bool HTMLFrameOwnerElement::loadOrRedirectSubframe(const KURL& url, const AtomicString& frameName, bool lockBackForwardList)
    RefPtr<Frame> parentFrame = document().frame();
    if (contentFrame()) {
        contentFrame()->navigationScheduler().scheduleLocationChange(document().securityOrigin(), url.string(), parentFrame->loader().outgoingReferrer(), lockBackForwardList);
        return true;

    if (!document().securityOrigin()->canDisplay(url)) {
        FrameLoader::reportLocalLoadFailed(parentFrame.get(), url.string());
        return false;

    if (!SubframeLoadingDisabler::canLoadFrame(*this))
        return false;

    String referrer = SecurityPolicy::generateReferrerHeader(document().referrerPolicy(), url, parentFrame->loader().outgoingReferrer());
    RefPtr<Frame> childFrame = parentFrame->loader().client()->createFrame(url, frameName, referrer, this);

    if (!childFrame)  {
        return false;

    // All new frames will have m_isComplete set to true at this point due to synchronously loading
    // an empty document in FrameLoader::init(). But many frames will now be starting an
    // asynchronous load of url, so we set m_isComplete to false and then check if the load is
    // actually completed below. (Note that we set m_isComplete to false even for synchronous
    // loads, so that checkCompleted() below won't bail early.)
    // FIXME: Can we remove this entirely? m_isComplete normally gets set to false when a load is committed.

    RenderObject* renderObject = renderer();
    FrameView* view = childFrame->view();
    if (renderObject && renderObject->isWidget() && view)

    // Some loads are performed synchronously (e.g., about:blank and loads
    // cancelled by returning a null ResourceRequest from requestFromDelegate).
    // In these cases, the synchronous load would have finished
    // before we could connect the signals, so make sure to send the
    // completed() signal for the child by hand and mark the load as being
    // complete.
    // FIXME: In this case the Frame will have finished loading before
    // it's being added to the child list. It would be a good idea to
    // create the child first, then invoke the loader separately.
    if (childFrame->loader().state() == FrameStateComplete && !childFrame->loader().policyDocumentLoader())
    return true;
// We don't use m_url, as it may not be the final URL that the object loads,
// depending on <param> values. 
bool HTMLPlugInImageElement::allowedToLoadFrameURL(const String& url)
    if (document()->frame()->page()->frameCount() >= Page::maxNumberOfFrames)
        return false;

    KURL completeURL = document()->completeURL(url);
    if (contentFrame() && protocolIsJavaScript(completeURL)
        && !document()->securityOrigin()->canAccess(contentDocument()->securityOrigin()))
        return false;
    // We allow one level of self-reference because some sites depend on that.
    // But we don't allow more than one.
    bool foundSelfReference = false;
    for (Frame* frame = document()->frame(); frame; frame = frame->tree()->parent()) {
        if (equalIgnoringFragmentIdentifier(frame->document()->url(), completeURL)) {
            if (foundSelfReference)
                return false;
            foundSelfReference = true;
    return true;
Exemple #3
// We don't use m_url, as it may not be the final URL that the object loads,
// depending on <param> values.
bool HTMLPlugInElement::allowedToLoadFrameURL(const String& url)
    KURL completeURL = document().completeURL(url);
    if (contentFrame() && protocolIsJavaScript(completeURL)
        && !document().securityOrigin()->canAccess(contentDocument()->securityOrigin()))
        return false;
    return document().frame()->isURLAllowed(completeURL);
void HTMLFrameOwnerElement::willRemove()
    if (Frame* frame = contentFrame()) {

void HTMLFrameOwnerElement::disconnectContentFrame()
    // This causes an unload event thus cannot be a part of removedFrom().
    if (Frame* frame = contentFrame()) {
        RefPtr<Frame> protect(frame);
PageMenuDialog::PageMenuDialog( Document *doc, int currentPage,
        QPopupMenu *popupMenu, const char *name ) :
    AppDialog( popupMenu, "PageMenuDialog:Caption",
        "BrightIdea.png", "Bright Idea", "", name,
        "PageMenuDialog:Button:Ok", "PageMenuDialog:Button:Cancel" ),
    // Create a list view
    m_listView = new QListView( contentFrame(), "m_listView" );
    Q_CHECK_PTR( m_listView );
    QString page( "" ), text( "" );
    translate( text, "PageMenuDialog:ListView:Col0" );
    m_listView->addColumn( text );
    m_listView->addColumn( "" );
    translate( text, "PageMenuDialog:ListView:Col1" );
    m_listView->addColumn( text );
    m_listView->setColumnWidthMode( 0, QListView::Maximum );
    m_listView->setColumnWidthMode( 1, QListView::Maximum );
    m_listView->setColumnWidthMode( 2, QListView::Maximum );
    m_listView->setMultiSelection( false );
    m_listView->setRootIsDecorated( false );
    m_listView->setAllColumnsShowFocus( true );
    m_listView->setSorting( 0, true );
    m_listView->setItemMargin( 3 );

    // Add table of contents entries
    TocItem *tocItem;
    QListViewItem *lvi;
    QPixmap pm;
    int ypos = 0;
    for ( tocItem = doc->m_tocList->first();
          tocItem != 0;
          tocItem = doc->m_tocList->next() )
        lvi = new QListViewItem( m_listView );
        Q_CHECK_PTR( lvi );
        lvi->setText( 0, QString( "%1" ).arg( tocItem->m_page, 4 ) );
        lvi->setPixmap( 1, doc->m_tocList->pixmap( tocItem->m_type, pm ) );
        lvi->setText( 2, tocItem->m_text );
        // Show the current page
        if ( tocItem->m_page == m_currentPage )
            m_listView->setSelected( lvi, true );
            ypos = m_listView->itemPos( lvi );
    // Show the current selection
    m_listView->setContentsPos( 0, ypos );
    // Allow a double click to select a single item
    connect( m_listView, SIGNAL( doubleClicked( QListViewItem * ) ),
             this,       SLOT( itemDoubleClicked( QListViewItem * ) ) );
void HTMLFrameOwnerElement::disconnectContentFrame()
    // FIXME: Currently we don't do this in removedFrom because this causes an
    // unload event in the subframe which could execute script that could then
    // reach up into this document and then attempt to look back down. We should
    // see if this behavior is really needed as Gecko does not allow this.
    if (Frame* frame = contentFrame()) {
        RefPtr<Frame> protect(frame);
GraphLimitsDialog::GraphLimitsDialog( BpDocument *bp,
        QPtrList<GraphAxleParms> *yParmsList, const char *name ) :
    AppDialog( bp, "GraphLimitsDialog:Caption",
        "Blackfoot River",
        name ),
    m_yParmsList( yParmsList ),
    m_vars( 0 )
    // Initialize all widget pointers
    int i;
    for ( i=0; i<MaxGraphs; i++ )
        m_label[i] = m_range[i] = 0;
        m_min[i] = m_max[i] = 0;

    // Hidden frame to contain a grid layout
    m_gridFrame = new QFrame( contentFrame(), "m_gridFrame" );
    Q_CHECK_PTR( m_gridFrame );
    m_gridFrame->setFrameStyle( QFrame::Raised );

    // Create the label-range-entry grid layout
    m_gridLayout = new QGridLayout( m_gridFrame, 4, 4, 0, 2,
        "m_gridLayout" ) ;
    Q_CHECK_PTR( m_gridLayout );

    // Column headers
    QString text("");
    QLabel *lbl;
    for ( i=0; i<4; i++ )
        translate( text, QString( "GraphLimitsDialog:Header:%1" ).arg( i ) );
        lbl = new QLabel( text, m_gridFrame );
        Q_CHECK_PTR( lbl );
        m_gridLayout->addWidget( lbl, 0, i, AlignCenter );

    // Add the name, range, and min and max spin boxes for each input
    EqVar *yVar;
    GraphAxleParms *yParms = m_yParmsList->first();
    int row = 1;
	double min_val = 0.;
	double max_val = 100000000.;
	double step_val = 1.;
    for ( int yid = 0;
          yid < m_bp->tableVars() && m_vars < MaxGraphs;
          yid++ )
        // Get the variable pointer and make sure it is continuous
        yVar = m_bp->tableVar( yid );
        if ( yVar->isContinuous() )
            // Variable label
            m_label[m_vars] = new QLabel( *(yVar->m_label), m_gridFrame );
            Q_CHECK_PTR( m_label[m_vars] );
            m_gridLayout->addWidget( m_label[m_vars], row, 0, AlignLeft );

            // Variable range and units
            text = QString( "%1 - %2 %3" )
                .arg( yParms->m_dataMin, 0, 'f', yVar->m_displayDecimals )
                .arg( yParms->m_dataMax, 0, 'f', yVar->m_displayDecimals )
                .arg( yVar->m_displayUnits );
            m_range[m_vars] = new QLabel( text, m_gridFrame );
            Q_CHECK_PTR( m_range[m_vars] );
            m_gridLayout->addWidget( m_range[m_vars], row, 1, AlignLeft );

            // Minimum Y axis value
            m_min[m_vars] = new RealSpinBox( min_val, max_val, step_val,
                yParms->m_axleMin, yVar->m_displayDecimals, m_gridFrame );
            Q_CHECK_PTR( m_min[m_vars] );
            m_gridLayout->addWidget( m_min[m_vars], row, 2 );

            // Maximum Y axis value
            m_max[m_vars] = new RealSpinBox( min_val, max_val, step_val,
                yParms->m_axleMax, yVar->m_displayDecimals, m_gridFrame );
            Q_CHECK_PTR( m_max[m_vars] );
            m_gridLayout->addWidget( m_max[m_vars], row, 3 );

            // Increment variable counter and return
            yParms = m_yParmsList->next();