int main(int argc, char** argv) { FILE *out; coo_t *ilu = NULL, *A = NULL; double *b = NULL; ilu = (coo_t*) malloc (sizeof(coo_t)); A = (coo_t*) malloc (sizeof(coo_t)); int device = 0; //0 - CPU, 1 - GPU int key_ilu = 0, key_A = 0, key_rhs = 0, dimb = 1, part = 1; if (argc == 1) { fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s -A [martix-market-filename] -ilu [martix-market-filename] -rhs [martix-market-filename]\n",argv[0]); fprintf(stderr,"Optional: -d compute on GPU, -h compute on CPU(default), -b dim (where dim - number of phases on hydrodynamic model, default dim = 1)\n"); exit(1); } else for (int i = 1; i < argc ; i++) { if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-ilu")) { key_ilu = 1; if( read_coo_MM(argv[i+1], ilu) != 0) exit(1); } if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-A")) { key_A = 1; if( read_coo_MM(argv[i+1], A) != 0) exit(1); } if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-rhs")) { key_rhs = 1; if( read_coo_vector(argv[i+1], &b) != 0) exit (1); } if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-d")) device = 1; if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-b")) dimb = atoi(argv[i+1]); if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-p")) part = atoi(argv[i+1]); } if ( (key_A) && (key_rhs) ) { if (key_ilu == 0) { ilu = allocCOO (A->nnz); if( copyCOO (ilu,A) != 0) exit (1); } printf ("Load Matrix complete\n"); /*0-index based*/ } else { printf ("Load Matrix Error\n"); exit(1); } csr_t* A_mat = allocCSR(A->nnz,A->n); csr_t* ilu_mat = allocCSR(ilu->nnz,ilu->n); coo2csr (A,A_mat); //sortCSR(A_mat); //printMatrix(A_mat); coo2csr (ilu,ilu_mat); //sortCSR(ilu_mat); freeCOO(A); freeCOO(ilu); printf ("Convert 2csr complete\n"); //ilu0 and solve double *x = (double*)calloc(A_mat->n, sizeof(double)); int key; //1 - block, 2 - usually int nb; if (device == 0) { if (part > 1) { key = 1; nb = part; } else key = 2; } else if (part == 1) { key = 3; } else { key = 4; nb = part; } if ( key == 1 ) { printf ("Usage block ilu0(%d)\n",nb); /* Partition Matrix for ILU0 */ double time_partition = omp_get_wtime(); csr_t** bilu = partition(ilu_mat,nb,dimb); printf ("time partition %lf\n",omp_get_wtime()-time_partition); double time_bilu = omp_get_wtime(); int err = bilu0(bilu,nb); printf ("time bilu0 %lf\n",omp_get_wtime()-time_bilu); csr_zero2one_index(A_mat); double time_solve = omp_get_wtime(); err = solve_bicgstab_block(A_mat,bilu,nb, b, x); printf ("Time Solve %lf\n",omp_get_wtime()-time_solve); for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) freeCSR(bilu[i]); } else if ( key == 2 ) { printf ("Usage ilu0\n"); double time_ilu = omp_get_wtime(); int err = ilu0(ilu_mat); printf ("Time ILU0 %lf\n",omp_get_wtime()-time_ilu); csr_zero2one_index(A_mat); double time_solve = omp_get_wtime(); err = solve_bicgstab(A_mat,ilu_mat, b, x); printf ("Time Solve %lf\n",omp_get_wtime()-time_solve); } else if ( key == 3 ) { printf ("Using block ilu0\n"); init(); int err = bicgstab_cusparse(A_mat,ilu_mat, b, x); } else if ( key == 4 ) { printf ("Using block ilu0(%d)\n",nb); /* Partition Matrix for ILU0 */ double time_partition = omp_get_wtime(); csr_t** bilu = partition(ilu_mat,nb,dimb); csr_t** bA = partitionMatrix (A_mat,bilu,nb); printf ("time partition %lf\n",omp_get_wtime()-time_partition); //csr_zero2one_index(A_mat); int err = bicgstab_fullblock_cusparse(bA, bilu, nb, b, x); for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) { freeCSR(bilu[i]); freeCSR(bA[i]); } } printVector(x,A_mat->n); freeCSR(A_mat); freeCSR(ilu_mat); free(A); free(ilu); free(A_mat); free(ilu_mat); free (b); free (x); return 0; }
static void read_mtx_and_return_csr( int argc, char **argv, int *mm, int *nn, int **ia, int **ja, double **aa) { int ret_code; MM_typecode matcode; FILE *f; int m, n, nz; int i, *I, *J; double *val; if (argc < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [martix-market-filename]\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } else { printf("\n===================================\n"); printf("mtx file = %s\n", argv[1]); if ((f = fopen(argv[1], "r")) == NULL) { printf("Could not open %s\n", argv[1]); exit(1); } } if (mm_read_banner(f, &matcode) != 0) { printf("Could not process Matrix Market banner.\n"); exit(1); } /* This is how one can screen matrix types if their application */ /* only supports a subset of the Matrix Market data types. */ if ( mm_is_pattern(matcode) || mm_is_dense(matcode) || mm_is_array(matcode) ) { printf("Sorry, this application does not support "); printf("Market Market type: [%s]\n", mm_typecode_to_str(matcode)); exit(1); } if (mm_is_complex(matcode) && mm_is_matrix(matcode) && mm_is_sparse(matcode) ) { printf("Sorry, this application does not support "); printf("Market Market type: [%s]\n", mm_typecode_to_str(matcode)); exit(1); } /* find out size of sparse matrix .... */ if ((ret_code = mm_read_mtx_crd_size(f, &m, &n, &nz)) !=0) exit(1); /* reseve memory for matrices */ I = (int *) malloc(nz * sizeof(int)); J = (int *) malloc(nz * sizeof(int)); val = (double *) malloc(nz * sizeof(double)); /* NOTE: when reading in doubles, ANSI C requires the use of the "l" */ /* specifier as in "%lg", "%lf", "%le", otherwise errors will occur */ /* (ANSI C X3.159-1989, Sec., p. 136 lines 13-15) */ for (i=0; i<nz; i++) { fscanf(f, "%d %d %lg\n", &I[i], &J[i], &val[i]); I[i]--; /* adjust from 1-based to 0-based */ J[i]--; } if (f !=stdin) fclose(f); if (m != n) exit(1); *mm = m; *nn = n; *ia = (int*) malloc (sizeof(int) * (n+1)); *ja = (int*) malloc (sizeof(int) * nz); *aa = (double*) malloc (sizeof(double) * nz); coo2csr(n, nz, val, I, J, *aa, *ja, *ia); free (I); free (J); free (val); }