void processWidget(std::shared_ptr<Widget> spw, int priority);
void cusDel(Widget *ptr); // custom deleter

// Here’s the exception-unsafe call: potential of resource leak.
processWidget(std::shared_ptr<Widget>(new Widget, cusDel),computePriority() );
before the std::shared_ptr constructor, and if computePriority yields an exception, the
dynamically allocated Widget will be leaked. 

Here the use of a custom deleter precludes use of std::make_shared, so the way to
avoid the problem is to put the allocation of the Widget and the construction of the
std::shared_ptr into their own statement
// correct, but not optimal; see below
std::shared_ptr<Widget> spw(new Widget, cusDel);
processWidget(spw, computePriority()); 

The minor performance hitch is that in the exception-unsafe call, we’re passing an rvalue to 
// R-value
processWidget(std::shared_ptr<Widget>(new Widget, cusDel),computePriority());

//but in the exception-safe call, we’re passing an lvalue: 
processWidget(spw, computePriority()); 

Because processWidget’s std::shared_ptr parameter is passed by value, construction
from an rvalue entails only a move, while construction from an lvalue requires a
int main()

  // Limitation 1: none of the make functions permit the specification of custom deleters.

  auto widgetDeleter = [](Widget* pw) { /* ... */ };
  std::unique_ptr<Widget, decltype(widgetDeleter)>
    upw(new Widget(), widgetDeleter);
  std::shared_ptr<Widget> spw(new Widget(), widgetDeleter);

  // Limitation 2: within the make function, the perfect forwarding code uses
  // parentheses, not braces.  The bad news of this is that if you want to
  // construct your pointed-to object using a braced initializer, you must use
  // new directly.

    auto upv = std::make_unique<std::vector<int>>(10,20);
    auto spv = std::make_shared<std::vector<int>>(10,20);
    // create std::initializer_list
    auto initList = {10, 20};

    // create std::vector using std::initializer_list ctor
    auto spv = std::make_shared<std::vector<int>>(initList);

  // Limitation 3 (only for make_shared)
  auto pBigObj =                         // create very large
    std::make_shared<ReallyBigType>();   // object via
                                         // std::make_shared
               // create std::shared_ptrs and std::weak_ptrs to
               // large object, use them to work with it
               // final std::shared_ptr to object destroyed here,
               // but std::weak_ptrs to it remain
               // during this period, memory formerly occupied
               // by large object remains allocated
               // final std::weak_ptr to object destroyed here;
               // memory for control block and object is released

  std::shared_ptr<ReallyBigType> pBigObj(new ReallyBigType);
                                       // create very large
                                       // object via new

               // as before, create std::shared_ptrs and
               // std::weak_ptrs to object, use them with it

               // final std::shared_ptr to object destroyed here,
               // but std::weak_ptrs to it remain
               // memory for object is deallocated

               // during this period, only memory for
               // the control block remains allocated

               // final std::weak_ptr to object destroyed here;
               // memory for control block and object is released

  // Exception-unsafe call

  processWidget(                                  // as before
    std::shared_ptr<Widget>(new Widget, cusDel),  // potential
    computePriority()                             // resource
  );                                              // leak!

  // Exception-safe calls

  std::shared_ptr<Widget> spw(new Widget, cusDel);

  processWidget(spw, computePriority());      // correct, but not
                                              // optimal; see below

  processWidget(std::move(spw),               // both efficient and
                computePriority());           // exception safe
