static void InitDegMap( Digraph& dg, ArcFilter& ef, IntMap& inDeg, IntMap& outDeg )
    AFGraph afg( dg, ef );

    for( Digraph::NodeIt n( dg ); n != INVALID; ++n )
        inDeg[n] = countInArcs( afg, n );
        outDeg[n] = countOutArcs( afg, n );
    void MFGraph::add_terminals()
        int rightMostStart = -1;
        int rightMostEnd = -1;
        // find childless nodes
        for (ListDigraph::NodeIt n(mfGraph); n != INVALID; ++n) {
            if (countOutArcs(mfGraph, n) == 0) {
                childless[n] = true;
                if (read_map[n] && read_map[n]->start() > rightMostStart) {
                    rightMostStart = read_map[n]->start();
                    rightMostEnd = rightMostStart + read_map[n]->length();
                    //          std::cout << "rightMostEnd" << rightMostEnd << std::endl;
        int leftMostStart = rightMostStart;
        // find parentless nodes
        for (ListDigraph::NodeIt n(mfGraph); n != INVALID; ++n) {
            if (countInArcs(mfGraph, n) == 0) {
                parentless[n] = true;
                if (read_map[n] && read_map[n]->start() < leftMostStart) {
                    leftMostStart = read_map[n]->start();
        // now add the fake source and sink
        MethylRead *source_read = new MethylRead(leftMostStart - 1, 1);
        source = addNode("s", 0, source_read);
        fake[source] = true;
        for (ListDigraph::NodeIt n(mfGraph); n != INVALID; ++n) {
            if (parentless[n]) {
                addArc(source, n, read_map[n]->start() - source_read->start());
       // MethylRead *sink_read = new MethylRead(rightMostStart , rightMostEnd- rightMostStart+1);
        MethylRead *sink_read = new MethylRead(rightMostEnd + 1 , 1);

        sink = addNode("t", 0, sink_read);
        fake[sink] = true;
        for (ListDigraph::NodeIt n(mfGraph); n != INVALID; ++n) {
            if (childless[n]) {
                addArc(n, sink, sink_read->start() - read_map[n]->start());
                //addArc(n, sink, 1);
static void FilterILTEdge( Digraph& dg, IntMap& imap, ArcFilter& ef )
    // 查找联络巷
    for( Digraph::ArcIt e( dg ); e != INVALID; ++e )
        Digraph::Node u = dg.source( e );
        Digraph::Node v = e );

        // 排除直接相连的分支
        // 联络巷分支的始节点出度必须大于1,末节点的入度必须大于1
        if( countOutArcs( dg, u ) <= 1 || countInArcs( dg, v ) <= 1 ) continue;

        if( imap[u]*imap[v] < 0 ) ef[e] = false;
static void FindILTEdges( Digraph& dg, ILT_EdgeDataMap2& datas, IntMap& cmap, EdgeArray& edges )
    for( Digraph::ArcIt e( dg ); e != INVALID; ++e )
        if( datas[e]->et == ET_VIRTUAL ) continue;
        Digraph::Node u = dg.source( e );
        Digraph::Node v = e );

        // 排除直接相连的分支
        // 联络巷分支的始节点出度必须大于1,末节点的入度必须大于1
        if( countOutArcs( dg, u ) <= 1 || countInArcs( dg, v ) <= 1 ) continue;

        if( cmap[u]*cmap[v] < 0 ) edges.append( e );
Exemple #5
void BillOfMaterials::fromDOMElement(const QDomElement& domel) {
	QDomNodeList bom_node_list; // List of nodes of the BOM in the DOM document
	QDomNodeList bom_arc_list; // List of arcs of the BOM in the DOM document
	QDomNode cur_node;
	QHash<int, ListDigraph::Node> node_map; // <node_id, actual_node>
	QMap<ListDigraph::Node, int> node_itm_type_map; // <actual_node, item_type>
	QList<QPair<int, int> > bom_arcs; // List of pairs of node_ids
	QStringList bom_arcs_str; // String representation of BOM arcs
	int bom_id;

	bom_id = domel.attribute("id").toInt();

	ID = bom_id;
	//out << "Current read BOM id: " << pboms[prod_type_id].last()->ID << endl;

	// Read the node descriptions
	cur_node = domel.firstChildElement("nodes");
	bom_node_list = cur_node.childNodes();
	for (int k = 0; k < bom_node_list.size(); k++) {
		node_map[bom_node_list.item(k).toElement().attribute("id").toInt()] = graph.addNode();
		node_itm_type_map[node_map[bom_node_list.item(k).toElement().attribute("id").toInt()]] = bom_node_list.item(k).toElement().text().toInt();
		//out << "Read BOM node with id: " << bom_node_list.item(k).toElement().attribute("id").toInt() << endl;

	// Read the arc descriptions
	cur_node = domel.firstChildElement("arcs");
	bom_arc_list = cur_node.childNodes();
	for (int k = 0; k < bom_arc_list.size(); k++) {
		bom_arcs_str = bom_arc_list.item(k).toElement().text().split(",");
		bom_arcs.append(QPair<int, int>());
		bom_arcs.last().first = bom_arcs_str[0].toInt();
		bom_arcs.last().second = bom_arcs_str[1].toInt();
		//out << "Read BOM arc: " << bom_arcs.last().first << "," << bom_arcs.last().second << endl;

	// Create the actual BOM
	for (int ca = 0; ca < bom_arcs.size(); ca++) {
		// Add the current arc to the BOM graph
		graph.addArc(node_map[bom_arcs[ca].first], node_map[bom_arcs[ca].second]);

	// Set the types of the items for each non-fictive node of the BOM graph
	for (ListDigraph::NodeIt nit(graph); nit != INVALID; ++nit) {
		itypeID[nit] = node_itm_type_map[nit];

	// Add the head and the tail
	head = graph.addNode();
	itypeID[head] = -1;
	tail = graph.addNode();
	itypeID[tail] = -2;

	// Add the arcs from the head and the tail
	for (ListDigraph::NodeIt nit(graph); nit != INVALID; ++nit) {
		if (nit == head) continue;
		if (nit == tail) continue;
		// If the current node has no incoming arcs then it must be connected to the head 
		if (countInArcs(graph, nit) == 0) {
			graph.addArc(head, nit);
		// If the current node has no outgoing arcs then it must be connected to the tail 
		if (countOutArcs(graph, nit) == 0) {
			graph.addArc(nit, tail);

