Exemple #1
main(int argc, string argv[])
    int i;
    long lstr[32], *lcop;
    stream opt, ipt;

    for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)
        lstr[i] = (i < 21 ? 12345 + 512 * i : (int) NULL);
    printf("xstrlen(lstr, %d) == %d\n",
           sizeof(long), xstrlen(lstr, sizeof(long)));
    lcop = (long *) copxstr(lstr, sizeof(long));
    printf("xstrlen(lcop, %d) == %d\n",
           sizeof(long), xstrlen(lcop, sizeof(long)));
    printf("xstreq(lstr, lcop, %d) == %d\n",
           sizeof(long), xstreq(lstr, lcop, sizeof(long)));
    printf("changing *lcop\n");
    *lcop = -1;
    printf("xstreq(lstr, lcop, %d) == %d\n",
           sizeof(long), xstreq(lstr, lcop, sizeof(long)));
    opt = stropen("foobar.dat", "w!");
    printf("putxstr(opt, lstr, %d) == %d\n",
           sizeof(long), putxstr(opt, lstr, sizeof(long)));
    printf("putxstr(opt, lcop, %d) == %d\n",
           sizeof(long), putxstr(opt, lcop, sizeof(long)));
    ipt = stropen("foobar.dat", "r");
    lcop = (long *) getxstr(ipt, sizeof(long));
    if (lcop == NULL)
        printf("getxstr(ipt, %d) failed\n", sizeof(long));
    printf("xstreq(lstr, lcop, %d) == %d\n",
           sizeof(long), xstreq(lstr, lcop, sizeof(long)));
Exemple #2
int main(int argc, string argv[])
  string prog, itags[MaxBodyFields];
  stream xstr, ostr;
  int nold = -1;

  initparam(argv, defv);
  exprs[0] = getparam("group");
  prog = mktemp((string) copxstr("/tmp/sm_XXXXXX", sizeof(char)));
  buildmap(prog, names, exprs, types, NULL, Precision, NDIM, TRUE);
  xstr = execmap(prog);
  if (get_tag_ok(xstr, "History"))
  ostr = stropen(getparam("out"), "w");
  new_field(&GroupField, IntType, "Group");
  new_field(&GroupField + 1, NULL, NULL);
  layout_body(btags, Precision, NDIM);
  while (get_snap(xstr, &bodytab, &nbody, &tbody, itags, FALSE)) {
    put_snap(ostr, &traktab, &ntrak, &tbody, otags);
    if (ntrak != nold)
      eprintf("[%s: wrote %d groups at t = %f]\n",
	      getprog(), ntrak, tbody);
    nold = ntrak;
  if (unlink(prog) != 0)
    error("%s: can't unlink %s\n", getprog(), prog);
  return (0);
Exemple #3
int main(int argc, string argv[])
  string prog, itags[MaxBodyFields];
  stream xstr;
  int nprof, nbody, nsamp;
  real *prof1, *prof2, rrange[2], tnow;
  bodyptr btab = NULL;

  initparam(argv, defv);
  layout_body(fields, Precision, NDIM);
  prog = mktemp((string) copxstr("/tmp/sm_XXXXXX", sizeof(char)));
  xstr = execmap(prog);
  nprof = getiparam("nprof");
  prof1 = (real *) allocate((2 + nprof) * sizeof(real));
  prof2 = (real *) allocate((2 + nprof) * sizeof(real));
  setrange(rrange, getparam("rrange"));
  nsamp = 0;
  while (get_snap(xstr, &btab, &nbody, &tnow, itags, FALSE)) {
    setprofile(prof1, prof2, nprof, rrange, btab, nbody);
  if (unlink(prog) != 0)
    error("%s: can't unlink %s\n", getargv0(), prog);
  if (nsamp == 0)
    error("%s: no data in input\n", getargv0());
  listdensity(prof1, prof2, nprof, rrange, nsamp);
  return (0);
Exemple #4
int main(int argc, string argv[])
  string *mdtab, *names, *exprs, prog;
  int nexp = 0, i, j;

  initparam(argv, defv);
  mdtab = getmapdefs();				// get list of mapping vars
  for (i = 0; mdtab[i] != NULL; i += 2)
    if (getparamstat(mdtab[i]) & ARGPARAM)	// if var has assigned value
  eprintf("[%s: %scounted %d variable assignments]\n", getprog(),
	  nexp > 0 ? "" : "warning: ", nexp);
  names = (string *) allocate(sizeof(string *) * (nexp + 1));
  exprs = (string *) allocate(sizeof(string *) * (nexp + 1));
  for (i = j = 0; mdtab[i] != NULL; i += 2)
    if (getparamstat(mdtab[i]) & ARGPARAM) {	// if var has assigned value
      exprs[j] = getparam(mdtab[i]);		// list value given as expr
      names[j] = mdtab[i+1];			// and name of access macro
  exprs[j] = names[j] = NULL;
  prog = mktemp((string) copxstr("/tmp/sm_XXXXXX", sizeof(char)));
  buildmap(prog, names, exprs, NULL,
	   strnull(getparam("t")) ? NULL : getparam("t"),
	   Precision, NDIM, TRUE);
  if (unlink(prog) != 0)
    error("%s: can't unlink %s\n", getargv0(), prog);
  return (0);
Exemple #5
int main(int argc, string argv[])
  string prog, itags[MaxBodyFields], otags[MaxBodyFields];
  stream xstr, ostr;
  bodyptr btab = NULL;
  int nbody;
  real tnow;

  initparam(argv, defv);
  exprs[0] = getparam("weight");
  prog = mktemp((string) copxstr("/tmp/sm_XXXXXX", sizeof(char)));
  buildmap(prog, names, exprs, types, NULL, Precision, NDIM, TRUE);
  xstr = execmap(prog);
  if (get_tag_ok(xstr, "History"))
  ostr = stropen(getparam("out"), "w");
  new_field(&WeightField, RealType, "Weight");
  new_field(&WeightField + 1, NULL, NULL);
  while (get_snap(xstr, &btab, &nbody, &tnow, itags, TRUE)) {
    snaprect(btab, nbody);
    del_tag(otags, itags, "Weight");
    put_snap(ostr, &btab, &nbody, &tnow, otags);
  if (unlink(prog) != 0)
    error("%s: can't unlink %s\n", getargv0(), prog);
  return (0);
Exemple #6
int main(int argc, string argv[])
  string prog, coords, itags[MaxBodyFields], otags[MaxBodyFields];
  stream xstr, ostr;
  bodyptr btab = NULL, bp;
  int nbody;
  real tnow;
  vector cmpos, cmvel, cmacc;

  initparam(argv, defv);
  exprs[0] = getparam("weight");
  prog = mktemp((string) copxstr("/tmp/sm_XXXXXX", sizeof(char)));
  buildmap(prog, names, exprs, types, NULL, Precision, NDIM, TRUE);
  xstr = execmap(prog);
  if (get_tag_ok(xstr, "History"))
  ostr = stropen(getparam("out"), "w");
  coords = getparam("coords");
  new_field(&WeightField, RealType, "Weight");
  new_field(&WeightField + 1, NULL, NULL);
  while (get_snap(xstr, &btab, &nbody, &tnow, itags, TRUE, NULL)) {
    if (scanopt(coords, PosTag) && set_member(itags, PosTag)) {
      snapcmpos(cmpos, btab, nbody, WeightField.offset);
      for (bp = btab; bp < NthBody(btab, nbody); bp = NextBody(bp)) {
	SUBV(Pos(bp), Pos(bp), cmpos);
      eprintf("[%s: centroid position: %f,%f,%f]\n", getprog(),
	      cmpos[0], cmpos[1], cmpos[2]);
    if (scanopt(coords, VelTag) && set_member(itags, VelTag)) {
      snapcmvel(cmvel, btab, nbody, WeightField.offset);
      for (bp = btab; bp < NthBody(btab, nbody); bp = NextBody(bp)) {
	SUBV(Vel(bp), Vel(bp), cmvel);
      eprintf("[%s: centroid velocity: %f,%f,%f]\n", getprog(),
	      cmvel[0], cmvel[1], cmvel[2]);
    if (scanopt(coords, AccTag) && set_member(itags, AccTag)) {
      snapcmacc(cmacc, btab, nbody, WeightField.offset);
      for (bp = btab; bp < NthBody(btab, nbody); bp = NextBody(bp)) {
	SUBV(Acc(bp), Acc(bp), cmacc);
      eprintf("[%s: cen. acceleration: %f,%f,%f]\n", getprog(),
	      cmacc[0], cmacc[1], cmacc[2]);
    del_tag(otags, itags, "Weight");
    put_snap(ostr, &btab, &nbody, &tnow, otags);
  if (unlink(prog) != 0)
    error("%s: can't unlink %s\n", getprog(), prog);
  return (0);
Exemple #7
void *getxstr(stream inpt, int nbyt)
    byte buf[MAXLEN], *bp;
    bool lpflg;
    int i, ch;

    bp = &buf[0];					// set point into buffer
    do {						// loop reading data in
        lpflg = FALSE;				// init loop flag
        for (i = 0; i < nbyt; i++) {		// loop over block of bytes
            ch = getc(inpt);				// input next byte
            if (bp > &buf[MAXLEN-1])			// detect overflow error
                error("%s.getxstr: buffer overflow\n", getprog());
            *bp = ch != EOF ? ch : (int) NULL;	// map EOF to NULL
            if (*bp++ != (byte) NULL)			// got a byte of real data?
                lpflg = TRUE;				// repeat for next block
    } while (lpflg);				// until a block of NULLs
    return (copxstr(&buf[0], nbyt));		// make copy and return it