TNode * LeftistHeap::merge(TNode *h1, TNode *h2) {
    // cout << "Leftist Merge called.\n";
    if (h1 == NULL)
        return h2;
    if (h2 == NULL)
        return h1;

    if (h1->value > h2->value)
        swap(h1, h2);
    h1->right = merge(h1->right, h2); // merge to right subtree
    // swap if leftist tree property is violated
    if (computeRank(h1->left) < computeRank(h1->right))
        swap(h1->left, h1->right);
    // recompute rank
    h1->rank = computeRank(h1->right) + 1;
    return h1;
Exemple #2
void SchreyerFrame::computeRanks(int slanted_degree, int maxlevel)
  // Compute all needed ranks to get the minimal Betti numbers in the range
  // deg <= slanted_degree, lev <=maxlevel.
  // This means: we need to compute ranks to level maxlevel+1 (or largest that exists)
  // in degrees <= slanted_degree, EXCEPT we don't need to compute at (slanted_degree,maxlevel+1).
  int toplevel = (maxlevel < maxLevel() ? maxlevel-1 : mMaxLength);
  for (int deg=mLoSlantedDegree; deg <=slanted_degree; deg++)
    for (int lev=1; lev<=toplevel; lev++)
      computeRank(deg, lev);
Exemple #3
void MainWindow::showCoordinates(float x, float y)
	QString str = QString("pos: (%1, %2)").arg(QString::number(x, 'f', 3), 6).arg(QString::number(y, 'f', 3), 6);

	float dbase = m_DFunc(Point(x,y)/(2.*m_spaceSize));
	float d = (m_max_density-m_min_density)*dbase+m_min_density;
	str = QString(" | dens: %1 (%2)").arg(QString::number(float(d), 'e', 2), 6).arg(QString::number(float(dbase), 'f', 2), 4);

	int l = computeLvlMinusHalfRank(d, m_spaceSize, m_sampler->tiling().subdivFactor());
	int r = computeRank(d, m_spaceSize, l, m_sampler->tiling().subdivFactor());
	str = QString(" | lvl: %1, rank: %2").arg(QString::number(l), 2).arg(QString::number(r), 2);
Exemple #4
    void compute( const MatrixXd& A,  const int rank_=-1, const double EPSILON=1e-8 )
      NC=A.cols(); NR=A.rows();
#ifdef DEBUG

      qrv.compute( A.transpose() );
      sotDEBUG(5) << "QR= " <<(MATLAB)qrv.matrixQR()  << std::endl;
      rank = computeRank(rank_,EPSILON);
      L = qrv.matrixQR().topRows(rank).triangularView<Upper>().transpose();
      sotDEBUG(5) << "L = " << (MATLAB)L << std::endl;

      if( m_computeFullV )
	  sotDEBUG(5) << "V = " << (MATLAB)V << std::endl;
      else if( m_computeThinV )
	  V.resize(NC,rank); V.setIdentity(NC,rank);

      if( m_computeFullU || m_computeThinU )
	  U = qrv.colsPermutation();
	  sotDEBUG(5) << "Pi = " << (MATLAB)U << std::endl;

      for( int k=rank;k<NR;++k )

      sotDEBUG(5) << "L = " << (MATLAB)L << std::endl;
      sotDEBUG(5) << "U = " << (MATLAB)U << std::endl;

Exemple #5
Rank(int n)
	int			N, i, k, r;
	double		p_value, product, chi_squared, arg1, p_32, p_31, p_30, R, F_32, F_31, F_30;
	BitSequence	**matrix = create_matrix(32, 32);
	N = n/(32*32);
	if ( isZero(N) ) {
		fprintf(stats[TEST_RANK], "\t\t\t\tRANK TEST\n");
		fprintf(stats[TEST_RANK], "\t\tError: Insuffucient # Of Bits To Define An 32x32 (%dx%d) Matrix\n", 32, 32);
		p_value = 0.00;
	else {
		r = 32;					/* COMPUTE PROBABILITIES */
		product = 1;
		for ( i=0; i<=r-1; i++ )
			product *= ((1.e0-pow(2, i-32))*(1.e0-pow(2, i-32)))/(1.e0-pow(2, i-r));
		p_32 = pow(2, r*(32+32-r)-32*32) * product;
		r = 31;
		product = 1;
		for ( i=0; i<=r-1; i++ )
			product *= ((1.e0-pow(2, i-32))*(1.e0-pow(2, i-32)))/(1.e0-pow(2, i-r));
		p_31 = pow(2, r*(32+32-r)-32*32) * product;
		p_30 = 1 - (p_32+p_31);
		F_32 = 0;
		F_31 = 0;
		for ( k=0; k<N; k++ ) {			/* FOR EACH 32x32 MATRIX   */
			def_matrix(32, 32, matrix, k);
			display_matrix(32, 32, matrix);
			R = computeRank(32, 32, matrix);
			if ( R == 32 )
			if ( R == 31 )
		F_30 = (double)N - (F_32+F_31);
		chi_squared =(pow(F_32 - N*p_32, 2)/(double)(N*p_32) +
					  pow(F_31 - N*p_31, 2)/(double)(N*p_31) +
					  pow(F_30 - N*p_30, 2)/(double)(N*p_30));
		arg1 = -chi_squared/2.e0;

		fprintf(stats[TEST_RANK], "\t\t\t\tRANK TEST\n");
		fprintf(stats[TEST_RANK], "\t\t---------------------------------------------\n");
		fprintf(stats[TEST_RANK], "\t\tCOMPUTATIONAL INFORMATION:\n");
		fprintf(stats[TEST_RANK], "\t\t---------------------------------------------\n");
		fprintf(stats[TEST_RANK], "\t\t(a) Probability P_%d = %f\n", 32,p_32);
		fprintf(stats[TEST_RANK], "\t\t(b)             P_%d = %f\n", 31,p_31);
		fprintf(stats[TEST_RANK], "\t\t(c)             P_%d = %f\n", 30,p_30);
		fprintf(stats[TEST_RANK], "\t\t(d) Frequency   F_%d = %d\n", 32,(int)F_32);
		fprintf(stats[TEST_RANK], "\t\t(e)             F_%d = %d\n", 31,(int)F_31);
		fprintf(stats[TEST_RANK], "\t\t(f)             F_%d = %d\n", 30,(int)F_30);
		fprintf(stats[TEST_RANK], "\t\t(g) # of matrices    = %d\n", N);
		fprintf(stats[TEST_RANK], "\t\t(h) Chi^2            = %f\n", chi_squared);
		fprintf(stats[TEST_RANK], "\t\t(i) NOTE: %d BITS WERE DISCARDED.\n", n%(32*32));
		fprintf(stats[TEST_RANK], "\t\t---------------------------------------------\n");

		p_value = exp(arg1);
		if ( isNegative(p_value) || isGreaterThanOne(p_value) )
			fprintf(stats[TEST_RANK], "WARNING:  P_VALUE IS OUT OF RANGE.\n");

		for ( i=0; i<32; i++ )				/* DEALLOCATE MATRIX  */
	fprintf(stats[TEST_RANK], "%s\t\tp_value = %f\n\n", p_value < ALPHA ? "FAILURE" : "SUCCESS", p_value); fflush(stats[TEST_RANK]);
	fprintf(results[TEST_RANK], "%f\n", p_value); fflush(results[TEST_RANK]);
Exemple #6
BettiDisplay SchreyerFrame::minimalBettiNumbers(
                                              bool stop_after_degree,
                                              int top_slanted_degree,
                                              int length_limit
  // The lo degree will be: mLoSlantedDegree.
  // The highest slanted degree will either be mHiSlantedDegree, or top_slanted_degree (minimum of these two).
  // The length we need to compute to is either maxLevel(), or length_limit+1.
  // We set maxlevel to length_limit.  We insist that length_limit <= maxLevel() - 2.
  // Here is what needs to be computed:
  //  lo: . . . . . . .
  //      . . . . . . .
  /// hi: . . . . . .
  // Each dot in all rows other than 'hi' needs to have syzygies computed for it.
  // if hi == mHiSlantedDegree, then we do NOT need to compute syzygies in this last row.
  //   else we need to compute syzygies in these rows, EXCEPT not at level maxlevel+1


  int top_degree; // slanted degree
  if (stop_after_degree)
      top_degree = std::min(top_slanted_degree, mHiSlantedDegree);
      top_degree = std::max(mLoSlantedDegree, top_degree);
      top_degree = mHiSlantedDegree;
  // First: if length_limit is too low, extend the Frame
  if (length_limit >= maxLevel())
      std::cout << "WARNING: cannot extend resolution length" << std::endl;
      length_limit = maxLevel()-1;
      // Extend the length of the Frame, change mMaxLength, possibly mHiSlantedDegree
      // increase mComputationStatus if needed, mMinimalBetti, ...
      // computeFrame()

  // What needs to be computed?
  // lodeg..hideg, level: 0..maxlevel.  Note: need to compute at level maxlevel+1 in order to get min betti numbers at
  //   level maxlevel.
  // Also note: if hideg is the highest degree that occurs in the frame, we do not need to compute any matrices for these.

  for (int deg=mLoSlantedDegree; deg <= top_degree-1; deg++)
    for (int lev=1; lev<=length_limit+1; lev++)
      computeRank(deg, lev);

  for (int lev=1; lev<=length_limit; lev++)
    computeRank(top_degree, lev);

  if (M2_gbTrace >= 1)
      std::cout << "total setPoly: " << poly_constructor::ncalls << std::endl;
      std::cout << "total setPolyFromArray: " << poly_constructor::ncalls_fromarray << std::endl;
      std::cout << "total ~poly: " << poly::npoly_destructor << std::endl;
      std::cout << "total time for make matrix: " << timeMakeMatrix << std::endl;
      std::cout << "total time for sort matrix: " << timeSortMatrix << std::endl;
      std::cout << "total time for reorder matrix: " << timeReorderMatrix << std::endl;
      std::cout << "total time for gauss matrix: " << timeGaussMatrix << std::endl;
      std::cout << "total time for clear matrix: " << timeClearMatrix << std::endl;
      std::cout << "total time for reset hash table: " << timeResetHashTable << std::endl; 
      std::cout << "total time for computing ranks: " << timeComputeRanks << std::endl;
  BettiDisplay B(mBettiMinimal); // copy

  return B;
Exemple #7
void MainWindow::setRankMax()
	m_max_rank = computeRank(m_max_density, m_spaceSize, m_max_level, m_sampler->tiling().subdivFactor());