void VideoConverter::parseOutput(QString output)
	if (videoLength == 0)
		outputAll += output;

		if (outputAll.indexOf("Duration: ") > -1)
			setVideoDuration(copyBetween(outputAll, "Duration: ", ", start"));
			// we have the durtion? if yes, then capture the first step
			if (videoLength != 0)
				getCurrentTimeConversion(copyBetween(outputAll, "time=", " bitrate"));
	else // get the current frame
		getCurrentTimeConversion(copyBetween(output, "time=", " bitrate"));
void NewLanguagesController::updateNewLanguages()
	emit beforeUpdateNewLanguages();
	// remove prev. new languages
	// fill with new languages
	parseBlock(copyBetween(newLanguagesFile, "#COMMON{", "}"));
void NewLanguagesController::parseBlock(QString block)
	if (!block.isEmpty())
		int n = 0;
		QString fileBlock = "";
		// get file blocks
			// get current update file
			fileBlock = copyBetween(block, QString("#FILE:%1").arg(n), QString("#END:%1").arg(n));
			// have something to analayze?
			if (!fileBlock.isEmpty())
				Update *update = new Update;
				// assign info
				update->setCaption(copyBetween(fileBlock, "caption=\"", "\""));
				update->setVersion(copyBetween(fileBlock, "version=\"", "\""));
				update->setSize(copyBetween(fileBlock, "size=\"", "\"").toInt());
				update->setInstallTo(copyBetween(fileBlock, "installTo=\"", "\""));
				update->setUrl(copyBetween(fileBlock, "url=\"", "\""));
				update->setPacked(copyBetween(fileBlock, "packed=\"", "\"").toLower() == "true");
				update->setObligatory(copyBetween(fileBlock, "obligatory=\"", "\"").toLower() == "true");
				// if this language is not installed, add it into the list
				if (!languageManager->isLanguageInstalled(update->getCaption()))
					emit toInstallLanguageAdded(update);
				else // destroy it
					delete update;
			// next update file
			// continue?
		while (!fileBlock.isEmpty());
void PluginTester::run()
	stopFlag = false;
    failed = 0;

	emit workingStarted();

	for (int n = 0; n < tests->count(); n++)
		PluginTest *test = tests->at(n);
        if ((onlyFailed && test->isTestOk()) || (onlySelected != -1 && n != onlySelected)) continue;
		emit pluginTestRunning(test);
		// get video information
        emit workingProgress(n * 2, tests->count() * 2, QString("Getting <b>%1</b> video information... [1/2]").arg(test->getPluginTitle()));
		VideoInformationPlugin *plugin = new VideoInformationPlugin(NULL, pluginsDir + test->getPluginFile());
		VideoDefinition  vd = plugin->getVideoInformation(test->getUrl());
		// try to download video
		emit workingProgress(n * 2 + 1, tests->count() * 2, QString("Testing <b>%1</b> video download... [2/2]").arg(test->getPluginTitle()));
		Http *http = new Http();
		if (!vd.cookies.isEmpty()) http->addCookies(vd.cookies);
		if (!vd.headers.isEmpty()) http->addHeaderParameters(vd.headers);
		int contentLength = copyBetween(http->head(QUrl(vd.URL)), "Content-Length: ", "\n").toInt();
		delete http;
		// update test info
		// increase failed tests
		if (!test->isTestOk()) failed++;
		// destroy plugin
		delete plugin;
		// finished
		emit pluginTestFinished(test);
		// small pause, prevent 100% cpu
		if (stopFlag) n = tests->count(); else sleep(1);

	emit workingFinished(tests->count() - failed, failed);