/* Check if the boundary condition is NO SLIP*/
				for(i = 0; i<5; i++){
					/*Check that the updated directions are pointing to the inner cells*/
					if(((x+LATTICEVELOCITIES[y_min[i]][0]) > 0) && ((z+LATTICEVELOCITIES[y_min[i]][2]) > 0) &&
                       ((x+LATTICEVELOCITIES[y_min[i]][0])< xlength+1)&&((z+LATTICEVELOCITIES[y_min[i]][2])< xlength+1)){
						collideField[Q*counter+y_min[i]]= collideField[Q*((z+LATTICEVELOCITIES[y_min[i]][2])*
                                                                          (xlength+2) * (xlength+2) + (y+LATTICEVELOCITIES[y_min[i]][1]) * (xlength+2) +
                                                                          (x+LATTICEVELOCITIES[y_min[i]][0]))+(Q-y_min[i]-1)] ;
				for(i = 0; i < 5; i++){
					/* Check that there exists an inner cell in that direction*/
					if(((x+LATTICEVELOCITIES[y_min[i]][0]) > 0) && ((z+LATTICEVELOCITIES[y_min[i]][2]) > 0) &&
                       ((x+LATTICEVELOCITIES[y_min[i]][0])< xlength+1)&&((z+LATTICEVELOCITIES[y_min[i]][2])< xlength+1)){
						/*treat the boundary as MOVING WALL according to Eq. (18)*/
						counter_wall  = Q*((z+LATTICEVELOCITIES[y_min[i]][2]) * (xlength+2) * (xlength+2) +
                                           (y+LATTICEVELOCITIES[y_min[i]][1]) * (xlength+2) + (x+LATTICEVELOCITIES[y_min[i]][0]));
						computeDensity (&collideField[counter_wall] , &density) ;
						collideField[Q*counter+y_min[i]]= collideField[counter_wall+(Q-y_min[i]-1)]+
	y = xlength+1;
	for(z = 0; z < xlength + 1; z++){
		for(x = 0; x < xlength + 2; x++){
			counter = (z * (xlength+2) * (xlength+2) + y * (xlength+2) + x);
				for(i = 0; i<5; i++){
					if(((x+LATTICEVELOCITIES[y_max[i]][0]) > 0) && ((z+LATTICEVELOCITIES[y_max[i]][2]) > 0) &&
                       ((x+LATTICEVELOCITIES[y_max[i]][0])< xlength+1)&&((z+LATTICEVELOCITIES[y_max[i]][2])< xlength+1)){
						collideField[Q*counter+y_max[i]]= collideField[Q*((z+LATTICEVELOCITIES[y_max[i]][2])*
                                                                          (xlength+2) * (xlength+2) + (y+LATTICEVELOCITIES[y_max[i]][1]) * (xlength+2) +
                                                                          (x+LATTICEVELOCITIES[y_max[i]][0]))+(Q-y_max[i]-1)] ;
				for(i = 0; i < 5; i++){
					if(((x+LATTICEVELOCITIES[y_max[i]][0]) > 0) && ((z+LATTICEVELOCITIES[y_max[i]][2]) > 0) &&
                       ((x+LATTICEVELOCITIES[y_max[i]][0])< xlength+1)&&((z+LATTICEVELOCITIES[y_max[i]][2])< xlength+1)){
						counter_wall  = Q*((z+LATTICEVELOCITIES[y_max[i]][2]) * (xlength+2) * (xlength+2) +
                                           (y+LATTICEVELOCITIES[y_max[i]][1]) * (xlength+2) + (x+LATTICEVELOCITIES[y_max[i]][0]));
						computeDensity (&collideField[counter_wall] , &density) ;
						collideField[Q*counter+y_max[i]]= collideField[counter_wall+(Q-y_max[i]-1)]+
	x = 0;
	for(z = 0; z < xlength + 1; z++){
		for(y = 0; y < xlength + 2; y++){
			counter = (z * (xlength+2) * (xlength+2) + y * (xlength+2) + x);
				for(i = 0; i<5; i++){
					if(((y+LATTICEVELOCITIES[x_min[i]][1]) > 0) && ((z+LATTICEVELOCITIES[x_min[i]][2]) > 0) &&
                       ((y+LATTICEVELOCITIES[x_min[i]][1])< xlength+1)&&((z+LATTICEVELOCITIES[x_min[i]][2])< xlength+1)){
						collideField[Q*counter+x_min[i]]= collideField[Q*((z+LATTICEVELOCITIES[x_min[i]][2])*
                                                                          (xlength+2) * (xlength+2) + (y+LATTICEVELOCITIES[x_min[i]][1]) * (xlength+2) +
                                                                          (x+LATTICEVELOCITIES[x_min[i]][0]))+(Q-x_min[i]-1)] ;
				for(i = 0; i < 5; i++){
					/* Check that there exists a neighbor cell in that direction*/
					if(((y+LATTICEVELOCITIES[x_min[i]][1]) > 0) && ((z+LATTICEVELOCITIES[x_min[i]][2]) > 0) &&
                       ((y+LATTICEVELOCITIES[x_min[i]][1])< xlength+1)&&((z+LATTICEVELOCITIES[x_min[i]][2])< xlength+1)){
						/*treat the boundary as MOVING WALL according to Eq. (18)*/
						counter_wall  = Q*((z+LATTICEVELOCITIES[x_min[i]][2]) * (xlength+2) * (xlength+2) +
                                           (y+LATTICEVELOCITIES[x_min[i]][1]) * (xlength+2) + (x+LATTICEVELOCITIES[x_min[i]][0]));
						computeDensity (&collideField[counter_wall] , &density) ;
						collideField[Q*counter+x_min[i]]= collideField[counter_wall+(Q-x_min[i]-1)]+
	x = xlength+1;
	for(z = 0; z < xlength + 1; z++){
		for(y = 0; y < xlength + 2; y++){
			counter = (z * (xlength+2) * (xlength+2) + y * (xlength+2) + x);
				for(i = 0; i<5; i++){
					if(((y+LATTICEVELOCITIES[x_max[i]][1]) > 0) && ((z+LATTICEVELOCITIES[x_max[i]][2]) > 0) &&
                       ((y+LATTICEVELOCITIES[x_max[i]][1])< xlength+1)&&((z+LATTICEVELOCITIES[x_max[i]][2])< xlength+1)){
						collideField[Q*counter+x_max[i]]= collideField[Q*((z+LATTICEVELOCITIES[x_max[i]][2])*
                                                                          (xlength+2) * (xlength+2) + (y+LATTICEVELOCITIES[x_max[i]][1]) * (xlength+2) +
                                                                          (x+LATTICEVELOCITIES[x_max[i]][0]))+(Q-x_max[i]-1)] ;
				for(i = 0; i < 5; i++){
					/* Check that there exists a neighbor cell in that direction*/
					if(((y+LATTICEVELOCITIES[x_max[i]][1]) > 0) && ((z+LATTICEVELOCITIES[x_max[i]][2]) > 0) &&
                       ((y+LATTICEVELOCITIES[x_max[i]][1])< xlength+1)&&((z+LATTICEVELOCITIES[x_max[i]][2])< xlength+1)){
						/*treat the boundary as MOVING WALL according to Eq. (18)*/
						counter_wall  = Q*((z+LATTICEVELOCITIES[x_max[i]][2]) * (xlength+2) * (xlength+2) +
                                           (y+LATTICEVELOCITIES[x_max[i]][1]) * (xlength+2) + (x+LATTICEVELOCITIES[x_max[i]][0]));
						computeDensity (&collideField[counter_wall] , &density) ;
						collideField[Q*counter+x_max[i]]= collideField[counter_wall+(Q-x_max[i]-1)]+
	z = 0;
	for(y = 0; y < xlength + 2; y++){
		for(x = 0; x < xlength + 2; x++){
			counter = (z * (xlength+2) * (xlength+2) + y * (xlength+2) + x);
				for(i = 0; i<5; i++){
					if(((x+LATTICEVELOCITIES[z_min[i]][0]) > 0) && ((y+LATTICEVELOCITIES[z_min[i]][1]) > 0) &&
                       ((x+LATTICEVELOCITIES[z_min[i]][0])< xlength+1)&&((y+LATTICEVELOCITIES[z_min[i]][1])< xlength+1)){
						collideField[Q*counter+z_min[i]]= collideField[Q*((z+LATTICEVELOCITIES[z_min[i]][2])*
                                                                          (xlength+2) * (xlength+2) + (y+LATTICEVELOCITIES[z_min[i]][1]) * (xlength+2) +
                                                                          (x+LATTICEVELOCITIES[z_min[i]][0]))+(Q-z_min[i]-1)] ;
						if(collideField[Q*counter+z_max[i]]<0 ||collideField[Q*counter+z_max[i]] > 2 ){
						printf("x=%i y=%i z=%i value=%f\n",x,y,z,collideField[Q*counter+z_min[i]]);
				for(i = 0; i < 5; i++){
					/* Check that there exists a neighbor cell in that direction*/
					if(((x+LATTICEVELOCITIES[z_min[i]][0]) > 0) && ((y+LATTICEVELOCITIES[z_min[i]][1]) > 0) &&
                       ((x+LATTICEVELOCITIES[z_min[i]][0])< xlength+1)&&((y+LATTICEVELOCITIES[z_min[i]][1])< xlength+1)){
						/*treat the boundary as MOVING WALL according to Eq. (18)*/
						counter_wall  = Q*((z+LATTICEVELOCITIES[z_min[i]][2]) * (xlength+2) * (xlength+2) +
                                           (y+LATTICEVELOCITIES[z_min[i]][1]) * (xlength+2) + (x+LATTICEVELOCITIES[z_min[i]][0]));
						computeDensity (&collideField[counter_wall] , &density) ;
						collideField[Q*counter+z_min[i]]= collideField[counter_wall+(Q-z_min[i]-1)]+
                        if(collideField[Q*counter+z_max[i]]<0 ||collideField[Q*counter+z_max[i]] > 2 ){
						printf("x=%i y=%i z=%i value=%f\n",x,y,z,collideField[Q*counter+z_min[i]]);
	z = xlength+1;
	for(y = 0; y < xlength + 2; y++){
		for(x = 0; x < xlength + 2; x++){
			counter = (z * (xlength+2) * (xlength+2) + y * (xlength+2) + x);
				for(i = 0; i<5; i++){
					if(((x+LATTICEVELOCITIES[z_max[i]][0]) > 0) && ((y+LATTICEVELOCITIES[z_max[i]][1]) > 0) &&
                       ((x+LATTICEVELOCITIES[z_max[i]][0])< xlength+1)&&((y+LATTICEVELOCITIES[z_max[i]][1])< xlength+1)){
						collideField[Q*counter+z_max[i]]= collideField[Q*((z+LATTICEVELOCITIES[z_max[i]][2])*
                                                                          (xlength+2) * (xlength+2) + (y+LATTICEVELOCITIES[z_max[i]][1]) * (xlength+2) +
                                                                          (x+LATTICEVELOCITIES[z_max[i]][0]))+(Q-z_max[i]-1)] ;
				for(i = 0; i < 5; i++){
					/* Check that there exists a neighbor cell in that direction*/
					if(((x+LATTICEVELOCITIES[z_max[i]][0]) > 0) && ((y+LATTICEVELOCITIES[z_max[i]][1]) > 0) &&
                       ((x+LATTICEVELOCITIES[z_max[i]][0]) < xlength+1)&&((y+LATTICEVELOCITIES[z_max[i]][1])< xlength+1)){
						/*treat the boundary as MOVING WALL according to Eq. (18)*/
						counter_wall  = Q*((z+LATTICEVELOCITIES[z_max[i]][2]) * (xlength+2) * (xlength+2) +
                                           (y+LATTICEVELOCITIES[z_max[i]][1]) * (xlength+2) + (x+LATTICEVELOCITIES[z_max[i]][0]));
						computeDensity (&collideField[counter_wall] , &density) ;						
						collideField[Q*counter+z_max[i]]= collideField[counter_wall+(Q-z_max[i]-1)]+
Exemple #21
  if (_has_lumped_mass_matrix)
    (*_node_number)[_qp] = nearest();
    (*_nodal_temp)[_qp] = (*_nodal_temp_var)[(*_node_number)[_qp]];
    (*_nodal_temp_old)[_qp] = (*_nodal_temp_var_old)[(*_node_number)[_qp]];
    (*_nodal_pf)[_qp] = (*_nodal_pf_var)[(*_node_number)[_qp]];
    if (_has_boussinesq)
      (*_nodal_pf_old)[_qp] = (*_nodal_pf_var_old)[(*_node_number)[_qp]];
  _scaling_factor[_qp] = computeQpScaling();
  _porosity[_qp] = _porosity_uo->computePorosity(_phi0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
  _permeability[_qp] =
      _permeability_uo->computePermeability(_k0, _phi0, _porosity[_qp], _scaling_factor[_qp]);
  // GolemKernelT related properties
  _T_kernel_diff[_qp] = _porosity[_qp] * _lambda_f + (1.0 - _porosity[_qp]) * _lambda_s;
  if (_has_T_source_sink)
    (*_T_kernel_source)[_qp] = -1.0 * _T_source_sink;
  // GolemKernelH related properties
  // GolemkernelTH related poperties
  _TH_kernel[_qp] = -_H_kernel[_qp] * _fluid_density[_qp] * _c_f;
  if (_fe_problem.isTransient())
    // Correct H_kernel_time
    if (_drho_dpf[_qp] != 0.0)
      (*_H_kernel_time)[_qp] = (_porosity[_qp] * _drho_dpf[_qp]) / _fluid_density[_qp];
    (*_T_kernel_time)[_qp] =
        _porosity[_qp] * _fluid_density[_qp] * _c_f + (1.0 - _porosity[_qp]) * _rho0_s * _c_s;
  // Properties derivatives
  // H_kernel derivatives
  (*_dH_kernel_dpf)[_qp] = -_H_kernel[_qp] * _dmu_dpf[_qp] / _fluid_viscosity[_qp];
  _dH_kernel_dT[_qp] = -_H_kernel[_qp] * _dmu_dT[_qp] / _fluid_viscosity[_qp];
  // H_kernel_grav derivatives
  _dH_kernel_grav_dpf[_qp] = -_drho_dpf[_qp] * _gravity;
  _dH_kernel_grav_dT[_qp] = -_drho_dT[_qp] * _gravity;
  if (_fe_problem.isTransient())
    // T_kernel_time
    (*_dT_kernel_time_dpf)[_qp] = _drho_dpf[_qp] * _porosity[_qp] * _c_f;
    (*_dT_kernel_time_dT)[_qp] = _drho_dT[_qp] * _porosity[_qp] * _c_f;
  // TH_kernel derivatives
  _dTH_kernel_dpf[_qp] = -(_fluid_density[_qp] * _c_f * (*_dH_kernel_dpf)[_qp] +
                           _H_kernel[_qp] * _c_f * _drho_dpf[_qp]);
  _dTH_kernel_dT[_qp] =
      -(_fluid_density[_qp] * _c_f * _dH_kernel_dT[_qp] + _H_kernel[_qp] * _c_f * _drho_dT[_qp]);
  if (_has_SUPG_upwind)
  if (_has_disp)
    // Declare some property when this material is used for fractures or faults in a THM simulation
    (*_dH_kernel_dev)[_qp] = RankTwoTensor();
    (*_dT_kernel_diff_dev)[_qp] = 0.0;
    (*_dT_kernel_diff_dpf)[_qp] = 0.0;
    (*_dT_kernel_diff_dT)[_qp] = 0.0;
    if (_fe_problem.isTransient())
      (*_dT_kernel_time_dev)[_qp] = 0.0;
      (*_dH_kernel_time_dev)[_qp] = 0.0;
      (*_dH_kernel_time_dpf)[_qp] = 0.0;
      (*_dH_kernel_time_dT)[_qp] = 0.0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    std::cerr << "reading graph...";
    Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> g = readGraph(std::string(argv[1]));
    std::cerr << "done." << std::endl;

    std::cout << "Adjacency Matrix" << std::endl;
    std::cout << g << std::endl;

    std::vector<C_tuple*> C;
    std::cerr << "getting C vector...";
    getC(g, C);

    std::cerr << "sorting...";
    __gnu_parallel::sort(C.begin(), C.end(), C_tuple_compare);
    //std::sort(C.begin(), C.end(), C_tuple_compare);
    std::cerr << "done." << std::endl;

    for (uint64_t i = 0; i < C.size(); i++)
        std::cout << C[i]->i << ", " << C[i]->j << ", " << C[i]->value<< std::endl;

    std::cerr << "creating T...";
    node* root = createT(g, C);
    std::cerr << "done." << std::endl;

    //postorder(printNode, root);
    levelorder(printNode, root);

    node* left = root->leftChild;
    while (left->leftChild) left = left->leftChild;

    node* right = root->rightChild;
    while (right->rightChild) right = right->rightChild;

    node* lca = LCA(left, right);
    std::cout << "lca for " << left->vertex << ", " << right->vertex << ": " << lca->vertex << std::endl;

    left = right->parent->leftChild;
    lca = LCA(left, right);
    std::cout << "lca for " << left->vertex << ", " << right->vertex << ": " << lca->vertex << std::endl;

    std::cerr << "counting vertices and edges...";
    countVerticesAndEdges(g, root);
    std::cerr << "done." << std::endl;
    std::cerr << "computing density...";
    std::cerr << "done." << std::endl;

    std::cout << "\nPrinting after the countVerticesAndEdges\n" << std::endl;
    postorder(printNode, root);

    std::cerr << "extracting subgraphs...";
    extractSubgraphs(root, 0.75);
    std::cerr << "done." << std::endl;
Exemple #23
      // this is the real one
   void AtmosphericDrag::doCompute(UTCTime utc, EarthBody& rb, Spacecraft& sc)
      // To consist with STK
      double omega_e = 7.292115E-05;  // IERS 1996 conventions
      //double omega_e = rb.getSpinRate(utc);

      Vector<double> r = sc.R();   // satellite position in m
      Vector<double> v = sc.V();   // satellite velocity in m/s

      const double cd = sc.getDragCoeff();
      const double area = sc.getDragArea();
      const double mass = sc.getDryMass();

      double rmag = norm(r);
      double beta = cd * area / mass;  // [m^2/kg]

      // compute the atmospheric density
      double rho = computeDensity(utc, rb, r, v);   // [kg/m^3]

      // debuging...
      //rho  = 6.3097802844338E-12;
      // compute the relative velocity vector and magnitude
      Vector<double> we(3,0.0);
      we(2)= omega_e;

      Vector<double> wxr = cross(we,r);
      Vector<double> vr = v - wxr;
      double vrmag = norm(vr);
      // form -1/2 (Cd*A/m) rho
      double coeff = -0.5 * beta * rho;
      double coeff2 = coeff * vrmag;

      // compute the acceleration in ECI frame (km/s^2)
      a = vr * coeff2;                                  ///////// a

      // Partial reference: Montenbruck,P248

      // form partial of drag wrt v  
      // da_dv = -0.5*Cd*(A/M)*p*(vr*transpose(vr)/vr+vr1)
      Matrix<double> tr(3,1,0.0);

      Matrix<double> vrvrt = tr*transpose(tr); 
      vrvrt = vrvrt / vrmag;
      double eye3[3*3] = {1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1};
      Matrix<double> vrm(3,3,0.0);
      vrm = eye3;

      vrm = vrm * vrmag;
      da_dv = (vrvrt + vrm) * coeff;               //////// da_dv

      // da_dr
      // da_dr = -0.5*Cd*(A/M)*vr*dp_dr-da_dv*X(w)

      Matrix<double> X(3,3,0.0);
      X(0,1) = -we(2);      // -wz
      X(0,2) = +we(1);      //  wy
      X(1,0) = +we(2);      // +wz
      X(1,2) = -we(0);      // -wx
      X(2,0) = -we(1);      // -wy
      X(2,1) = +we(0);      // +wx
      Matrix<double> part1(3,3,0.0);
      Matrix<double> part2(3,3,0.0);
      // Get the J2000 to TOD transformation
      Matrix<double> N = ReferenceFrames::J2kToTODMatrix(utc);

      // Transform r from J2000 to TOD
      Vector<double> r_tod = N * r;
      Position geoidPos(r_tod(0),r_tod(1),r_tod(3));
      // Satellite height
      double height = geoidPos.getAltitude()/1000.0;              //  convert to [km]
      const int n = CIRA_SIZE; ;

      int bracket = 0;

      if (height >= h0[n-1]) 
         bracket = n - 1;
         for (int i = 0; i < (n-1); i++) 
            if ((height >= h0[i]) && (height < h0[i+1]))
               bracket = i;
      }  // End 'if (height >= h0[n-1]) '
      double Hh = H[bracket];
      double coeff4 = -1.0 / (Hh * rmag);

      Vector<double> drhodr = r*coeff4;
      Matrix<double> tr2(3,1,0.0);
      tr2(0,0) = drhodr(0);
      tr2(1,0) = drhodr(1);
      tr2(2,0) = drhodr(2);

      part1 = tr*transpose(tr2);      // //Matrix part1 = vr.outerProduct(drhodr);
      part1 = part1*coeff2;

      //part1 = dp_dr*a/rho;
      part2 =-da_dv*X;
      da_dr = part1-part2;

      // form partial of drag wrt cd
      double coeff3 = coeff2 / cd;
      this->dadcd = vr*coeff3;                        ////////   da_dcd

      this->da_dcd(0,0) = dadcd(0);
      this->da_dcd(1,0) = dadcd(1);
      this->da_dcd(2,0) = dadcd(2);

   }  // End of method 'AtmosphericDrag::doCompute()'
double WLOP::iterate()
	Timer time;


	time.start("Sample Original Neighbor Tree!!!");
	GlobalFun::computeBallNeighbors(samples, original, 
		para->getDouble("CGrid Radius"), box);

	time.start("Sample Sample Neighbor Tree");
	GlobalFun::computeBallNeighbors(samples, NULL, 
		para->getDouble("CGrid Radius"), samples->bbox);
	if (nTimeIterated == 0) 
		if (para->getBool("Need Compute Density"))
			double local_density_para = 0.95;
			time.start("Original Original Neighbor Tree");
			GlobalFun::computeBallNeighbors(original, NULL, 
				para->getDouble("CGrid Radius") * local_density_para, original->bbox);

			time.start("Compute Original Density");
			original_density.assign(original->vn, 0);

			computeDensity(true, para->getDouble("CGrid Radius") * local_density_para);

	if (para->getBool("Need Compute Density"))
		time.start("Compute Density For Sample");
		computeDensity(false, para->getDouble("CGrid Radius"));

	time.start("Sample Original Neighbor Tree!!!");
	GlobalFun::computeBallNeighbors(samples, original, 
		para->getDouble("CGrid Radius"), box);

	time.start("Compute Average Term");
	computeAverageTerm(samples, original);

	time.start("Compute Repulsion Term");

	double mu = para->getDouble("Repulsion Mu");
	Point3f c;

	for(int i = 0; i < samples->vert.size(); i++)
		CVertex& v = samples->vert[i];
		c = v.P();

		if (average_weight_sum[i] > 1e-20)
			v.P() = average[i] / average_weight_sum[i];

		if (repulsion_weight_sum[i] > 1e-20 && mu >= 0)
			v.P() +=  repulsion[i] * (mu / repulsion_weight_sum[i]);

		if (average_weight_sum[i] > 1e-20 && repulsion_weight_sum[i] > 1e-20 )
			Point3f diff = v.P() - c; 
			double move_error = sqrt(diff.SquaredNorm());

			error_x += move_error; 
	error_x = error_x / samples->vn;

	para->setValue("Current Movement Error", DoubleValue(error_x));
	cout << "****finished compute WLOP error:	" << error_x << endl;

	if (para->getBool("Need Compute PCA"))
		time.start("Recompute PCA");
	return error_x;
void writeVtkOutput(const double* const collideField, const int* const flagField, const char* filename, unsigned int timestep, int xlength)
  //final filename
  char szFileName[128];

  //file handle
  FILE* fp = NULL;

  //create final filename
  snprintf(szFileName, sizeof(szFileName), "%s.%i.vtk", filename, timestep);

  //try to open the file
  fp = fopen(szFileName, "w");

  //error check
    ERROR("writeVtkOutput: Failed to open");

  //print vtk header
  fprintf(fp, "# vtk DataFile Version 2.0\n");
  fprintf(fp, "generated by CFD LBM \n");
  fprintf(fp, "ASCII\n");
  fprintf(fp, "\n");
  fprintf(fp, "DATASET STRUCTURED_GRID\n");
  fprintf(fp, "DIMENSIONS  %i %i %i \n", xlength+3, xlength+3, xlength+3);
  fprintf(fp, "POINTS %i float\n", (xlength+3)*(xlength+3)*(xlength+3));

  //assume size=1 domain
  double dx = 1.0 / (xlength+2);

  //print list of points
  double originX = 0.0;
  double originY = 0.0;
  double originZ = 0.0;

  for(int i=0;i<=xlength+2;i++)
    for(int j=0;j<=xlength+2;j++)
      for(int k=0;k<=xlength+2;k++)
        fprintf(fp, "%f %f %f\n", originX+(i*dx), originY+(j*dx), originZ+(k*dx));

  //print velocity vectors
  fprintf(fp, "\n");
  fprintf(fp, "CELL_DATA %i \n", (xlength+2)*(xlength+2)*(xlength+2));
  fprintf(fp, "VECTORS velocity float\n");

  for(int x=0;x<=xlength+1;x++)
    for(int y=0;y<=xlength+1;y++)
      for(int z=0;z<=xlength+1;z++)
        //variables for temporary calc
        double vel[3];
        double dens;

        //base of fluid cell in collideField
        int index = NUM_LATTICE*((z *(xlength + 2)*(xlength + 2)) + y * (xlength + 2) + x);

        //calculate quantities for current cell
        computeDensity(&collideField[index], &dens);
        computeVelocity(&collideField[index], &dens, vel);

        //output vector
        fprintf(fp, "%f %f %f\n", vel[0], vel[1], vel[2]);

  //print densities
  fprintf(fp, "\n");
  fprintf(fp, "SCALARS density float 1 \n");
  fprintf(fp, "LOOKUP_TABLE default \n");

  for(int x=0;x<=xlength+1;x++)
    for(int y=0;y<=xlength+1;y++)
      for(int z=0;z<=xlength+1;z++)
        //variables for temporary calc
        double dens;

        //base of fluid cell in collideField
        int index = NUM_LATTICE*((z *(xlength + 2)*(xlength + 2)) + y * (xlength + 2) + x);

        //calculate quantities for current cell
        computeDensity(&collideField[index], &dens);

        //output scalar
        fprintf(fp, "%f\n", dens);

  //close file
    ERROR("writeVtkOutput: Failed to close");
Exemple #26
void writeVtkOutput(const double * const collideField, const int * const flagField, const char * filename, unsigned int t, int *xlength)
    int x, y, z, currentCellIndex;
    double cellVelocity[3], cellDensity;

    char szFileName[80];
    FILE *fp=NULL;
    sprintf( szFileName, "%s.%i.vtk", filename, t );
    fp = fopen( szFileName, "w");
    if( fp == NULL )
        char szBuff[80];
        sprintf( szBuff, "Failed to open %s", szFileName );
        ERROR( szBuff );

    write_vtkHeader( fp, xlength);
    write_vtkPointCoordinates(fp, xlength);

    fprintf(fp,"POINT_DATA %i \n", (xlength[0]) * (xlength[1]) * (xlength[2]));

    fprintf(fp, "VECTORS velocity float\n");
    for(z = 1; z <= xlength[2]; z++)
        for (y = 1; y <= xlength[1]; y++)
            for (x = 1; x <= xlength[0]; x++)
                currentCellIndex = (z * (xlength[0] + 2) * (xlength[1] + 2) + y * (xlength[0] + 2) + x);
                computeDensity(collideField + currentCellIndex, &cellDensity, (xlength[0] + 2) * (xlength[1] + 2) * (xlength[2] + 2));
                computeVelocity(collideField + currentCellIndex, &cellDensity, cellVelocity, (xlength[0] + 2) * (xlength[1] + 2) * (xlength[2] + 2));
                fprintf(fp, "%f %f %f\n", cellVelocity[0], cellVelocity[1], cellVelocity[2]);


    fprintf(fp, "SCALARS density float 1 \n");
    fprintf(fp, "LOOKUP_TABLE default \n");
    for(z = 1; z <= xlength[2]; z++)
        for(y = 1; y <= xlength[1]; y++)
            for (x = 1; x <= xlength[0]; x++)
                currentCellIndex = (z * (xlength[0] + 2) * (xlength[1] + 2) + y * (xlength[0] + 2) + x);
                computeDensity(collideField + currentCellIndex, &cellDensity, (xlength[0] + 2) * (xlength[1] + 2) * (xlength[2] + 2));
                fprintf(fp, "%f\n", cellDensity);
 fprintf(fp, "SCALARS boundaryType integer 1 \n");
    fprintf(fp, "LOOKUP_TABLE default \n");
    for(z = 1; z <= xlength[2] ; z++)
        for(y = 1; y <= xlength[1] ; y++)
            for (x = 1; x <= xlength[0] ; x++)
                currentCellIndex = (z * (xlength[0] + 2) * (xlength[1] + 2) + y * (xlength[0] + 2) + x);
                fprintf(fp, "%d\n", flagField[currentCellIndex]);

    if( fclose(fp) )
        char szBuff[80];
        sprintf( szBuff, "Failed to close %s", szFileName );
        ERROR( szBuff );
Exemple #27
void writeVtkOutput(const double * const collideField, const int * const flagField, const char * filename, unsigned int t, int xlength) {
    char fn[80];
    int len = xlength+2;
    // save filename as a combination of passed filename and timestep
    sprintf(fn, "%s.%i.vtk", filename, t);
    FILE *fp = NULL;
    fp = fopen(fn, "w");
    if (fp == NULL) {
        ERROR("Failed to open file!");

    // write header
    fprintf(fp, "# vtk DataFile Version 2.0\n");
    fprintf(fp, "generated by CFD-lab course output \n");
    fprintf(fp, "ASCII\n\n");
    fprintf(fp, "DATASET STRUCTURED_GRID\n");
    fprintf(fp, "DIMENSIONS %d %d %d \n", xlength, xlength, xlength);
    fprintf(fp, "POINTS %d float\n\n", (xlength) * (xlength) * (xlength));
    // print lattice points
    double step = 1.0 / (xlength - 1);
    for (double x = 0; x <= xlength-1; x+=1) {
        for (double y = 0; y <= xlength-1; y+=1) {
            for (double z = 0; z <= xlength-1; z+=1) {
                fprintf(fp, "%f %f %f\n", x*step, y*step, z*step);

    double density;
    double vel[D];
    const double *currentCell;

    // write density data
    fprintf(fp, "\nPOINT_DATA %d \n", (xlength) * (xlength) * (xlength));
    fprintf(fp, "SCALARS density float 1 \n");
    fprintf(fp, "LOOKUP_TABLE default \n");
    for (int x = 1; x < xlength+1; ++x) {
        for (int y = 1; y < xlength+1; ++y) {
            for (int z = 1; z < xlength+1; ++z) {
                currentCell = collideField + Q*( z*len*len + y*len + x);
                computeDensity(currentCell, &density);
                fprintf(fp, "%f\n", density);

    // compute velocities for all cells
    fprintf(fp, "\nVECTORS velocity float\n");
    for (int x = 1; x < xlength+1; ++x) {
        for (int y = 1; y < xlength+1; ++y) {
            for (int z = 1; z < xlength+1; ++z) {
                currentCell = collideField + Q*( z*len*len + y*len + x );
                computeDensity(currentCell, &density);
                computeVelocity(currentCell, &density, vel);
                fprintf(fp, "%f %f %f\n", vel[0], vel[1], vel[2]);

    // close the file
    if (fclose(fp)) {
        ERROR("Failed to close file!");
Exemple #28
void write_vtkFile(const char *szProblem,
                   int    t,
                   int * length,
                   double *collideField,
                   int * flagField) {
    int x, y, z;
    char szFileName[80];
    FILE *fp=NULL;
    int n[3] = {length[0] + 2,length[1] + 2,length[2] + 2};
    double velocity[3];
    double density;
    double * el = NULL;

    sprintf( szFileName, "%s.%i.vtk", szProblem, t );
    fp = fopen( szFileName, "w");
    if( fp == NULL )
        char szBuff[80];
        sprintf( szBuff, "Failed to open %s", szFileName );
        ERROR( szBuff );

    write_vtkHeader(fp, length);
    write_vtkPointCoordinates(fp, length);

    fprintf(fp,"POINT_DATA %i \n", length[0]*length[1]*length[2]);
    fprintf(fp, "VECTORS velocity float\n");
    for(z = 1; z  <= length[0]; z++) {
        for(y = 1; y  <= length[1]; y++) {
            for(x = 1; x  <= length[2]; x++) {
                if (*getFlag(flagField, x, y, z, n) != OBSTACLE) {
                    el = getEl(collideField, x, y, z, 0, n);
                    computeDensity(el, &density);
                    computeVelocity(el, &density, velocity);
                    fprintf(fp, "%f %f %f\n", velocity[0], velocity[1], velocity[2]);
                } else {
                    fprintf(fp, "%f %f %f\n", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); 


    fprintf(fp, "SCALARS density float 1 \n"); 
    fprintf(fp, "LOOKUP_TABLE default \n");

    for(z = 1; z  <= length[0]; z++) {
        for(y = 1; y  <= length[1]; y++) {
            for(x = 1; x  <= length[2]; x++) {
                if (*getFlag(flagField, x, y, z, n) != OBSTACLE) {
                    computeDensity(getEl(collideField, x, y, z, 0, n), &density);
                    fprintf(fp, "%f\n", density);
                } else {
                    fprintf(fp, "%f\n", 1.0);

    if( fclose(fp) )
        char szBuff[80];
        sprintf( szBuff, "Failed to close %s", szFileName );
        ERROR( szBuff );
Exemple #29
void write_vtkFile(const char *szProblem, int t, int * length, double * collideField, int * my_pos, int my_rank, int * my_origin) {
    char szFileName[80];
    FILE *fp=NULL;
    int x, y, z;
    int node[3];
    int n[3] = { length[0] + 2, length[1] + 2, length[2] + 2 };
    double velocity[3];
    double density;
    double * el = NULL;

    sprintf( szFileName, "%s_%i.%i.vtk", szProblem, my_rank, t);
    fp = fopen( szFileName, "w");
    if( fp == NULL )		       
        char szBuff[80];
        sprintf( szBuff, "Failed to open %s", szFileName );
        ERROR( szBuff );

    write_vtkHeader(fp, length);
    write_vtkPointCoordinates(fp, length, my_pos, my_origin);

    fprintf(fp,"POINT_DATA %i \n", length[0] * length[1] * length[2]);
    fprintf(fp, "VECTORS velocity float\n");
    for(z = 1; z  <= length[2]; z++) {
        node[2] = z;
        for(y = 1; y  <= length[1]; y++) {
            node[1] = y;
            for(x = 1; x  <= length[0]; x++) {
                node[0] = x;
                el = getEl(collideField, node, 0, n);
                computeDensity(el, &density);
                computeVelocity(el, &density, velocity);
                fprintf(fp, "%f %f %f\n", velocity[0], velocity[1], velocity[2]);


    fprintf(fp, "SCALARS density float 1 \n"); 
    fprintf(fp, "LOOKUP_TABLE default \n");

    for(z = 1; z <= length[2]; z++) {
        node[2] = z;
        for(y = 1; y <= length[1]; y++) {
            node[1] = y;
            for(x = 1; x <= length[0]; x++) {
                node[0] = x;
                computeDensity(getEl(collideField, node, 0, n), &density);
                fprintf(fp, "%f\n", density);

    if( fclose(fp) )
        char szBuff[80];
        sprintf( szBuff, "Failed to close %s", szFileName );
        ERROR( szBuff );