main(){ /*getHammingDistance() test cases:*/ getHammingDistance("AACCTT","GGCCTT"); //return 2 getHammingDistance("TCGGA","AAAAG"); //returns 5 getHammingDistance("A","AG"); //error message prompt returns 0 /*countSubstrPattern() test cases:*/ countSubstrPattern("AATATATAGG","GG");// returns 1 countSubstrPattern("AATATATAGG","ATA");// returns 3 countSubstrPattern("AATATATAGG","ACTGACTGACTG");// returns 0 /*isValidString() test cases:*/ isValidString("AAGGCTATGC","ACGT");//returns 1 / true isValidString("AAGGCTATGa","ACGT");// returns 0 / false isValidString("ACGT","ACGT");// returns 1 / true isValidString("ACGT101_","ACGT");// returns 0 / false isValidString("091212345","0123456789");// returns 1 / true /*getSkew() test cases:*/ getSkew("GGCCAC", 1);// returns 1 getSkew("GGCCAC", 2);// returns 2 getSkew("GGCCAC", 3);// returns 1 getSkew("GGCCAC", 4);// returns 0 getSkew("GGCCAC", 5);// returns 0 /*getMaxSkewN() test cases:*/ getMaxSkewN("GGCCAC", 1);// returns 1 getMaxSkewN("GGCCAC", 2);// returns 2 getMaxSkewN("GGCCAC", 3);// returns 2 getMaxSkewN("GGCCAC", 4);// returns 2 getMaxSkewN("GGCCAC", 5);// returns 2 /*getMinSkewN() test cases:*/ getMinSkewN("GGCCAC", 1);// returns 1 getMinSkewN("GGCCAC", 2);// returns 1 getMinSkewN("GGCCAC", 3);// returns 1 getMinSkewN("GGCCAC", 4);// returns 0 getMinSkewN("GGCCAC", 5);// returns 0 }
void countSubstrPatternTest(char *str1, char *str2, int expectedResult) { int substrCount = countSubstrPattern(str1, str2); printf("countSubstrPattern(\"%s\", \"%s\") ", str1, str2); if(substrCount == expectedResult) { printf("PASSED\n"); } else { printf("FAILED (Expected %i, got %i.)\n", expectedResult, substrCount); errorCount++; } }
int main(){ int choice = 7, result, n; char *str1, *str2; while(choice != 0){ //while user has not chosen to exit the program printMenu(&choice); //calls function printMenu str1 = (char *)malloc(100*sizeof(char)); str2 = (char *)malloc(100*sizeof(char)); switch(choice){ case 1: printf("\n*****************************************\n"); printf("*\t Get Hamming Distance\t\t*\n"); printf("*****************************************\n"); printf("\nEnter string 1: "); scanf("%s", str1); printf("Enter string 2: "); scanf("%s", str2); //return value of function getHammingDistance stored in result result = getHammingDistance(str1, str2); if(result == 0){ //if the strings have unequal length printf("\nError! Strings have unequal length!\n"); }else{ //if the strings have equal length printf("\nHamming Distance: %d\n", result); } break; case 2: printf("\n*****************************************\n"); printf("*\t Count Substring Pattern\t*\n"); printf("*****************************************\n"); printf("\nEnter original string: "); scanf("%s", str1); printf("Enter pattern: "); scanf("%s", str2); //return value of function countSubstrPattern stored in result result = countSubstrPattern(str1, str2); printf("\nNumber of occurence of pattern in orginal: %d\n", result); break; case 3: printf("\n*****************************************\n"); printf("*\t Is String Valid\t\t*\n"); printf("*****************************************\n"); printf("\nEnter alphabet: "); scanf("%s", str1); printf("Enter string: "); scanf("%s", str2); //return value of function isValidString stored in result result = isValidString(str2, str1); if(result == 1){ printf("\nString is valid.\n"); }else{ printf("\nString is not valid.\n"); } break; case 4: printf("\n*****************************************\n"); printf("*\t\tGet Skew\t\t*\n"); printf("*****************************************\n"); printf("\nEnter genome string: "); scanf("%s", str1); printf("Enter number: "); scanf("%d", &n); if(n > (strlen(str1)+1) || n <= 0){ printf("\nError! Number must be within string length!\n"); }else{ //return value of function getSkew stored in result result = getSkew(str1, n); printf("\nNumber of G-C: %d\n", result); } break; case 5: printf("\n*****************************************\n"); printf("*\t Get Maximum Skew of N\t\t*\n"); printf("*****************************************\n"); printf("\nEnter genome string: "); scanf("%s", str1); printf("Enter number: "); scanf("%d", &n); if(n > (strlen(str1)+1) || n <= 0){ printf("\nError! Number must be within string length!\n"); }else{ //return value of function getMaxSkewN stored in result result = getMaxSkewN(str1, n); printf("\nMaximum Skew: %d\n", result); } break; case 6: printf("\n*****************************************\n"); printf("*\t Get Minimum Skew of N\t\t*\n"); printf("*****************************************\n"); printf("\nEnter genome string: "); scanf("%s", str1); printf("Enter number: "); scanf("%d", &n); if(n > (strlen(str1)+1) || n <= 0){ printf("\nError! Number must be within string length!\n"); }else{ //return value of function getMinSkewN stored in result result = getMinSkewN(str1, n); printf("\nMinimum Skew: %d\n", result); } break; case 0: free(str1); free(str2); printf("\nProgram Terminated...\n"); break; default: printf("\nInvalid input!\n"); break; } } }
main(){ int x; printf("getHammingDistance\n"); x = getHammingDistance("AACCTT","GGCCTT"); printf("%d\n",x ); x = getHammingDistance("TCGGA","AAAAG"); printf("%d\n",x ); x = getHammingDistance("A","AG"); printf("%d\n",x ); printf("countSubstrPattern\n"); x = countSubstrPattern("AATATATAGG","GG"); printf("%d\n",x); x = countSubstrPattern("AATATATAGG","ATA"); printf("%d\n",x); x = countSubstrPattern("AATATATAGG","ACTGACTGACTG"); printf("%d\n",x); printf("isValidString\n"); x = isValidString("AAGGCTATGC","ACGT"); printf("%d\n",x); x = isValidString("AAGGCTATGa","ACGT"); printf("%d\n",x); x = isValidString("ACGT","ACGT"); printf("%d\n",x); x = isValidString("ACGT101_","ACGT"); printf("%d\n",x); x = isValidString("091212345","0123456789"); printf("%d\n",x); printf("getSkew\n"); x = getSkew("GGCCAC", 1); printf("%d\n",x ); x = getSkew("GGCCAC", 2); printf("%d\n",x ); x = getSkew("GGCCAC", 3); printf("%d\n",x ); x = getSkew("GGCCAC", 4); printf("%d\n",x ); x = getSkew("GGCCAC", 5); printf("%d\n",x ); printf("getMaxSkewN\n"); x = getMaxSkewN("GGCCAC", 1); printf("%d\n",x ); x = getMaxSkewN("GGCCAC", 2); printf("%d\n",x ); x = getMaxSkewN("GGCCAC", 3); printf("%d\n",x ); x = getMaxSkewN("GGCCAC", 4); printf("%d\n",x ); x = getMaxSkewN("GGCCAC", 5); printf("%d\n",x ); printf("getMinSkewN\n"); x = getMinSkewN("GGCCAC", 1); printf("%d\n",x ); x = getMinSkewN("GGCCAC", 2); printf("%d\n",x ); x = getMinSkewN("GGCCAC", 3); printf("%d\n",x ); x = getMinSkewN("GGCCAC", 4); printf("%d\n",x ); x = getMinSkewN("GGCCAC", 5); printf("%d\n",x ); }