Exemple #1
int main(void) {

	/* SystemInit() called by "startup_stm32f40xx.S" */

    /* Init PWM */

    /* Init timer */

    /* Init SVPWM */

    /* Init 16kHz Interrupt */

    /* Init ADC1 Channel 0 & ADC2 Channel1 */

    /* Configure Encoder with Tim8 on GPIOC 6 & 7 */

    /* Enable USART2 */

    GPIO_SetBits(GPIOB, GPIO_Pin_10);

    while (1) {

Exemple #2
int mainStreaming(char* ip) {
    // Prepare the application context to get video stream
    AppOMXContext ctx = AppOMXContext_Construct(ip) ;
    initAppOMX(&ctx) ;
    configureCamera(&ctx) ;
    configureEncoder(&ctx) ;
    configureNullSink(&ctx) ;

    // Configure ports to capture and compress video stream
    tunneling(&ctx) ;
    enablePorts(&ctx) ;
    allocateBuffers(&ctx) ;
    portsReady(&ctx) ;

    // Capture and make video streaming over Wifi connection
    while (1) {
        ctx.capture(&ctx) ;
    return 0 ;
OMX_ERRORTYPE SoftFlacEncoder::internalSetParameter(
        OMX_INDEXTYPE index, const OMX_PTR params) {
    switch (index) {
        case OMX_IndexParamAudioPcm:

            if (pcmParams->nPortIndex != 0 && pcmParams->nPortIndex != 1) {
                ALOGE("SoftFlacEncoder::internalSetParameter() Error #1");
                return OMX_ErrorUndefined;

            if (pcmParams->nChannels < 1 || pcmParams->nChannels > 2) {
                return OMX_ErrorUndefined;

            mNumChannels = pcmParams->nChannels;
            mSampleRate = pcmParams->nSamplingRate;
            ALOGV("will encode %d channels at %dHz", mNumChannels, mSampleRate);

            return configureEncoder();

        case OMX_IndexParamStandardComponentRole:
            const OMX_PARAM_COMPONENTROLETYPE *roleParams =
                (const OMX_PARAM_COMPONENTROLETYPE *)params;

            if (strncmp((const char *)roleParams->cRole,
                    OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE - 1)) {
                return OMX_ErrorUndefined;

            return OMX_ErrorNone;

        case OMX_IndexParamAudioFlac:
            // used only for setting the compression level
            OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_FLACTYPE *flacParams = (OMX_AUDIO_PARAM_FLACTYPE *)params;
            mCompressionLevel = flacParams->nCompressionLevel; // range clamping done inside encoder
            return OMX_ErrorNone;

        case OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition:
                (OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE *)params;

            if (defParams->nPortIndex == 0) {
                if (defParams->nBufferSize > kMaxInputBufferSize) {
                    ALOGE("Input buffer size must be at most %d bytes",
                    return OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;

            // fall through

            return SimpleSoftOMXComponent::internalSetParameter(index, params);
OMX_ERRORTYPE NonTextureEngine::onCameraEventParamOrConfigChanged()

	ofLogVerbose(__func__) << "START";
	OMX_ERRORTYPE error = OMX_SendCommand(camera, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateIdle, NULL);
	if (error != OMX_ErrorNone) 
		ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "camera OMX_SendCommand OMX_StateIdle FAIL error: 0x%08x", error);
	//Enable Camera Output Port
	cameraport.nPortIndex = CAMERA_OUTPUT_PORT;
	cameraport.bEnabled = OMX_TRUE;
	error =OMX_SetParameter(camera, OMX_IndexConfigPortCapturing, &cameraport);	
	if (error != OMX_ErrorNone) 
		ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "camera enable Output Port FAIL error: 0x%08x", error);
	if (omxCameraSettings.doRecording) 
		if (omxCameraSettings.doRecordingPreview) 
			//Set up renderer
		//set up encoder
		OMX_CALLBACKTYPE encoderCallbacks;
		encoderCallbacks.EventHandler		= &BaseEngine::encoderEventHandlerCallback;
		encoderCallbacks.EmptyBufferDone	= &BaseEngine::encoderEmptyBufferDone;
		encoderCallbacks.FillBufferDone		= &NonTextureEngine::encoderFillBufferDone;
		string encoderComponentName = "OMX.broadcom.video_encode";
		error =OMX_GetHandle(&encoder, (OMX_STRING)encoderComponentName.c_str(), this , &encoderCallbacks);
		if (error != OMX_ErrorNone) 
			ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "encoder OMX_GetHandle FAIL error: 0x%08x", error);
		if (omxCameraSettings.doRecordingPreview) 
			//Create camera->video_render Tunnel
			error = OMX_SetupTunnel(camera, CAMERA_PREVIEW_PORT, render, VIDEO_RENDER_INPUT_PORT);
			if (error != OMX_ErrorNone) 
				ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "camera->video_render OMX_SetupTunnel FAIL error: 0x%08x", error);

		// Tunnel camera video output port and encoder input port
		error = OMX_SetupTunnel(camera, CAMERA_OUTPUT_PORT, encoder, VIDEO_ENCODE_INPUT_PORT);
		if(error != OMX_ErrorNone) 
			ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "CAMERA_OUTPUT_PORT->VIDEO_ENCODE_INPUT_PORT OMX_SetupTunnel FAIL error: 0x%08x", error);

		//Set encoder to Idle
		error = OMX_SendCommand(encoder, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateIdle, NULL);
		if (error != OMX_ErrorNone) 
			ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "encoder OMX_SendCommand OMX_StateIdle FAIL error: 0x%08x", error);
		//Set camera to Idle
		error = OMX_SendCommand(camera, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateIdle, NULL);
		if (error != OMX_ErrorNone) 
			ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "camera OMX_SendCommand OMX_StateIdle FAIL error: 0x%08x", error);
		if (omxCameraSettings.doRecordingPreview)
			//Enable camera preview port
			error = OMX_SendCommand(camera, OMX_CommandPortEnable, CAMERA_PREVIEW_PORT, NULL);
			if (error != OMX_ErrorNone) 
				ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "camera OMX_CommandPortEnable CAMERA_PREVIEW_PORT FAIL error: 0x%08x", error);
		//Enable camera output port
		error = OMX_SendCommand(camera, OMX_CommandPortEnable, CAMERA_OUTPUT_PORT, NULL);
		if (error != OMX_ErrorNone) 
			ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "camera OMX_CommandPortEnable CAMERA_OUTPUT_PORT FAIL error: 0x%08x", error);
		//Enable encoder input port
		error = OMX_SendCommand(encoder, OMX_CommandPortEnable, VIDEO_ENCODE_INPUT_PORT, NULL);
		if (error != OMX_ErrorNone) 
			ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "encoder OMX_CommandPortEnable VIDEO_ENCODE_INPUT_PORT FAIL error: 0x%08x", error);
		//Enable encoder output port
		error = OMX_SendCommand(encoder, OMX_CommandPortEnable, VIDEO_ENCODE_OUTPUT_PORT, NULL);
		if (error != OMX_ErrorNone) 
			ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "encoder OMX_CommandPortEnable VIDEO_ENCODE_OUTPUT_PORT FAIL error: 0x%08x", error);
		if (omxCameraSettings.doRecordingPreview) 
			//Enable render input port
			error = OMX_SendCommand(render, OMX_CommandPortEnable, VIDEO_RENDER_INPUT_PORT, NULL);
			if (error != OMX_ErrorNone) 
				ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "render enable output port FAIL error: 0x%08x", error);

		OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE encoderOutputPortDefinition;
		encoderOutputPortDefinition.nPortIndex = VIDEO_ENCODE_OUTPUT_PORT;
		error =OMX_GetParameter(encoder, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition, &encoderOutputPortDefinition);
		if (error != OMX_ErrorNone) 
			ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "encoder OMX_GetParameter OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition FAIL error: 0x%08x", error);
			ofLogVerbose(__func__) << "VIDEO_ENCODE_OUTPUT_PORT eColorFormat: " << OMX_Maps::getInstance().colorFormatTypes[encoderOutputPortDefinition.format.video.eColorFormat];

		error =  OMX_AllocateBuffer(encoder, &encoderOutputBuffer, VIDEO_ENCODE_OUTPUT_PORT, NULL, encoderOutputPortDefinition.nBufferSize);
		if (error != OMX_ErrorNone) 
			ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "encoder OMX_AllocateBuffer VIDEO_ENCODE_OUTPUT_PORT FAIL error: 0x%08x", error);

		//Start camera
		error = OMX_SendCommand(camera, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateExecuting, NULL);
		if (error != OMX_ErrorNone) 
			ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "camera OMX_StateExecuting FAIL error: 0x%08x", error);
		//Start encoder
		error = OMX_SendCommand(encoder, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateExecuting, NULL);
		if (error != OMX_ErrorNone) 
			ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "encoder OMX_StateExecuting FAIL error: 0x%08x", error);		
		if (omxCameraSettings.doRecordingPreview) 
			//Start renderer
			error = OMX_SendCommand(render, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateExecuting, NULL);
			if (error != OMX_ErrorNone) 
				ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "render OMX_StateExecuting FAIL error: 0x%08x", error);		
		error = OMX_FillThisBuffer(encoder, encoderOutputBuffer);
		if (error != OMX_ErrorNone) 
			ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "encoder OMX_FillThisBuffer FAIL error: 0x%08x", error);		
		bool doThreadBlocking	= true;
		//Create camera->video_render Tunnel
		error = OMX_SetupTunnel(camera, CAMERA_OUTPUT_PORT, render, VIDEO_RENDER_INPUT_PORT);
		if (error != OMX_ErrorNone) 
			ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "camera->video_render OMX_SetupTunnel FAIL error: 0x%08x", error);
		//Enable camera output port
		error = OMX_SendCommand(camera, OMX_CommandPortEnable, CAMERA_OUTPUT_PORT, NULL);
		if (error != OMX_ErrorNone) 
			ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "camera enable output port FAIL error: 0x%08x", error);
		//Enable render input port
		error = OMX_SendCommand(render, OMX_CommandPortEnable, VIDEO_RENDER_INPUT_PORT, NULL);
		if (error != OMX_ErrorNone) 
			ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "render enable output port FAIL error: 0x%08x", error);
		//Start renderer
		error = OMX_SendCommand(render, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateExecuting, NULL);
		if (error != OMX_ErrorNone) 
			ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "render OMX_StateExecuting FAIL error: 0x%08x", error);		
		//Start camera
		error = OMX_SendCommand(camera, OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateExecuting, NULL);
		if (error != OMX_ErrorNone) 
			ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "camera OMX_StateExecuting FAIL error: 0x%08x", error);

	isOpen = true;
	return error;