Exemple #1
 *  \brief Init the push button 3 sensor.
 *  \return true upon success, false if error.
bool b_pushb3_init ( void )
portCHAR token[6];

   // Get the xCFGMutex.
   if( pdTRUE == x_supervisor_SemaphoreTake( xCFGMutex, 20 ) )
       // get the field
       if (config_file_get_value(SENSOR_PB3_CONFIG_FILE, "alarm" , token) >= 0)
         // update value
         if (!strcmp(token, "on"))
           bAlarm3 = pdTRUE;
     // Release the xCFGMutex.
     x_supervisor_SemaphoreGive( xCFGMutex );
   /* configure push button to produce IT on input change */
   gpio_enable_pin_interrupt(PB3_POSITION , GPIO_PIN_CHANGE);
   /* Disable all interrupts */
   /* register push button 3 handler on level 3 */
   INTC_register_interrupt( (__int_handler)&vpushb_ISR, AVR32_GPIO_IRQ_0 + (PB3_POSITION/8), AVR32_INTC_INT3);
   /* Enable all interrupts */
   return (true);
Exemple #2
 *  \brief Init the temperature channel.
 *  \return true upon success, false if error.
bool b_temperature_init ( void )
portCHAR token[6];
portCHAR * unit;

   // Get the xCFGMutex.
   if( pdTRUE == x_supervisor_SemaphoreTake( xCFGMutex, 0 ) )
       // get the field
       if (config_file_get_value(SENSOR_TEMP_CONFIG_FILE, "alarm" , token) >= 0)
         // update value
         if (!strcmp(token, "on"))
           b_temp_alarm = pdTRUE;
       if (config_file_get_value(SENSOR_TEMP_CONFIG_FILE, "min" , token) >= 0)
         unit = strpbrk(token , "C");
         if (unit != NULL)
           *unit = '\0';
         l_temp_min = atol(token);
       if (config_file_get_value(SENSOR_TEMP_CONFIG_FILE, "max" , token) >= 0)
         unit = strpbrk(token , "C");
         if (unit != NULL)
           *unit = '\0';
         l_temp_max = atol(token);
       if (config_file_get_value(SENSOR_TEMP_CONFIG_FILE, "lograte" , token) >= 0)
         ul_temp_lograte = atoi(token);
     // Release the xCFGMutex.
     x_supervisor_SemaphoreGive( xCFGMutex );
   /* enable pin for sensor */

   return (true);
Exemple #3
 *  \brief Init the potentiometer channel.
 *  \return true upon success, false if error.
bool b_potentiometer_init ( void )
portCHAR token[6];
portCHAR * percent;

   // Get the xCFGMutex.
   if( pdTRUE == x_supervisor_SemaphoreTake( xCFGMutex, 0 ) )
       // get the field
       if (config_file_get_value(SENSOR_POT_CONFIG_FILE, "alarm" , token) >= 0)
         // update value
         if (!strcmp(token, "on"))
           b_pot_alarm = pdTRUE;
       if (config_file_get_value(SENSOR_POT_CONFIG_FILE, "min" , token) >= 0)
         percent = strpbrk(token , "%");
         if (percent != NULL)
           *percent = '\0';
         sscanf(token, "%u", &ul_pot_min);
       if (config_file_get_value(SENSOR_POT_CONFIG_FILE, "max" , token) >= 0)
         percent = strpbrk(token , "%");
         if (percent != NULL)
           *percent = '\0';
         sscanf(token, "%u", &ul_pot_max);
       if (config_file_get_value(SENSOR_POT_CONFIG_FILE, "lograte" , token) >= 0)
         sscanf(token, "%u", &ul_pot_lograte);
     // Release the xCFGMutex.
     x_supervisor_SemaphoreGive( xCFGMutex );
   /* enable pin for sensor */

   return (true);
Exemple #4
 *  \brief Init the joystick sensor.
 *  \return true upon success, false if error.
bool b_joystick_init ( void )
portCHAR token[6];

   // Get the xCFGMutex.
   if( pdTRUE == x_supervisor_SemaphoreTake( xCFGMutex, 0 ) )
       // get the field
       if (config_file_get_value(SENSOR_JS_CONFIG_FILE, "alarm" , token) >= 0)
         // update value
         if (!strcmp(token, "on"))
           bAlarm = pdTRUE;
     // Release the xCFGMutex.
     x_supervisor_SemaphoreGive( xCFGMutex );
   /* configure joystick up to produce IT on all state change */
   gpio_enable_pin_interrupt(GPIO_JOYSTICK_UP , GPIO_PIN_CHANGE);
   /* configure joystick down to produce IT on all state change */
   gpio_enable_pin_interrupt(GPIO_JOYSTICK_DOWN , GPIO_PIN_CHANGE);
   /* configure joystick right to produce IT on all state change */
   gpio_enable_pin_interrupt(GPIO_JOYSTICK_RIGHT , GPIO_PIN_CHANGE);
   /* configure joystick left to produce IT on all state change */
   gpio_enable_pin_interrupt(GPIO_JOYSTICK_LEFT , GPIO_PIN_CHANGE);
   /* configure joystick press to produce IT on all state change */
   gpio_enable_pin_interrupt(GPIO_JOYSTICK_PUSH , GPIO_PIN_CHANGE);
   /* Disable all interrupts */
   /* register joystick handler on level 3 */
   INTC_register_interrupt( (__int_handler)&vjoystick_ISR, AVR32_GPIO_IRQ_0 + (GPIO_JOYSTICK_UP/8), AVR32_INTC_INT3);
   INTC_register_interrupt( (__int_handler)&vjoystick_ISR, AVR32_GPIO_IRQ_0 + (GPIO_JOYSTICK_PUSH/8), AVR32_INTC_INT3);
   /* Enable all interrupts */
   return (true);
Exemple #5
/*! \brief WEB server main task
 *         check for incoming connection and process it
portTASK_FUNCTION( vBasicWEBServer, pvParameters )
  struct netconn  *pxHTTPListener, *pxNewConnection;
  portCHAR        token[6];
  portSHORT       TaskIdx;
  portLONG        err_count;

  /* initialize current nb connection */
  sCurrentNbHTTPConn = 0;
  vSemaphoreCreateBinary( xMutexNbHTTPConn );

  x_default_page_len = strlen( pcDefaultPage );

  /* HTTP configuration. */
  // Get the xCFGMutex.
  if( pdFALSE == x_supervisor_SemaphoreTake( xCFGMutex, 0 ) )
    // Failed to get the CFG mutex, use the default HTTP config.
    webHttpPort = webHTTP_PORT;
  // Mutex has been taken
    // get the field value for port number
    if (config_file_get_value(HTTP_CONFIG_FILE, "port" , token) >= 0)
      sscanf(token, "%u", &webHttpPort);
    // if it does not exist, use the default value
      webHttpPort = webHTTP_PORT;
    // Release the xCFGMutex.
    x_supervisor_SemaphoreGive( xCFGMutex );

  // Create a new tcp connection handle
  pxHTTPListener = netconn_new( NETCONN_TCP );
  netconn_bind(pxHTTPListener, NULL, webHttpPort );
  netconn_listen( pxHTTPListener );
  // Loop forever
  for( ;; )
#if ( (LWIP_VERSION) == ((1U << 24) | (3U << 16) | (2U << 8) | (LWIP_VERSION_RC)) )
    /* Wait for a first connection. */
    pxNewConnection = netconn_accept(pxHTTPListener);
    while(netconn_accept(pxHTTPListener, &pxNewConnection) != ERR_OK)
		vTaskDelay( webSHORT_DELAY );
    if(pxNewConnection != NULL)
      /* read the nb of connection, no need to use Mutex */
      while( webHTTP_NB_CONN == sCurrentNbHTTPConn )
        vTaskDelay( webSHORT_DELAY );

      // Take the xWEBMutex if there are no active connections.
      if( 0 == sCurrentNbHTTPConn )
         if( pdFALSE == x_supervisor_SemaphoreTake( xWEBMutex, 0 ) )
            prvweb_SendErrorPage( pxNewConnection, 503, "", "AVR32 UC3 Web server under maintenance." );
            // Close the connection.
            vTaskDelay( 50 );
            err_count = 4;
            while( netconn_close( pxNewConnection ) != ERR_OK )
               if (--err_count == 0) break;
               vTaskDelay( webSHORT_DELAY );
            err_count = 4;
            while( netconn_delete( pxNewConnection ) != ERR_OK )
               if (--err_count == 0) break;
               vTaskDelay( webSHORT_DELAY );

      // Find an available spot in the tTaskHandle[] array.
      // We're sure to find one because sCurrentNbHTTPConn < webHTTP_NB_CONN.
      TaskIdx = 0;
      while( NULL != tTaskHandle[TaskIdx] ) TaskIdx++;

      while( xSemaphoreTake(xMutexNbHTTPConn , portMAX_DELAY ) != pdTRUE );
      // Release the mutex.
      xSemaphoreGive( xMutexNbHTTPConn );

      // TRACE_COM2( "nb http conn:%d",sCurrentNbHTTPConn );

      if( xTaskCreate( prvweb_ProcessSingleConnection,
                                ( signed portCHAR * )"WCONN",
                                webHTTP_CONNECTION_STACK_SIZE, pxNewConnection,
                                &tTaskHandle[TaskIdx] ) != pdPASS)
          TRACE_COM2( "xTaskCreate() alloc error" );

          /* delete connection */
          err_count = 4;
          while( netconn_close( pxNewConnection ) != ERR_OK )
            if (--err_count == 0) break;
            vTaskDelay( webSHORT_DELAY );
          err_count = 4;
          while( netconn_delete( pxNewConnection ) != ERR_OK )
            if (--err_count == 0) break;
            vTaskDelay( webSHORT_DELAY );

          while( xSemaphoreTake(xMutexNbHTTPConn , portMAX_DELAY ) != pdTRUE );
          // Release the xWEBMutex if there are no active connections.
          if( 0 == sCurrentNbHTTPConn )
             x_supervisor_SemaphoreGive( xWEBMutex );
          // Release the mutex.
          xSemaphoreGive( xMutexNbHTTPConn );
      }// end if task not created
    }// end if new connection

  }// end infinite loop
Exemple #6
 *  \brief Task for SMTP management
portTASK_FUNCTION( vBasicSMTPClient, pvParameters )

   struct sockaddr_in stServeurSockAddr;
   portLONG lRetval;
   portLONG lSocket = -1;
   portLONG ulResponseCode = 0;
   xMailDef * pxMail;
   int Size, SizeRead;
   portCHAR * pcRespData;
   int fd;
   portCHAR cToken[6];

   // Just to stop compiler warnings.
   ( void ) pvParameters;

   // Create the xMailsQueue capable of containing DATALOG_LOGSQUEUE_SIZE ptrs
   // to xLogDef structures.
   xMailsQueue = xQueueCreate( SMTP_MAILS_QUEUE_SIZE, sizeof( xMailDef * ) );

   // SMTP configuration.
   // Get the xCFGMutex.
   if( pdFALSE == x_supervisor_SemaphoreTake( xCFGMutex, 500 ) )
      // Failed to get the CFG mutex, use the default HTTP config.
      uiSMTPPort = SMTP_PORT;
      cMailTo[0] = '\0';
      cMailFrom[0] = '\0';
      cServerName[0] = '\0';
   // Mutex has been taken
      // get the field value for port number
      if (config_file_get_value(SMTP_CONFIG_FILE, "port" , cToken) >= 0)
         sscanf(cToken, "%u", &uiSMTPPort);
      // if it does not exist, use the default value
         uiSMTPPort = SMTP_PORT;
      // try to get the mailto field
      if (config_file_get_value(SMTP_CONFIG_FILE, "mailto", cMailTo) < 0)
         cMailTo[0] = '\0';
         // can't find field in config file, warn user
         NAKED_TRACE_COM2("Warning : No mailto configured !!Please fill mailto= field in %s\r\n", SMTP_CONFIG_FILE);
      // try to get the mailfrom field
      if (config_file_get_value(SMTP_CONFIG_FILE, "mailfrom", cMailFrom) < 0)
         cMailFrom[0] = '\0';
         // can't find field in config file, warn user
         NAKED_TRACE_COM2("Warning : No mailfrom configured !!Please fill mailfrom= field in %s\r\n", SMTP_CONFIG_FILE);
      // try to get the server field
      if (config_file_get_value(SMTP_CONFIG_FILE, "server", cServerName) < 0)
         cServerName[0] = '\0';
         // can't find field in config file, warn user
         NAKED_TRACE_COM2("Warning : No server name configured !! Please fill server= field in %s\r\n", SMTP_CONFIG_FILE);
      // Release the xCFGMutex.
      x_supervisor_SemaphoreGive( xCFGMutex );

      // NOTE: the task should be resumed when it is necessary to send a mail
      // Get the oldest mail from the queue.
      // NOTE: we are sure there is an item to get => no block time.
      if( pdTRUE == xQueueReceive( xMailsQueue, &pxMail, ( portTickType )1000 ) )
         if (cServerName[0] == '\0')
            // can't find field in config file, warn user
            NAKED_TRACE_COM2("Warning : No server name configured !! Please fill server= field in %s\r\n", SMTP_CONFIG_FILE);
         else if (cMailTo[0] == '\0')
            // can't find field in config file, warn user
            NAKED_TRACE_COM2("Warning : No mailto configured !!Please fill mailto= field in %s\r\n", SMTP_CONFIG_FILE);
         else if (cMailFrom[0] == '\0')
            // can't find field in config file, warn user
            NAKED_TRACE_COM2("Warning : No mailfrom configured !!Please fill mailfrom= field in %s\r\n", SMTP_CONFIG_FILE);
            // Set up port
            memset(&stServeurSockAddr, 0, sizeof(stServeurSockAddr));
            stServeurSockAddr.sin_len = sizeof(stServeurSockAddr);
            stServeurSockAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(cServerName);
            stServeurSockAddr.sin_port = htons(uiSMTPPort);
            stServeurSockAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;

            // socket as a stream
            if ( (lSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0)
               // socket failed
               NAKED_TRACE_COM2("Socket Failed\r\n");
            // connect to the server
            if(connect(lSocket,(struct sockaddr *)&stServeurSockAddr,sizeof(stServeurSockAddr)) < 0)
               // connect failed
               NAKED_TRACE_COM2("Connect Failed\r\n");
               eSMTPCurrentState = eSMTPIdle;
               while ( eSMTPCurrentState != eSMTPMailSent )
                  // wait for SMTP Server answer
                     lRetval = recv(lSocket, cTempBuffer, sizeof(cTempBuffer), 0);
                  }while (lRetval <= 0);

                  cTempBuffer[3] = '\0';
                  // Get the response code from server
                  ulResponseCode = atoi(cTempBuffer);

                  switch (ulResponseCode)
                     case 220:
                        // send helo
                        send(lSocket, "HELO ", 5, 0);
                        send(lSocket, cServerName, strlen(cServerName), 0);
                        send(lSocket, "\r\n", 2, 0);
                        eSMTPCurrentState = eSMTPHeloSent;
                     case 221:
                        // QUIT sequence has been acknowledged by server
                        if (eSMTPCurrentState == eSMTPQuitSent)
                           eSMTPCurrentState = eSMTPMailSent;
                     case 250:
                        if (eSMTPCurrentState == eSMTPHeloSent)
                           // send MAIL FROM
                           send(lSocket, "MAIL FROM: <", 12, 0); ;
                           send(lSocket, cMailFrom, strlen(cMailFrom), 0);
                           send(lSocket, ">\r\n", 3, 0);
                           eSMTPCurrentState = eSMTPMailFromSent;
                        else if (eSMTPCurrentState == eSMTPMailFromSent)
                           // send MAIL TO
                           send(lSocket, "RCPT TO: <", 10, 0); ;
                           send(lSocket, cMailTo, strlen(cMailTo), 0);
                           send(lSocket, ">\r\n", 3, 0);
                           eSMTPCurrentState = eSMTPMailToSent;
                        else if (eSMTPCurrentState == eSMTPMailToSent)
                           // send DATA
                           send(lSocket, SMTP_DATA_STRING, 6, 0);
                           eSMTPCurrentState = eSMTPDataSent;
                        else if (eSMTPCurrentState == eSMTPContentSent)
                           // send QUIT
                           send(lSocket, SMTP_QUIT_STRING, 6, 0);
                           eSMTPCurrentState = eSMTPQuitSent;
                     case 354:
                        if (eSMTPCurrentState == eSMTPDataSent)
                           // set Subject field
                           send(lSocket, "Subject:", 8, 0);
                           // add subject
                           send(lSocket, pxMail->Subject, strlen(pxMail->Subject), 0);
                           send(lSocket, "\r\nFROM:", 7, 0);
                           send(lSocket, cMailFrom, strlen(cMailFrom), 0);
                           send(lSocket, "\r\nTO:", 5, 0);
                           send(lSocket, cMailTo, strlen(cMailTo), 0);
                           send(lSocket, "\r\n\r\n", 4, 0);
                           // if a file has been specified, copy the content in the mail body
                           if (pxMail->File != NULL)
                              // allocate response
                              pcRespData = (portCHAR *)pvPortMalloc(SMTP_PACKET_SIZE);
                              if (pcRespData != NULL)
                                 if ((fd = open((const char *)pxMail->File, O_RDONLY)) >= 0)
                                    Size = fsaccess_file_get_size(fd);
                                    // get sectors of maximum size
                                    while(Size > 0)
                                       // get the data from filesystem
                                       SizeRead = read(fd, pcRespData, SMTP_PACKET_SIZE);
                                       // if error occurs during the read
                                       if (SizeRead <= 0)
                                          // end the loop and send what has already been added
                                       // sned data to the socket
                                       send(lSocket, pcRespData, SizeRead, 0);
                                       // decrease remaing size
                                       Size -= SizeRead;
                                    // close the file
                                    // free the buffer
                                    // warn user : can't open the file
                                    NAKED_TRACE_COM2("Open file fails\r\n");
                                 // warn user : can't malloc the file buffer
                                 NAKED_TRACE_COM2("SMTP : Malloc fails\r\n");
                           // add "<CRLF>.<CRLF>"
                           send(lSocket, SMTP_MAIL_END_STRING, 5, 0);
                           eSMTPCurrentState = eSMTPContentSent;
                        // unknown SMTP code
                        NAKED_TRACE_COM2("Unimplented %l SMTP response from server\r\n",ulResponseCode);
                        // break loop and reset state machine
                        eSMTPCurrentState = eSMTPMailSent;
               // close the socket
            // if the item was not posted from ISR
            if (pxMail->NeedFree == pdTRUE)
               // if a file has been specified
               if ( pxMail->File != NULL )
                  // free the item
               // free the items