Exemple #1
QString GBuildMakefileGenerator::writeOne(QString filename, QString pathtoremove)
    QString s("");
    QString origfilename(filename);
    s += filename.remove(pathtoremove);
    if (filename.endsWith(Option::h_ext.first()) && mocable(origfilename)) {
        QString corename(filename.section(QDir::separator(), -1));
        s += "\t[MOC/Qt Header]\n";
        s += "\t-o ";
        s += "work/";
        s += pathtoremove;
        s += QDir::separator();
        s += corename;
        s += "\n";
    } else if (filename.section(QDir::separator(), -1).startsWith("qrc_")) {
        QString tmpstr(filename.section("/", -1).section(".", 0, -1).remove("qrc_").remove(".cpp"));
        s += "\n\t:depends=";
        s += tmpstr;
        s += ".qrc";
        s += "\n";
    } else if (filename.endsWith(Option::cpp_ext.first()) && mocable(origfilename)) {
        QString tmpstr(filename.section("/", -1));
        QString filepath(pathtoremove);
        if (!project->values("QT_SOURCE_TREE").isEmpty()) {
            filepath.remove(0, 1);
        s += "\n\t:preexecShellSafe='${QT_BUILD_DIR}/bin/moc ";
        s += "-nn ";
        s += varGlue("DEFINES", "-D", " -D", " ");
        s += varGlue("INCLUDEPATH", "-I", " -I", " ");
        s += filepath;
        s += filename;
        s += " -o ";
        tmpstr.replace(Option::cpp_ext.first(), Option::cpp_moc_ext);
        s += "work/";
        s += pathtoremove;
        s += QDir::separator();
        s += tmpstr;
        s += "\n";
    } else
        s += "\n";
    return s;
Exemple #2
 * If the luac command line includes multiple files or has the -f option 
 * then luac generates a main function to reference all sub-main prototypes.
 * This is one of two types:
 *   Type 0   The standard luac combination main
 *   Type 1   A lookup wrapper that facilitates indexing into the generated protos 
static const Proto* combine(lua_State* L, int n, int type)
 if (n==1 && type == 0)
  return toproto(L,-1);
  int i;
  Instruction *pc;
  Proto* f=luaF_newproto(L);
  setptvalue2s(L,L->top,f); incr_top(L);
  f->source=luaS_newliteral(L,"=(" PROGNAME ")");
  for (i=0; i<n; i++) 

  if (type == 0) {
   * Type 0 is as per the standard luac, which is just a main routine which 
   * invokes all of the compiled functions sequentially.  This is fine if 
   * they are self registering modules, but useless otherwise.
   f->numparams    = 0;
   f->maxstacksize = 1;
   f->sizecode     = 2*n + 1 ;
   f->sizek        = 0;
   f->code         = luaM_newvector(L, f->sizecode , Instruction);
   f->k            = luaM_newvector(L,f->sizek,TValue);

   for (i=0, pc = f->code; i<n; i++) {
    *pc++ = CREATE_ABx(OP_CLOSURE,0,i);
    *pc++ = CREATE_ABC(OP_CALL,0,1,1);
   *pc++ = CREATE_ABC(OP_RETURN,0,1,0);
  } else {
   * The Type 1 main() is a lookup which takes a single argument, the name to  
   * be resolved. If this matches root name of one of the compiled files then
   * a closure to this file main is returned.  Otherwise the Unixtime of the
   * compile and the list of root names is returned.
   if (n > LFIELDS_PER_FLUSH) {
#define NO_MOD_ERR_(n) ": Number of modules > " #n
#define NO_MOD_ERR(n) NO_MOD_ERR_(n)
   f->numparams    = 1;
   f->maxstacksize = n + 3;
   f->sizecode     = 5*n + 5 ;
   f->sizek        = n + 1;
   f->sizelocvars  = 0;
   f->code         = luaM_newvector(L, f->sizecode , Instruction);
   f->k            = luaM_newvector(L,f->sizek,TValue);
   for (i=0, pc = f->code; i<n; i++)  
    /* if arg1 == FnameA then return function (...) -- funcA -- end end */
    setsvalue2n(L,f->k+i,corename(L, f->p[i]->source));
    *pc++ = CREATE_ABC(OP_EQ,0,0,RKASK(i)); 
    *pc++ = CREATE_ABx(OP_JMP,0,MAXARG_sBx+2);
    *pc++ = CREATE_ABx(OP_CLOSURE,1,i);
    *pc++ = CREATE_ABC(OP_RETURN,1,2,0);

   setnvalue(f->k+n, (lua_Number) time(NULL));

   *pc++ = CREATE_ABx(OP_LOADK,1,n);
   *pc++ = CREATE_ABC(OP_NEWTABLE,2,luaO_int2fb(i),0);   
   for (i=0; i<n; i++) 
     *pc++ = CREATE_ABx(OP_LOADK,i+3,i);
   *pc++ = CREATE_ABC(OP_SETLIST,2,i,1);   
   *pc++ = CREATE_ABC(OP_RETURN,1,3,0);
   *pc++ = CREATE_ABC(OP_RETURN,0,1,0);
  lua_assert((pc-f->code) == f->sizecode);

  return f;