Exemple #1
    test_Ownership this = e->instance;
    this->observable = (corto_word)e->data;

void test_Ownership_setup(
    test_Ownership this)


void test_Ownership_tc_checkOwnerNull(
    test_Ownership this)
    corto_object o = corto_voidCreateChild(NULL, "o");
    test_assert(o != NULL);
    test_assert(corto_ownerof(o) == NULL);

    corto_int16 result = corto_delete(o);
    test_assert(result == 0);


void test_Ownership_tc_checkOwnerReplicator(
    test_Ownership this)
    test_FooReplicator r = test_FooReplicatorCreate(root_o);

    corto_object old = corto_setOwner(r);
    test_assert(old == NULL);

    corto_object o = corto_voidCreateChild(NULL, "o");
Exemple #2
static void mqtt_onMessage(
    struct mosquitto *client,
    void *data,
    const struct mosquitto_message *msg)
    corto_id nameBuffer;
    char *name = nameBuffer;
    corto_object o = NULL;
    mqtt_Connector this = data;
    corto_bool isDelete = FALSE;

    /* If the payload has been serialized as a corto string, the typename is
     * potentially prefixed to the value */
    char *valueStr = strchr(msg->payload, '{');

    /* mqtt is the owner of this thread. This ensures that all subsequent create
     * update / delete actions are performed with the right owner. Ownership
     * ensures to not trigger on own updates, and to only forward data from
     * other connectors (or the application). */
    corto_object prevOwner = corto_setOwner(this);

    /* Remove topic from name, so that name is relative to mount point. */
    strcpy(name, msg->topic);
    if (this->topic) {
        name += strlen(this->topic) + 1;

    char *lastElem = strrchr(name, '/');
    if (lastElem && !strcmp(lastElem, "/_d")) {
        *lastElem = '\0';
        isDelete = TRUE;

    corto_debug("mqtt: %s: received '%s'", msg->topic, msg->payload);

    /* If object doesn't yet exist in the store, create it */
    if (!(o = corto_lookup(corto_mount(this)->mount, name)) && !isDelete) {
        corto_id buffer;
        corto_debug("mqtt: creating new object for '%s'", name);

        /* If the mount has been configured with a fixed type, use that type to
         * create a new object. Otherwise, look for type in payload. */
        if (corto_observer(this)->type) {
            strcpy(buffer, corto_observer(this)->type);
        } else {
            char *typeStr = strchr(msg->payload, '{');
            memcpy(buffer, msg->payload, typeStr - (char*)msg->payload);
            buffer[typeStr - (char*)msg->payload] = '\0';

        /* Resolve type. If type wasn't yet loaded in corto, corto_resolve will
         * do a lookup on the package repository. If it doesn't exist there
         * either throw an error. Currently, the MQTT connector does not align
         * types. */
        corto_type type = corto_resolve(NULL, buffer);
        if (!type) {
            corto_error("mqtt: type '%s' not found", buffer);
            goto error;

        corto_debug("mqtt: creating '%s' with type '%s'", name, buffer);

        /* Create a new object under the mountpoint. The name is derived from
         * the MQTT topic name. */
        o = corto_declareChild(corto_mount(this)->mount, name, type);
        if (!o) {
            corto_error("mqtt: failed to create object '%s'", name);
            goto error;
    } else {
        corto_debug("mqtt: found '%s' for '%s'", corto_fullpath(NULL, o), name);

    /* Only continue updating object when it is owned by mqtt */
    if (o && corto_owned(o)) {
        if (isDelete) {
            if (corto_delete(o)) {
                corto_error("mqtt: failed to delete '%s': %s", name, corto_lasterr());
        } else {
            /* Start updating object (takes a writelock) */
            if (!corto_updateBegin(o)) {
                /* Serialize value from JSON string */
                if (corto_fromcontent(o, "text/json", valueStr)) {
                    corto_error("mqtt: failed to deserialize for %s: %s (%s)\n",

                    /* If deserialization fails, cancel the update. No notification
                     * will be sent. */
                    goto error;
                /* Successful update. Send notification and unlock object */
                if (corto_updateEnd(o)) {
                    corto_error("mqtt: failed to update '%s': %s", name, corto_lasterr());
                    goto error;
            } else {
                /* For some reason, couldn't start updating object */
                corto_error("mqtt: failed to start updating '%s': %s", name, corto_lasterr());
                goto error;
    } else if (o) {
        corto_debug("mqtt: '%s' not owned by me (%s, defined = %d), ignoring",
            corto_fullpath(NULL, o),
            corto_ownerof(o) ? corto_fullpath(NULL, o) : "local",
            corto_checkState(o, CORTO_DEFINED));

    /* Restore previous owner */