JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_linphone_mediastream_video_capture_AndroidVideoApi5JniWrapper_putImage(JNIEnv*  env,
		jclass  thiz,jlong nativePtr,jbyteArray frame) {
	AndroidReaderContext* d = (AndroidReaderContext*) nativePtr;
	if (!d->androidCamera)

	if (!ms_video_capture_new_frame(&d->fpsControl,d->filter->ticker->time)) {

	if (d->rotation != UNDEFINED_ROTATION && d->rotationSavedDuringVSize != d->rotation) {
		ms_warning("Rotation has changed (new value: %d) since vsize was run (old value: %d)."
					"Will produce inverted images. Use set_device_orientation() then update call.\n",
			d->rotation, d->rotationSavedDuringVSize);

	int image_rotation_correction = compute_image_rotation_correction(d, d->rotationSavedDuringVSize);

	jboolean isCopied;
	jbyte* jinternal_buff = env->GetByteArrayElements(frame, &isCopied);
	if (isCopied) {
		ms_warning("The video frame received from Java has been copied");

	int y_cropping_offset=0, cbcr_cropping_offset=0;
	//compute_cropping_offsets(d->hwCapableSize, d->requestedSize, &y_cropping_offset, &cbcr_cropping_offset);

	int width = d->hwCapableSize.width;
	int height = d->hwCapableSize.height;

	uint8_t* y_src = (uint8_t*)(jinternal_buff + y_cropping_offset);
	uint8_t* cbcr_src = (uint8_t*) (jinternal_buff + width * height + cbcr_cropping_offset);

	/* Warning note: image_rotation_correction == 90 does not imply portrait mode !
	   (incorrect function naming).
	   It only implies one thing: image needs to rotated by that amount to be correctly
 	mblk_t* yuv_block = copy_ycbcrbiplanar_to_true_yuv_with_rotation_and_down_scale_by_2(y_src
														, cbcr_src
														, image_rotation_correction
														, d->requestedSize.width
														, d->requestedSize.height
														, d->hwCapableSize.width
														, d->hwCapableSize.width,
	if (yuv_block) {
		if (d->frame)
		d->frame = yuv_block;

	// JNI_ABORT free the buffer without copying back the possible changes
	env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(frame, jinternal_buff, JNI_ABORT);
static int video_capture_set_vsize(MSFilter *f, void* data){
	AndroidReaderContext* d = (AndroidReaderContext*) f->data;


	// always request landscape mode, orientation is handled later
	if (d->requestedSize.height > d->requestedSize.width) {
		int tmp = d->requestedSize.height;
		d->requestedSize.height = d->requestedSize.width;
		d->requestedSize.width = tmp;

	JNIEnv *env = ms_get_jni_env();

	jmethodID method = env->GetStaticMethodID(d->helperClass,"selectNearestResolutionAvailable", "(III)[I");

	// find neareast hw-available resolution (using jni call);
	jobject resArray = env->CallStaticObjectMethod(d->helperClass, method, ((AndroidWebcamConfig*)d->webcam->data)->id, d->requestedSize.width, d->requestedSize.height);

	if (!resArray) {
		ms_error("Failed to retrieve camera '%d' supported resolutions\n", ((AndroidWebcamConfig*)d->webcam->data)->id);
		return -1;

	// handle result :
	//   - 0 : width
    //   - 1 : height
    //   - 2 : useDownscaling
	jint res[3];
	env->GetIntArrayRegion((jintArray)resArray, 0, 3, res);
	ms_message("Camera selected resolution is: %dx%d (requested: %dx%d) with downscaling?%d\n", res[0], res[1], d->requestedSize.width, d->requestedSize.height, res[2]);
	d->hwCapableSize.width =  res[0];
	d->hwCapableSize.height = res[1];
	d->useDownscaling = res[2];

	int rqSize = d->requestedSize.width * d->requestedSize.height;
	int hwSize = d->hwCapableSize.width * d->hwCapableSize.height;
	double downscale = d->useDownscaling ? 0.5 : 1;

	// if hw supplies a smaller resolution, modify requested size accordingly
	if ((hwSize * downscale * downscale) < rqSize) {
		ms_message("Camera cannot produce requested resolution %dx%d, will supply smaller one: %dx%d\n",
			d->requestedSize.width, d->requestedSize.height, (int) (res[0] * downscale), (int) (res[1]*downscale));
		d->usedSize.width = (int) (d->hwCapableSize.width * downscale);
		d->usedSize.height = (int) (d->hwCapableSize.height * downscale);
	} else if ((hwSize * downscale * downscale) > rqSize) {
		ms_message("Camera cannot produce requested resolution %dx%d, will capture a bigger one (%dx%d) and crop it to match encoder requested resolution\n",
			d->requestedSize.width, d->requestedSize.height, (int)(res[0] * downscale), (int)(res[1] * downscale));
		d->usedSize.width = d->requestedSize.width;
		d->usedSize.height = d->requestedSize.height;
	} else {
		d->usedSize.width = d->requestedSize.width;
		d->usedSize.height = d->requestedSize.height;
	// is phone held |_ to cam orientation ?
	if (d->rotation == UNDEFINED_ROTATION || compute_image_rotation_correction(d, d->rotation) % 180 != 0) {
		if (d->rotation == UNDEFINED_ROTATION) {
			ms_error("To produce a correct image, Mediastreamer MUST be aware of device's orientation BEFORE calling 'configure_video_source'\n"); 
			ms_warning("Capture filter do not know yet about device's orientation.\n"
				"Current assumption: device is held perpendicular to its webcam (ie: portrait mode for a phone)\n");
			d->rotationSavedDuringVSize = 0;
		} else {
			d->rotationSavedDuringVSize = d->rotation;
		bool camIsLandscape = d->hwCapableSize.width > d->hwCapableSize.height;
		bool useIsLandscape = d->usedSize.width > d->usedSize.height;

		// if both are landscape or both portrait, swap
		if (camIsLandscape == useIsLandscape) {
			int t = d->usedSize.width;
			d->usedSize.width = d->usedSize.height;
			d->usedSize.height = t;
			ms_message("Swapped resolution width and height to : %dx%d\n", d->usedSize.width, d->usedSize.height);
	} else {
		d->rotationSavedDuringVSize = d->rotation;

	return 0;