Exemple #1
bool AUX_RGBImageRec::loadFile(const char* Filename)
	BITMAPINFO BMInfo;								// need the current OpenGL device contexts in order to make use of windows DIB utilities  
	const HDC gldc = wglGetCurrentDC();   			// a handle for the current OpenGL Device Contexts
					  								// assume there are errors until file is loaded successfully into memory  
	NoErrors = false;  								// release old data since this object could be used to load multiple Textures  
	if(data != NULL) delete data;					// windows needs this info to determine what header info we are looking for  
	BMInfo.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);  // Get windows to determine color bit depth in the file for us  
	BMInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 0;				// Get windows to open and load the BMP file and handle the messy decompression if the file is compressed  
													// assume perfect world and no errors in reading file, Ha Ha  
	HANDLE DIBHandle = LoadImage(0,Filename, IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0,LR_DEFAULTCOLOR | LR_CREATEDIBSECTION | LR_LOADFROMFILE);  // use windows to get header info of bitmap - assume no errors in header format 

	GetDIBits(gldc, (HBITMAP)DIBHandle, 0,0, NULL, &BMInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
	sizeX = BMInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth;
	sizeY = BMInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight;				// change color depth to 24 bits (3 bytes (BGR) / pixel)  
	BMInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 24;				// don't want the data compressed  
	BMInfo.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;  
	const DWORD BitmapLength = sizeX * sizeY * 3;	// 3 bytes (BGR) per pixel (24bp)  
													// allocate enough memory to hold the pixel data in client memory  
	data = new byte[BitmapLength];					// Get windows to do the dirty work of converting the BMP into the format needed by OpenGL  
													// if file is already 24 bit color then this is a waste of time but makes for short code  
													// Get the actual Texel data from the BMP object  
	if (GetDIBits(gldc, (HBITMAP)DIBHandle, 0, sizeY, data, &BMInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS)) 
		NoErrors = true;
		convertBGRtoRGB();							// NOTE: BMP is in BGR format but OpenGL needs RGB unless you use GL_BGR_EXT

	DeleteObject(DIBHandle);						// don't need the BMP Object anymore  
	return NoErrors;
Exemple #2
void QNode::imageCallback2(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& msg)
  QImage::Format format = QImage::Format_Indexed8;
  unsigned char *newData = 0;
  if(msg->encoding == "bgr8") {
    format = QImage::Format_RGB888;
    newData = convertBGRtoRGB(&msg->data[0], msg->step * msg->height);
  if(msg->encoding == "rgb8")
    format = QImage::Format_RGB888;
  if(msg->encoding == "mono16")
    ROS_WARN("The OCS does not currently support 16bpp images. This image topic will not render correctly.");
  QImage img(msg->encoding == "bgr8" ? newData : &msg->data[0],

      emit newImage2();
  if(newData != 0)
    delete newData;