std::vector<std::vector<int> > annTrain::getConfusionMatrix() { cv::Mat testOutput; mlp->predict(testSamples, testOutput); // we now have 5 classes std::vector<std::vector<int> > confusionMatrix(5, std::vector<int>(5)); for (int i = 0; i < testOutput.rows; i++) { int predictedClass = getPredictedClass(testOutput.row(i)); int expectedClass =; cout << expectedClass << " " << predictedClass; confusionMatrix[expectedClass][predictedClass]++; } return confusionMatrix; }
void printIndices(int k, const int classLabelLength, const std::shared_ptr<std::vector<util::FuzzyCluster> >& bestClusters, int classlabels[]) { util::ConfusionMatrix confusionMatrix(k, 3); for (int i = 0; i < classLabelLength; i++) { confusionMatrix.putObject(i, clustering::FWRDCA::getBestClusterIndex(bestClusters, i), classlabels[i]); } std::cout << ">>>>>>>>>>>> The F-Measure is: "; std::cout << confusionMatrix.fMeasureGlobal() << std::endl; std::cout << ">>>>>>>>>>>> The CR-Index is: "; std::cout << confusionMatrix.CRIndex() << std::endl; std::cout << ">>>>>>>>>>>> OERC Index is: "; std::cout << confusionMatrix.OERCIndex() << std::endl; std::cout << ">>>>>>>>>>>> NMI Index is: "; std::cout << confusionMatrix.nMIIndex() << std::endl; util::FuzzyIndices fuzzyIndices(bestClusters); for (int i = 0; i < classLabelLength; i++) { fuzzyIndices.insertPertinenceDegree(std::make_pair(i, i / 50), 1.0); } util::FuzzyIndices::CampelloIndices campIndices(fuzzyIndices); std::cout << ">>>>>>>>>>>> Campello's Rand Index is: "; std::cout << campIndices.randIndex() << std::endl; std::cout << ">>>>>>>>>>>> Campello's Adjusted Rand Index is: "; std::cout << campIndices.adjustedRandIndex() << std::endl; std::cout << ">>>>>>>>>>>> Campello's Jaccard Coef is: "; std::cout << campIndices.jaccardCoef() << std::endl; std::cout << ">>>>>>>>>>>> Campello's Fowlkes-Mallows Index is: "; std::cout << campIndices.fowlkesMallowsIndex() << std::endl; std::cout << ">>>>>>>>>>>> Campello's Minkowski Measure is: "; std::cout << campIndices.minkowskiMeasure() << std::endl; util::FuzzyIndices::AndersonIndices andIndices(fuzzyIndices); std::cout << ">>>>>>>>>>>> (Anderson)Fuz Rand Index Rifqi is: "; std::cout << andIndices.sFRHRIndex() << std::endl; std::cout << ">>>>>>>>>>>> Anderson's Rand Index (4a) is: "; std::cout << andIndices.randIndex_4a() << std::endl; std::cout << ">>>>>>>>>>>> Anderson's Johnson Index (4b) is: "; std::cout << andIndices.jmcabIndex_4b() << std::endl; std::cout << ">>>>>>>>>>>> Anderson's Hubert Index (4c) is: "; std::cout << andIndices.hubertIndex_4c() << std::endl; std::cout << ">>>>>>>>>>>> Anderson's Wallace Index (4d1) is: "; std::cout << andIndices.wallaceIndex_4d1() << std::endl; std::cout << ">>>>>>>>>>>> Anderson's Wallace Index (4d2) is: "; std::cout << andIndices.wallaceIndex_4d2() << std::endl; std::cout << ">>>>>>>>>>>> Anderson's FowlkesM Index (4e) is: "; std::cout << andIndices.fowlkesMallow_4e() << std::endl; std::cout << ">>>>>>>>>>>> Anderson's Jacard Index (4f) is: "; std::cout << andIndices.jacard_4f() << std::endl; std::cout << ">>>>>>>>>>>> Anderson's Wallace Index (4g) is: "; std::cout << andIndices.adjRandHA_4g() << std::endl; std::cout << ">>>>>>>>>>>> Anderson's Adj Rand Campello(4h) is: "; std::cout << andIndices.adjRandCampello_4h() << std::endl; std::cout << ">>>>>>>>>>>> Anderson's Adj Rand Brower (4i) is: "; std::cout << andIndices.adjRandBrouwer_4i() << std::endl; std::cout << ">>>>>>>>>>>> Anderson's Minkowski (4j) is: "; std::cout << andIndices.minkowski_4j() << std::endl; std::cout << ">>>>>>>>>>>> Anderson's Hubert's Gamma (4k) is: "; std::cout << andIndices.hGamma_4k() << std::endl; std::cout << ">>>>>>>>>>>> Anderson's Yule (4l) is: "; std::cout << andIndices.yule_4l() << std::endl; std::cout << ">>>>>>>>>>>> Anderson's Chi-Squared (4m) is: "; std::cout << andIndices.chisq_4m() << std::endl; std::cout << ">>>>>>>>>>>> Anderson's Goodman-Kruskal (4n) is: "; std::cout << andIndices.goodmnKrkl_4n() << std::endl; }
void test(RandomForestImage& randomForest, const std::string& folderTesting, const std::string& folderPrediction, const bool useDepthFilling, const bool writeProbabilityImages) { auto filenames = listImageFilenames(folderTesting); if (filenames.empty()) { throw std::runtime_error(std::string("found no files in ") + folderTesting); } CURFIL_INFO("got " << filenames.size() << " files for prediction"); CURFIL_INFO("label/color map:"); const auto labelColorMap = randomForest.getLabelColorMap(); for (const auto& labelColor : labelColorMap) { const auto color = LabelImage::decodeLabel(labelColor.first); CURFIL_INFO("label: " << static_cast<int>(labelColor.first) << ", color: RGB(" << color << ")"); } tbb::mutex totalMutex; utils::Average averageAccuracy; utils::Average averageAccuracyWithoutVoid; const LabelType numClasses = randomForest.getNumClasses(); ConfusionMatrix totalConfusionMatrix(numClasses); size_t i = 0; const bool useCIELab = randomForest.getConfiguration().isUseCIELab(); CURFIL_INFO("CIELab: " << useCIELab); CURFIL_INFO("DepthFilling: " << useDepthFilling); bool onGPU = randomForest.getConfiguration().getAccelerationMode() == GPU_ONLY; size_t grainSize = 1; if (!onGPU) { grainSize = filenames.size(); } bool writeImages = true; if (folderPrediction.empty()) { CURFIL_WARNING("no prediction folder given. will not write images"); writeImages = false; } tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0, filenames.size(), grainSize), [&](const tbb::blocked_range<size_t>& range) { for(size_t fileNr = range.begin(); fileNr != range.end(); fileNr++) { const std::string& filename = filenames[fileNr]; const auto imageLabelPair = loadImagePair(filename, useCIELab, useDepthFilling); const RGBDImage& testImage = imageLabelPair.getRGBDImage(); const LabelImage& groundTruth = imageLabelPair.getLabelImage(); LabelImage prediction(testImage.getWidth(), testImage.getHeight()); for(int y = 0; y < groundTruth.getHeight(); y++) { for(int x = 0; x < groundTruth.getWidth(); x++) { const LabelType label = groundTruth.getLabel(x, y); if (label >= numClasses) { const auto msg = (boost::format("illegal label in ground truth image '%s' at pixel (%d,%d): %d RGB(%3d,%3d,%3d) (numClasses: %d)") % filename % x % y % static_cast<int>(label) % LabelImage::decodeLabel(label)[0] % LabelImage::decodeLabel(label)[1] % LabelImage::decodeLabel(label)[2] % static_cast<int>(numClasses) ).str(); throw std::runtime_error(msg); } } } boost::filesystem::path fn(testImage.getFilename()); const std::string basepath = folderPrediction + "/" + boost::filesystem::basename(fn); cuv::ndarray<float, cuv::host_memory_space> probabilities; prediction = randomForest.predict(testImage, &probabilities, onGPU); #ifndef NDEBUG for(LabelType label = 0; label < randomForest.getNumClasses(); label++) { if (!randomForest.shouldIgnoreLabel(label)) { continue; } // ignored classes must not be predicted as we did not sample them for(size_t y = 0; y < probabilities.shape(0); y++) { for(size_t x = 0; x < probabilities.shape(1); x++) { const float& probability = probabilities(label, y, x); assert(probability == 0.0); } } } #endif if (writeImages && writeProbabilityImages) { utils::Profile profile("writeProbabilityImages"); RGBDImage probabilityImage(testImage.getWidth(), testImage.getHeight()); for(LabelType label = 0; label< randomForest.getNumClasses(); label++) { if (randomForest.shouldIgnoreLabel(label)) { continue; } for(int y = 0; y < probabilityImage.getHeight(); y++) { for(int x = 0; x < probabilityImage.getWidth(); x++) { const float& probability = probabilities(label, y, x); for(int c=0; c<3; c++) { probabilityImage.setColor(x, y, c, probability); } } } const std::string filename = (boost::format("%s_label_%d.png") % basepath % static_cast<int>(label)).str(); probabilityImage.saveColor(filename); } } int thisNumber; { tbb::mutex::scoped_lock total(totalMutex); thisNumber = i++; } if (writeImages) { utils::Profile profile("writeImages"); testImage.saveColor(basepath + ".png"); testImage.saveDepth(basepath + "_depth.png"); + "_ground_truth.png"); + "_prediction.png"); } ConfusionMatrix confusionMatrix(numClasses); double accuracy = calculatePixelAccuracy(prediction, groundTruth, true, &confusionMatrix); double accuracyWithoutVoid = calculatePixelAccuracy(prediction, groundTruth, false); tbb::mutex::scoped_lock lock(totalMutex); CURFIL_INFO("prediction " << (thisNumber + 1) << "/" << filenames.size() << " (" << testImage.getFilename() << "): pixel accuracy (without void): " << 100 * accuracy << " (" << 100 * accuracyWithoutVoid << ")"); averageAccuracy.addValue(accuracy); averageAccuracyWithoutVoid.addValue(accuracyWithoutVoid); totalConfusionMatrix += confusionMatrix; } }); tbb::mutex::scoped_lock lock(totalMutex); double accuracy = averageAccuracy.getAverage(); double accuracyWithoutVoid = averageAccuracyWithoutVoid.getAverage(); totalConfusionMatrix.normalize(); CURFIL_INFO(totalConfusionMatrix); CURFIL_INFO("pixel accuracy: " << 100 * accuracy); CURFIL_INFO("pixel accuracy without void: " << 100 * accuracyWithoutVoid); }