Exemple #1
// API: get a sample from an image, at the requested octave
float fancy_image_getsample_oct(struct fancy_image *fi,
		int octave, int i,int j, int l)
	struct FI *f = (void*)fi;

	if (octave < 0 || octave >= f->no)
		return NAN;
	if (l < 0) l = 0;
	if (l >= f->pd) l = f->pd - 1;

	if (f->tiffo) {
		uint8_t *p_pixel = tiff_octaves_getpixel(f->t, octave, i, j);
		if (!p_pixel) return NAN;
		uint8_t *p_sample = p_pixel + (l * f->t->i->bps) / 8;
		return convert_sample_to_float(f->t->i, p_sample);
	} else {
		float *x = f->pyr_x[octave];
		int    w = f->pyr_w[octave];
		int    h = f->pyr_h[octave];
		if (i < 0 || j < 0 || i >= w || j >= h)
			return NAN;
		int  idx = (j * w + i) * f->pd + l;
		return x[idx];
Exemple #2
// API: get a sample from an image, at the requested octave
float fancy_image_getsample_oct(struct fancy_image *fi,
		int octave, int i,int j, int l)
	struct FI *f = (void*)fi;

	if (octave < 0 || octave >= f->no)
		return NAN;
	if (l < 0) l = 0;
	if (l >= f->pd) l = f->pd - 1;

	if (f->tiffo) {
		uint8_t *p_pixel = tiff_octaves_getpixel(f->t, octave, i, j);
		if (!p_pixel) return NAN;
		uint8_t *p_sample = p_pixel + (l * f->t->i->bps) / 8;
		return convert_sample_to_float(f->t->i, p_sample);
	} else if (f->gdal) {
		if (octave != 0) return NAN;
		static float *roi = NULL;
		if (!roi) roi = CPLMalloc(1*1*sizeof*roi);
		GDALRasterBandH img = f->gdal_band[l];
		int r = GDALRasterIO(img, GF_Read, i,j,1, 1, roi,1,1,
				GDT_Float32, 0,0);
		return roi[0*0+0];
	} else {
		float *x = f->pyr_x[octave];
		int    w = f->pyr_w[octave];
		int    h = f->pyr_h[octave];
		if (i < 0 || j < 0 || i >= w || j >= h)
			return NAN;
		int  idx = (j * w + i) * f->pd + l;
		return x[idx];
	return NAN;