static int
init_static_vars(int argc, char ** args)
	GError *err;
	if (argc<4) {
		g_printerr("Failed to init the address and container_id : 4 tokens expected (IP, PORT, CONTAINER_ID, SERVICE_NAME)\r\n");

	err = NULL;
	if (!metacnx_init(&cnx, args[0], atoi(args[1]), &err)) {
		g_printerr("Failed to init address : %s\r\n", gerror_get_message(err));
	cnx.timeout.req = cnx.timeout.cnx = 5000;

	if (!container_id_hex2bin(args[2],strlen(args[2]),&cid,&err)) {
		g_printerr("Failed to read the container_id : %s\r\n", gerror_get_message(err));
	} else {
		gchar str_cid[STRLEN_CONTAINERID];
		g_printerr("Using container [%s]\n", str_cid);


	return 4;
Exemple #2
gs_container_get_content_from_raw(gs_grid_storage_t *client,
		struct meta2_raw_content_s *raw, gs_error_t **gserr)
	gchar str_hex[STRLEN_CONTAINERID];
	struct gs_container_location_s *location;
	gs_content_t *result = NULL;

	if (!client || !raw) {
		GSERRORSET(gserr, "Invalid parameter (%p %p)", client, raw);
		return NULL;

	/* Now locates the content's container */
	container_id_to_string(raw->container_id, str_hex, sizeof(str_hex));
	location = gs_locate_container_by_hexid(client, str_hex, gserr);
	if (!location) {
		GSERRORSET(gserr, "Container reference not found for CID[%s]", str_hex);
		return NULL;

	/* Container found, alright ... */

	result = calloc(1, sizeof(gs_content_t));
	if (!result) {
		GSERRORCODE(gserr, ENOMEM, "Memory allocation failure");
		return NULL;

	/* Initiates the content part */
	g_strlcpy(result->info.path, raw->path, MIN(sizeof(result->info.path)-1,sizeof(raw->path)));
	result->info.size = raw->size;
	map_content_from_raw(result, raw);

	/* Initiates the container part */
	result->info.container = gs_container_init_from_location(client, location, gserr);
	if (!result->info.container) {
		GSERRORCODE(gserr, ENOMEM, "Memory allocation failure");
		return NULL;

	DEBUG("Resolved container ID[%s]", location->container_hexid);
	return result;
Exemple #3
rawx_set_corrupted(gs_chunk_t *chunk, GError **err)
	gchar cid_hex[66] = {'/', 0};
	gchar host[128] = {0};
	gint port = 0;

	g_assert(chunk != NULL);
	g_assert(err != NULL);

	addr_info_get_addr(&(chunk->ci->id.addr), host, sizeof(host), (guint16*)&port);
	container_id_to_string(chunk->ci->, cid_hex+1, sizeof(cid_hex)-1);

	_rawx_set_corrupted(host, port, cid_hex, err);
	return (*err == NULL)? GS_OK:GS_ERROR;
static gboolean
meta1_dispatch_UPDATECONTAINERS(struct gridd_reply_ctx_s *reply,
		struct meta1_backend_s *m1, gpointer ignored)
	GError *err = NULL;
	GSList *list_of_cinfo = NULL, *l;

	(void) ignored;
	err = message_extract_body_encoded(reply->request, &list_of_cinfo,
	if (NULL != err) {
		reply->send_error(0, err);
		return TRUE;

	if (!list_of_cinfo)
	else if (!list_of_cinfo->next) {
		gchar strcid[65];
		container_id_to_string(CINFO(list_of_cinfo->data)->id, strcid, sizeof(strcid));
		reply->subject("%s|%"G_GINT64_FORMAT, strcid, CINFO(list_of_cinfo->data)->size);
		reply->subject("%u", g_slist_length(list_of_cinfo));

	for (l=list_of_cinfo; l ;l=l->next) {
		if (NULL != (err = _update_container_quota(m1, l->data))) {
			reply->send_error(0, err);

	if (list_of_cinfo) {
		g_slist_foreach(list_of_cinfo, g_free1, NULL);
		list_of_cinfo = NULL;

	if (!err)
		reply->send_reply(200, "OK");
	return TRUE;
static void
__out_start(struct chunk_transfer_s *ct)
	gint64 header_size = 0;
	int dst_fd;
	struct evkeyval *kv;
	struct evkeyvalq *src;
	GSList *dsts_out = NULL; /* struct evbuffer */
	GSList *lc = NULL;
	GSList *lb = NULL;
	struct timeval tv_read, tv_write;
	GSList *l = NULL;

	if (chunk_transfer_get_dst_status(ct) != CNX_NONE)
	GRID_DEBUG("Starting the output...");
	const char *content_length = chunk_transfer_find_req_header(ct, "Content-Length");

	ct->dst_size = ct->dst_size_remaining = g_ascii_strtoll(content_length, NULL, 10);
	if(chunk_transfer_get_target_rawx_count(ct) < 1) {
		GRID_ERROR("ERROR, no destination rawx...");	

	GRID_DEBUG("ok we have targets, prepare to send data");

	for(l = ct->dst_rawx; l && l->data; l = l->next) {
		gchar dst[128];
		gchar port_str[16];
		guint16 port = 0;
		struct bufferevent* bevent = NULL;

		addr_info_get_addr(&(((service_info_t*)l->data)->addr), dst, sizeof(dst), &port);
		bzero(port_str, sizeof(port_str));
		g_snprintf(port_str, sizeof(port_str), "%d", port);

		GRID_DEBUG("addr extracted: %s %s", dst, port_str);

		dst_fd = tcpip_open(dst, port_str);

		GRID_DEBUG("Destination opened");
		/* ***** */
		bevent = bufferevent_socket_new(ct->evt_base, dst_fd, 0);
		GRID_DEBUG("buffer event created");
		tv_write.tv_sec = 3;
		tv_write.tv_usec = 0;
		tv_read.tv_sec = 3;
		tv_read.tv_usec = 0;
		bufferevent_set_timeouts(bevent, &tv_read, &tv_write);
		bufferevent_setcb(bevent, __dst_cb_in, __dst_cb_out, __dst_cb_error, ct);
		bufferevent_disable(bevent, EV_READ|EV_WRITE);

		/* Write the HTTP request and the grid headers */
		/* WARN: don't do prepend if you want to keep all in good order !! */
		dsts_out = g_slist_append(dsts_out, bufferevent_get_output(bevent));
		ct->dst_bevents = g_slist_append(ct->dst_bevents, bevent);

	if(ct->dst_chunks) {
		GRID_DEBUG("dst_chunks filled, its ok");
	} else {
		GRID_DEBUG("no dst_chunks defined");

	for (lc = ct->dst_chunks, lb = dsts_out; lc && lc->data && lb && lb->data; lc = lc->next, lb = lb->next) {
		gchar idstr[65];
		bzero(idstr, sizeof(idstr));
		container_id_to_string(lc->data, idstr, sizeof(idstr));

		evbuffer_add_printf(lb->data, "PUT /%s HTTP/1.0\r\n", idstr);
		GRID_DEBUG("Sending put order");
		/* Add missing headers (xattr not returned by rawx) */
		evbuffer_add_printf(lb->data, "chunkid: %s\n", idstr);
		evbuffer_add_printf(lb->data, "chunkpos: %"G_GUINT32_FORMAT"\n", ct->source_chunk->position);
		evbuffer_add_printf(lb->data, "chunksize: %"G_GINT64_FORMAT"\n", ct->source_chunk->size);
		/* container id str */
		gchar cidstr[65];
		bzero(cidstr, sizeof(cidstr));
		container_id_t cid;
		chunk_transfer_get_container_id(ct, cid);
		container_id_to_string(cid, cidstr, sizeof(cidstr));

		evbuffer_add_printf(lb->data, "containerid: %s\n", cidstr);
		evbuffer_add_printf(lb->data, "contentpath: %s\n", chunk_transfer_get_content_path(ct)); 
		evbuffer_add_printf(lb->data, "chunknb: %"G_GUINT32_FORMAT"\n", chunk_transfer_get_content_nb_chunks(ct)); 
		evbuffer_add_printf(lb->data, "contentsize: %"G_GINT64_FORMAT"\n", chunk_transfer_get_content_size(ct)); 
			evbuffer_add_printf(lb->data, "contentmetadata: %s\n", ct->attrs->usr_metadata); 
			evbuffer_add_printf(lb->data, "contentmetadata-sys: %s\n", ct->attrs->sys_metadata); 
		/* **** */

		evbuffer_add_printf(lb->data, "Connection: close\r\n");
		evbuffer_add_printf(lb->data, "Content-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n");
		evbuffer_add_printf(lb->data, "Content-Length: %"G_GINT64_FORMAT"\r\n", ct->dst_size);

	src = ct->src_req->input_headers;
	TAILQ_FOREACH(kv, src, next) {
		GRID_DEBUG("headers found : %s | %s", kv->key, kv->value);
		if (g_str_has_prefix(kv->key, "X-Grid-")
				|| g_str_has_prefix(kv->key, "container")
				|| g_str_has_prefix(kv->key, "content")
				|| g_str_has_prefix(kv->key, "chunk")) {
			for(lb = dsts_out; lb && lb->data; lb = lb->next) {	
				evbuffer_add_printf(lb->data, "%s: %s\r\n", kv->key, kv->value);