void convert_polh_vector(Data_Obj *flt_dp,Data_Obj *polh_dp) { uint32_t i,j; short *rpdp; float *cvt_p; Fmt_Pt fp1; int station; if( OBJ_PREC(flt_dp) != PREC_SP ){ sprintf(ERROR_STRING,"convert_polh_data: object %s has precision %s, should be %s", OBJ_NAME(flt_dp),PREC_NAME(OBJ_PREC_PTR(flt_dp)),PREC_NAME(prec_for_code(PREC_SP))); warn(ERROR_STRING); return; } if( OBJ_COLS(flt_dp) != OBJ_COLS(polh_dp) ){ sprintf(ERROR_STRING,"convert_polh_data: vectors %s (%d) and %s (%d) do not have the same number of columns", OBJ_NAME(flt_dp),OBJ_COLS(flt_dp),OBJ_NAME(polh_dp),OBJ_COLS(polh_dp)); warn(ERROR_STRING); return; } /* BUG should make sure that tdim of flt_dp is correct! */ /* assume that the object has already been checked for proper dim, type... */ if( n_active_stations == 2 ) station=0; else if(n_active_stations < 1 ){ warn("format_polh_vector: no active stations!?"); return; } else station=curr_station_idx; rpdp = (short *) OBJ_DATA_PTR(polh_dp); for(i=0;i<OBJ_COLS(polh_dp);i++){ Polh_Record_Format *prfp; cvt_p = ((float *) OBJ_DATA_PTR(flt_dp)) + i * OBJ_PXL_INC(flt_dp); prfp = &station_info[station].sd_multi_prf; format_polh_data(&fp1,rpdp,prfp); for(j=0;j<prfp->rf_n_data;j++){ Polh_Output_Type type; type = prfp->rf_output[j]; convert_chunk(cvt_p,&fp1,type); cvt_p += od_tbl[type].od_strings; /* BUG not the right variable?... */ } rpdp += prfp->rf_n_words; if( n_active_stations == 2 ) station ^= 1; } }
void yuv422_to_rgba8(const unsigned char *src_pixels, unsigned char *dest_pixels, int width, int height, size_t src_stride, size_t dest_stride) { int C1, C2, D, E; int i,j; const unsigned char* src_chunk; unsigned char* dest_chunk; unsigned char u,y1,v,y2; for (i=0; i<height; i++) { src_chunk = src_pixels + i*src_stride; dest_chunk = dest_pixels + i*dest_stride; for (j=0; j<(width/2); j++) { convert_chunk(src_chunk,dest_chunk,1); dest_chunk+=8; src_chunk+=4; } } }