Exemple #1
void add_entry (char *key, char *value)
	char *value1=0, *value2=0, *value3=0;

	/* Background and border */
	if (strcmp (key, "rounded") == 0) {
		// 'rounded' is the first parameter => alloc a new background
		Background bg;
		bg.border.rounded = atoi(value);
		g_array_append_val(backgrounds, bg);
	else if (strcmp (key, "border_width") == 0) {
		g_array_index(backgrounds, Background, backgrounds->len-1).border.width = atoi(value);
	else if (strcmp (key, "background_color") == 0) {
		Background* bg = &g_array_index(backgrounds, Background, backgrounds->len-1);
		extract_values(value, &value1, &value2, &value3);
		get_color (value1, bg->back.color);
		if (value2) bg->back.alpha = (atoi (value2) / 100.0);
		else bg->back.alpha = 0.5;
	else if (strcmp (key, "border_color") == 0) {
		Background* bg = &g_array_index(backgrounds, Background, backgrounds->len-1);
		extract_values(value, &value1, &value2, &value3);
		get_color (value1, bg->border.color);
		if (value2) bg->border.alpha = (atoi (value2) / 100.0);
		else bg->border.alpha = 0.5;

	/* Panel */
	else if (strcmp (key, "panel_monitor") == 0) {
		panel_config.monitor = config_get_monitor(value);
	else if (strcmp (key, "panel_size") == 0) {
		extract_values(value, &value1, &value2, &value3);

		char *b;
		if ((b = strchr (value1, '%'))) {
			b[0] = '\0';
			panel_config.pourcentx = 1;
		panel_config.area.width = atoi(value1);
		if (panel_config.area.width == 0) {
			// full width mode
			panel_config.area.width = 100;
			panel_config.pourcentx = 1;
		if (value2) {
			if ((b = strchr (value2, '%'))) {
				b[0] = '\0';
				panel_config.pourcenty = 1;
			panel_config.area.height = atoi(value2);
	else if (strcmp (key, "panel_margin") == 0) {
		extract_values(value, &value1, &value2, &value3);
		panel_config.marginx = atoi (value1);
		if (value2) panel_config.marginy = atoi (value2);
	else if (strcmp (key, "panel_padding") == 0) {
		extract_values(value, &value1, &value2, &value3);
		panel_config.area.paddingxlr = panel_config.area.paddingx = atoi (value1);
		if (value2) panel_config.area.paddingy = atoi (value2);
		if (value3) panel_config.area.paddingx = atoi (value3);
	else if (strcmp (key, "panel_position") == 0) {
		extract_values(value, &value1, &value2, &value3);
		if (strcmp (value1, "top") == 0) panel_position = TOP;
		else {
			if (strcmp (value1, "bottom") == 0) panel_position = BOTTOM;
			else panel_position = CENTER;

		if (!value2) panel_position |= CENTER;
		else {
			if (strcmp (value2, "left") == 0) panel_position |= LEFT;
			else {
				if (strcmp (value2, "right") == 0) panel_position |= RIGHT;
				else panel_position |= CENTER;
		if (!value3) panel_horizontal = 1;
		else {
			if (strcmp (value3, "vertical") == 0) panel_horizontal = 0;
			else panel_horizontal = 1;
	else if (strcmp (key, "font_shadow") == 0)
		panel_config.g_task.font_shadow = atoi (value);
	else if (strcmp (key, "panel_background_id") == 0) {
		int id = atoi (value);
		id = (id < backgrounds->len && id >= 0) ? id : 0;
		panel_config.area.bg = &g_array_index(backgrounds, Background, id);
	else if (strcmp (key, "wm_menu") == 0)
		wm_menu = atoi (value);
	else if (strcmp (key, "panel_dock") == 0)
		panel_dock = atoi (value);
	else if (strcmp (key, "urgent_nb_of_blink") == 0)
		max_tick_urgent = (atoi (value) * 2) + 1;
	else if (strcmp (key, "panel_layer") == 0) {
		if (strcmp(value, "bottom") == 0)
			panel_layer = BOTTOM_LAYER;
		else if (strcmp(value, "normal") == 0)
			panel_layer = NORMAL_LAYER;
		else if (strcmp(value, "top") == 0)
			panel_layer = TOP_LAYER;

	/* Battery */
	else if (strcmp (key, "battery") == 0) {
		if(atoi(value) == 1)
			battery_enabled = 1;
		if(atoi(value) == 1)
			fprintf(stderr, "tint2 is build without battery support\n");
	else if (strcmp (key, "battery_low_status") == 0) {
		battery_low_status = atoi(value);
		if(battery_low_status < 0 || battery_low_status > 100)
			battery_low_status = 0;
	else if (strcmp (key, "battery_low_cmd") == 0) {
		if (strlen(value) > 0)
			battery_low_cmd = strdup (value);
	else if (strcmp (key, "bat1_font") == 0) {
		bat1_font_desc = pango_font_description_from_string (value);
	else if (strcmp (key, "bat2_font") == 0) {
		bat2_font_desc = pango_font_description_from_string (value);
	else if (strcmp (key, "battery_font_color") == 0) {
		extract_values(value, &value1, &value2, &value3);
		get_color (value1, panel_config.battery.font.color);
		if (value2) panel_config.battery.font.alpha = (atoi (value2) / 100.0);
		else panel_config.battery.font.alpha = 0.5;
	else if (strcmp (key, "battery_padding") == 0) {
		extract_values(value, &value1, &value2, &value3);
		panel_config.battery.area.paddingxlr = panel_config.battery.area.paddingx = atoi (value1);
		if (value2) panel_config.battery.area.paddingy = atoi (value2);
		if (value3) panel_config.battery.area.paddingx = atoi (value3);
	else if (strcmp (key, "battery_background_id") == 0) {
		int id = atoi (value);
		id = (id < backgrounds->len && id >= 0) ? id : 0;
		panel_config.battery.area.bg = &g_array_index(backgrounds, Background, id);
	else if (strcmp (key, "battery_hide") == 0) {
		percentage_hide = atoi (value);
		if (percentage_hide == 0)
			percentage_hide = 101;

   /* Applets */
	else if (strcmp (key, "applets") == 0) {
		if(atoi(value) == 1)
			applets_enabled = 1;
         applets_enabled = 0;
		if(atoi(value) == 1)
			fprintf(stderr, "tint2 is build without applets support\n");
   else if (strcmp (key, "applets_background_id") == 0) {
		int id = atoi (value);
		id = (id < backgrounds->len && id >= 0) ? id : 0;
		panel_config.applets.area.bg = &g_array_index(backgrounds, Background, id);

	/* Clock */
	else if (strcmp (key, "time1_format") == 0) {
		if (strlen(value) > 0) {
			time1_format = strdup (value);
			clock_enabled = 1;
	else if (strcmp (key, "time2_format") == 0) {
		if (strlen(value) > 0)
			time2_format = strdup (value);
	else if (strcmp (key, "time1_font") == 0) {
		time1_font_desc = pango_font_description_from_string (value);
	else if (strcmp(key, "time1_timezone") == 0) {
		if (strlen(value) > 0)
			time1_timezone = strdup(value);
	else if (strcmp(key, "time2_timezone") == 0) {
		if (strlen(value) > 0)
			time2_timezone = strdup(value);
	else if (strcmp (key, "time2_font") == 0) {
		time2_font_desc = pango_font_description_from_string (value);
	else if (strcmp (key, "clock_font_color") == 0) {
		extract_values(value, &value1, &value2, &value3);
		get_color (value1, panel_config.clock.font.color);
		if (value2) panel_config.clock.font.alpha = (atoi (value2) / 100.0);
		else panel_config.clock.font.alpha = 0.5;
	else if (strcmp (key, "clock_padding") == 0) {
		extract_values(value, &value1, &value2, &value3);
		panel_config.clock.area.paddingxlr = panel_config.clock.area.paddingx = atoi (value1);
		if (value2) panel_config.clock.area.paddingy = atoi (value2);
		if (value3) panel_config.clock.area.paddingx = atoi (value3);
	else if (strcmp (key, "clock_background_id") == 0) {
		int id = atoi (value);
		id = (id < backgrounds->len && id >= 0) ? id : 0;
		panel_config.clock.area.bg = &g_array_index(backgrounds, Background, id);
	else if (strcmp(key, "clock_tooltip") == 0) {
		if (strlen(value) > 0)
			time_tooltip_format = strdup (value);
	else if (strcmp(key, "clock_tooltip_timezone") == 0) {
		if (strlen(value) > 0)
			time_tooltip_timezone = strdup(value);
	else if (strcmp(key, "clock_lclick_command") == 0) {
		if (strlen(value) > 0)
			clock_lclick_command = strdup(value);
	else if (strcmp(key, "clock_rclick_command") == 0) {
		if (strlen(value) > 0)
			clock_rclick_command = strdup(value);

	/* Taskbar */
	else if (strcmp (key, "taskbar_mode") == 0) {
		if (strcmp (value, "multi_desktop") == 0) panel_mode = MULTI_DESKTOP;
		else panel_mode = SINGLE_DESKTOP;
	else if (strcmp (key, "taskbar_padding") == 0) {
		extract_values(value, &value1, &value2, &value3);
		panel_config.g_taskbar.area.paddingxlr = panel_config.g_taskbar.area.paddingx = atoi (value1);
		if (value2) panel_config.g_taskbar.area.paddingy = atoi (value2);
		if (value3) panel_config.g_taskbar.area.paddingx = atoi (value3);
	else if (strcmp (key, "taskbar_background_id") == 0) {
		int id = atoi (value);
		id = (id < backgrounds->len && id >= 0) ? id : 0;
		panel_config.g_taskbar.bg = &g_array_index(backgrounds, Background, id);
		panel_config.g_taskbar.area.bg = panel_config.g_taskbar.bg;
	else if (strcmp (key, "taskbar_active_background_id") == 0) {
		int id = atoi (value);
		id = (id < backgrounds->len && id >= 0) ? id : 0;
		panel_config.g_taskbar.bg_active = &g_array_index(backgrounds, Background, id);
		panel_config.g_taskbar.use_active = 1;

	/* Task */
	else if (strcmp (key, "task_text") == 0)
		panel_config.g_task.text = atoi (value);
	else if (strcmp (key, "task_icon") == 0)
		panel_config.g_task.icon = atoi (value);
	else if (strcmp (key, "task_centered") == 0)
		panel_config.g_task.centered = atoi (value);
	else if (strcmp (key, "task_width") == 0) {
		// old parameter : just for backward compatibility
		panel_config.g_task.maximum_width = atoi (value);
		panel_config.g_task.maximum_height = 30;
	else if (strcmp (key, "task_maximum_size") == 0) {
		extract_values(value, &value1, &value2, &value3);
		panel_config.g_task.maximum_width = atoi (value1);
		panel_config.g_task.maximum_height = 30;
		if (value2)
			panel_config.g_task.maximum_height = atoi (value2);
	else if (strcmp (key, "task_padding") == 0) {
		extract_values(value, &value1, &value2, &value3);
		panel_config.g_task.area.paddingxlr = panel_config.g_task.area.paddingx = atoi (value1);
		if (value2) panel_config.g_task.area.paddingy = atoi (value2);
		if (value3) panel_config.g_task.area.paddingx = atoi (value3);
	else if (strcmp (key, "task_font") == 0) {
		panel_config.g_task.font_desc = pango_font_description_from_string (value);
	else if (g_regex_match_simple("task.*_font_color", key, 0, 0)) {
		gchar** split = g_regex_split_simple("_", key, 0, 0);
		int status = get_task_status(split[1]);
		extract_values(value, &value1, &value2, &value3);
		float alpha = 1;
		if (value2) alpha = (atoi (value2) / 100.0);
		get_color (value1, panel_config.g_task.font[status].color);
		panel_config.g_task.font[status].alpha = alpha;
		panel_config.g_task.config_font_mask |= (1<<status);
	else if (g_regex_match_simple("task.*_icon_asb", key, 0, 0)) {
		gchar** split = g_regex_split_simple("_", key, 0, 0);
		int status = get_task_status(split[1]);
		extract_values(value, &value1, &value2, &value3);
		panel_config.g_task.alpha[status] = atoi(value1);
		panel_config.g_task.saturation[status] = atoi(value2);
		panel_config.g_task.brightness[status] = atoi(value3);
		panel_config.g_task.config_asb_mask |= (1<<status);
	else if (g_regex_match_simple("task.*_background_id", key, 0, 0)) {
		gchar** split = g_regex_split_simple("_", key, 0, 0);
		int status = get_task_status(split[1]);
		int id = atoi (value);
		id = (id < backgrounds->len && id >= 0) ? id : 0;
		panel_config.g_task.background[status] = &g_array_index(backgrounds, Background, id);
		panel_config.g_task.config_background_mask |= (1<<status);
		if (status == TASK_NORMAL) panel_config.g_task.area.bg = panel_config.g_task.background[TASK_NORMAL];

	/* Systray */
	// systray disabled in snapshot mode
	else if (strcmp (key, "systray") == 0 && snapshot_path == 0) {
		systray_enabled = atoi(value);
		// systray is latest option added. files without 'systray' are old.
		old_config_file = 0;
	else if (strcmp (key, "systray_padding") == 0 && snapshot_path == 0) {
		if (old_config_file)
			systray_enabled = 1;
		extract_values(value, &value1, &value2, &value3);
		systray.area.paddingxlr = systray.area.paddingx = atoi (value1);
		if (value2) systray.area.paddingy = atoi (value2);
		if (value3) systray.area.paddingx = atoi (value3);
	else if (strcmp (key, "systray_background_id") == 0) {
		int id = atoi (value);
		id = (id < backgrounds->len && id >= 0) ? id : 0;
		systray.area.bg = &g_array_index(backgrounds, Background, id);
	else if (strcmp(key, "systray_sort") == 0) {
		if (strcmp(value, "descending") == 0)
			systray.sort = -1;
		else if (strcmp(value, "ascending") == 0)
			systray.sort = 1;
		else if (strcmp(value, "left2right") == 0)
			systray.sort = 2;
		else  if (strcmp(value, "right2left") == 0)
			systray.sort = 3;
	else if (strcmp(key, "systray_icon_size") == 0) {
		systray_max_icon_size = atoi(value);
	else if (strcmp(key, "systray_icon_asb") == 0) {
		extract_values(value, &value1, &value2, &value3);
		systray.alpha = atoi(value1);
		systray.saturation = atoi(value2);
		systray.brightness = atoi(value3);

	/* Tooltip */
	else if (strcmp (key, "tooltip") == 0)
		g_tooltip.enabled = atoi(value);
	else if (strcmp (key, "tooltip_show_timeout") == 0) {
		int timeout_msec = 1000*atof(value);
		g_tooltip.show_timeout_msec = timeout_msec;
	else if (strcmp (key, "tooltip_hide_timeout") == 0) {
		int timeout_msec = 1000*atof(value);
		g_tooltip.hide_timeout_msec = timeout_msec;
	else if (strcmp (key, "tooltip_padding") == 0) {
		extract_values(value, &value1, &value2, &value3);
		if (value1) g_tooltip.paddingx = atoi(value1);
		if (value2) g_tooltip.paddingy = atoi(value2);
	else if (strcmp (key, "tooltip_background_id") == 0) {
		int id = atoi (value);
		id = (id < backgrounds->len && id >= 0) ? id : 0;
		g_tooltip.bg = &g_array_index(backgrounds, Background, id);
	else if (strcmp (key, "tooltip_font_color") == 0) {
		extract_values(value, &value1, &value2, &value3);
		get_color(value1, g_tooltip.font_color.color);
		if (value2) g_tooltip.font_color.alpha = (atoi (value2) / 100.0);
		else g_tooltip.font_color.alpha = 0.1;
	else if (strcmp (key, "tooltip_font") == 0) {
		g_tooltip.font_desc = pango_font_description_from_string(value);

	/* Mouse actions */
	else if (strcmp (key, "mouse_middle") == 0)
		get_action (value, &mouse_middle);
	else if (strcmp (key, "mouse_right") == 0)
		get_action (value, &mouse_right);
	else if (strcmp (key, "mouse_scroll_up") == 0)
		get_action (value, &mouse_scroll_up);
	else if (strcmp (key, "mouse_scroll_down") == 0)
		get_action (value, &mouse_scroll_down);

	/* autohide options */
	else if (strcmp(key, "autohide") == 0)
		panel_autohide = atoi(value);
	else if (strcmp(key, "autohide_show_timeout") == 0)
		panel_autohide_show_timeout = 1000*atof(value);
	else if (strcmp(key, "autohide_hide_timeout") == 0)
		panel_autohide_hide_timeout = 1000*atof(value);
	else if (strcmp(key, "strut_policy") == 0) {
		if (strcmp(value, "follow_size") == 0)
			panel_strut_policy = STRUT_FOLLOW_SIZE;
		else if (strcmp(value, "none") == 0)
			panel_strut_policy = STRUT_NONE;
			panel_strut_policy = STRUT_MINIMUM;
	else if (strcmp(key, "autohide_height") == 0) {
		panel_autohide_height = atoi(value);
		if (panel_autohide_height == 0) {
			// autohide need height > 0
			panel_autohide_height = 1;

		fprintf(stderr, "tint2 : invalid option \"%s\",\n  upgrade tint2 or correct your config file\n", key);

	if (value1) free (value1);
	if (value2) free (value2);
	if (value3) free (value3);
Exemple #2
void add_entry (char *key, char *value)
	char *value1=0, *value2=0, *value3=0;

	/* Background and border */
	if (strcmp (key, "rounded") == 0) {
		// 'rounded' is the first parameter => alloc a new background
		Background bg;
		bg.border.rounded = atoi(value);
		g_array_append_val(backgrounds, bg);
	else if (strcmp (key, "border_width") == 0) {
		g_array_index(backgrounds, Background, backgrounds->len-1).border.width = atoi(value);
	else if (strcmp (key, "background_color") == 0) {
		Background* bg = &g_array_index(backgrounds, Background, backgrounds->len-1);
		extract_values(value, &value1, &value2, &value3);
		get_color (value1, bg->back.color);
		if (value2) bg->back.alpha = (atoi (value2) / 100.0);
		else bg->back.alpha = 0.5;
	else if (strcmp (key, "border_color") == 0) {
		Background* bg = &g_array_index(backgrounds, Background, backgrounds->len-1);
		extract_values(value, &value1, &value2, &value3);
		get_color (value1, bg->border.color);
		if (value2) bg->border.alpha = (atoi (value2) / 100.0);
		else bg->border.alpha = 0.5;

	/* Panel */
	else if (strcmp (key, "panel_monitor") == 0) {
		panel_config.monitor = config_get_monitor(value);
	else if (strcmp (key, "panel_size") == 0) {
		extract_values(value, &value1, &value2, &value3);

		char *b;
		if ((b = strchr (value1, '%'))) {
			b[0] = '\0';
			panel_config.pourcentx = 1;
		panel_config.area.width = atoi(value1);
		if (panel_config.area.width == 0) {
			// full width mode
			panel_config.area.width = 100;
			panel_config.pourcentx = 1;
		if (value2) {
			if ((b = strchr (value2, '%'))) {
				b[0] = '\0';
				panel_config.pourcenty = 1;
			panel_config.area.height = atoi(value2);
	else if (strcmp (key, "panel_items") == 0) {
		new_config_file = 1;
		panel_items_order = strdup(value);
		int j;
		for (j=0 ; j < strlen(panel_items_order) ; j++) {
			if (panel_items_order[j] == 'L')
				launcher_enabled = 1;
			if (panel_items_order[j] == 'T')
				taskbar_enabled = 1;
			if (panel_items_order[j] == 'B') {
				battery_enabled = 1;
				fprintf(stderr, "tint2 is build without battery support\n");
			if (panel_items_order[j] == 'S') {
				// systray disabled in snapshot mode
				if (snapshot_path == 0)
					systray_enabled = 1;
			if (panel_items_order[j] == 'C')
				clock_enabled = 1;
	else if (strcmp (key, "panel_margin") == 0) {
		extract_values(value, &value1, &value2, &value3);
		panel_config.marginx = atoi (value1);
		if (value2) panel_config.marginy = atoi (value2);
	else if (strcmp (key, "panel_padding") == 0) {
		extract_values(value, &value1, &value2, &value3);
		panel_config.area.paddingxlr = panel_config.area.paddingx = atoi (value1);
		if (value2) panel_config.area.paddingy = atoi (value2);
		if (value3) panel_config.area.paddingx = atoi (value3);
	else if (strcmp (key, "panel_position") == 0) {
		extract_values(value, &value1, &value2, &value3);
		if (strcmp (value1, "top") == 0) panel_position = TOP;
		else {
			if (strcmp (value1, "bottom") == 0) panel_position = BOTTOM;
			else panel_position = CENTER;

		if (!value2) panel_position |= CENTER;
		else {
			if (strcmp (value2, "left") == 0) panel_position |= LEFT;
			else {
				if (strcmp (value2, "right") == 0) panel_position |= RIGHT;
				else panel_position |= CENTER;
		if (!value3) panel_horizontal = 1;
		else {
			if (strcmp (value3, "vertical") == 0) panel_horizontal = 0;
			else panel_horizontal = 1;
	else if (strcmp (key, "font_shadow") == 0)
		panel_config.g_task.font_shadow = atoi (value);
	else if (strcmp (key, "panel_background_id") == 0) {
		int id = atoi (value);
		id = (id < backgrounds->len && id >= 0) ? id : 0;
		panel_config.area.bg = &g_array_index(backgrounds, Background, id);
	else if (strcmp (key, "wm_menu") == 0)
		wm_menu = atoi (value);
	else if (strcmp (key, "panel_dock") == 0)
		panel_dock = atoi (value);
	else if (strcmp (key, "urgent_nb_of_blink") == 0)
		max_tick_urgent = atoi (value);
	else if (strcmp (key, "panel_layer") == 0) {
		if (strcmp(value, "bottom") == 0)
			panel_layer = BOTTOM_LAYER;
		else if (strcmp(value, "top") == 0)
			panel_layer = TOP_LAYER;
			panel_layer = NORMAL_LAYER;

	/* Battery */
	else if (strcmp (key, "battery_low_status") == 0) {
		battery_low_status = atoi(value);
		if(battery_low_status < 0 || battery_low_status > 100)
			battery_low_status = 0;
	else if (strcmp (key, "battery_low_cmd") == 0) {
		if (strlen(value) > 0)
			battery_low_cmd = strdup (value);
	else if (strcmp (key, "bat1_font") == 0) {
		bat1_font_desc = pango_font_description_from_string (value);
	else if (strcmp (key, "bat2_font") == 0) {
		bat2_font_desc = pango_font_description_from_string (value);
	else if (strcmp (key, "battery_font_color") == 0) {
		extract_values(value, &value1, &value2, &value3);
		get_color (value1, panel_config.battery.font.color);
		if (value2) panel_config.battery.font.alpha = (atoi (value2) / 100.0);
		else panel_config.battery.font.alpha = 0.5;
	else if (strcmp (key, "battery_padding") == 0) {
		extract_values(value, &value1, &value2, &value3);
		panel_config.battery.area.paddingxlr = panel_config.battery.area.paddingx = atoi (value1);
		if (value2) panel_config.battery.area.paddingy = atoi (value2);
		if (value3) panel_config.battery.area.paddingx = atoi (value3);
	else if (strcmp (key, "battery_background_id") == 0) {
		int id = atoi (value);
		id = (id < backgrounds->len && id >= 0) ? id : 0;
		panel_config.battery.area.bg = &g_array_index(backgrounds, Background, id);
	else if (strcmp (key, "battery_hide") == 0) {
		percentage_hide = atoi (value);
		if (percentage_hide == 0)
			percentage_hide = 101;

	/* Clock */
	else if (strcmp (key, "time1_format") == 0) {
		if (new_config_file == 0) {
			clock_enabled = 1;
			if (panel_items_order) {
				char* tmp = g_strconcat(panel_items_order, "C", NULL);
				g_free( panel_items_order );
				panel_items_order = tmp;
				panel_items_order = g_strdup("C");
		if (strlen(value) > 0) {
			time1_format = strdup (value);
			clock_enabled = 1;
	else if (strcmp (key, "time2_format") == 0) {
		if (strlen(value) > 0)
			time2_format = strdup (value);
	else if (strcmp (key, "time1_font") == 0) {
		time1_font_desc = pango_font_description_from_string (value);
	else if (strcmp(key, "time1_timezone") == 0) {
		if (strlen(value) > 0)
			time1_timezone = strdup(value);
	else if (strcmp(key, "time2_timezone") == 0) {
		if (strlen(value) > 0)
			time2_timezone = strdup(value);
	else if (strcmp (key, "time2_font") == 0) {
		time2_font_desc = pango_font_description_from_string (value);
	else if (strcmp (key, "clock_font_color") == 0) {
		extract_values(value, &value1, &value2, &value3);
		get_color (value1, panel_config.clock.font.color);
		if (value2) panel_config.clock.font.alpha = (atoi (value2) / 100.0);
		else panel_config.clock.font.alpha = 0.5;
	else if (strcmp (key, "clock_padding") == 0) {
		extract_values(value, &value1, &value2, &value3);
		panel_config.clock.area.paddingxlr = panel_config.clock.area.paddingx = atoi (value1);
		if (value2) panel_config.clock.area.paddingy = atoi (value2);
		if (value3) panel_config.clock.area.paddingx = atoi (value3);
	else if (strcmp (key, "clock_background_id") == 0) {
		int id = atoi (value);
		id = (id < backgrounds->len && id >= 0) ? id : 0;
		panel_config.clock.area.bg = &g_array_index(backgrounds, Background, id);
	else if (strcmp(key, "clock_tooltip") == 0) {
		if (strlen(value) > 0)
			time_tooltip_format = strdup (value);
	else if (strcmp(key, "clock_tooltip_timezone") == 0) {
		if (strlen(value) > 0)
			time_tooltip_timezone = strdup(value);
	else if (strcmp(key, "clock_lclick_command") == 0) {
		if (strlen(value) > 0)
			clock_lclick_command = strdup(value);
	else if (strcmp(key, "clock_rclick_command") == 0) {
		if (strlen(value) > 0)
			clock_rclick_command = strdup(value);

	/* Taskbar */
	else if (strcmp (key, "taskbar_mode") == 0) {
		if (strcmp (value, "multi_desktop") == 0) panel_mode = MULTI_DESKTOP;
		else panel_mode = SINGLE_DESKTOP;
	else if (strcmp (key, "taskbar_padding") == 0) {
		extract_values(value, &value1, &value2, &value3);
		panel_config.g_taskbar.area.paddingxlr = panel_config.g_taskbar.area.paddingx = atoi (value1);
		if (value2) panel_config.g_taskbar.area.paddingy = atoi (value2);
		if (value3) panel_config.g_taskbar.area.paddingx = atoi (value3);
	else if (strcmp (key, "taskbar_background_id") == 0) {
		int id = atoi (value);
		id = (id < backgrounds->len && id >= 0) ? id : 0;
		panel_config.g_taskbar.background[TASKBAR_NORMAL] = &g_array_index(backgrounds, Background, id);
		if (panel_config.g_taskbar.background[TASKBAR_ACTIVE] == 0)
			panel_config.g_taskbar.background[TASKBAR_ACTIVE] = panel_config.g_taskbar.background[TASKBAR_NORMAL];
	else if (strcmp (key, "taskbar_active_background_id") == 0) {
		int id = atoi (value);
		id = (id < backgrounds->len && id >= 0) ? id : 0;
		panel_config.g_taskbar.background[TASKBAR_ACTIVE] = &g_array_index(backgrounds, Background, id);
	else if (strcmp (key, "taskbar_name") == 0) {
		taskbarname_enabled = atoi (value);
	else if (strcmp (key, "taskbar_name_padding") == 0) {
		extract_values(value, &value1, &value2, &value3);
		panel_config.g_taskbar.area_name.paddingxlr = panel_config.g_taskbar.area_name.paddingx = atoi (value1);
	else if (strcmp (key, "taskbar_name_background_id") == 0) {
		int id = atoi (value);
		id = (id < backgrounds->len && id >= 0) ? id : 0;
		panel_config.g_taskbar.background_name[TASKBAR_NORMAL] = &g_array_index(backgrounds, Background, id);
		if (panel_config.g_taskbar.background_name[TASKBAR_ACTIVE] == 0)
			panel_config.g_taskbar.background_name[TASKBAR_ACTIVE] = panel_config.g_taskbar.background_name[TASKBAR_NORMAL];
	else if (strcmp (key, "taskbar_name_active_background_id") == 0) {
		int id = atoi (value);
		id = (id < backgrounds->len && id >= 0) ? id : 0;
		panel_config.g_taskbar.background_name[TASKBAR_ACTIVE] = &g_array_index(backgrounds, Background, id);
	else if (strcmp (key, "taskbar_name_font") == 0) {
		taskbarname_font_desc = pango_font_description_from_string (value);
	else if (strcmp (key, "taskbar_name_font_color") == 0) {
		extract_values(value, &value1, &value2, &value3);
		get_color (value1, taskbarname_font.color);
		if (value2) taskbarname_font.alpha = (atoi (value2) / 100.0);
		else taskbarname_font.alpha = 0.5;
	else if (strcmp (key, "taskbar_name_active_font_color") == 0) {
		extract_values(value, &value1, &value2, &value3);
		get_color (value1, taskbarname_active_font.color);
		if (value2) taskbarname_active_font.alpha = (atoi (value2) / 100.0);
		else taskbarname_active_font.alpha = 0.5;

	/* Task */
	else if (strcmp (key, "task_text") == 0)
		panel_config.g_task.text = atoi (value);
	else if (strcmp (key, "task_icon") == 0)
		panel_config.g_task.icon = atoi (value);
	else if (strcmp (key, "task_centered") == 0)
		panel_config.g_task.centered = atoi (value);
	else if (strcmp (key, "task_width") == 0) {
		// old parameter : just for backward compatibility
		panel_config.g_task.maximum_width = atoi (value);
		panel_config.g_task.maximum_height = 30;
	else if (strcmp (key, "task_maximum_size") == 0) {
		extract_values(value, &value1, &value2, &value3);
		panel_config.g_task.maximum_width = atoi (value1);
		panel_config.g_task.maximum_height = 30;
		if (value2)
			panel_config.g_task.maximum_height = atoi (value2);
	else if (strcmp (key, "task_padding") == 0) {
		extract_values(value, &value1, &value2, &value3);
		panel_config.g_task.area.paddingxlr = panel_config.g_task.area.paddingx = atoi (value1);
		if (value2) panel_config.g_task.area.paddingy = atoi (value2);
		if (value3) panel_config.g_task.area.paddingx = atoi (value3);
	else if (strcmp (key, "task_align") == 0) {
		extract_values(value, &value1, &value2, &value3);
		printf("task_align: %s\n", value1);
		if (strcmp (value1, "left") == 0) panel_config.g_task.align = ALIGN_LEFT;
		else if (strcmp (value1, "center") == 0) panel_config.g_task.align = ALIGN_CENTER;
		else if (strcmp (value1, "right") == 0) panel_config.g_task.align = ALIGN_RIGHT;
		else fprintf(stderr, "Unknown value for task_align: %s\n", value1);
	else if (strcmp (key, "task_font") == 0) {
		panel_config.g_task.font_desc = pango_font_description_from_string (value);
	else if (g_regex_match_simple("task.*_font_color", key, 0, 0)) {
		gchar** split = g_regex_split_simple("_", key, 0, 0);
		int status = get_task_status(split[1]);
		extract_values(value, &value1, &value2, &value3);
		float alpha = 1;
		if (value2) alpha = (atoi (value2) / 100.0);
		get_color (value1, panel_config.g_task.font[status].color);
		panel_config.g_task.font[status].alpha = alpha;
		panel_config.g_task.config_font_mask |= (1<<status);
	else if (g_regex_match_simple("task.*_icon_asb", key, 0, 0)) {
		gchar** split = g_regex_split_simple("_", key, 0, 0);
		int status = get_task_status(split[1]);
		extract_values(value, &value1, &value2, &value3);
		panel_config.g_task.alpha[status] = atoi(value1);
		panel_config.g_task.saturation[status] = atoi(value2);
		panel_config.g_task.brightness[status] = atoi(value3);
		panel_config.g_task.config_asb_mask |= (1<<status);
	else if (g_regex_match_simple("task.*_background_id", key, 0, 0)) {
		gchar** split = g_regex_split_simple("_", key, 0, 0);
		int status = get_task_status(split[1]);
		int id = atoi (value);
		id = (id < backgrounds->len && id >= 0) ? id : 0;
		panel_config.g_task.background[status] = &g_array_index(backgrounds, Background, id);
		panel_config.g_task.config_background_mask |= (1<<status);
		if (status == TASK_NORMAL) panel_config.g_task.area.bg = panel_config.g_task.background[TASK_NORMAL];
	// "tooltip" is deprecated but here for backwards compatibility
	else if (strcmp (key, "task_tooltip") == 0 || strcmp(key, "tooltip") == 0)
		panel_config.g_task.tooltip_enabled = atoi(value);

	/* Systray */
	else if (strcmp (key, "systray_padding") == 0) {
		if (new_config_file == 0 && systray_enabled == 0) {
			systray_enabled = 1;
			if (panel_items_order) {
				char* tmp = g_strconcat(panel_items_order, "S", NULL);
				g_free( panel_items_order );
				panel_items_order = tmp;
				panel_items_order = g_strdup("S");
		extract_values(value, &value1, &value2, &value3);
		systray.area.paddingxlr = systray.area.paddingx = atoi (value1);
		if (value2) systray.area.paddingy = atoi (value2);
		if (value3) systray.area.paddingx = atoi (value3);
	else if (strcmp (key, "systray_background_id") == 0) {
		int id = atoi (value);
		id = (id < backgrounds->len && id >= 0) ? id : 0;
		systray.area.bg = &g_array_index(backgrounds, Background, id);
	else if (strcmp(key, "systray_sort") == 0) {
		if (strcmp(value, "descending") == 0)
			systray.sort = -1;
		else if (strcmp(value, "ascending") == 0)
			systray.sort = 1;
		else if (strcmp(value, "left2right") == 0)
			systray.sort = 2;
		else  if (strcmp(value, "right2left") == 0)
			systray.sort = 3;
	else if (strcmp(key, "systray_icon_size") == 0) {
		systray_max_icon_size = atoi(value);
	else if (strcmp(key, "systray_icon_asb") == 0) {
		extract_values(value, &value1, &value2, &value3);
		systray.alpha = atoi(value1);
		systray.saturation = atoi(value2);
		systray.brightness = atoi(value3);

	/* Launcher */
	else if (strcmp (key, "launcher_padding") == 0) {
		extract_values(value, &value1, &value2, &value3);
		panel_config.launcher.area.paddingxlr = panel_config.launcher.area.paddingx = atoi (value1);
		if (value2) panel_config.launcher.area.paddingy = atoi (value2);
		if (value3) panel_config.launcher.area.paddingx = atoi (value3);
	else if (strcmp (key, "launcher_background_id") == 0) {
		int id = atoi (value);
		id = (id < backgrounds->len && id >= 0) ? id : 0;
		panel_config.launcher.area.bg = &g_array_index(backgrounds, Background, id);
	else if (strcmp(key, "launcher_icon_size") == 0) {
		launcher_max_icon_size = atoi(value);
	else if (strcmp(key, "launcher_item_app") == 0) {
		char *app = strdup(value);
		panel_config.launcher.list_apps = g_slist_append(panel_config.launcher.list_apps, app);
	else if (strcmp(key, "launcher_apps_dir") == 0) {

		GList *list = dir_scan_alpha(value, "*.desktop");

		for (list = g_list_first(list); list; list = g_list_next(list)) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Add launcher app: %s\n", (const char *)list->data);
			panel_config.launcher.list_apps = g_slist_append(panel_config.launcher.list_apps, (char *)strdup((const char *)list->data));

		// Cleanup
		g_list_free_full(list, g_free);
	else if (strcmp(key, "launcher_icon_theme") == 0) {
		// if XSETTINGS manager running, tint2 use it.
		if (!icon_theme_name)
			icon_theme_name = strdup(value);
	else if (strcmp(key, "launcher_icon_asb") == 0) {
		extract_values(value, &value1, &value2, &value3);
		launcher_alpha = atoi(value1);
		launcher_saturation = atoi(value2);
		launcher_brightness = atoi(value3);
	else if (strcmp(key, "launcher_tooltip") == 0) {
		launcher_tooltip_enabled = atoi(value);

	/* Tooltip */
	else if (strcmp (key, "tooltip_show_timeout") == 0) {
		int timeout_msec = 1000*atof(value);
		g_tooltip.show_timeout_msec = timeout_msec;
	else if (strcmp (key, "tooltip_hide_timeout") == 0) {
		int timeout_msec = 1000*atof(value);
		g_tooltip.hide_timeout_msec = timeout_msec;
	else if (strcmp (key, "tooltip_padding") == 0) {
		extract_values(value, &value1, &value2, &value3);
		if (value1) g_tooltip.paddingx = atoi(value1);
		if (value2) g_tooltip.paddingy = atoi(value2);
	else if (strcmp (key, "tooltip_background_id") == 0) {
		int id = atoi (value);
		id = (id < backgrounds->len && id >= 0) ? id : 0;
		g_tooltip.bg = &g_array_index(backgrounds, Background, id);
	else if (strcmp (key, "tooltip_font_color") == 0) {
		extract_values(value, &value1, &value2, &value3);
		get_color(value1, g_tooltip.font_color.color);
		if (value2) g_tooltip.font_color.alpha = (atoi (value2) / 100.0);
		else g_tooltip.font_color.alpha = 0.1;
	else if (strcmp (key, "tooltip_font") == 0) {
		g_tooltip.font_desc = pango_font_description_from_string(value);

	/* Mouse actions */
	else if (strcmp (key, "mouse_middle") == 0)
		get_action (value, &mouse_middle);
	else if (strcmp (key, "mouse_right") == 0)
		get_action (value, &mouse_right);
	else if (strcmp (key, "mouse_scroll_up") == 0)
		get_action (value, &mouse_scroll_up);
	else if (strcmp (key, "mouse_scroll_down") == 0)
		get_action (value, &mouse_scroll_down);

	/* autohide options */
	else if (strcmp(key, "autohide") == 0)
		panel_autohide = atoi(value);
	else if (strcmp(key, "autohide_show_timeout") == 0)
		panel_autohide_show_timeout = 1000*atof(value);
	else if (strcmp(key, "autohide_hide_timeout") == 0)
		panel_autohide_hide_timeout = 1000*atof(value);
	else if (strcmp(key, "strut_policy") == 0) {
		if (strcmp(value, "follow_size") == 0)
			panel_strut_policy = STRUT_FOLLOW_SIZE;
		else if (strcmp(value, "none") == 0)
			panel_strut_policy = STRUT_NONE;
			panel_strut_policy = STRUT_MINIMUM;
	else if (strcmp(key, "autohide_height") == 0) {
		panel_autohide_height = atoi(value);
		if (panel_autohide_height == 0) {
			// autohide need height > 0
			panel_autohide_height = 1;

	// old config option
	else if (strcmp(key, "systray") == 0) {
		if (new_config_file == 0) {
			systray_enabled = atoi(value);
			if (systray_enabled) {
				if (panel_items_order) {
					char* tmp = g_strconcat(panel_items_order, "S", NULL);
					g_free( panel_items_order );
					panel_items_order = tmp;
					panel_items_order = g_strdup("S");
	else if (strcmp(key, "battery") == 0) {
		if (new_config_file == 0) {
			battery_enabled = atoi(value);
			if (battery_enabled) {
				if (panel_items_order) {
					char* tmp = g_strconcat(panel_items_order, "B", NULL);
					g_free( panel_items_order );
					panel_items_order = tmp;
					panel_items_order = g_strdup("B");
		fprintf(stderr, "tint2 : invalid option \"%s\",\n  upgrade tint2 or correct your config file\n", key);

	if (value1) free (value1);
	if (value2) free (value2);
	if (value3) free (value3);