virtual void onContactNotify(NxContactPair& pair, NxU32 events)
        plPXPhysical* phys1 = (plPXPhysical*)pair.actors[0]->userData;
        plPXPhysical* phys2 = (plPXPhysical*)pair.actors[1]->userData;

        // Normally, these are always valid because the avatar (who doesn't have
        // a physical) will push other physicals away before they actually touch
        // his actor.  However, if the avatar is warped to a new position he may
        // collide with the object for a few frames.  We just ignore it.
        if (!phys1 || !phys2)

        plSimulationMgr::GetInstance()->ConsiderSynch(phys1, phys2);

        if (phys1->GetSoundGroup() && phys2->GetSoundGroup())
            hsPoint3 contactPoint(0, 0, 0);

            // Just grab the last contact point
            NxContactStreamIterator i(;
            while (i.goNextPair())
                while (i.goNextPatch())
                    const NxVec3& contactNormal = i.getPatchNormal();
                    while (i.goNextPoint())
                        contactPoint = plPXConvert::Point(i.getPoint());

                phys1, phys2, contactPoint,
Exemple #2
unsigned jfCollisionDetector_x86::boxAndBox(const jfCollisionBox& one,
												const jfCollisionBox& two,
												jfCollisionData* data
												) const
	//TODO:Ideal candidate for CUDA
	jfIntersectionTester_x86 intersectionTester;

    // Check for intersection
    if (! intersectionTester.boxAndBox(one, two))
        return 0;

	jfVector3_x86 oneAxis0, oneAxis1, oneAxis2, oneAxis3;
    jfVector3_x86 twoAxis0, twoAxis1, twoAxis2, twoAxis3;
	jfVector3_x86 toCentre;

	//Find vector between the two centres
	one.getAxisVector(3, &oneAxis3);
	two.getAxisVector(3, &twoAxis3);
	twoAxis3.subtract(oneAxis3, &toCentre);

	//Assume no contact at start
	jfReal pen = JF_REAL_MAX;
	unsigned best = 0xffffff;

	// Now we check each axes, returning if it gives us
    // a separating axis, and keeping track of the axis with
    // the smallest penetration otherwise.
	one.getAxisVector(0, &oneAxis0);
    CHECK_OVERLAP(oneAxis0, 0);
	one.getAxisVector(1, &oneAxis1);
    CHECK_OVERLAP(oneAxis1, 1);
	one.getAxisVector(2, &oneAxis2);
    CHECK_OVERLAP(oneAxis2, 2);

    CHECK_OVERLAP(twoAxis0, 3);
    CHECK_OVERLAP(twoAxis1, 4);
    CHECK_OVERLAP(twoAxis2, 5);

    // Store the best axis-major, in case we run into almost
    // parallel edge collisions later
    unsigned bestSingleAxis = best;

	jfVector3_x86 crossProduct;
	oneAxis0.crossProduct(twoAxis0, &crossProduct);
    CHECK_OVERLAP(crossProduct, 6);
	oneAxis0.crossProduct(twoAxis1, &crossProduct);
    CHECK_OVERLAP(crossProduct, 7);
	oneAxis0.crossProduct(twoAxis2, &crossProduct);
    CHECK_OVERLAP(crossProduct, 8);
	oneAxis1.crossProduct(twoAxis0, &crossProduct);
    CHECK_OVERLAP(crossProduct, 9);
	oneAxis1.crossProduct(twoAxis1, &crossProduct);
    CHECK_OVERLAP(crossProduct, 10);
	oneAxis1.crossProduct(twoAxis2, &crossProduct);
    CHECK_OVERLAP(crossProduct, 11);
	oneAxis2.crossProduct(twoAxis0, &crossProduct);
    CHECK_OVERLAP(crossProduct, 12);
	oneAxis2.crossProduct(twoAxis1, &crossProduct);
    CHECK_OVERLAP(crossProduct, 13);
	oneAxis2.crossProduct(twoAxis2, &crossProduct);
    CHECK_OVERLAP(crossProduct, 14);

    // Make sure we've got a result.
    assert(best != 0xffffff);

    // We now know there's a collision, and we know which
    // of the axes gave the smallest penetration. We now
    // can deal with it in different ways depending on
    // the case.
    if (best < 3)
        // We've got a vertex of box two on a face of box one.
        fillPointFaceBoxBox(one, two, toCentre, data, best, pen);
    ///    data->addContacts(1);
        return 1;
    else if (best < 6)
        // We've got a vertex of box one on a face of box two.
        // We use the same algorithm as above, but swap around
        // one and two (and therefore also the vector between their
        // centres).
        toCentre *= -1;
        fillPointFaceBoxBox(two, one, toCentre, data, (best-3), pen);
       /// data->addContacts(1);
        return 1;
        // We've got an edge-edge contact. Find out which axes
        best -= 6;
        unsigned oneAxisIndex = best / 3;
        unsigned twoAxisIndex = best % 3;
        jfVector3_x86 oneAxis;
		one.getAxisVector(oneAxisIndex, &oneAxis);
        jfVector3_x86 twoAxis;
	   	two.getAxisVector(twoAxisIndex, &twoAxis);
        jfVector3_x86 axis;
		oneAxis.crossProduct(twoAxis, &axis);

        // The axis should point from box one to box two.
        if (axis.dotProduct(toCentre) > 0)
			axis *= -1.0f;

        // We have the axes, but not the edges: each axis has 4 edges parallel
        // to it, we need to find which of the 4 for each object. We do
        // that by finding the point in the centre of the edge. We know
        // its component in the direction of the box's collision axis is zero
        // (its a mid-point) and we determine which of the extremes in each
        // of the other axes is closest.
        jfVector3_x86 ptOnOneEdge;
        jfVector3_x86 ptOnTwoEdge;
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; i++)
			jfVector3_x86 oneAxisCurrent;
			jfVector3_x86 twoAxisCurrent;

			one.getAxisVector(i, &oneAxisCurrent);
			two.getAxisVector(i, &twoAxisCurrent);
            if (i == oneAxisIndex)
            else if (oneAxisCurrent.dotProduct(axis) > 0)
				ptOnOneEdge.setElem(i, -ptOnOneEdge.getElem(i));

            if (i == twoAxisIndex)
				ptOnTwoEdge.setElem(i, 0);
            else if (twoAxisCurrent.dotProduct(axis) < 0)
				ptOnTwoEdge.setElem(i, -ptOnTwoEdge.getElem(i));

        // Move them into world coordinates (they are already oriented
        // correctly, since they have been derived from the axes).
		jfMatrix4_x86 oneTransform, twoTransform;

		oneTransform.multiply(ptOnOneEdge, &ptOnOneEdge);
		twoTransform.multiply(ptOnTwoEdge, &ptOnTwoEdge);

        // So we have a point and a direction for the colliding edges.
        // We need to find out point of closest approach of the two
        // line-segments.
        jfVector3_x86 vertex;
        jfVector3_x86 oneHalfSize, twoHalfSize;

            (bestSingleAxis > 2),

        // We can fill the contact.
        //jfContact* contact = data->contacts;
        jfContact_x86 contact;

        return 1;
    return 0;
Exemple #3
//load initial path
// file has following form (like a bvh)
// Ordered list of all joints for which there are constraints
// Frames:	16
// Frame Time: 1
// "X Y Z Rx Ry Rz J1 J2... Jn" one line per state
// "CONTACT EFFECTORS N"  N is the number of effectors
// "hasContact X Y Z qx qy qz qw" hasContact 0 or 1, times number effectors one line per state
std::vector<std::string> InitTrajectoryFromFile(std::vector<Eigen::VectorXd>& waypoints, std::vector<Eigen::MatrixXd>& contactPoints, const std::string& filepath)
    std::vector<std::string> res;
    bool hierarchy = false;
    bool motion = false;
    bool contacts = false;
    double offset [3] = {0,0,0};
    int nbEffectors = 0;
    std::ifstream myfile (filepath.c_str());
    if (myfile.is_open())
        std::string line;
        while (myfile.good())
            getline(myfile, line);
            if(line.find("HIERARCHY") != std::string::npos)
                hierarchy = true;
            else if(line.find("OFFSET ") != std::string::npos)
                hierarchy = false;
                line = line.substr(7);
                char *endptr;
                int h = 0;
                offset[h++] = strtod(line.c_str(), &endptr);
                for(; h< 3; ++h)
                    double tg = strtod(endptr, &endptr);
                    offset[h] = tg; // strtod(endptr, &endptr);
            else if(line.find("MOTION") != std::string::npos)
                hierarchy = false;
            else if(line.find("Frame Time") != std::string::npos)
                motion = true;
            else if(line.find("CONTACT EFFECTORS ") != std::string::npos)
                motion = false;
                contacts = true;
                line = line.substr(18);
                char *endptr;
                nbEffectors = (int)strtod(line.c_str(), &endptr);
            else if(!line.empty())
                else if(motion)
                    Eigen::VectorXd waypoint(res.size());
                    char *endptr;
                    unsigned int h = 0;
                    waypoint[h++] = strtod(line.c_str(), &endptr);
                    for(; h< res.size(); ++h)
                        waypoint[h] = strtod(endptr, &endptr);
                    for(int i =0; i<3; ++i)
                        waypoint[i] += offset[i];
                    waypoint[2] -= 1;
                else if(contacts)
                    Eigen::MatrixXd contactPoint(nbEffectors, 8);
                    char *endptr;
                    for(int i=0; i< nbEffectors; ++i)
                        int h = 0;
                        if (i == 0)
                            contactPoint(i,h++) = strtod(line.c_str(), &endptr);
                            contactPoint(i,h++) = strtod(endptr, &endptr);

                        for(; h< 8; ++h)
                            contactPoint(i,h) = strtod(endptr, &endptr);
                        for(int k =1; k<4; ++k)
                            contactPoint(i,k) += offset[k];
                        contactPoint(i,3) -= 1;
        std::cout << "can not find initial path file" << filepath << std::endl;
    if(!(contactPoints.empty() || waypoints.size() == contactPoints.size()))
        std::cout << "Error in initial path file: not same number of contacts and frames" << filepath << std::endl;
    return res;
Exemple #4
void ContactGenerator::box_box(const CollisionShape &a, const RigidBody &rbA, const CollisionShape &b, const RigidBody &rbB, ContactManifold &contactManifold)
	// Make sure we have contacts left and Check if they're boxes.
	if ( a.getShapeType() != SHAPE_BOX || b.getShapeType() != SHAPE_BOX ) { return; }

	// then typecast their appropriate shapes
	const ShapeBox& boxA = (const ShapeBox&)a;
	const ShapeBox& boxB = (const ShapeBox&)b;

	const Vec3& boxAHalfExtents = boxA.getHalfExtents();
	const Vec3& boxBHalfExtents = boxB.getHalfExtents();

	Transform boxATransform = rbA.getTransform() * a.getOffset();
	Transform boxBTransform = rbB.getTransform() * b.getOffset();

	// Vector between box centres.
	Vec3 separation = boxBTransform.getPosition() - boxATransform.getPosition();

	Scalar smallestPen = SCALAR_MAX;
	unsigned int bestPen = 0xffffffff;

	// Check each axis, keeping track of the axis with the smallest penetration.
	// Stops when if finds an axis without penetration.
	if (!tryAxis(boxA, boxATransform, boxB, boxBTransform, boxATransform.getAxisVector(0), separation, 0, smallestPen, bestPen) ||
        !tryAxis(boxA, boxATransform, boxB, boxBTransform, boxATransform.getAxisVector(1), separation, 1, smallestPen, bestPen) ||
        !tryAxis(boxA, boxATransform, boxB, boxBTransform, boxATransform.getAxisVector(2), separation, 2, smallestPen, bestPen) ||

        !tryAxis(boxA, boxATransform, boxB, boxBTransform, boxBTransform.getAxisVector(0), separation, 3, smallestPen, bestPen) ||
        !tryAxis(boxA, boxATransform, boxB, boxBTransform, boxBTransform.getAxisVector(1), separation, 4, smallestPen, bestPen) ||
        !tryAxis(boxA, boxATransform, boxB, boxBTransform, boxBTransform.getAxisVector(2), separation, 5, smallestPen, bestPen) )

	unsigned bestSingleAxis = bestPen;

	if (!tryAxis(boxA, boxATransform, boxB, boxBTransform, boxATransform.getAxisVector(0).cross(boxBTransform.getAxisVector(0)), separation,  6, smallestPen, bestPen) ||
        !tryAxis(boxA, boxATransform, boxB, boxBTransform, boxATransform.getAxisVector(0).cross(boxBTransform.getAxisVector(1)), separation,  7, smallestPen, bestPen) ||
        !tryAxis(boxA, boxATransform, boxB, boxBTransform, boxATransform.getAxisVector(0).cross(boxBTransform.getAxisVector(2)), separation,  8, smallestPen, bestPen) ||

        !tryAxis(boxA, boxATransform, boxB, boxBTransform, boxATransform.getAxisVector(1).cross(boxBTransform.getAxisVector(0)), separation,  9, smallestPen, bestPen) ||
        !tryAxis(boxA, boxATransform, boxB, boxBTransform, boxATransform.getAxisVector(1).cross(boxBTransform.getAxisVector(1)), separation, 10, smallestPen, bestPen) ||
        !tryAxis(boxA, boxATransform, boxB, boxBTransform, boxATransform.getAxisVector(1).cross(boxBTransform.getAxisVector(2)), separation, 11, smallestPen, bestPen) ||

        !tryAxis(boxA, boxATransform, boxB, boxBTransform, boxATransform.getAxisVector(2).cross(boxBTransform.getAxisVector(0)), separation, 12, smallestPen, bestPen) ||
        !tryAxis(boxA, boxATransform, boxB, boxBTransform, boxATransform.getAxisVector(2).cross(boxBTransform.getAxisVector(1)), separation, 13, smallestPen, bestPen) ||
        !tryAxis(boxA, boxATransform, boxB, boxBTransform, boxATransform.getAxisVector(2).cross(boxBTransform.getAxisVector(2)), separation, 14, smallestPen, bestPen) )

	// We've found a collision, and we know which of the axes gave the smallest penetration.
	if (bestPen < 3)
		// Vertex of boxB in face of boxA
		// TODO: Do stuff
		//std::cout << bestPen << " Vertex of boxB in face of boxA\n";
		fillPointFaceBoxBox(boxA, boxATransform, boxB, boxBTransform, separation, contactManifold, bestPen, smallestPen, false);
	else if (bestPen < 6)
		// Vertex of boxA in face of boxB
		// TODO: Do stuff
		//std::cout << bestPen << " Vertex of boxA in face of boxB\n";
		fillPointFaceBoxBox(boxA, boxATransform, boxB, boxBTransform, -separation, contactManifold, bestPen-3, smallestPen, true);
		// Edge Edge contact.
		//std::cout << "Colliding >= 6";
		//std::cout << bestPen << " Edge-Edge\n";

		// Find which axis.
		bestPen -= 6;
		unsigned int axisIndexA = bestPen / 3;
		unsigned int axisIndexB = bestPen % 3;
		Vec3 axisA = boxATransform.getAxisVector(axisIndexA);
		Vec3 axisB = boxBTransform.getAxisVector(axisIndexB);
		Vec3 axis = axisA.cross(axisB);

		// Axis should point from box one to box two.
		if ( > 0 )
			axis = -axis;

		Vec3 ptOnEdgeA = boxAHalfExtents;
		Vec3 ptOnEdgeB = -boxBHalfExtents;

		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
			if (i == axisIndexA) 
				ptOnEdgeA[i] = 0; 
			else if (boxATransform.getAxisVector(i).dot(axis) > 0) 
				ptOnEdgeA[i] = -ptOnEdgeA[i]; 

			if (i == axisIndexB) 
				ptOnEdgeB[i] = 0;
			else if (boxBTransform.getAxisVector(i).dot(axis) > 0) 
				ptOnEdgeB[i] = -ptOnEdgeB[i]; 

		// Transform the points into world coordinates.
		ptOnEdgeA = boxATransform * ptOnEdgeA;
		ptOnEdgeB = boxBTransform * ptOnEdgeB;

		// Find the point of closest approach of the two
		// line-segments.
		Vec3 vertex = contactPoint(ptOnEdgeA, axisA, boxAHalfExtents.get(axisIndexA), ptOnEdgeB, axisB, boxBHalfExtents.get(axisIndexB), bestSingleAxis > 2);

		// Create contact data
		ContactPoint newContact;
		newContact.normal = axis;
		newContact.penetration = smallestPen;
		newContact.position = vertex;

unsigned CollisionDetector::boxAndBox(
    const CollisionBox &one,
    const CollisionBox &two,
    CollisionData *data
    //if (!IntersectionTests::boxAndBox(one, two)) return 0;

    // Find the vector between the two centres
    Vector3 toCentre = two.getAxis(3) - one.getAxis(3);

    // We start assuming there is no contact
    real pen = REAL_MAX;
    unsigned best = 0xffffff;

    // Now we check each axes, returning if it gives us
    // a separating axis, and keeping track of the axis with
    // the smallest penetration otherwise.
    CHECK_OVERLAP(one.getAxis(0), 0);
    CHECK_OVERLAP(one.getAxis(1), 1);
    CHECK_OVERLAP(one.getAxis(2), 2);

    CHECK_OVERLAP(two.getAxis(0), 3);
    CHECK_OVERLAP(two.getAxis(1), 4);
    CHECK_OVERLAP(two.getAxis(2), 5);

    // Store the best axis-major, in case we run into almost
    // parallel edge collisions later
    unsigned bestSingleAxis = best;

    CHECK_OVERLAP(one.getAxis(0) % two.getAxis(0), 6);
    CHECK_OVERLAP(one.getAxis(0) % two.getAxis(1), 7);
    CHECK_OVERLAP(one.getAxis(0) % two.getAxis(2), 8);
    CHECK_OVERLAP(one.getAxis(1) % two.getAxis(0), 9);
    CHECK_OVERLAP(one.getAxis(1) % two.getAxis(1), 10);
    CHECK_OVERLAP(one.getAxis(1) % two.getAxis(2), 11);
    CHECK_OVERLAP(one.getAxis(2) % two.getAxis(0), 12);
    CHECK_OVERLAP(one.getAxis(2) % two.getAxis(1), 13);
    CHECK_OVERLAP(one.getAxis(2) % two.getAxis(2), 14);

    // Make sure we've got a result.
    assert(best != 0xffffff);

    // We now know there's a collision, and we know which
    // of the axes gave the smallest penetration. We now
    // can deal with it in different ways depending on
    // the case.
    if (best < 3)
        // We've got a vertex of box two on a face of box one.
        fillPointFaceBoxBox(one, two, toCentre, data, best, pen);
        return 1;
    else if (best < 6)
        // We've got a vertex of box one on a face of box two.
        // We use the same algorithm as above, but swap around
        // one and two (and therefore also the vector between their
        // centres).
        fillPointFaceBoxBox(two, one, toCentre*-1.0f, data, best-3, pen);
        return 1;
        // We've got an edge-edge contact. Find out which axes
        best -= 6;
        unsigned oneAxisIndex = best / 3;
        unsigned twoAxisIndex = best % 3;
        Vector3 oneAxis = one.getAxis(oneAxisIndex);
        Vector3 twoAxis = two.getAxis(twoAxisIndex);
        Vector3 axis = oneAxis % twoAxis;

        // The axis should point from box one to box two.
        if (axis * toCentre > 0) axis = axis * -1.0f;

        // We have the axes, but not the edges: each axis has 4 edges parallel
        // to it, we need to find which of the 4 for each object. We do
        // that by finding the point in the centre of the edge. We know
        // its component in the direction of the box's collision axis is zero
        // (its a mid-point) and we determine which of the extremes in each
        // of the other axes is closest.
        Vector3 ptOnOneEdge = one.halfSize;
        Vector3 ptOnTwoEdge = two.halfSize;
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            if (i == oneAxisIndex) ptOnOneEdge[i] = 0;
            else if (one.getAxis(i) * axis > 0) ptOnOneEdge[i] = -ptOnOneEdge[i];

            if (i == twoAxisIndex) ptOnTwoEdge[i] = 0;
            else if (two.getAxis(i) * axis < 0) ptOnTwoEdge[i] = -ptOnTwoEdge[i];

        // Move them into world coordinates (they are already oriented
        // correctly, since they have been derived from the axes).
        ptOnOneEdge = one.transform * ptOnOneEdge;
        ptOnTwoEdge = two.transform * ptOnTwoEdge;

        // So we have a point and a direction for the colliding edges.
        // We need to find out point of closest approach of the two
        // line-segments.
        Vector3 vertex = contactPoint(
            ptOnOneEdge, oneAxis, one.halfSize[oneAxisIndex],
            ptOnTwoEdge, twoAxis, two.halfSize[twoAxisIndex],
            bestSingleAxis > 2

        // We can fill the contact.
        Contact* contact = data->contacts;

        contact->penetration = pen;
        contact->contactNormal = axis;
        contact->contactPoint = vertex;
        contact->setBodyData(one.body, two.body,
            data->friction, data->restitution);
        return 1;
    return 0;