Exemple #1
static void
compute_lhs(const struct efp *efp, double *c, bool conj)
	size_t n = 3 * efp->n_polarizable_pts;

	for (size_t i = 0, offset_i = 0; i < efp->n_frag; i++) {
	for (size_t ii = 0; ii < efp->frags[i].n_polarizable_pts; ii++, offset_i++) {
	for (size_t j = 0, offset_j = 0; j < efp->n_frag; j++) {
	for (size_t jj = 0; jj < efp->frags[j].n_polarizable_pts; jj++, offset_j++) {
		if (i == j) {
			if (ii == jj)
				copy_matrix(c, n, offset_i, offset_j, &mat_identity);
				copy_matrix(c, n, offset_i, offset_j, &mat_zero);


		const struct polarizable_pt *pt_i = efp->frags[i].polarizable_pts + ii;
		mat_t m = get_int_mat(efp, i, j, ii, jj);

		if (conj)
			m = mat_trans_mat(&pt_i->tensor, &m);
			m = mat_mat(&pt_i->tensor, &m);

		copy_matrix(c, n, offset_i, offset_j, &m);
    factor_inner (const Ordinal m,
		  const Ordinal n,
		  Scalar R[],
		  const Ordinal ldr,
		  Scalar A[],
		  const Ordinal lda,
		  Scalar tau[],
		  Scalar work[])
      const Ordinal numRows = m + n;

      A_buf_.reshape (numRows, n);
      A_buf_.fill (Scalar(0));
      // R might be a view of the upper triangle of a cache block, but
      // we only want to include the upper triangle in the
      // factorization.  Thus, only copy the upper triangle of R into
      // the appropriate place in the buffer.
      copy_upper_triangle (n, n, &A_buf_(0, 0), A_buf_.lda(), R, ldr);
      copy_matrix (m, n, &A_buf_(n, 0), A_buf_.lda(), A, lda);

      int info = 0;
      lapack_.GEQR2 (numRows, n, A_buf_.get(), A_buf_.lda(), tau, work, &info);
      if (info != 0)
	throw std::logic_error ("TSQR::CombineDefault: GEQR2 failed");

      // Copy back the results.  R might be a view of the upper
      // triangle of a cache block, so only copy into the upper
      // triangle of R.
      copy_upper_triangle (n, n, R, ldr, &A_buf_(0, 0), A_buf_.lda());
      copy_matrix (m, n, A, lda, &A_buf_(n, 0), A_buf_.lda());
Exemple #3
 * Copy a motif from one place to another.
void copy_motif
  (MOTIF_T* source,
   MOTIF_T* dest)
  strcpy(dest->id, source->id);
  strcpy(dest->id2, source->id2);
  dest->length = source->length;
  dest->alph_size = source->alph_size;
  dest->ambigs = source->ambigs;
  dest->evalue = source->evalue;
  dest->num_sites = source->num_sites;
  dest->complexity = source->complexity;
  dest->trim_left = source->trim_left;
  dest->trim_right = source->trim_right;
  if (source->freqs) {
    // Allocate memory for the matrix.
    dest->freqs = allocate_matrix(dest->length, dest->alph_size + dest->ambigs);
    // Copy the matrix.
    copy_matrix(source->freqs, dest->freqs);
  } else {
    dest->freqs = NULL;
  if (source->scores) {
    // Allocate memory for the matrix. Note that scores don't contain ambigs.
    dest->scores = allocate_matrix(get_num_rows(source->scores), get_num_cols(source->scores));
    // Copy the matrix.
    copy_matrix(source->scores, dest->scores);
  } else {
    dest->scores = NULL;
  copy_string(&(dest->url), source->url);
/** Matrix inversion via the Gauss-Jordan algorithm. */
static elem_t* invert_matrix(const elem_t* const a, const int n)
  int i, j;
  elem_t* const inv = new_matrix(n, n);
  elem_t* const tmp = new_matrix(n, 2*n);
  copy_matrix(a, n, n, 0, n, 0, n, tmp, n, 2 * n, 0, n, 0, n);
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
    for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
      tmp[i * 2 * n + n + j] = (i == j);
  gj(tmp, n, 2*n);
  copy_matrix(tmp, n, 2*n, 0, n, n, 2*n, inv, n, n, 0, n, 0, n);
  return inv;
Exemple #5
matrix_t *
symm_pivot_ge_matrix (matrix_t * a, int *row_per)
  matrix_t *c = copy_matrix (a);
  if (c != NULL) {
    int i, j, k;
    int cn = c->cn;
    int rn = c->rn;
    double *e = c->e;
    for (i = 0; i < rn; i++)
      row_per[i] = i;
    for (k = 0; k < rn - 1; k++) {      /* eliminujemy (zerujemy) kolumnę nr k */
      int piv = k;              /* wybór eleemntu dominującego - maks. z k-tej kol., poniżej diag */
      for (i = k + 1; i < rn; i++)
        if (fabs (*(e + i * cn + k)) > fabs (*(e + piv * cn + k)))
          piv = i;
      if (piv != k) {           /* jeśli diag. nie jest pivtem - wymień wiersze */
        int tmp;
        xchg_rows (c, piv, k);
        xchg_cols (c, piv, k);
        tmp = row_per[k];
        row_per[k] = row_per[piv];
        row_per[piv] = tmp;
      for (i = k + 1; i < rn; i++) {    /* pętla po kolejnych
                                           wierszach poniżej diagonalii k,k */
        double d = *(e + i * cn + k) / *(e + k * cn + k);
        for (j = k; j < cn; j++)
          *(e + i * cn + j) -= d * *(e + k * cn + j);
  return c;
MATRIX *invert_ltriangle_matrix(MATRIX *L)
/* Given a lower triangular matrix L, computes inverse L^-1 */
  int i,j,k,n;
  double sum;
  if(L->m != L->n) {
    printf("ERROR: Matrix not quadratic. Cannot invert triangular matrix!\n");

  for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
    for (j=i+1;j<n;j++) {
      for (k=i;k<j;k++) sum -= I->element[j][k]*I->element[k][i];

MATRIX *cholesky_matrix(MATRIX *A)
/* Given a positive-definite symmetric matrix A[0..n-1][0..n-1], this routine constructs its Cholesky decomposition, A = L · LT . On input, only the upper triangle of A need be given; A is not modified. The Cholesky factor L is returned in the lower triangle. */ 
  int i,j,k,n;
  double sum;
  if(A->m != A->n) {
    printf("ERROR: Matrix not quadratic. Cannot compute Cholesky!\n");

  for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
    for (j=i;j<n;j++) {
      for (sum=L->element[i][j],k=i-1;k>=0;k--) 
	sum -= L->element[i][k]*L->element[j][k];
      if (i == j) {
	if (sum <= 0.0) printf("Cholesky: Matrix not positive definite");
      else L->element[j][i]=sum/L->element[i][i];
  /* set upper triange to zero */
  for (i=0;i<n;i++) 
    for (j=i+1;j<n;j++) 

 * See .h file for description.
void copy_mhmm
  (MHMM_T*        an_mhmm,
   MHMM_T*        new_mhmm)
  int i_state;

  /* Copy the top-level data. */
  new_mhmm->type = an_mhmm->type;
  new_mhmm->log_odds = an_mhmm->log_odds;
  new_mhmm->num_motifs = an_mhmm->num_motifs;
  new_mhmm->num_states = an_mhmm->num_states;
  new_mhmm->num_spacers = an_mhmm->num_spacers;
  new_mhmm->spacer_states = an_mhmm->spacer_states;
  new_mhmm->alph = alph_hold(an_mhmm->alph);
  new_mhmm->background = allocate_array(alph_size_full(an_mhmm->alph));
  copy_array(an_mhmm->background, new_mhmm->background);
  copy_string(&(new_mhmm->description), an_mhmm->description);
  copy_string(&(new_mhmm->motif_file), an_mhmm->motif_file);
  copy_string(&(new_mhmm->sequence_file), an_mhmm->sequence_file);
  // FIXME: Copy hot states array.
  new_mhmm->num_hot_states = an_mhmm->num_hot_states;

  /* Copy each state. */
  for (i_state = 0; i_state < an_mhmm->num_states; i_state++) {

  /* Copy the transition matrix. */
  copy_matrix(an_mhmm->trans, new_mhmm->trans);
  * This function returns a copy of the matrix for time t of a transition 
  * matrix array. Returns NUL is no matrix is found matching time t.
  * Caller is responsible for free the returned copy.
MATRIX_T* get_substmatrix_for_time(
  double t
) {

  assert(a != NULL);
  // Create a copy of our matrix
  int i;
  MATRIX_T* src = NULL;
  for (i = 0; i < a->length; i++) {
    if (a->t[i] == t) {
      src = a->substmatrix[i];
  MATRIX_T* dst = NULL;
  if (src != NULL) {
    int num_rows = get_num_rows(src);
    int num_cols = get_num_cols(src);
    dst = allocate_matrix(num_rows, num_cols);
    copy_matrix(src, dst);

  return dst;
Exemple #10
    //! "Un"-cache-block the given A_in matrix into A_out.
    un_cache_block (const Ordinal num_rows,
		    const Ordinal num_cols,
		    Scalar A_out[],
		    const Ordinal lda_out,		    
		    const Scalar A_in[]) const
      // We say "*_rest" because it points to the remaining part of
      // the matrix left to cache block; at the beginning, the
      // "remaining" part is the whole matrix, but that will change as
      // the algorithm progresses.
      // Leading dimension doesn't matter since A_in is cache blocked.
      const_mat_view A_in_rest (num_rows, num_cols, A_in, lda_out);
      mat_view A_out_rest (num_rows, num_cols, A_out, lda_out);

      while (! A_in_rest.empty())
	  if (A_out_rest.empty())
	    throw std::logic_error("A_out_rest is empty, but A_in_rest is not");

	  // This call modifies A_in_rest.
	  const_mat_view A_in_cur = split_top_block (A_in_rest, true);

	  // This call modifies A_out_rest.
	  mat_view A_out_cur = split_top_block (A_out_rest, false);

	  copy_matrix (A_in_cur.nrows(), num_cols, A_out_cur.get(), 
		       A_out_cur.lda(), A_in_cur.get(), A_in_cur.lda());
matrix * WEKAgetSampleAccuracy(struct hash * config)
int fold, folds = foldsCountFromDataDir(config);
int split, splits = splitsCountFromDataDir(config);

matrix * accuracies = NULL;
for(split = 1; split <= splits; split++)
	for(fold = 1; fold <= folds; fold++)
		matrix * accuraciesInFold = WEKApopulateAccuracyMatrix(config,split, fold);

	    //add the accuracies to the running totals
	    if(split == 1 && fold == 1) 
	        accuracies = copy_matrix(accuraciesInFold);
	        add_matrices_by_colLabel(accuracies, accuraciesInFold);
	    //clean up
//normalize accuracies over number of splits and folds
int i;
for(i = 0; i < accuracies->cols; i++)
    if(accuracies->graph[0][i] != NULL_FLAG)
        accuracies->graph[0][i] = (accuracies->graph[0][i] / ((folds-1) * splits));
    if(accuracies->graph[1][i] != NULL_FLAG)
        accuracies->graph[1][i] = (accuracies->graph[1][i] / (1 * splits));
return accuracies;
/* should output:
 * print_matrix:
 *  3  1 -1
 *  0 -2  0
 *  5  0  0
 * matrix minor:
 *  0  0
 *  5  0
 * ineff_det: -10
 * eff_det: 10 
 * lu decomposition is not unique, output can be checked manually
 * invert_lower_tri_matrix: 
 * 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 
 * 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 
 * -1.666667 -0.833333 1.000000 
 * invert_upper_tri_matrix: 
 * 0.333333 0.166667 0.200000 
 * 0.000000 -0.500000 0.000000 
 * 0.000000 -0.000000 0.600000 
 * invert_matrix: 
 * 0.000000 0.000000 0.200000 
 * 0.000000 -0.500000 0.000000 
 * -1.000000 -0.500000 0.600000 */
void test_matrix_functions() {
	matrix *a = identity_matrix(3);
	a->entries[0][0] = 3.0;
	a->entries[0][1] = 1.0;
	a->entries[0][2] = -1.0;
	a->entries[1][1] = -2.0;
	a->entries[2][0] = 5.0;
	a->entries[2][2] = 0.0;
	printf("print_matrix: \n");
	printf("matrix_minor: \n");
	print_matrix(*matrix_minor(*a, 1));
	printf("ineff_det: %lf\n", (double) ineff_det(*a));
	printf("eff_det: %lf\n", (double) eff_det(*a));
	matrix *a_cpy = copy_matrix(*a);
	printf("lu_decomp: \n");
	matrix **pl = lu_decomp(a_cpy, (int*) NULL);
	print_matrix(*pl[0]);	// prints p
	print_matrix(*pl[1]);	// prints l
	print_matrix(*a_cpy);	// prints u
	printf("invert_lower_tri_matrix: \n");
	printf("invert_upper_tri_matrix: \n");
	printf("invert_matrix: \n");
Exemple #13
void multiply_top_stack(matrix * m){
	matrix *copy = new matrix();
	matrix *ptr = peek_stack();
Exemple #14
/*-------------- void matrix_mult() --------------
Inputs:  struct matrix *a
         struct matrix *b 

a*b -> b
void matrix_mult(struct matrix *a, struct matrix *b) {

  int r;
  double t;
  int i, j;

  if (a->cols != b->rows){
    printf ("Improperly sized matrices!\n");

  struct matrix *c = new_matrix(b->rows, b->cols);
   copy_matrix(b, c);
   c->lastcol = b->lastcol;

  *b = *new_matrix(a->rows, b->cols);
  for (i = 0; i < a->rows; i++){
    for(j = 0; j < c->cols; j++){
      r = 0;
      t = 0;
      while(r < a->rows){
	t+= (a-> m[i][r])*(c-> m[r][j]);
      b->m[i][j] = t;
Exemple #15
void push(stack *hay){
  hay -> top ++;
  hay -> matrices[hay -> top] = *new_matrix(4, 4);
  copy_matrix(&hay -> matrices[hay -> top - 1], &hay -> matrices[hay -> top]);
  //printf("pushed: %d\n", hay -> top);
  //print_matrix(&hay -> matrices[hay -> top]);
 /// \brief Copy constructor.
 /// We need an explicit copy constructor, because otherwise the
 /// default copy constructor would override the generic matrix
 /// view "copy constructor" below.
 Matrix (const Matrix& in) :
     nrows_ (in.nrows()),
     ncols_ (in.ncols()),
     A_ (verified_alloc_size (in.nrows(), in.ncols()))
     if (! in.empty())
         copy_matrix (nrows(), ncols(), get(), lda(), in.get(), in.lda());
 Matrix (const MatrixViewType& in) :
     nrows_ (in.nrows()),
     ncols_ (in.ncols()),
     A_ (verified_alloc_size (in.nrows(), in.ncols()))
     if (A_.size() != 0)
         copy_matrix (nrows(), ncols(), get(), lda(), in.get(), in.lda());
Exemple #18
static bool set_attribute_matrix(const Transform &tfm, TypeDesc type, void *val)
  if (type == TypeDesc::TypeMatrix) {
    copy_matrix(*(OSL::Matrix44 *)val, tfm);
    return true;

  return false;
Exemple #19
extern MATRIX_T* gen_pam_matrix(
  ALPH_T alph,                  /* alphabet */
  int dist,			/* PAM distance */
  BOOLEAN_T logodds		/* true: generate log-odds matrix 
				   false: generate target frequency matrix 
  assert(alph == DNA_ALPH || alph == PROTEIN_ALPH);
  int i, j;
  MATRIX_T *matrix, *mul;
  BOOLEAN_T dna = (alph == DNA_ALPH);
  double *pfreq = dna ? pam_dna_freq : pam_prot_freq;	// standard frequencies
  int alen = alph_size(alph, ALPH_SIZE);  // length of standard alphabet
  double factor = dist < 170 ? 2/log(2) : 3/log(2);	// same as in "pam" Version 1.0.6

  /* create the array for the joint probability matrix */
  matrix = allocate_matrix(alen, alen);
  mul = allocate_matrix(alen, alen);

  /* initialize the matrix: PAM 1:
     due to roundoff, take the average of the two estimates of the joint frequency
     of i and j as the joint, then compute the conditionals for the matrix
  for (i=0; i<alen; i++) {
    for (j=0; j<=i; j++) {
      double vij = dna ? trans[i][j] : dayhoff[i][j];
      double vji = dna ? trans[j][i] : dayhoff[j][i];
      double joint = ((vij * pfreq[j]) + (vji * pfreq[i]))/20000;/* use average to fix rndoff */
      set_matrix_cell(i, j, joint/pfreq[j], matrix);
      if (i!=j) set_matrix_cell(j, i, joint/pfreq[i], matrix);

  /* take PAM matrix to desired power to scale it */ 
  copy_matrix(matrix, mul);
  for (i=dist; i>1; i--) {
    MATRIX_T *product = matrix_multiply(matrix, mul);
    SWAP(MATRIX_T*, product, matrix)

  /* convert to joint or logodds matrix:
     target:  J_ij = Pr(i,j) = Mij pr(j) 
     logodds: L_ij = log (Pr(i,j)/(Pr(i)Pr(j)) = log (Mij Pr(j)/Pr(i)Pr(j)) = log(Mij/pr(i)) 
  for (i=0; i<alen; i++) {
    for (j=0; j<alen; j++) {
      double vij = get_matrix_cell(i, j, matrix);
      vij = logodds ? nint(factor * log((vij+EPSILON)/pfreq[i])) : vij * pfreq[j];
      set_matrix_cell(i, j, vij, matrix);

  return matrix;
} /* gen_pam_matrix */
Exemple #20
void			transform_matrix(double **matrix1, double **matrix2)
	double		**cpy;

	cpy = malloc_matrix(4, 4);
	matrix_multiply(matrix1, matrix2, cpy);
	copy_matrix(matrix1, cpy);
	free_matrix(cpy, 4);
Exemple #21
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	fprintf(stderr,"USAGE:\n\t%s <input file> <num steps> <output file> <max number of threads> \n", argv[0]);
	fprintf(stderr, "EXAMPLE:\n\t%s random.txt 500 result.txt 8\n", argv[0]);

    char* init_fname = argv[1];
    sscanf(argv[2],"%d", &steps);
    char* out_fname = argv[3];
    int max_n_threads = atoi(argv[4]);

    long time_vs_threads[max_n_threads+1];
    int tmp[max_n_threads];

    char** init_matrix = dump_matrix_file(init_fname);
    char** zero_matrix = allocate_matrix(width, height);
    matrix_from = allocate_matrix(width, height);
    matrix_to = allocate_matrix(width, height);

    // run by different number of threads, and measure the time
    for(n_threads=1; n_threads <= max_n_threads; n_threads++){
	copy_matrix(init_matrix, matrix_from, width+2, height+2);
	copy_matrix(zero_matrix, matrix_to, width+2, height+2);
	time_vs_threads[n_threads] = walltime_of_threads(n_threads);
	printf("walltime when run by %d threads: %d microseconds\n", n_threads, time_vs_threads[n_threads]);

    save_matrix_file(out_fname, matrix_from,width,height);

    char time_fname[20];
    save_vector(time_fname, time_vs_threads+1, max_n_threads);
    return 0;
Exemple #22
int matrix_invert__inline(double **initial, int rows, int cols) {
	double **result;
	int retval;

	new_matrix(&result, rows, rows);
	retval = matrix_invert(initial, rows, rows, result);
	copy_matrix(result, rows, rows, initial);
	free_matrix(&result, rows, rows);
	return retval;
Exemple #23
static int my_reverse (double **a, double **b, unsigned int n)
   copy_matrix (b, a, n);
   if (-1 == JDM_ludecomp_inverse (b, n))
	return -1;
   return 1;
 * process_generations: Process all the generations
void process_generations() {
    int i, color;
    for (i = 0; i < num_gen; ++i) {
        for(color = 0; color < N_COLORS; color++) {
            copy_matrix(worlds[0], worlds[1]);
        update_periods(worlds[0], worlds[1]);
void SharedSurfpackApproxData::
add_sd_to_surfdata(const Pecos::SurrogateDataVars& sdv,
		   const Pecos::SurrogateDataResp& sdr, short fail_code,
		   SurfData& surf_data)
  // coarse-grained fault tolerance for now: any failure qualifies for omission
  if (fail_code)

  // Surfpack's RealArray is std::vector<double>; use DAKOTA copy_data helpers.
  // For DAKOTA's compact mode, any active discrete {int,real} variables could
  // be contained within SDV's continuousVars (see Approximation::add(Real*)),
  // although it depends on eval cache lookups as shown in
  // ApproximationInterface::update_approximation().
  RealArray x; 
  sdv_to_realarray(sdv, x);
  Real f = sdr.response_function();

  // for now only allow builds from exactly 1, 3=1+2, or 7=1+2+4; use
  // different set functions so the SurfPoint data remains empty if
  // not present
  switch (buildDataOrder) {

  case 1:
    surf_data.addPoint(SurfPoint(x, f));

  case 3: {
    RealArray gradient;
    copy_data(sdr.response_gradient(), gradient);
    surf_data.addPoint(SurfPoint(x, f, gradient));

  case 7: {
    RealArray gradient;
    copy_data(sdr.response_gradient(), gradient);
    SurfpackMatrix<Real> hessian;
    copy_matrix(sdr.response_hessian(), hessian);
    surf_data.addPoint(SurfPoint(x, f, gradient, hessian));

    Cerr << "\nError (SharedSurfpackApproxData): derivative data may only be "
	 << "used if all\nlower-order information is also present. Specified "
	 << "buildDataOrder is " << buildDataOrder << "."  << std::endl; 

Exemple #26
 * Copy a motif from one place to another.
void copy_motif
  (MOTIF_T* source,
   MOTIF_T* dest)
  ALPH_SIZE_T size;
  memset(dest, 0, sizeof(MOTIF_T));
  strcpy(dest->id, source->id);
  strcpy(dest->id2, source->id2);
  dest->length = source->length;
  dest->alph = source->alph;
  dest->flags = source->flags;
  dest->evalue = source->evalue;
  dest->num_sites = source->num_sites;
  dest->complexity = source->complexity;
  dest->trim_left = source->trim_left;
  dest->trim_right = source->trim_right;
  if (source->freqs) {
    size = (dest->flags & MOTIF_HAS_AMBIGS ? ALL_SIZE : ALPH_SIZE);
    // Allocate memory for the matrix.
    dest->freqs = allocate_matrix(dest->length, alph_size(dest->alph, size));
    // Copy the matrix.
    copy_matrix(source->freqs, dest->freqs);
  } else {
    dest->freqs = NULL;
  if (source->scores) {
    // Allocate memory for the matrix. Note that scores don't contain ambigs.
    dest->scores = allocate_matrix(dest->length, alph_size(dest->alph, ALPH_SIZE));
    // Copy the matrix.
    copy_matrix(source->scores, dest->scores);
  } else {
    dest->scores = NULL;
  if (dest->url != NULL) {
    dest->url = NULL;
  copy_string(&(dest->url), source->url);
Exemple #27
static void transpose_matrix(gtMatrix m)
  int i,j;
  gtMatrix m2;

  /* copy */
  copy_matrix (m2, m);

  /* transpose */
  for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
    for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
      m[i][j] = m2[j][i];
Exemple #28
Matrix *transpose(Matrix *matrix)
    if (!matrix) {
        return NULL;
    Matrix *trans = copy_matrix(matrix);
    if (trans->transposed) {
        trans->transposed = 0;
    } else {
        trans->transposed = 1;
    return trans;
Exemple #29
/*-------------- void matrix_mult() --------------
Inputs:  struct matrix *a
         struct matrix *b 

a*b -> b
void matrix_mult(struct matrix *a, struct matrix *b) {
  struct matrix *placehold = new_matrix(a->rows , b->cols);
  int x,y,z;
  double total;
  for (x = 0; x < a->rows; x++){
    for (y = 0; y < b->cols; y++){
      total = 0;
      for (z = 0; z < b->rows; z++)
	total += a->m[x][y] * b->m[x][y];
    placehold->m[x][y] = total;
  copy_matrix(placehold , b);
    apply_pair (const ApplyType& apply_type,
		const Ordinal ncols_C, 
		const Ordinal ncols_Q, 
		const Scalar R_bot[], 
		const Ordinal ldr_bot,
		const Scalar tau[], 
		Scalar C_top[], 
		const Ordinal ldc_top, 
		Scalar C_bot[], 
		const Ordinal ldc_bot, 
		Scalar work[]) 
      const Ordinal numRows = Ordinal(2) * ncols_Q;

      A_buf_.reshape (numRows, ncols_Q);
      A_buf_.fill (Scalar(0));
      copy_upper_triangle (ncols_Q, ncols_Q, 
			   &A_buf_(ncols_Q, 0), A_buf_.lda(), 
			   R_bot, ldr_bot);
      C_buf_.reshape (numRows, ncols_C);
      copy_matrix (ncols_Q, ncols_C, &C_buf_(0, 0), C_buf_.lda(), C_top, ldc_top);
      copy_matrix (ncols_Q, ncols_C, &C_buf_(ncols_Q, 0), C_buf_.lda(), C_bot, ldc_bot);

      int info = 0;
      lapack_.ORM2R ("Left", apply_type.toString().c_str(), 
		     numRows, ncols_C, ncols_Q,
		     A_buf_.get(), A_buf_.lda(), tau,
		     C_buf_.get(), C_buf_.lda(),
		     work, &info);
      if (info != 0)
	throw std::logic_error ("TSQR::CombineDefault: ORM2R failed");

      // Copy back the results.
      copy_matrix (ncols_Q, ncols_C, C_top, ldc_top, &C_buf_(0, 0), C_buf_.lda());
      copy_matrix (ncols_Q, ncols_C, C_bot, ldc_bot, &C_buf_(ncols_Q, 0), C_buf_.lda());