Exemple #1
 * yangruiguo 2011-12-27
 * num     : the number of low images' cluster for restore
 * lcluster: the low images' clusters
 * l_mrf   : the low images' MRF
 * return  : 0 success
int replaceLMRF_Store(LL num, L_cluster* lcluster, IMAGE_L_MRF *l_mrf)
 LL i = 0;
 int r = 0;
 int t = 0;
 int j = 0;
 int m = 0;
 int n = 0;
 int min = 0;

 for(m = 0; m < l_mrf->xnum; m++)
  for(n = 0; n < l_mrf->ynum; n++)
   r = lcluster[0].l;
   min = countDistance(l_mrf->label[m * l_mrf->ynum + n], lcluster[0].l);
   for(i = 1; i < num; i++)
    t = countDistance(l_mrf->label[m * l_mrf->ynum + n], lcluster[j].l);
    if(t < min)
     r = lcluster[j].l;
     min = t;
    if(min == 0)
 return 0;
Exemple #2
std::list<nodePosition> AStar::find() {
    std::list<Node *> neighbourOfCurrent;
    std::list<Node *>::iterator niterator, findCloseIterator, findOpernIterator;

    Node *tempNode;

    int newG;
    do {
        current = findLowestFinOpenList();
        if(current == NULL)

        neighbourOfCurrent = findNeighboursOfCurrent();
        for(niterator = neighbourOfCurrent.begin(); niterator != neighbourOfCurrent.end(); ++niterator) {
            tempNode = *niterator;
            // find if neighbur is in closeList
            findCloseIterator = std::find(closeList.begin(), closeList.end(), tempNode);
            if(findCloseIterator != closeList.end()) {
                // yep, there is neighbour in close list
            } else {
                // nope there is no neighbour in closeList

                findOpernIterator = std::find(openList.begin(), openList.end(), tempNode);
                newG = current->getG() + countDistance(current->getPosition(), tempNode->getPosition()); // new G for this neighbour

                if(findOpernIterator != openList.end()) {
                    // neighbour is in open list, so we nieed to update distance from start node (if needed)
                    if(tempNode->getStatusG() == false || newG < tempNode->getG()) {
                } else {
                    // ther is no neighbour in open list, so we nieed to add it



    } while(current != end);

   return route(end);

Exemple #3
void AStar::setStartEnd(int startR, int startC, int endR, int endC) {
    // set values to start and end nodes. init two necessary points

    start = &allNodes[startR][startC];
    end = &allNodes[endR][endC];

    start->setPosition(startR, startC);
    end->setPosition(endR, endC);

    start->setH(countDistance(start->getPosition(), end->getPosition()));

    current = start;

    end->setG(countDistance(start->getPosition(), end->getPosition()));

    openList.push_back(current); // initializa openList with start node

Exemple #4
// selectin all neighbours of current node
std::list<Node *> AStar::findNeighboursOfCurrent() {
    std::list<Node *> neighbours;
    Node *n;

    nodePosition currentPos = current->getPosition();

    int maxCol = currentPos.col+1, minCol = currentPos.col - 1,
            maxRow = currentPos.row+1, minRow = currentPos.row -1;

    // check if is in the edge
    if(currentPos.col == 0) {
        // first column
        minCol = currentPos.col;
    } else if(currentPos.col == (cols-1)) {
        // last column
        maxCol = currentPos.col;

    if(currentPos.row == 0) {
        // first row
        minRow = currentPos.row;
    } else if(currentPos.row == (rows-1)) {
        // last row
        maxRow = currentPos.row;

    for(int r = minRow; r <= maxRow; r++) {
        for(int c = minCol; c <= maxCol; c++) {
            if(currentPos.row == r && currentPos.col == c) {

            // create new neigbour
            n = &allNodes[r][c];

            if(n->getStatusH() == false) { // First use of that element
                n->setPosition(r, c);
                n->setH(countDistance(n->getPosition(), end->getPosition()));

            //qDebug() << n->getG() << allNodes[r][c].getG();

    return neighbours;

Exemple #5
// return minimum distance from start to end
int AStar::countDistance(nodePosition startNode, nodePosition endNode) {

    // integer distance between each node. In diagonal is 14 (sqrt 2 * 10) in normal it is 1 * 10;
    // multiply by 10 because we want to have an integer value
    int diagonalVal = 14, normalVal = 10;

    if(startNode.col == endNode.col && startNode.row == endNode.row) {
        // start = end
        return 0; // distance is 0

    } else if(startNode.col == endNode.col) {
        // same column, calculate only distance in a row
        return abs(startNode.row - endNode.row) * normalVal;

    } else if(startNode.row == endNode.row) {
        // same row, calculate distance in col
        return abs(startNode.col - endNode.col) * normalVal;

    } else {
        // we have some diagonal movement neccessary
        int diaginalIteration = 0, rowStep = 1, colStep = 1;

        // determine of the sing of step (go up or down or left or right)
        if(startNode.row > endNode.row)
            rowStep *= -1;
        if(startNode.col > endNode.col)
            colStep *= -1;

        do {
            // count how many diagonal movement we do

            // calculate "new" start position
            startNode.col += colStep;
            startNode.row += rowStep;
        } while(startNode.col != endNode.col && startNode.row != endNode.row); // do it as lon as we will be in the sam row or column

        // recurency, use this function to calculate te distans in the same row or column
        // plus distance in diagonal steps
        return countDistance(startNode, endNode) + (diaginalIteration * diagonalVal);
