static inline bool
isConstantColor_ (const ImageBuf &src, float *color,
                  ROI roi, int nthreads)
    // Iterate using the native typing (for speed).
    std::vector<T> constval (roi.nchannels());
    ImageBuf::ConstIterator<T,T> s (src, roi);
    for (int c = roi.chbegin;  c < roi.chend;  ++c)
        constval[c] = s[c];

    // Loop over all pixels ...
    for ( ; ! s.done();  ++s) {
        for (int c = roi.chbegin;  c < roi.chend;  ++c)
            if (constval[c] != s[c])
                return false;
    if (color) {
        ImageBuf::ConstIterator<T,float> s (src, roi);
        for (int c = 0;  c < roi.chbegin; ++c)
            color[c] = 0.0f;
        for (int c = roi.chbegin; c < roi.chend; ++c)
            color[c] = s[c];
        for (int c = roi.chend;  c < src.nchannels(); ++c)
            color[c] = 0.0f;

    return true;
Exemple #2
//Input:  A string x (representing a constant integer)
//Output: A normalized expression with x as sum
NC* createConstant( char *constant )
	NC *sum;
	sum = (NC*) malloc (sizeof(NC));
	sum->list = NULL;
	sum->type = 'S';
	sum->inc = constval(constant);
	sum->link = NULL;
	//The next statement adds the constant to corresponding var_list
	//Although it is seemingly unnecessary, it is done to remain compliant
	//with previous code
		indexof_varlist(constant, &V0);
		indexof_varlist(constant, &V1);
	return sum;
Exemple #3
void backpatchlabel(char *labelname)
  struct BackPatch *bp, *nbp, *pbp, *zbp;
  int off, vv, vvv, reg, in;
  unsigned int ui;
  struct Value *vp = getvaluepos(&llabels, labelname);

  vvv = getvalueint(vp);
  bp = bplist;
  while(bp) {
    if(!strcmp(bp->label, labelname)) {
      switch(bp->type) {
        case BP_ADR:
          in  = getint(&odata, bp->where);
          reg = getint(&odata, bp->where + 4);
          vv = vvv + bp->value;;
          ui = (vv - bp->where)-8;
          if((vv - bp->where)-8 < 0) {
            in |= 2<<21;	/* sub */
            ui = (unsigned int) (- (int) ui);
          } else
            in |= 4<<21;	/* add */
          placeint(&odata, in | constval(&ui) | (15<<16), bp->where);
          placeint(&odata, in | constval(&ui) | (reg<<16), bp->where + 4);
          placeint(&odata, in | constval(&ui) | (reg<<16), bp->where + 8);
        case BP_BRANCH:
          off = bp->value & 0x00ffffff;
          bp->value &= 0xff000000;
          vv = vvv + off;
          if((vv - bp->where)&3)
            error("Offset must be aligned");
          placeint(&odata, bp->value | ((((vv - bp->where)-8)>>2) & 0x00ffffff), bp->where);
        case BP_DTRANS:
          off = bp->value & 0xfff;
          in = bp->value & 0xfffff000;
          vv = vvv + off;
          vv = (vv - bp->where)-8;
          if((vv < -4095) || (vv > 4095))
            error("Offset out of range");
          if(vv < 0)
            vv = -vv;
            in |= 1<<23;
          placeint(&odata, in | (vv&0xfff), bp->where);
        case BP_FPDTRANS:
          off = bp->value & 0xff;
          in = bp->value & 0xffffff00;
          vv = vvv + off;
          vv = (vv - bp->where)-8;
          if((vv < -0x3fc) || (vv > 0x3fc))
            error("Offset out of range");
          if(vv & 3)
            error("Offset not aligned");
          if(vv < 0)
            vv = -vv;
            in |= 1<<23;
          placeint(&odata, in | ((vv >> 2) & 0xff), bp->where);
        case BP_DFNL:
          addinttoarea(&olinkis, bp->where - curfuncstart);
          addinttoarea(&olinkis, addonestrtoarea(curfuncname));
          addinttoarea(&olinkis, bp->value + vvv - curfuncstart);
          fatal("Internal error: Unknown backpatch type");

      zbp = bp;
      nbp = bp->next;
      pbp = bp->prev;
      if(zbp == bplist)
        bplist = nbp;
        pbp->next = nbp;
        nbp->prev = pbp;
      bp = nbp;
    } else
      bp = bp->next;
Exemple #4
//Input:  A name (type: string) and all characteristics of an FSMD
//Output: An FSMD with proper states and transitions
void createFSMD( char* FSMDname, STMT_LIST *stmts )
	STMT *oneStmt;
	int i, j, k;
	int current_state, temp, numtrans;
		M0 = (FSMD*) malloc (sizeof(FSMD));
		M = M0;
		M1 = (FSMD*) malloc (sizeof(FSMD));
		M = M1;
	strcpy(M->name, FSMDname);
	current_state = 0;
	for(i = 0; i < stmts->numStatements; i++)
		oneStmt = stmts->statements[i];
		temp = create_state( oneStmt->stateName, M, current_state );
		numtrans = constval(oneStmt->numTransitions);

		M->states[temp].numtrans = numtrans;
		//value propagation code start
		M->states[temp].VAPFLAG = FALSE;
		M->states[temp].propVector.cond = NULL;
		for(j=0; j < SYMTABSIZE; j++)
			M->states[temp].propVector.value[j] = NULL;
			//array start
			M->states[temp].propVector.subVector[j].countValues = 0;
			for(k = 0; k < MAX_ARRAY_VALUES; k++)
				M->states[temp].propVector.subVector[j].arrayValue[k] = NULL;
			//array end
		//value propagation code end
		if( numtrans == 0 ) 
			M->states[temp].node_type = 1; 
			// state with no outward transition. This is the last state of the fsmd.
			// it has a dummy transition from itself to the start state of the fmsd,
			// with condition = '-' and action = '-'.
			M->states[temp].node_type = 2;
		if( current_state == 0 ) 
		{   // This is the start state of the FSMD
			M->states[temp].node_type = 0;
		if( temp == current_state ) 
			strcpy(M->states[temp].state_id, oneStmt->stateName);
		M->states[temp].translist = NULL;
		for(k = 0; k < numtrans; k++) 
		    // This loop will read the transtions of each state
			trans = (TRANSITION_ST *) malloc (sizeof(TRANSITION_ST));
			trans->next = M->states[temp].translist;
			M->states[temp].translist = trans;
			trans->condition = oneStmt->substmts->substmt[k]->condition;

		    generateAssignments(oneStmt->substmts->substmt[k]->assignments, trans);

			trans->outtrans = create_state(oneStmt->substmts->substmt[k]->stateName, M, current_state);
			if(trans->outtrans == current_state) 
				M->states[trans->outtrans].translist = NULL;
				M->states[trans->outtrans].numtrans = 0;
				M->states[trans->outtrans].node_type = 1;
				strcpy(M->states[trans->outtrans].state_id, oneStmt->substmts->substmt[k]->stateName);
	M->numstates = current_state;	